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  • 6 gru 12 6:33
Desperate to recapture her prophetic visions, Sarah ventures into the heart of the pleasure district in search of the virus that originally triggered her transformation. The pain and isolation will be worth it if she can save lives and avert destruction.

Two very different men are on a collision course with the stubborn beauty. Allen, mild-mannered scientist, feels responsible for her desperation and wants to show her that life is more than pain and loneliness. General Rayden Kolter agrees to help her hunt a killer, but he’s completely unprepared for the explosive twists fate has in store for them.

Through sexual magic, Sarah forges a bond between the three that overwhelms their senses and expands their understanding of the world in which they live. Danger surrounds them, passion consumes them, and only by surrendering to the fire can they destroy the enemy.

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  • 6 gru 12 6:33
Sean left the black zones years ago when his mutation became unstable. He is now a specter, able to manipulate the shadow dimension. He’s a loyal soldier in the mutants’ battle for equality, but he has never forgotten his home or the charismatic friend he left behind.

Snatched from Earth and dragged to a distant world, Brianna finds herself captive to a brutal overlord. Rather than fear, her captor stirs passion and ignites longings she doesn’t trust or understand.

Kellan rules the black zones with an iron fist. He has brought an uneasy peace to his lands and he’ll allow nothing to jeopardize his people. Though Brianna claims she’s innocent, Kellan suspects she’s a spy. All he knows for certain is he wants her pinned beneath him, moaning as he claims her for his own.

As if Brianna were not temptation enough, Sean reenters Kellan’s life, awakening unwanted hunger and complications they can’t afford. The three must learn to trust each other as danger escalates. Only together will they survive the coming battle.

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  • 6 gru 12 6:33
Mal Ton Adoha, a powerful shapeshifter, has spent his life fighting for the freedom of his people. He is ruthless and unconventional, willing to use any weapon at his disposal, including his sexuality. The last thing he expects when he rescues a group of humans is a spirited beauty who sets his senses on fire. His life is complicated enough without a contrary female, but he is tantalized by her smell, her taste, the sleekness of her skin. His body demands her touch. There is no other option—he will become her Master.

Years in the military have taught Lorelle to be tough, ambitious. She is determined to resist Mal Ton regardless of how badly she burns for his touch. She was dragged to another world against her will. Now she refuses to be a pawn in their irrational war. Lorelle knows she shouldn’t trust Mal Ton, but she’s drawn to him again and again. Only in his arms can she make sense of the conflict. Only together can they hope to survive.

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  • 6 gru 12 6:33
Angry and grieving after the death of her husband, Cassie seeks comfort in the arms of a charismatic stranger. Fane is reluctant to take advantage of Cassie’s vulnerability, but he must locate the access codes her husband died to protect. Unaware of his true motivation, Cassie surrenders completely, exploring her sexuality as never before.

Fane’s mutation becomes unstable, so he returns to the Underground and the outcasts who consider him king. Cassie is the enemy. He cannot let his personal feelings bring danger to his people. Still, he hungers for her touch and dreams of the pleasure they unleashed within each other.

Three years later the unlikely lovers are brought together again. Fane rescues her from a madman, inadvertently revealing his identity and the enormity of his power. Cassie is stronger and wiser yet no less susceptible to Fane’s enigmatic charm. He might be a “sorcerer”, but she has no intention of succumbing to his calculated seduction, regardless of the desire smoldering in her heart.

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  • 6 gru 12 6:33
Determined to save his people from a debilitating mutation, Mal Ton abducts a gifted geneticist and brings her to his war-torn world. Andrea wakes up naked and in the arms of a handsome doctor who claims to be Mal Ton's captive as well. Roark charms and seduces her while Mal Ton overwhelms her senses, awakening needs she didn't realize she possessed.

Roark's smoldering intensity is even more intoxicating than Mal Ton's blatant sexuality. Slipping beneath her emotional defenses, Roark unleashes her passionate nature and makes her long for the soul-deep connection she gave up on long ago. She wants to believe they've found a bond more meaningful than lust, but how can she trust her captors? Now her sensuality is pitted against her intellect and the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance.

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności