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-------- THE SIMS 3 POSTACIE---------
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Korg IS50 IS40 System Operacyjny
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drzewa i krzewy ozdobne
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◆TAPETY NA PULPIT 2014 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
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██ Filmy Thrillery
██ Filmy Wojenne
░░░░░░░ SKŁADANKI 2013 █♫♫♪♫♫♪
░░░░░░░-MP3 2012
░░░░░░░MP3 2014------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------
Mp3 2014 MOJ UPLOAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
░░░░░░░SKLADANKI 2013 CZ.2♫♫♪♫♫♪♫♫♪ --
- ♫♪♫♪ ALBUMY - NOWOŚCI 2014
Alicia Keys - VH1 Storytellers (2013)
Believe (Deluxe Edition) (2012)
Big Time Rush - 24Seven (2013)
Blake - Music Infinity (2013)
Cassie Taylor – Out of My Mind (2013)
Charlie Wilson - Love Charlie - 2013
DEMI (2013)
DEMI LOVATO MP3 wszystkie
Drake - Nothing Was The Same (Best Buy Exclusive) (2013)
Eminem - Back Again (2013)
Energy 2000 - Energy Mix Vol. 42 (2013)
Glee – Glee Sings THe Beatles (2013)
Jennifer Lopez - The Best Songs (2013)
Jessica Wolff - Renegade (2013)
Jessie J - Alive [2013]
Justin Bieber - Believe Acoustic (2013)
Justin Timberlake - The 20 20 Experience 2 of 2 (2013)
Justin Timberlake - The 20 20 Experience 2 of 2 (2013)(1)
Katy Perry - Part Of Me (2013)
Miley Cyrus – Bangerz (2013)
My World 2.0 (2010)
Natalia Kills - Trouble (2013)
Paramore - Paramore [2013]
Pet Shop Boys - Memory Of The Future (2013)
Pink- The Truth About Love
Rihanna - 2013 - The Greatest Hits
Rihanna - No Love (2013)
Selena Gomez - Stars dance [2013]
Shakira - The Best Songs (2013)
Will.i.Am - Willpower [Deluxe Edition] [2013]
Zendaya - Zendaya 2013
░░░░░░░Skladanki Mp3 2014 Nowosci♫♫♫♪♫♪---- ----------------- ------
[Nowości Hardstyle 2014]
[Nowości Hardstyle 2014] [FULL 320kbps]
♪♪♪ Składanki , Płyty (Nowości) ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
██BAJKI .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
██DISCOVERY !! .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
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Filmy - Thrillery !!!
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Filmy 2002
██Filmy 2009 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
██FILMY 2010 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
██FILMY 2011 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
██FILMY 2012 !!!!!
██Filmy 2013- 2014 lektor ❒❒❒❒❒❒❒❒❒❒❒❒
Filmy Nowości 2013
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██Filmy Dramatyczne
██Filmy Fantasy
██FILMY MŁODZIEŻOWE .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
██Filmy mp4 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'
⬛FILMY - MP4 (320x240) NOWOŚCI⬛
filmy mp4 2013 (na telefon)
Mp4 filmy
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  • 180,4 MB
  • 25 mar 14 19:12

VA - POLSKI DANCE 18 (2014)
Album : POLSKI DANCE 18/2014
Year : 2014
Compilated by robeck
Size 180,38 MB
Songs 20
Bitrate 320kbps
01. 3Bit - Dziewczyna Z Pociągu
02. Bayera - Proszę Kochanie (Black Due Remix)
03. Chanel - Moja Ukochana (Levelon remix)
04. Damian Banasiak - Ruda Dziewczyno 2014
05. Dance Project - Nieśmiały Chłopak (Zagrajmy Tej Nocy)
06. Duet Niebanalny - Byle Była Pogoda
07. Forte Dance - Chcice Mam 2014 (Extended Mix Daro)
08. Golden - Córka Biznesmana 2014
09. Kalimero - Daj Mi Usta Daj Mi Uda (Slayback Radio 2014)
10. Łzy - Anka, Ot Tak ( Vaan G Bootleg 4fun 2k14)
11. MeGustar - Baja-Bongo (SweeT MaShUp) 2014
12. Modelinka & Model MT - On ByB Taki Zwariowany (Radio Edit)
13. Nexx Dance - Bo Tylko Ty 2014
14. Night Lovers - Chcesz Czy Nie
15. Power Play - Bajo Bongo
16. Sex Direction - Mona Lisa
17. Shine - Taka Jestem 2014
18. Skalar's - Sama Sama (Grubson Vocal Mix)
19. Speed - Lubie Ja (Levelon Remix Extended)
20. Tropic - Idziemy Na Miasto (Max Peace Hot Remix)

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 454,2 MB
  • 20 mar 14 0:00

VA - MNB Remixes Music Vol.30 (2014)
Genre: Club, Trance, Dance
Album : MNB Remixes Music Vol.30 (2014)
Size: 454 MB
Format/Quality: Mp3 224 kbps
1. Shakira - Cant Remember To Forget You (Dank Remix) (3:46)
2. Skrillex - Recess (Bone N Skin Remix) (3:59)
3. Spencer Tarring - Welcome To My Life (6:45)
4. Strigata - Finport (Scott James Remix) (7:07)
5. Sunset & Markus Voorn - Valentine (CJ Arthur Remix) (7:00)
6. Syn Cole - Miami 82 (Dj SkyBack Remix) (7:05)
7. The Space Brothers - The Same Journey (Mark Sherry Remix) (7:57)
8. Tolga Uzulmez - Atlantide (Denis Sender Remix) (6:10)
9. Zak Waters - Runnin Around (Favulous Remix) (3:03)
10. Zedd - Stay The Night (Dj SkyBack Remix) (7:33)
11. Zsia pres. Zend - Amaranth (Plutian Remix) (9:26)
12. Angel Ace - Entrancers (Astuni & Manuel Le Saux Re-Lift) (7:20)
13. Bluefire - Dreamnasia (Photographer Remix) (8:41)
14. Disko Kidz - Latino Disko (David Armstrong s Latin Funk Dub) (7:37)
15. Eminem - Without Me (DJ Viduta Remix) (3:45)
16. Enrique Iglesias feat. Flo Rida - There goes my baby (DJ Vladimir Matveev Club Mix) (3:16)
17. Flatlex - Faded Memories (Etasonic Remix) (7:31)
18. Flatlex - Faded Memories (Paul Pele Remember Mix) (7:11)
19. Gareth Emery feat. Bo Bruce - U (Bryan Kearney Remix) (7:46)
20. Harmonic Rush - Complicated (Indecent Noise Remix) (7:24)
21. Ian Oliver feat. Shantel - Bucovina 2014 (Yellineck Da Beat Goes Remix) (4:21)
22. Indecent Noise - Warsaw 2.0 (Lostly Remix) (6:54)
23. John Merki & Casey Rasch - Fuck You (Liam Wilson Remix) (7:06)
24. Kyau & Albert - This Love (LTN Remix) (5:13)
25. Kyau & Albert Feat. Adaja Black – Could You Fall (Lock & Load Remix) (6:36)
26. Kyau & Albert feat. Stoneface & Terminal - We Own The Night (Mino Safy Remix) (7:31)
27. Kyau & Albert with Ronski Speed - Euphonia (Shato & Paul Rockseek Remix) (5:04)
28. Leenoox - Euphoria (Airzoom Remix) (8:01)
29. MacFly - I Will Be There (Cechos Remix) (3:56)
30. Manida - The Last Sunrise (Akku Remix) (6:08)
31. Manida - The Last Sunrise (Hypaethrame Remix) (8:05)
32. Manida - The Last Sunrise (K-narf & DJ T.H. Remix) (8:46)
33. Manuel Le Saux - One (Pinkque Remix) (7:49)
34. Mariah Carey - You re Mine (Eternal) (Gregor Salto & Funkin Matt Remix) (4:33)
35. Mhammed El Alami & illitheas & Johannes Fischer - Breath Of Life (Orchestral Mix) (3:30)
36. Mikhjian - Everlasting Moments (Mark Bester & Winter State Remix) (7:04)
37. Mirami feat. Danzel - Upside Down (BBX Remix) (4:35)
38. Mirami Ft. Danzel - Upside Down (Bald Bros Radio Mix) (3:52)
40 ... 43

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 429,4 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:20

Ministry Of Sound Presents - Running Trax 2014 [3CD]
House, Progressive, Club, Euro | Ministry of Sound UK
256 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 03:55:43 | 428 Mb


01. Storm Queen - Look Right Through (Mk Vocal Edit) 02:31
02. London Grammar - Nightcall (Freemasons' Pegasus Radio Edit) 06:55
03. Disclosure Feat. Aluna George - White Noise (Radio Edit) 03:25
04. Duke Dumont Feat. A*M*E - Need U (100 Percent) (Radio Edit) 02:45
05. Naughty Boy Feat. Sam Smith - La La La 03:23
06. Gotsome Feat. The Get Along Gang - Bassline 04:08
07. Mike Mago - The Show (Radio Edit) 02:44
08. Shadow Child Feat. Takura - Friday (Club Mix) 04:07
09. Mk Feat. Alana - Always (Route 94 Remix) 02:33
10. Calvin Harris Feat. Ellie Goulding - I Need Your Love (Radio Edit) 03:40
11. Avicii Vs. Nicky Romero - I Could Be The One (Nicktim Radio Edit) 03:22
12. Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin - Don't You Worry Child (Radio Edit) 03:24
13. Zedd Feat. Foxes - Clarity (Radio Edit Version) 03:43
14. Nadia Ali - Rapture (Avicii New Generation Radio Edit) 04:42
15. David Guetta, Joachim Garraud And Chris Willis - Love Is Gone (Fred Riester Joachim Gerraud Uk Radio Edit) 03:32
16. Wideboys Feat. Haydon - Preacher (Stadium Remix) 03:52
17. Emeli Sandé - Heaven (We Don't Belong In Pacha Remix) 05:57
18. Rita Ora - Radioactive (Baggi Begovic Remix) 04:00
19. Wiley Feat. Skepta, Jme And Ms. D - Can't You Hear Me? (Ayayaya) (Will And Bill Remix) 05:12
20. Otto Knows - Million Voices (Radio Edit) 03:20
21. Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr Feat. Beardyman - Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat (Calvin Harris Remix) 04:09
22. Rihanna - Diamonds (Congorock Remix) 04:45
23. Example - All The Wrong Places (Radio Edit) 03:06
24. Lana Del Rey Vs. Cedric Gervais - Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix) 05:14
25. Sebastian Ingrosso And Tommy Trash Feat. John Martin - Reload (Vocal Version) 03:48
26. Armin Van Buuren Feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (David Guetta Remix) 03:07
27. Empire Of The Sun - Dna (Calvin Harris Remix Edit) 03:30
28. Michael Woods - The Pit 03:45
29. Nicky Romero And Nervo - Like Home 04:15
30. Alex Metric And Jacques Lu Cont Feat. Malin - Safe With You (Single Mix) 04:22
31. Arty Feat. Fiora - Grand Finale (Extended Mix) 03:37
32. Afrojack Feat. Chris Brown - As Your Friend 03:39
33. Nero - Promises (Calvin Harris Remix) 03:45
34. Sander Van Doorn - Neon (Extended Mix) 04:41
35. Dyro - Go Down 04:30
36. Burns - Lies (Otto Knows Remix) 04:15
37. Mat Zo And Porter Robinson - Easy (Original) 04:16
38. Wretch 32 Feat. Shakka - Blackout (Bill And Will Remix) 04:00
39. Lethal Bizzle Feat. Ruby Goe - Party Right (Radio Edit) 03:10
40. Dizzee Rascal - Bassline Junkie (Radio Edit) 03:11
41. John Newman - Love Me Again (Kove Remix) 04:14
42. Chase And Status Feat. Louis M^Ttrs - Lost And Not Found 03:43
43. Chris Malinchak - So Good To Me (S.P.Y Remix) 04:05

z chomika polbrus

  • 5.0
  • 179,8 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:20

DJ Zone Best Session 01/2014 (2014)
House, Club House, Funky House, Dance | Time Italy
VBR | MP3 | unmixed | 31-01-2014 | 01:40:17 | 180 Mb


01.Jason Derulo - Talk Dirty (Feat. 2 Chainz) [02:58]
02.Avicii - You Make Me [03:04]
03.Hardwell Feat. Matthew Koma - Dare You [05:27]
04.Pitbull Feat. Ke$ha - Timber [03:24]
05.Le Kid - We Are Young (Hookmasters Club Mix Extended Version) [05:43]
06.Ian Carey & Doron Feat. Ray J and Kardinal Offishall - Baddest [05:00]
07.Chuckie - Skydive (Faet. Maiday) [04:55]
08.R.I.O. Feat. U - Jean - Komodo (Hard Nights) [05:04]
09.Storm Queen - Look Right Through (Mk Vocal Extended) [05:53]
10.Ozark Henry - I’m Your Sacrifice (Francesco Rossi Remix) [07:13]

01.Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway - Wizard [04:41]
02.New World Sound and Thomas Newson - Flute [04:47]
03.Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Vs Dvbbs & Borgeous - Stampede [04:17]
04.R3hab & Nervo & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution [04:04]
05.The Partysquad & Mitchell Niemeyer - Pantsdown [05:49]
06.Capital Cities - Safe and Sound (Tommie Sunshine & Live City R [05:53]
07.Icona Pop - All Night (Kryder Remix) [04:19]
08.Don Diablo & Matt Nash - Starlight (Could You Be Mine) (Otto K [06:23]
09.Alex Gaudino & Bottai - Rewind [06:02]
10.Merk & Kremont - Zunami [05:21]

z chomika polbrus

  • 310,6 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:20

VA - Dance Move - World Shine (2014)
Dance Move - World Shine CD (2014)
Disco, Euro, Vocal, Club | Handsup Compilation
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 02:23:28 | 311 Mb

01. Housetwins Feat. Andy Nicolas - Leave It All Behind 03:22
02. V1r00z - Away (Radio Edit) 04:09
03. Tranz-Linquants & Cyrax - Drop The Bass (Side E Fect Remix) 05:50
04. Nick Skitz & Basslouder - Toca's Miracle (Max K Remix Edit) 04:05
05. Surreal, Sonicon Removalce - Come Undone (Original Mix) 05:49
06. Mike And Lewis Feat Orry Jackson And Luc - Night Like Yesterday (E-Partment Remix Edit) 03:02
07. High Qraft - Its Gonna Be Love (Original Edit) 03:32
08. X-Guerrero, Javi Ortiz, Tony Cox - Out Of My Mind (Original Nu Disco Mix) 08:10
09. Steve Hill Vs Technikal - Enough Is Enough 06:10
10. Ordonez, Montalvan - That Something (Original Mix) 06:36
11. Glaukor And Dj Bovoli Feat. Gianluca Conca - Raggio Di Sole (Italo Love Edit) 04:19
12. Leon B & Costa Pantazis - Catharsis (Nish Dubstek Remix) 07:05
13. Phil Giava Feat. Fio - Gimme Your Love (Radio Edit) 03:33
14. Konshens - Youth Dem A Seh Money (Remix) 04:14
15. Nature - Retarded 03:25
16. Wow-Fi & Citylights - We Gonna Rock It (Coon High Pitched Remix Edit) 03:17
17. Sonic-E & Woolhouse Feat. Amna - Tonight (Radio Edit) 03:24
18. Shinononohouki - Beautiful Sky 04:00
19. J & M Vs. Dj Alan Kay Feat. Susan Albers - Heaven Is Not Enough (Radio Edit) 03:11
20. Manager & Afro - Win Or Loose (Original Nu Disco Mix) 06:00
21. Marc Fruttero - Hero Featuring Polymnia (Dance Vocal) 06:41
22. Groove Coverage - Tell Me (Extended Mix) 04:36
23. Roxor & Hardfader - You Dont Know (Original Edit) 02:48
24. Raverdiago - The End Of Time (Video Edit) 03:10
25. The Spanishertz Feat. Luca Zeta - Love At First Sight (Club Mix Edit) 03:49
26. Simon Pagliari - Donna Rouge (Stefano Carparelli 2K14 Edit) 03:32
27. Hoxygen Feat. Kalia - I'll Be There (Original Mix) 05:12
28. Ms Project - When The Night... 03:12
29. John De Sohn - Taking It Back (Radio Edit) 03:10
30. Juventa Feat. Erica Curran - Move Into Light (Radio Edit) 04:03
31. Marq Aurel & Antony Larsson - The Bass (Dj Cammy Radio Edit) 03:49
32. Jewelz & Scott Sparks Feat. Quilla - Unless We Forget (Original Mix) 05:58

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 587,3 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:20

VA - Club News Vol.370 (2014)
Genre: Dance,Trance, Club
320 kbps | MP3 | 44,1kHz | Stereo | unmixed
2014 | 587 Mb | 04:21:00
01. Max Freegrant - Catch Me If You Can (Original Mix)
02. Mark Holiday, Trendsetter - Solar Sonata (Kelly Holiday Insane Massive Trap Mix)
03. Mark Bester feat. Love Dimension - The Voice (Original Mix)
04. Ira & Sarah Russel - Constant Invasions (Purelight Remix)
05. Le Youth feat. Dominique Young Unique - Dance With Me (MK Remix)
06. Martian pres. Robots On Mars - Element 115 (Original Mix)
07. Lady Gaga feat. Christina Aguilera - Do What U Want (Red Ant & Amp Lexvaz Deep House Mix)
08. Matt Fax - Barr (Andre Sobota Remix)
09. Marwen - Unforgiven (Original Mix)
10. Lazy Rich & Jan Waterman - In The Face (Exodus & Hugo Rizzo Remix)
11. Kyau & Albert - Encounter (Arisen Flame Remix)
12. Ivan Roudyk, Nasta - To The Moon (Original Mix)
13. John Dish - Homme (Original Mix)
14. Marco V Feat. Maruja Retana - Waiting (For The End) (Multiplayers Remix)
15. Mat Zo feat. Rachel K Collier - Only For You (Maor Levi Remix)
16. Katy B - Crying For No Reason (Tom Shorterz Remix)
17. Jaymes Young - Moondust (Sound Remedy Remix)
18. Ken Loi, Zashanell & Infinitee - Too Late (Original Mix)
19. Kruewl - Cygnus
20. JOOP & Sherano ft. MC Stretch - Right Here Right Now (Original Mix)
21. Junior Rodgers & Nick Memphis feat. Fatman Scoop - L.T.D.O. (Let The Dogs Out) (Original Mix)
22. Jae Butt - I Ain't Worried
23. Jidax & Enzo Darren feat. Chester Rushing - Paint The World (Lush & Simon Remix)
24. Jus Jack - Stars (Original Mix)
25. Johan K & Desso - Maze (Original Mix)
26. Lorenzo Digrasso, Mordax Bastards - Crazy Sexy Cool (Club Mix)
27. Ivan Frost feat Julia Lasker - Sweet Dreams (Stanislav Shik & Denis Rook Remix)
28. JDG, Bombs Away - Paddle Bop 'Bounce' (TechInside! Vocal Mix 2014)
29. Jesse Labrooy - Yeah (Original Mix)
30. Karetus - Battle Royale (Original Mix)
31. King Trimble - Clowns
32. Hot Mouth & Nezzo feat. Hope - Dive (Landis Remix)
33. Holmes & Watson – FUKU (Find Us, Kill Us) (DBN Remix)
34. Jasper Forks - Another Sleepless Night (Original Mix)
35. Ian Van Dahl - Castles in the sky (Zetandel Chill Out Mix)
36. John Newman - Love Me Again (Clark Kent Remix)
37. Houseways feat. Luca Zeta - Walking By Your Side (Radio Edit)
38. Johnny Third feat. Joe Knott - The Calling (Original Mix)
39. KnukS - Silicone Mind
40. Kicks & Snares – Aventador
41 ... 50

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 231,0 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:19

VA - Dance Essentials (2014)
2x Mix
Genre: Dance, Club
320 kbps | MP3 | 44,1kHz | Stereo | mixed
2014 | 231 Mb
CD 1:Mix
01. Dannic & Sick Individuals - Blueprint
02. Hardwell & W&W - Jumper
03. Ivan Gough Walden & Jebu ft Penelope Austin - Home (Stefan Dabruck Remix)
04. Omnia ft Everything By Electricity - Bones
05. Goldfish & Blink - Make You Jump
06. Mark Knight & Funkagenda - Man With The Red Face (Hardwell Remix)
07. Plissken - Paranoid
08. Audien ft Ruby Prophet - Circles
09. Jerome Isma-Ae - Hold That Sucker Down (Sick Individuals Remix)
10. Merk & Kremont - Zunami
11. Tritonal ft Phoebe Ryan - Now Or Never
12. Lush & Simon - City Of Lights
13. Tom & Jame vs Robin Riccio - Guerilla
14. Landis - Impact
15. Jacob Plant - Can t Hold Back
16. Thomas Newson - Pallaroid
17. Binary Finary - 1998 (twoloud Remix)
18. Tiesto ft BT - Love Comes Again (Blasterjaxx Remix)
19. John Dish - Karmma
20. Andrew Rayel - Dark Warrior

CD 2:Mix
01. Pelari - Rave
02. Clmd - Fader
03. Vicetone ft Daniel Gidlund - Chasing Time
04. Cosmic Gate - So Get Up
05. 2 Faced Funks & Sebastian Bronk - Secrets
06. Lush & Simon ft Rico & Miella - Drag Me To The Ground
07. Blasterjaxx - Fifteen (Hardwell Edit)
08. Audien ft Michael S. - Leaving You (Thomas Newson Remix)
09. Kat Krazy ft Elkka - Siren (Kill The Buzz Remix)
10. Denzal Park ft Penelope Austin - Animal Heart (Paris & Simo Remix)
11. Damian William - Manitu
12. John Christian - Gunshot
13. Jerome Isma-Ae & Justin Michael ft Novi - Awaken
14. Dyro - Go Down
15. Suspect 44 - Amazing
16. Armin Van Buuren - Save My Night
17. Dash Berlin & Alexander Popov ft Jonathan Mendelsohn - Steal You Away (Michael Brun Remix)
18. David Gravell - Nighthawk
19. Julian Calor - Space Dial
20. Husman - Evol

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 247,4 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:19

Gorąca 100 Radia Eska -2013 cz.3 (71-100)
Quality : Mp3 320 Kbps
Size : 248,0 MB

TrackList :

70. Naughty Boy, Sam Smith - La La La.mp3
71. Fly Project - Toca-Toca.mp3
72. Sylwia Grzeszczak - Flirt.mp3
73. John Newman - Love Me Again.mp3
74. Rihanna, David Guetta - Right Now.mp3
75.Pink , Nate Ruess - Just Give Me a Reason.mp3
76. Kase, Wrethov - One Life.mp3
77. LemON - Nice.mp3
78. Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers (The Magician Remix).mp3
79. Kim Cesarion - Undressed.mp3
80. Red Lips - To Co Nam Było.mp3
81. Calvin Harris feat. Ayah Marah - Thinking About You.mp3
82. Rihanna, Mikky Ekko - Stay.mp3
83. Ewa Farna - Znak.mp3
84. DJ Samuel Kimko’ - La Zumbera.mp3
85. Alex Hepburn - Under.mp3
86..Wiley, Ms D, Skepta & JME - Can You Hear Me (Ayayaya).mp3
87. Miley Cyrus , Bangerz - Wrecking Ball.mp3
88. Duke Dumont , AME - Need U (100%).mp3
89. Olly Murs - Dear Darlin.mp3
90. Zedd, Hayley Williams - Stay The Night.mp3
91. Liber & Natalia Szroeder - Wszystkiego na raz.mp3
92. Bastille - Of The Night.mp3
93. Marina And The Diamonds - How To Be a Heartbreaker.mp3
94. Margaret - Thank You Very Much.mp3
95. OneRepublic - Something I Need.mp3
96. Britney Spears - Work Bitch.mp3
97. Doda - Wkręceni (High Life).mp3
98. Stromae - Papaoutai.mp3
99. Naughty Boy, Emeli Sand - Lifted.mp3
100. Lady Gaga - Applause.mp3

z chomika dauplo

  • 5.0
  • 295,4 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:19

Gorąca 100 Radia Eska -2013 cz.1 (1-35)
Quality : Mp3 320 Kbps
Size : 295,0 MB

TrackList :

