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Pokazuj foldery i treści
  • 556,3 MB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Reżyseria: Noel Alejandro
Produkcja: Belgia, Hiszpania
Premiera: 17 lutego 2017


A trip into the darkest corner of our minds. It all starts with our protagonist, who's going through an intense depression. One day, at home, he hears unexpected noises. In the darkness, under a cold white light, a smoking hot supernatural being rests. Is fear a stronger feeling than sadness? Is there a place for desire in the unknown? Could them, together, find pleasure?

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 2,69 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Studio: Young and Restless
Premiera: 2019
Występują: Soldier, Allegretto, Alec Palk, Justin Conway, Tom Uli, Mickey Rush, Johny Cherry, Yuri Adamov, Jace Reed



There's a new generation of torrid twinks and they are nasty but in a good way! They can't help themselves when it comes to a pretty face, a cute ass and a hard cock they want a taste! A juicy twosome has these boys kissing lips and nipples, licking butt cracks and ball sacs and sliding their fat dicks into a constricted pork pipe for a hard and bare rutting whilst a tasty threeway sees these young stud-pups getting their man-pussies probed and pounded bare before getting their smooth bodies covered in boy-junk. Nasty Boys Wide Open gives you over two hours of vanilla candy loving and deep and bare fucking!

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 1,98 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Studio: Blake Mason
Premiera: 2019
Występują: Alex Morgan, Alexander Suares, Flecos Cayden, James Huck, Leander, Leo Ocean, Maxence Angel, Tommy Steele



Like fine wines paired with delicious meals, these four couples are perfectly matched for each other. Foreplay and easy going passion, horny as fuck with a splash of uncut cock, a sprinkle of hot and vocal fucking and a spicy Spanish newcumer. These tasty “European fuckers” will be enough to have you dribbling a precum appetizer as soon as you hit play!

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 1,87 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Produkcja: USA
Studio: Horny Highschool Twinks
Premiera: 2019
Występują: Tyler Andrews, Adrian Layto, Kayden Daniels, Preston Andrews, Alex Todd, Colby London, Mike Manchester i inni



Some call it high school but others call it their own private Fuck Camp where, instead of studying, they are guaranteed to get their rocks off. Whether it's fucking the head boy in the classroom or gleaning straight. As by sucking up to the maths professor in the office, or even chilling in the common room with a dick up their ass, these high school hotties know that their school-days are going to the best days of their lives.

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 1,83 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Produkcja: USA
Studio: 8teenboy
Premiera: 2019
Występują: Tristan Adler, Charlie Flynn, Bryce Foster, Dylan Hayes, Kurt Niles, Chase William



One definitely isn’t the loneliest number when you have milk man, Max Carter directing your sexy solo session! This sticky stroke-a-thon is overflowing with hot, huge, two handers, horned up and ready to show off just for you! Join these fresh, young, fuck boys, gifted with giant jocks, and beautiful bubble butts, while they dirty talk with Max, and then, get down to meat beating business! Carter explores every thick, throbbing inch of these heavy hitters, and even lends a horny hand to their extra long dongs for double pleasure. These boys have the best booties on the planet; so, Max makes sure to do thorough ass exams! He slips thick fingers in the twink’s tight ends, hitting every hot spot perfectly, and causing fresh cream to pump from their pulsing pieces like oozy oil wells. Every gorgeous guy busts big, and winds up covered in pure, warm, white gold. And, you will too, with this cock hefty gay DAD of tasty twinks!

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 2,46 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Produkcja: USA
Studio: Rock Candy Films
Premiera: 7 stycznia 2014
Reżyseria: Nica Noelle
Występują: Ricky Larkin, Duncan Black, Travis Irons i inni



Travel with Rock Candy Films to a time when lust between men could only be expressed behind closed doors - and the power struggle between the haves and have nots made for explosive sexual tension. Young and privileged Duncan Black has his eye on gorgeous handyman Ricky Larkin, while outlaws Travis Irons and Tommy Defendi hide out in a dingy hotel with no one to turn to - but each other. Emotionally disturbed mama's boy Bobby Clark is comforted by childhood friend Jimmy Fanz, and later confronts intellectual elitist Duncan to prove his sexual dominance.

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 2,77 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Produkcja: USA
Studio: Rock Candy Films
Premiera: 26 czerwca 2013
Reżyseria: Nica Noelle
Występują: Boston Miles, Chase Young, Dana DeArmond i inni



Married man Joe Loughlin (Logan Vaughn) is struggling with a secret desire for other men. In a last-ditch effort to save his marriage, he and pretty wife Terri (Samantha Ryan) leave their high pressured city jobs and move to a country horse ranch to "start over." Unfortunately, studly ranch hand Jake (Tommy Defendi) is more tempting than any man Joe has ever seen. As the conflicted husband falls in lust with the swaggering horseman, his marriage again begins to crumble, and only Jake can save him from a life of deceit.

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 2,15 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Studio: CockyBoys
Premiera: 2017
Reżyseria: Jake Jaxson
Występują: Alex Mecum, Angel Cruz, Boomer Banks, Colby Keller, Damien Crosse, Gabriel Clark, Levi Karter, Liam Riley i inni



The dominant/submission roles are kinda sexy. When a guy know exactly what he wants - when he's a boss - it's definitely a turn on. Boomer Banks, Alex Mecum and Gabriel Clark are definitely the type of guys that know exactly what they want and show their partners who's in charge.

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 2,40 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Studio: Raging Stallion Studios
Premiera: 2017
Reżyseria: Steve Cruz
Występują: Jack Vidra, Manuel Skye, CJ Phillips, Jack Andy, Mick Stallone i Michael Roman



Don't ignore the 'Two Dick Minimum' at our favorite cruise bar. This dark, anything-goes watering hole smells of beer, leather, sweat, and cum and you won't leave without getting your fill! Park your hog, cum inside, and take a load off or rub a load out. Steve Cruz directs a kinky gang of six muscled, hairy hunks who stop in to have a beverage, cruise, and hook up. Customers Jack Vidra and Jack Andy close the bar down with an oral session that inspires the bar staff Manuel Skye and CJ Phillips to join in and make it an cocksucking orgy! After the patrons go home, Manuel and CJ have the bar to themselves, so of course Manuel takes the opportunity to ram his huge meat inside CJ's tight hole. One night, Jack Vidra cruises Mick Stallone and instigates an intense, connected outdoor fuck session behind the bar. Michael Roman uses the full power of his impressive physique to pound Jack Andy's hole, and Jack strokes off his huge cock as Michael is deep inside him. Manuel Skye interrupts Mick Stallone's pool game with intense oral, deep rimming, and a jaw-dropping cumshot that drenches Mick from his shoulders to his ass. Cum thirsty and leave with your balls drained - kick off your night at the bar, and don't forget the 'Two Beverage Minimum.'

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 2,12 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Studio: Bareback Boy Bangers
Premiera: 2016
Występują: Claudio Antonelli, Dado Didonne, Denis Reed, Justin Johnson, Kevin Ateah, Pedro Alonso, Peter Peck, Rafael Sanches, Sebastian Kubic, Tommy Pecs



There’s nothing nicer than feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and a daily dose of vitamin D, but these boys want some vitamin E thrown in as well. Take It Outside is an outdoor adventure with five scenes that sees stiff dicks coming out to play. These buff boys work each other’s bodies – biting, sucking and licking absolutely everywhere, getting the real taste of what sex should be. In the garden, by the pool and on the beach – where it’s not only the waves that are pounding, it’s feisty al fresco fun all the way – and it’s 100% bare.

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



  • 1,88 GB
  • 29 maj 20 6:52
Studio: Bareback Boy Bangers
Premiera: 2016
Występują: Andrew, Bora, Cuba Bartok, George Plozen, Jan Drago, Justin Johnson, Kay Kawanah, Kevin Ateah, Luke Majer, Mark Zebro, Martin Love, Milan Breeze, Nick Daniels, Nick Gill, Pavel Lettina i inni



What's the best place for a cool college fuck party? Night clubs, saunas? No, in the student dorms that's where. You can play the music as loud as you wish, you can party 'til morning and no one will complain, 'cos the boys are all with you! No quick one-on-ones here, the room is packed tighter than these boy's assholes with guys sucking and fucking whoever they want to their heart's content. Young men flesh everywhere with each boy pumping each other's holes until everyone blasts a thick gooey jizz shot! Wanna party with the boys?

Polecam również inne SUPER AUDIOBOOKI i FILMY



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