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Msza Święta Beatyfikacyjna JANA PAWŁA 2 -dn 1 maja 2011
►►RODZINA ▬▬▬▬▬❤▬▬▬▬▬
►Angielski przed wyjazdem
audiokurs - Angielski - dla poczatkujacych - 15 lekcji
CD1 angielski audiobook
Praca Za Granica
● Jane Eyre Soundtrack 2011
● Jane Eyre Soundtrack 2011(1)
100 Best Ballads Millenium
4. Przeniesienie świadomości
angielski- spec
angielski specjalistyczn y
Life Lines
Cytaty Jana Pawła 2
Czasowniki nieregularne CD II Angielski do słuchania
Dlaczego mężczyżni kochają zołzy i inne książki
Do poczytania
e book raczej duchowe
Maurey Eugene - Potęga myśli, audiobook
Elmar R. Gruber - Tajny swiat prapsychologii
English Result Elementary
Ewa Foley
Ewa May
Filmy wiktoriańskie Duma i uprzedzenie
Jane Eyre
fizjoterapia różności
Grammar for Snobs AUDIO
gry i zabawy,psychologi a
in english elementary- wyd.oxford university press
in english elementary- wyd.oxford university press(1)
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Jak wchodzą w człowieka złe duchy
Joseph Murphy Potega podswiadomosci
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ks.Pawlukiewicz Piotr
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The End
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wywiad psychologiczny Śniegulska
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  • 292 KB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30


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  • 19 maj 12 10:30

z chomika Psycholand

  • 9,7 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30

z chomika Psycholand

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  • 19 maj 12 10:30

z chomika eligiusz

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  • 19 maj 12 10:30

z chomika eligiusz

  • 14,8 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: Michael Tomasello
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum
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From the point of view of psychology and cognitive science, much of modern linguistics is too formal and mathematical to be of much use. The newly emerging approaches to language termed, "Functional and Cognitive Linguistics," however, are much less formally oriented. Instead, functional and cognitive approaches to language structure are typically couched in terms already familiar to cognitive scientists: perception, attention, conceptualization, meaning, symbols, categories, schemas, perspectives, discourse context, social interaction, and communicative goals. The account of human linguistic competence emerging from this new paradigm should be extremely useful to scientists studying how human beings (not formal devices) comprehend, produce, and acquire natural languages.

The current volume brings together 10 of the most important linguists in cognitive and functional linguistics whose work is often not easily available to those outside the field. In original contributions, each of these scholars focuses on an important aspect of human linguistic competence, with a special eye to readers who are not professional linguists. Of special importance to all of the contributions are the cognitive and social interactional processes that constitute human linguistic communication. The book is of special interest to psychologists, cognitive scientists, psycholinguists, and developmental psycholinguists, in addition to linguists taking a more psychological approach to language.

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  • 4,7 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: John Stirling
Publisher: Routledge
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Introducing Neuropsychology investigates the functions of the brain and explores the relationships between brain systems and human behaviour. It draws on both established findings and cutting edge research. The material is presented in a jargon-free, easy to understand manner and aims to guide students new to the field through current areas of research. John Stirling's Introducing Neuropsychology not only covers brain function but gives clinical examples of what happens when this function is damaged.

The text deals firstly with the basics of neuropsychology, discussing the structures of the central nervous system and methods of research used in neuropsychology. The book covers sensory function, the lateral nature of the brain and motor control and movement disorders. The author then looks at higher order cortical functions, with chapters on language, memory and amnesia, visual object recognition and spatial processing and attention. A further chapter covers executive function and describes some psychiatric disorders resulting from dysfunction. With over 80 illustrations John Stirling has provided a user-friendly textbook, which will be essential reading for those studying neuropsychology within the disciplines of psychology, medicine, clinical psychology and neuroscience.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 5,9 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
o Jackson, «Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology»
Sage Publications
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During the past 30 years, the study of racial and ethnic minority issues in psychology has evolved to what can be considered a significant and rapidly growing subfield within American psychology. The field encompasses a wide range of subdisciplines within psychology and includes a multitude of populations both within and outside of the United States.
The Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology is the first authoritative guide to synthesize the dynamic field of multicultura psychology. This volume includes entries on a broad array of issues and covers the breadth of psychology viewed through the lens of the racial and ethnic minority experience. The Encyclopedia addresses culture across a broad spectrum of psychological perspectives and includes topics that are relevant to social psychology, cognitive psychology, environmental psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and clinical psychology.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 6,0 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: David Statt
Publisher: Routledge
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With more than 1,300 entries, this edition of The Concise Dictionary of Psychology is comprehensive, clear, concise and user-friendly. With extensive cross-referencing to related entries, it includes many additional entries as well as entries from peripheral fields, such as Bibinski reflex, Doppler effect, Little Albert and Murphy's Law. Updated to take account of recent developments in psychology, it is a lean and efficient source of information, written in a straightforward and readable manner.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 4,9 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: Zoltan Dornyei
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
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The Psychology of the Language Learner : Individual Differeces in Second Language Acquisition (Second Language Acquisition Research)
Research results over the past decades have consistently demonstrated that a key reason why many second language learners fail--while some learners do better with less effort--lies in various learner attributes such as personality traits, motivation, or language aptitude. In psychology, these attributes have traditionally been called "individual differences." The scope of individual learner differences is broad--ranging from creativity to learner styles and anxiety--yet there is no current, comprehensive, and unified volume that provides an overview of the considerable amount of research conducted on various language learner differences, until now.