01. Avicii ft Aloe Blacc - Wake Me Up.mp3
02. Martin Garrix - Animals.mp3
03. Donatan, Cleo - My Słowianie.mp3
04. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can't Hold Us.mp3
05. Piersi - Bałkanica.mp3
06. Avicii - Hey Brother.mp3
07. OneRepublic - Counting Stars.mp3
08. DVBBS, Borgeous - Tsunami.mp3
09. James Arthur - Impossible.mp3
10. Robin Thicke, T.I., Pharrell Williams - Blurred Lines.mp3
11. Remady & Manu-L - Holidays.mp3
12. Enej - Symetryczno-Liryczna.mp3
13. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive.mp3
14. Pitbull, Ke$ha - Timber.mp3
15. Wally Lopez feat. Jamie Scott - You Can-t Stop the Beat.mp3
16. Daft Punk, Pharrell Williams - Get Lucky.mp3
17. Calvin Harris, Ellie Goulding - I Need Your Love.mp3
18. Macklemore, Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop.mp3
19. Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child.mp3
20. Enej - Lili.mp3
21. 2 Chainz feat. Wiz Khalifa - We Own It (Fast & Furious) .mp3
22. Ellie Goulding - Burn.mp3
23. DJ Assad feat. Mohombi, Craig David, Greg Parys - Addicted.mp3
24. Eminem, Rihanna - The Monster.mp3
25. Sylwia Grzeszczak - Księżniczka.mp3
26. Showtek - Booyah.mp3
27. OneRepublic - If I Lose Myself.mp3
28. Avicii ,Nicky Romero - I Could Be The One.mp3
29. Justin Timberlake - Mirrors.mp3
30. DJ Antoine, Mad Mark, B-Case, U-Jean - House Party.mp3
31. Kamil Bednarek - Cisza.mp3
32. Christina Aguilera , Pitbull - Feel This Moment.mp3
33. One Direction - One Way or Another (Teenage Kicks).mp3
34. Avicii - You Make Me.mp3
35. Calvin Harris, Alesso, Hurts - Under Control.mp3

z chomika dauplo

  • 5.0
  • 113,2 MB
  • 2 mar 14 11:19

VA - Skladankowe Radio Vol 99 (2014)
Album: Skladankowe Radio Vol 99
Cover: arko
Bitrate: 192 kbps
Genre: Dance, Disco Polo, Pop, Eurodance, Italo-Disco,Trance
Rip Date: 06.02.2014
Ripper: arko
Tracks: 18
Size: ~ 113 Mb
Time: 1 hour 21 minutes 24 secend
1. Tom Hooker &amp Elastic Band - Nobody Loves Me (80s Energy Mix) (4:31)
2. Dj's Project - Only For Love (3:34)
3. Jorrgus - Kiedy patrze na nia (3:36)
4. Space Rockerz feat. Cathy Burton - Lead You Back (Kaimo K Remix) (7:40)
5. Lea Kiss - Don't U Want Love (Edit Radio) (4:03)
6. Cordalis - Viva La Noche (3:40)
7. Skalars - Powiedz mi co czujesz (3:55)
8. D. White - All The Story Is History (5:37)
9. Ms Project - When The Night... (3:12)
10. Within Temptation - Whole World is Watching (Feat. Dave Pirner) (4:03)
11. Debra Gaynor - Living Through Another Day 2014 (5:23)
12. Armin van Buuren feat. Emma Hewitt & Eximinds - Euphoria Forever Is Ours (Eximinds Mashup) (5:31)
13. Mavers - Nie ma to jak z dziewczynami (4:15)
14. Tiziana Rivale - More Than Meets The Eye (4:46)
15. Biagio Antonacci - Non vivo piu' senza te (3:33)
16. Volver - Volveremos (3:25)
17. Dj Samuel Kimko & Marco Bresciani - Fiesta Love (Radio Mix) (3:41)
18. Ellie Lawson - Try (Matt Eray Remix) (6:48)

z chomika kazik.500

  • 5.0
  • 157,5 MB
  • 22 lut 14 14:20

Gypnorion Remix (2014)
Artist...............: Various Artists
Album................: Gypnorion Remix
Genre................: Dance, Eurodance
Year.................: 2014
Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz
Playing Time.........: 01:05:42
Total Size...........: 157 MB

1. Basic Element - This Must Be A Dream (Gypnorion E.D.Remix) (3:33)
2. Ice MC - Think About The Way (Gypnorion Remix) (4:14)
3. C.C. Catch - Cause You Are Young (Gypnorion Remix) (3:27)
4. Cappella - Move On Baby (Gypnorion Remix) (4:27)
5. Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Kick Blaster Version by Gypnorion) (3:22)
6. Corona - Baby Baby (Gypnorion Remix) (4:02)
7. Culture Beat - Anything (Gypnorion Remix) (5:42)
8. DJ BoBo - Freedom (Gypnorion Remix) (3:02)
9. E-Type - Set The World On Fire (Gypnorion Remix) (3:29)
10. Haddaway - Life (Gypnorion Remix) (2:51)
11. Ice Mc - It's A Rainy Day (Gypnorion Remix) (4:34)
12. Antares - Ride On A Meteorite (Gypnorion Remix) (4:00)
13. Love Message - Love Message (Gypnorion Remix) (3:28)
14. Maxx - Get-A-Way (Gypnorion Remix 2) (5:14)
15. t.A.T.u - Ya Soshla S Uma (Gypnorion Remix) (5:48)
16. Cappella - U Got 2 Let The Music (Gypnorion Remix) (4:27)

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 80,8 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:17

Album: Disco Polo & Dance Polish 2013 vol.153
Genre: Disco Polo

Track: 10
Playing Time: 00:36:40
Total Size: 84,6 MB


01.Adam Chrola - Naiwna Ballada
02.Proxy - Balkanica (Radio Edit) 2013
03.Piekni i Mlodzi - Niewiara (Monteiro 2k13 Remix)
04.Kontrast - Temperatura (Levelon Remix)
05.Avinion Dance - Imprezowa Noc ( Taki Balet ) 2013
06.Dance Factory - Oszalal swiat
07.Rokets - Wolna Chata (The KrisVanS! Bootleg)
08.Hi-Fi - Loczki (Radio Edit)
09.Rafta - Zoska Zoska 2013
10.Claris - Kobieto Daj Luz

z chomika andrzejzam

  • 79,1 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:17

Album: Disco Polo & Dance Polish 2013 vol.154
Genre: Disco Polo

Track: 10
Playing Time: 00:37:03
Total Size: 79,9 MB


01.Masters - Jestem Wolny
02.Redis - Radary
03.Extazy - Mozesz Plakac 2013
04.Klimat - Niezawodny Plan
05.Andre - Aleksandra (Radio Edit)
06.Joker - Kuguar (Mówia Na Nia PUMA) (CandyNoize Remix)
07.Speed vs Mallancia - Lala (Levelon RMX)
08.Maxx Dance - Baw Sie Razem Z Nami (Crump Radio Remix)
09.Drossel - Jak sie Bawic To Sie Bawic
10.Exotic - Nalejcie piwa

z chomika andrzejzam

  • 115,8 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:16

Album: Skladankowe Radio Vol 69
Genre: Dance, Disco Polo, Pop, Eurodance...
Format/Quality: Mp3 / 192kbps / 44,1kHz / Stereo
Size: ~ 110 Mb


1. Dancefloor Drivers - Sleeping in My Car (Bass Rockers Remix Radio Edit) (3:34)
2. Retronic Voice - Bessinia (5:24)
3. Lazarus - Wait (Remix) (12'' Version) (6:36)
4. Dido - End Of Night (Bimbo Jones Radio Edit) (3:37)
5. Justyna & Piotr - Poszybować w lepszy dzień (2013) (3:46)
6. ReinXeed - Listen To Your Heart (Roxette Cover) (4:20)
7. Italobox - My Dream (Extended Version) (6:13)
8. Diamond Rain - Leave It For Tonight (6:35)
9. Nickelback - When We Stand Togenther (DJ Noiz Bootleg) (2:56)
10. Star Dance - To jest ona (4:11)
11. Bum - Kanikuły (Nochnoe Dvizhenie Project 'Electro' Remix) (3:50)
12. Oldschool Boys - Miracle Love (Alex Van Dayl Remix) (3:45)
13. Dr. Alban & Alex Ferrari - Bara, Bara Bere, Bere 2013 (M.D. Project Mix) (3:02)
14. Modern Talking - Cherry Cherry Lady (Dj ViT Remix) (3:18)
15. Rajmund - Kolacja ze sniadaniem (3:01)
16. X-Perience - Magic Fields (80's Version) (3:24)
17. Chinese Theatre feat. !distain - Sounds Like A Melody (master) (5:45)
18. Baltimora - Woody Boogie (Jumping Mix) (6:00)

z chomika andrzejzam

  • 71,6 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:16

Album: Disco Polo & Dance Polish 2013 vol.155
Genre: Disco Polo

Track: 10
Playing Time: 00:35:16
Total Size: 76,7 MB


01.Easy - Czarownica 2013 (Radio Edit)
02.Hi-Fi & Excellent - Zono Ma (Kocham Cie!)
03.Claris - Kobieto Daj Luz 2013
04.Jam Girls - Zatancz, zaspiewaj jak ja
05.Spike - Weekendowy Szal
06.Ayla - Czy Ty Wiesz 2013 (Club Edit)
07.Speed vs. Mallancia - Lala (Levelon RMX)
08.Desperadoss - Nowy Rozdzial
09.Jacaro - Up and Down 2013
10.Thomas Dance - Gorace Usta 2013

z chomika andrzejzam

  • 75,7 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:16

Album: Disco Polo & Dance Polish 2013 vol.156
Genre: Disco Polo

Track: 10
Playing Time: 00:37:13
Total Size: 79,1 MB


01.Baflo - Bierz Tylko Mnie
02.Athletic - Przestan Sciemniac
03.Magnum - Tylko Ty
04.Vizza - Nie Słodź Mi
05.Exaited - Nie unikaj (Extended Edit)
06.Classic - To nie przyjazn
07.Skalar's - Nieprzespana Noc (Monteiro Na Fali Radio Edit)
08.Kamis - Mistrz Podrywu
09.Maxi Dance - Nieswiadoma Noc (Nowosc 2013)
10.B-QLL - Czy to czujesz (Funky)

z chomika andrzejzam

  • 112,8 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:16

VA Disco Polo Hits Set17 (2013)

Premiery Disco Polo | MP3 | 320 Kbps | 44.1 KHz | 2 channels | 112,6 MB


01. Milano - Co Ty Na To
02. Dance Akord - DiscoPolo Live 2013
03. Star Dance - Za Szaleństwa
04. West - Karolina 2013
05. Power Play - Kochaj Mnie RiP
06. Diament - Jedna Mała Chwila
07. Beat Boys - Każdego Dnia
08. Sheyker - Malinowe Usta
09. Sonar - Powiedz Po Co
10. eXelent - Dobrze Wiesz (Kocyk)
11. MeGustar - Lemoniada
12. Shymi - Wszyscy Razem, Pełnym Gazem (FMT Ostróda 2013)
13.Fresh - Tacy sami (Radio Edit)
14. Uniden - Balety
15. Fantastic Boys - Już Nie Wiem Sam

z chomika andrzejzam

  • 287,7 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:16

ARTiST....: VA
ALBUM.....: Moja Składanka vol.103
GENRE.....: Dance
Year......: 2013
TRACKS....: 23
Size......: 291 MB


01.Kerry Wheeler feat. Ashton Palmer - Paint My Heart (Club Mix) (5:58)
02.Max Marani feat. Simone Jay - Wanne B Like A Man (Iza Extended) (6:10)
03.Selena Gomez - Slow Down (Chew Fu Refix) (5:49)
04.Ellie Goulding - Burn (Tiesto S Club Life Remix) (5:17)
05.Michael Night and Danny Keegan - Let The Music Do The Job (Michael Night Extended) (5:22)
06.Streamrocker feat. Nyjra - Never Let You Go (Original Mix) (6:11)
07.Tom Pulse - Turn Me On (Extended Mix) (4:42)
08.Matsuflex - What You Want (Extended Mix) (5:11)
09.Pitt Leffer - No Lies (Extended) (5:17)
10.Shaun Baker feat. Yan Dollar - Exploding Rhythm (Extended Original Mix) (6:13)
11.Jessica D feat. Glance - Get Down (Extended Mix) (4:21)
12.DJ Indygo feat. Chris Antonio - Fuck This Early Morning (Original Extended) (5:18)
13.Sonic-E and Woolhose feat. Amna - Tonight (Extended Version) (5:14)
14.Jimmy Carris - Open Your Heart (Original Mix) (6:30)
15.Empire Of The Sun - DNA (Alex Metric Remix) (5:44)
16.Out Of Blackout feat. SileQ - Solo Para Mi (Dance Club Mix) (4:24)
17.Purple Aura and Chris Willis feat. Akon - No One Can Replace You (Extended Mix) (5:11)
18.S.O.H.O feat. Tony T and Florida - Work (E-Partment Extended) (4:51)
19.The Saturdays - Disco Love (Wideboys Club Mix) (5:46)
20.Kate Ryan - Light In The Dark (Playb4ck Remix) (5:56)
21.Dreamer and Hypnotic feat. RobGitarnik - Will Survive (Radio Edit) (3:57)
22.Krist Van D - I Don't Mind (Digital Wave 2k13 Remix) (4:52)
23.Avicii - Wake Me Up (Speed Remix) (7:06)

z chomika andrzejzam

  • 5.0
  • 257,0 MB
  • 18 lut 14 14:15

VA - Club Music Sounds Hands Up Vol.36 (2014)
Year : 2014
Handsup, Dance
MP3 | unmixed | 257 Mb
Bitrate 320kbps
1. Maldito - Down (Sl1kz Remix) (4:42)
2. Maldito - Down (VinylBreaker Remix) (5:22)
3. Manian - Hands Up Forever (Black Toys Remix) (5:06)
4. Modana & Carlprit - Hot Spot (Tronix DJ Bootleg Mix) (4:51)
5. One Direction - Best Song Ever (Tronix DJ Bootleg Mix) (5:12)
6. O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei (RaymanRave & DJ Electroshock Remix) (4:14)
7. Patrick Miller - Whos Gonna Know (David May Mix) {By EdgarasR} (3:21)
8. Phillerz - Get It (RainDropz! meets Booty Boy Remix Edit) (3:45)
9. Phillerz - Get It (RainDropz! meets Booty Boy Remix) (5:20)
10. Scooter - The Night (Draydyz! Extended Mix) (5:10)
11. Special D - You (Oldschool-Beatz Remix) (4:08)
12. Tegan & Sarah - Closer (Vankilla Bootleg) (5:34)
13. The Real Booty Babes vs. Blank & Jones - Meet Her At Nightfly (D!scosound Bootleg) (5:49)
14. Vengaboys - Shalala (Speea Remix) (5:33)
15. X-Cess! - Explode The Dancefloor (Mankee Remix Edit) (3:12)
16. Yulya Pago - Malenkij Raj (Dance Version) (3:58)
17. Adel Tawil - Lieder (RainDropz! Bootleg Mix) (4:14)
18. Ced Tecknoboy - Take Me Free If You Want My Love (Megamix Bootleg) (3:12)
19. DJ Mikesh & Dickheadz - The Hymn (Dancecore Mix) (4:30)
20. Don Omar feat. Lucenzo - Danza Kuduro ( RaymanRave Remix ) (4:37)
21. Family - Hey Brother (Smithee Remix) (5:32)
22. Gemini ft. Greta Svabo Bech - Fire Inside (Gatzby Remix) (6:09)
23. Jimmy Eat World - The Middle (Speea Remix) (5:01)
24. Loona - Rhythm Of The Night (NeoTune! Bootleg Mix) (2:48)
25. love triangle-summertime sadness (basslouder remix) (5:45)

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 413,3 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:40

VA - Hot Dance 315 (2014)
Artist...............: VA
Album................: Hot Dance 315
Genre................: Dance / Club / Trance
Quality..............: Extreme, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz
Playing Time.........: 03:06:19
Total Size...........: 413 MB
Ripped by............: 2014-02-09
1. (00:06:03) Addicted Generation - Closing Time (Gordon & Doyle Remix)
2. (00:03:02) Alchemist Project - Krishna 2014 (Radio Edit)
3. (00:04:44) Bingo Players feat. LMFAO - Party Rattle Anthem (Haus 'Booty' Mix)
4. (00:03:49) Bodybangers Feat. Victoria Kern & Godfrey Egbon - No Limit (Radio Edit)
5. (00:06:26) Chris Wittig - Sexy Ladies (Extended Mix)
6. (00:05:35) Chris Wittig - Sexy Ladies (Gordon & Doyle Extended Remix)
7. (00:05:00) Christian Revelino feat. J-Logik - V.I.P (Ridvan Remix)
8. (00:03:09) Criss Thunder & Swift - To The Club (Original Mix)
9. (00:03:55) Dada Life - Kick Out The Epic Motherfucker (Van Crafty Remix)
10. (00:03:26) DJ Kuba & NE!TAN - Sasha Gray (VINAI Remix)
11. (00:04:39) DJ Nejtrino feat. Elia - Klubnaya Zima (Club Mix)
12. (00:05:32) DJ Rafix feat. Madison Avenue - Don't Call Me Baby (Rafix 'Fresh' Mix)
13. (00:04:46) Don Diablo & Matt Nash feat. Noonie Bao - Starlight (Andry J Remix)
14. (00:04:57) Escape Me (feat. C.C. Sheffield) [Zaken Remix]
15. (00:04:52) Extazy - Jedziesz (Sygus & IvanoBoy Bootleg)
16. (00:05:15) Fabian Gray - Euro Funk (Jesse Labrooy & Brandon Hadden Bootleg)
17. (00:05:07) Five vs.Queen â?? We Will Rock You (Dj Tarantino Remix)[2014]
18. (00:04:05) Funkwell feat. Dashius Clay & Fader Lima - Say What You Want (Danny Rush Remix)
19. (00:04:55) Gala - Freed From Desire (Ian Davecore Remix)
20. (00:03:24) Groove Coverage - Tell Me (Alex Cortez meets NDS vs. Tom E Remix Radio Cut)
21. (00:04:49) Groove Coverage - Tell Me (Martin Van Lectro Remix)
22. (00:04:44) InCartey - Panthera (Cechoś 'Official' Remix)
23. (00:05:00) Jesse Labrooy - Hit That! (Original Mix)
24. (00:05:05) John Legend - All of Me (Addictive Elements Remix)
25. (00:04:50) Let's Go Project - Yeke Yeke (FastSouls Remix)
26. (00:07:25) Luke Terry - No Control (Original Mix)
27. (00:04:57) Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger (DJ Kapral Remix)
28. (00:04:13) Max Farenthide Pres. Disco Superstars - Body Rock 2k14 (Grzeeniioo Remix)
29. (00:05:23) Mellina - SuReina (Stephan F Remix)
30. (00:04:39) MusicDefinesGravity - Young Minds (Original Mix)
31 ... 40