Each chapter in this new volume focuses on a different individual difference variable. Besides a review of the relevant second language literature, Zoltán Dörnyei presents a concise overview of the psychological research involving each topic. A key concern for the author has been to define the various learner factors as measurable constructs and therefore the discussion includes a summary of the most famous tests and questionnaires in each domain.

A wide range of readers will benefit from this book--students in linguistics, applied linguistics, modern languages, and psychology programs; second language teachers participating in in-service training courses; and researchers in second language acquisition and psychology.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 0,6 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: Jean Piaget, D.E Berlyne, and Malcolm Piercy
Publisher: Routledge
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'One of the great psychology classics of all time. One simply cannot be a serious student of intelligence without a careful reading and respectful appreciation of this book.' - Intelligence

z chomika eligiusz

  • 1,8 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: Carol Brown
Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd
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Sage Course Companions are an exciting new series from SAGE offering students an insider’s guide into how to make the most of their undergraduate courses and extend their understanding of key concepts covered in their course.
Social Psychology provides student readers with essential help with all aspects of their first course in social psychology, including advice on revising for exams, preparing and writing course assessment materials, and enhancing and progressing their knowledge and skills in line with course requirements on a social psychology course.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 9,2 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: Jennifer Latto , Richard Latto
Publisher: Open University Press
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This practical handbook is an essential companion for psychology students. From day one of your degree, it will make all the difference.

. . Based on the authors' extensive knowledge of psychology, it includes:

* . Key approaches in psychology .
* The best ways to study.
* How to use IT effectively.
* Producing excellent assignments and exams.
* Helpful advice on statistical methods.
* Tackling projects and dissertations.
* An introduction to careers in psychology

. . It contains exercises, tips, advice from students, and a glossary of commonly used terms in psychology.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 1,1 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: Rowan Bayne, Ian Horton
Publisher: Sage Publications
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Textbook reviews the traditional branches of applied psychology and addresses such issues as training, future trends, and developments within each branch. Also discusses the role of research and evidence-based practice and trends in higher education. Includes chapter summaries and questions for reflections.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 2,9 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
The Psychology of Stereotyping (Distinguished Contributions In Psychology)

Author: David J. Schneider
Publisher: The Guilford Press
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The first comprehensive treatment of stereotypes and stereotyping, this text synthesizes a vast body of social and cognitive research that has emerged over the past-quarter century. Provided is an unusually broad analysis of stereotypes as products both of individual cognitive activities and of social and cultural forces. While devoting careful attention to harmful aspects of stereotypes, their connections to prejudice and discrimination, and effective strategies for countering them, the volume also examines the positive functions of generalizations in helping people navigate a complex world. Unique features include four chapters addressing the content of stereotypes, which consider such topics as why certain traits are the focus of stereotyping and how they become attributed to particular groups. An outstanding text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses, the volume is highly readable and features many useful examples.

z chomika eligiusz

  • 19,4 MB
  • 19 maj 12 10:30
Author: Martin Gold, Elizabeth Ann Malcolm Douvan
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)
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The mosaic of social psychology includes pieces of all the social sciences. Thus, this discipline has seemed sprawling and disjointed. As outlined in this book, however, social psychology comes into focus, and its pieces form a unified whole. In A New Outline of Social Psychology, senior social scientist Martin Gold presents a new, integrated model of social psychology, focusing on the reciprocal relations between the person and the social environment. The specification of different influence processes among four levels of analysis (person, social organization, interpersonal relations, and culture) in their zones of interpenetration illuminates the dynamics of the social science domain.

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basia7771 napisano 31.12.2011 10:55

zgłoś do usunięcia
☆Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku "" Jeszcze tylko mały krok , i znów przyjdzie Nowy Rok . Jaki będzie???.. co da w darze???... już niedługo się okaże!!! ☆


Dziś wyciągnij ze STAREGO wnioski, aby w NOWYM omineły Ciebie troski DO SIEGO ROKU!

Cebycz napisano 9.11.2012 14:17

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jadamk napisano 11.06.2013 18:48

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Film-New napisano 10.08.2013 18:20

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wagnerka9595 napisano 4.05.2018 18:20

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toyoga9536 napisano 21.12.2022 09:06

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