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 342,5 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:40

VA - Hot Disco Polo Vol.6 (2014)
Artist...............: VA
Album................: Hot Disco Polo Vol.6
Genre................: Disco Polo / Polish Dance
Quality..............: Extreme, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz
Playing Time.........: 02:36:13
Total Size...........: 342 MB
Ripped by............: 2014-02-10
01. (00:03:51) After Party - A Teraz Kiedy Śpisz 2014 (Radio Edit)
02. (00:04:43) Akcent - czemu jestes taka dziewczyna
03. (00:03:53) Akcent - Siwy Koniu (Bootleg DjAdiMax)
04. (00:04:21) Akcent - Żegnaj Mała (BartRose Bootleg Edit)
05. (00:03:43) Andrzej Kozinski - Barbara
06. (00:05:10) Andrzej Rosiewicz - Radarowcy (Netiv Mash-Up)
07. (00:03:36) Avinion Dance - Płoniesz (Radio Mix)
08. (00:03:36) Avinion Dance - Płoniesz
09. (00:02:28) Basta - Hej, Czy Ty Wiesz (OverNex & Reeck Remix)
10. (00:03:21) Bayera - Moja Dziewczyna (Sendker Remix)
11. (00:04:30) Camasutra - Jestes Idealem ( CandyNoize & FunkyStrike Bootleg )
12. (00:03:21) Collective - Nie Mów Mi Goodbye 2014 (Peter Sky 'Hot' Mix)
13. (00:03:45) Diadem - Zabiore Ciebie 2014 (Gabi)
14. (00:03:09) Duet Niebanalny - O Nie Nie (Disthunter Remix)
15. (00:04:15) Exelent - Dobrze Wiesz (Pitey & Digi Remix)
16. (00:03:38) Fenix New - Lewa Prawa
17. (00:04:23) Focus - Zrobmy Halas (Levelon Remix)
18. (00:04:11) Freaky Boys - Przez Całą Noc (KamiloDeejay2014 Remix)
19. (00:03:21) Freestyle - Noc Szalona (Wyzwolona)
20. (00:03:20) Freestyle - Noc Szalona 2014
21. (00:03:53) Jumper - Zaczaruj Mnie
22. (00:03:21) Karol Sikorski - Goraca Jak Ogien 2014
23. (00:04:30) Klimat - Niezawodny Mam Plan (Candynoize & FunkyStrike Bootle8g)
24. (00:04:27) Klimat - Niezawodny Mam Plan (Candynoize & FunkyStrike Bootleg)
25. (00:04:23) Kramer - Ja nie wyglądam na Jamesa Bonda (CandyNoize & Q-rec Bootleg 2k14)
26. (00:03:00) Lovi - Zdemij swe ubranie 2014
27. (00:03:55) Marco - Donek i Bronek (Parodia Soleo)
28. (00:04:22) Marco - Zjarana Jesteś (Parodia Soleo)
29. (00:03:12) Massive - Halina 2014 (cover Imperium)
30. (00:03:24) Matiz - Dorota
31. (00:04:54) Mejk - Dla Ciebie (Cantar 'Sax' Bootleg)
32. (00:03:22) Mig - Miod Malina (Pump Man Remix)
33. (00:04:13) Quatro - Po prostu BYE
34. (00:04:44) RH+ - Poprostu Miłość (Kordek 'Valentine' Bootleg)
35. (00:03:37) Sami Swoi - Rycz Mala Rycz (Cover 2014)
36. (00:04:27) Setus - Cofnac czas
37. (00:03:35) Skaner - Amore (Dance Mode & Pytlas Remix)
38. (00:04:19) TIME - Miłość jak powietrze
39. (00:04:33) Visa Band - Rudy sie zeni (Mr.Slide Club Edit)
40. (00:03:27) Vivat - Chodz tu chodz

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 69,5 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:40

VA - Romanian Party Hits Vol.200 (2014)
Artist...............: VA
Album................: Romanian Party Hits Vol 200
Genre................: Dance / Club / Pop
Quality..............: bitrate: 128 kbps
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz
Total Size...........: 70 MB
Ripped by............: 2014-02-11
1. Janine ft. Andreias - Tuga Tuga (Hudson Leite & Thaellysson Pablo Remix) [Radio Edit] (3:03)
2. Voltaj - Meci de box (3:27)
3. Alexandra Stan feat. Manilla Man - All My People (DJ Rustya Reshatovich Remix) (6:22)
4. Doddy - Pentru Viitor (3:48)
5. Anna Lesko Feat Mike Diamondz - Go Crazy (3:19)
6. Mossano - I promise you (Radio Version 2014) (3:11)
7. Sore - Dor sa-ti fie dor ( Radio Edit) (3:47)
8. Claydee feat. Ruby - Do It (Dj Mark Extended Mix) (3:28)
9. MR.Alama & Ligia - Helena feat. Ddy Nunes (Extended) (5:03)
10. Rolla Sparks feat. F. Charm - TNT (3:18)
11. Cristina Spatar feat. Speak - Zambesc 2014 (3:31)
12. Dj Layla and Lorina - Searching 4 Love (Hudson Leite and Thaellysson Pablo Remix) [Radio Edit] (3:24)
13. Dony - Sueno latino (Original Radio Edit) (3:32)
14. Edwardo Base feat. Deelyte - Be Mi Amore (Radio Edit) (2:55)
15. Geo Da Silva & Jack Mazzoni - Booma Yee (Tessiano Remix) (5:30)
16. Inventive Sound ft. Danny D - Now I Know (DJ NenZ Remix) (4:31)
17. Minola - Fly Fly Fly (Original Radio Edit) (3:22)
18. Miryam - One Love (Original Radio Edit) (3:08)
19. Relight Orchestra - Elegibo (Andeeno Damassy Remix) (4:25)
20. Roxana Nemes - Cold Town (2:58)

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 184,2 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:40

VA - Goraca Imprezka nr.50 (2014)
Artist : VA
Album : Goraca Imprezka nr.50-2014
Year : 2014
Compilated by Bokser2005
Size 184 MB
Songs 25
Release Date 11-02-2013
Quality CBRkbps / 44.1kHz / Stereo
Bitrate 320kbps
[03:42] 01. - Dj Samuel Kimko and Marco Bresciani - fiesta love (radio mix)
[03:30] 02. - Markus P - pozwol pokochac
[02:45] 03. - Max Marani feat. Simone Jay - wanna b like a man (e-partment mix edit)
[03:18] 04. - Bomb n Amato- the key the secret (original edit)
[03:24] 05. - Sonic-E and Woolhouse feat. Amna - tonight (radio edit)
[03:51] 06. - Carlprit feat. Jaicko - remember to forget (michael mind project radio edit)
[03:33] 07. - Funkwell feat. Dashius Clay and Fader Lima - say what you want (radio mix)
[03:19] 08. - Michael Fall feat. Lumidee vs Rick Ellback and Aziza - ring my bell (rick ellback edit)
[03:39] 09. - Extazy - jedziesz
[03:24] 10. - Pulsedriver - in my dreams (topmodelz remix)
[03:29] 11. - Darius and Finlay and Marwill - dance (snabbgrabbar video mix)
[03:39] 12. - Dino Brown feat. Kenny Ray - rockstar (radio edit)
[03:22] 13. - Alien Cut feat. Vivian B. - lets bounce (radio edit)
[03:22] 14. - Showtek and Justin Prime feat. Matthew Koma - cannonball
[03:45] 15. - Bodybangers feat. Victoria Kern and Godfrey Egbon - no limit (radio edit)
[03:13] 16. - Bryce - freefall anthem (radio edit)
[03:02] 17. - Dj Kuba and Neitan - sasha gray (radio edit)
[03:05] 18. - Raverdiago - the end of time (dj kuba and neitan edit)
[03:35] 19. - Picco - somebody to love (club radio edit)
[03:24] 20. - Collective - nie mow mi goodbye '14 (peter sky hot mix)
[03:36] 21. - Avinion Dance - ploniesz
[04:08] 22. - Extazy - z ta jedyna
[03:36] 23. - Jorrgus - kiedy patrze na nia
[03:49] 24. - Ambu Lans - wszystko na tak
[03:55] 25. - Drossel - ma kochana uwierz mi

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 764,3 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:40

VA - Super Dance Party Vol.36 (2014)
Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Super Dance Party Vol.36
Style: Dance
Total Time: 05:32:58
Quality | Bitrate: Mp3 | 320 kbps
Total Size: 764 Mb
01. Kernnel - On Facebook
02. G & G Vs. Dave Darell Feat. Robin Bengtsson - Paper Cuts (Radio Edit)
03. Nils Van Zandt Featuring Lynn Larouge & Stress Dollaz - In Need Of Love (Radio Edit)
04. Gusttavo Lima - Gatinha Assanhada
05. Off Beat Boy Feat. Stevan P. - Brand New Love (Original Mix)
06. Mike Indigo - Boom Boom Shot (Radio Edit)
07. Dj Kolyn - Don't Freaking
08. Holmes & Watson - Lol (Radio Mix)
09. Calvin Harris Ft Ayah Marar - Thinking About You (Manufactured Superstars Remix)
10. Elena - Hypnotic (Radio Edit)
11. Feestdjruud - Door Tot Het Einde
12. Labtracks - Skyline (Original Mix)
13. Out Of Blackout - Shame On (Extended)
14. Yeis - Don't Break My Heart (Extended Mix)
15. Sonomar - Party Maker (Radio Edit)
16. Trasto Feat. Adam Christopher - Stay (Extended Mix)
17. Mr.Da-Nos Feat. Paul Jay - Good Times (Radio Edit)
18. Yenna - Luna Llena (Mafel Dj Feat. Diego Sanna Remix)
19. Mellina Feat Bogdan Ioan - Can't Hide (Stephan F Remix Edit)
20. Mr. Friso Feat. Lyane Leigh - Don't Break A Heart (Radio Mix)
21. Lau El Flakito - Di Shala (Radio Edit)
22. Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka Vs. David May & Amfree - Right In The Night (G & G Remix)
23. Estilo Libre & Dj Valdi - Macarena (Radio Edit)
24. Neerah - Anyway (Radio Edit)
25. Gerard Fortuny And Phil Daras Feat. Mondobeat - Game Over (Original-Mix)
26. Farenthide & Hubertuse Feat. Kitch - Bomb Shaker (Radio Edit)
27. Jta Feat. Dastinz - Saturday Night (Radio Edit)
28. Cyberfactory - Into The Light (Original Club Mix)
29. Gainworx Feat. Toni Fox - Like A Freefall (Original Mix)
30. Chris Team - You Will Never Know (Dance Remix)
31. Sean Bay Feat. Arabella - Maktoub 2 (Original Mix)
32. Bodybangers Feat. Tony T. - Break My Stride (Extended Mix)
33. Gerard Fortuny & Phil Daras Feat Miguel Thomas - Carita De Angel (Original-Mix)
34. Woot Factor - Quantis
35. Jato Unit - Sound Of Angel (Dj Luciano Radio Edit)
36. Combination - Sensational (Crystal Lake Remix)
37. Serge Devant Featuring Hadley - Dice (Radio Edit)
38. Myimaginaryfriends - Love Affair (Original Mix)
39. Rozalla Feat. David Anthony - Everybody's Free (Radio Edit)
40. The Soundlovers - Surrender 2K13 (Andrea Montorsi Remix)
41. Modana & Carlprit - Your Biggest Fan (Redtzer Remix Edit)
42. Beransconi & Jordy Feat. Dmd - Break Me Out (Caesars Melody) (Club Mix)
43. Paul Dave Feat. Jonny Rose & Chris Reeder - Party Like An Animal (Cj Stone Remix)
44. Momento - I Used To Be (Remix Vocal)
45. Geo Da Silva & Jack Mazzoni - Booma Yee (Radio Edit)
46 ... 75

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 764,4 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:40

VA - Absolute Dance Hits Vol.3 (2014)
Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Absolute Dance Hits Vol.3
Style: Dance, Club, House
Tracks: 75
Total Time: 05:35:08
Quality | Bitrate: Mp3 | 320 kbps
Total Size: 764 Mb
01. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Alana Aldea - Heal This Empty Heart (Radio Edit)
02. Mirami & Danzel - Upside Down
03. Selena Gomez and The Scene-Naturally (Dave Aude Radio Remix)
04. Bodybangers feat. Victoria Kern & Godfrey Egbon - No Limit (Original Mix)
05. Fernand Rolex vs. EM Project feat. Morgana - Shine (Stephan F Remix Edit)
06. Afrojack feat. Wrabel - Ten Feet Tall
07. Fabio Da Lera si Alenna - One More Night (Emmy D & Dj Innu Remix)
08. Mr. Alama & Ligia Feat.Ddy Nunes - Helena (Original Extended Version)
09. Katy B - Crying For No Reason (Tom Shorterz Remix)
10. Venom One & Mastro feat. Mosko - I Will Rise (Extended Mix)
11. Britney Spears feat. T.I. - Tik Tik Boom (WaWa Club Mix)
12. New World Sound And Thomas Newson - Flute (Original Mix)
13. Houseways feat. Luca Zeta - Walking By Your Side (Radio Edit)
14. DJ Paffendorf Vs. Ryan T. - Dream & Dance (Club Mix)
15. Max Vangeli - Last Night Changed It All (Radio Edit)
16. Funkwell feat. Dashius Clay & Fader Lima - Say What You Want (Radio Mix)
17. Shog - DNA (Vocal Edit)
18. Bodybangers Feat. Tony T. - Breaking The Ice (Club Mix)
19. Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble 2014 (Q-Project Remix Edit)
20. Nicolae Guta si Sorina - Nunta (Jankes Remake 2k14)
21. Nelly Furtado - Red Balloons
22. Clubwaver – Raise Your Glass (Radio Edit)
23. Funkwell feat. Dashius Clay & Fader Lima - Say What You Want (Extended Mix)
24. Da Buzz - Can You Feel The Love
25. Fall Out Boy - Light Em Up (Nick Thayer Remix)
26. Sander Van Doorn - Right Here, Right Now (Neon) (Extended Mix)
27. Estiva - Koalastrike (Radio Mix)
28. Bobina & Susana - Play Fire With Fire (Radio Edit)
29. Dj Sequence - Let's Dance (SzymerLow! Remix)
30. Kylie Minogue - Into The Blue (Patrick Hagenaar Colour Code Club Mix)
31. Estiva - Koalastrike (Radio Mix)
32. Mike Candys - Carnaval (Original Mix)
33. Mike Candys - T-Rex (MDK Recut) (Exclusive)
34. Maxigroove - Give Me Your Love (Leo Burn Remix)
35. The Partysquad & Mitchell Niemeyer - Pantsdown (Club Mix)
36. Global Deejays - Kids (Original Mix)
37. Robyn Ft. Willy William - With Every Heartbeat (Willy William Remix Extended)
38. Rob & Chris - Die Ganze Nacht (Club Mix)
39. Matteo - Andale (Original Radio Edit)
40. Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time (Bent Collective Radio Mix)
41. Raverdiago -The End of Time (Extended Mix)
42. United Beats - Por Que No (CroudeN & Johnny Remix)
43. Morris vs E.L - Angel Eyes (Criswell Personal Edit 2014)
44. Ranger - Don't Play Games (Radio Mix)
45 ... 75

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 143,4 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:40

Sandra - Best Hits & Remixes'99
Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Sandra - Best Hits & Remixes'99
Style: Dance, Pop
Tracks: 18
Quality | Bitrate: Mp3 | 320 kbps
Total Size: 143 Mb
01 - In The Heat Of The Night (Dance Remix'99)
02 - Maria Magdalena(Album Version)
03 - Everlasting Love (Album Version)
04 - Heaven Can Wait (Dance Remix'99)
05 - Stop For A Minute (Album Version)
06 - We'll Be Together (Dance Remix'99)
07 - Hiroshima (Dance Remix'99)
08 - Little Girl (Album Version)
09 - Won't Run Away (Dance Remix'99)
10 - Mirrored In Your Eyes (Dance Remix'99)
11 - Secret Land (Dance Remix'99)
12 - Way To India (Dance Remix'99)
13 - Innocent Love (Album Version)
14 - No Taboo (Dance Remix'99)
15 - In The Heat Of The Night (Album Version)
16 - Maria Magdalena (Dance Remix'99)
17 - Nights In White Satin (Jungle Mix)
18 - Around My Heart (Dance Remix'99)

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 753,5 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:39

VA - Auto Disco - Nocny Wypad (2014)
Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Auto Disco - Nocny Wypad
Style: Dance, Club
Tracks: 70
Total Time: 05:27:53
Quality | Bitrate: Mp3 | 320 kbps
Total Size: 753 Mb
01. Tiesto – Red Lights (Fred Falke Remix)
02. Romantic Avenue Feat. Michael Nolen - Dangerous Heart (Maxi Version)
03. Cassey Doreen - Nightclub Kings (Extended Mix)
04. Gainworx Feat. Toni Fox - Like A Freefall (Original Mix)
05. Nathalie Aarts & Kim Lukas - Sad Girl (Club Mix)
06. Tony Igy – It`s Lovely (Spaarkey Remix)
07. Viky Red - If You Ever Feel (Extended Mix)
08. Special D. - Discoland (Alex Megane Newdance Edit)
09. Arnold Palmer - On My Way (Club Edit)
10. Ruben Inside And Carla Dance - This Summer With You (Radio Mix)
11. Kristina Maria – Move Like A Soldier
12. Paul Dave Feat. Anna Montgomery - Feel It Way Down (Raindropz! Remix Edit)
13. SubVibe feat. Beth Warriner – Wash It Away (Original Mix)
14. Bryce Feat. Nitro - Weekend (Bodybangers Mix Edit)
15. Mustafa Gedik – Lightbringer (Original Mix)
16. Stefan Rio - Can't Let Go (Bigroom Club Mix)
17. Nicco Feat. Ribellu - Ibiza (Dj Gollum Remix)
18. Pulsedriver - Cambodia (Short Mix)
19. G & G Vs. Dave Darell Feat. Robin Bengtsson - Paper Cuts (Radio Edit)
20. Point Blank - Insanity (Radio Edit)
21. Gerard Fortuny And Phil Daras Feat. Mondobeat - Game Over (Original-Mix)
22. Ginex Asiss - Sky
23. Rizzo & Miki M Feat. Onix Lan & Diana J - Like A Party (Edit)
24. Parov Stelar Feat. Marvin Gaye - Keep On Dancing (Club Edit)
25. Otilia - French Kiss (Extended Version)
26. Mute! - One Love (Extended)
27. Bo Le Roy Feat. Klaudya - Big Lies (Grok Remix)
28. Free Waves – Let's Dance (Radio Edit)
29. Audio Playground - Emergency (No Rap Version)
30. RoughMath – Middle Men (Original mix)
31. Stephan F - Amazin' (Bunchk Remix Edit)
32. Silje Svea - My Defence (Extended Version)
33. Cosmonaut & Satellites – Gori Yasno
34. Rico E. - Magician (Club Mix)
35. Roman Messer feat. Christina Novelli – Frozen (Radio Edit)
36. Showtek & Noisecontrollers - Get Loose (Tiesto Remix)
37. Pat Farrell Featuring John Anselm - Life's Too Short (Club Mix)
38. Mike Candys - Oh Oh (Original Mix)
39. Expl0re – Haze (Radio Edit)
40. Sasha Lopez - Lucky Star (Extended)
41. Caiaffa Feat Mbz Project - Fly (Feat Mbz Project - Bross.. Laurer Remix)
42. Victor Ark - Louder Than Love (Extended)
43. Jennifer Lopez – Same Girl
44. Dream Dance Alliance (D.D. Alliance) - Diving (Long Mix)
45. Muttonheads Feat. Eden Martin - Snow White (Alive)
46 ... 70

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 753,8 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:39
... super składaneczka ...


VA - Music Highway (2014)
Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Music Highway
Style: Dance, Club
Tracks: 100
Total Time: 06:55:27
Quality | Bitrate: Mp3 | 256 kbps
Total Size: 754 Mb
001. Lalo Project - In This Moment
002. Dj Antoine, Cristian Marchi & Mad Mark - Now Or Never (Radio Edit)
003. Ax7is ft Emilia Tarland - Exclusively (Federico Scavo Remix)
004. Dj Antoine & Morandi - Children Of The Night (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2013 Radio Edit)
005. Lara Mocco & Dj Raulio - Dj
006. David River - You Are My Life (Rework)
007. J. Miszta & Elrox Dalton Feat. Jany Mchoney - Late Today
008. Heliophase feat. Christine Zufferey - So Sexy (Max Freegrant Remix)
009. David Guetta, Ludacris, Usher - Rest Of My Life (Nicky Romero Remix)
010. Igor Garnier & Marko Spanac Feat. Minja - Fly Away
011. 40s Mood - India (Lush & Simon Remix)
012. Michael Mind Project - Illegal (Original Mix)
013. Nicole Scherzinger - Boomerang (Ruff Loaderz Radio Edit)
014. Estello Feat. Pitbull & Roscoe Umali - Till The Stars Come Out (E-Partment Edit Mix)
015. Nelly Furtado - Waiting For The Night (Dj Stan Newman Extended Mix)
016. Tyga Feat. Wiz Khalifa & Mally Mall - Molly
017. Fabio Da Lera & Alenna - Morena (Radio Edit)
018. Jamiroquai - Supersonic (DJ Sergey Fisun Extended Mix)
019. Guenta K Vs. Big Daddi - Oops Up Side Your Head (Rico Bernasconi And Maui Remix)
020. Kamaliya - Butterflies (Wideboys Radio)
021. Inna - J'Adore (The Groove Junkeez Remix)
022. Christina Matsa - If You Wanna (Tss Proyect Remix Edit)
023. Dennis Sheperd, Alan Morris, Sue McLaren - I Die feat. Sue McLaren (Album Extended Mix)
024. Alexandra Stan - Lemonade (Karmin Shiff & Marco Zardi Remix)
025. Electric Stiletto - Turn Up The Radio (Radio Edit)
026. Jamx & Vace Meets Martin Sola - Self Control 2K13 (D.Mand Edit)
027. Sem Thomasson Feat. Rama Writes - Nobody (Regi Radio Mix)
028. Liviu Hodor Feat. Mona - Je T'aime (Dj Asher & Screen Remix Radio)
029. Black Boots - Rebels In The Night (Radio Mix)
030. Celia Feat. Mohombi - Love 2 Party (Balkan Remix)
031. Dj Layla Feat. Dee-Dee - Born To Fly (Radio Edit)
032. Sisqo - Thong Song (DJ Smerk Alcohol Bootleg)
033. Play & Win - Don't Try To Stop This (Radio Edit)
034. Fabolous Feat. Chris Brown - Ready
035. Inna Feat. Daddy Yankee - More Than Friends
036. Liviu Hodor Feat. Mona - No Stress (Radio Edit)
037. David Pop - Believe In Dreams (XTM Radio Mix)
038. Fly Project - Back In My Life (Dj Favorite & Mr. Romano Official Radio Edit)
039. Tosch feat. Pit Bailay - Can`t Touch You Adrienne (Club Mix)
040. Dj Smash Feat. Radio Killer - Save Me Tonight
41 ... 100

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 177,9 MB
  • 16 lut 14 15:39

VA - POLSKI DANCE 08 (2014)
Album : POLSKI DANCE 08/2014
Year : 2014
Compilated by robeck
Size 177,92 MB
Songs 20
Release Date 13.02.2014
Bitrate 320kbps
01. Akcent - Czemu Jestes Taka Dziewczyna
02. Andrzej Kozinski – Barbara
03. Basta - Hej, Czy Ty Wiesz (OverNex & Reeck Remix)
04. Boys - Jagodka (Club Mix) Bootleg DjAdiMax
05. Camasutra - Smakuj Moje Ciało (Radio Edit)
06. Diadem - Zabiore Ciebie 2014
07. Hi - Fi - Badz Ze Mna Bądź
08. iNtense - Leczyc spojrzeniem 2014
09. Lady Pank - Mój Świat Bez Ciebie (Endriu 'Valentine' Bootleg)
10. Marco - Zjarana Jesteś (Parodia Soleo)
11. Markus P - Pozwol Pokochac
12. Mateo - Brak Mi Ciebie (Danny Z Remix)
13. MixDance - Ty i Ja (Levelon Remix)
14. Poparzeni Kawą Trzy - Byłaś Dla Mnie Wszystkim (Sendker Remix)
15. Promix - Wszyscy Razem
16. Sheyker - Malinowe Usta 2014 (Q-Rec & FunkyStrike Remix)
17. Soleo - Ania i Hania (Sendker & Dorian Free Remix)
18. Time - Miłość Jak Powietrze
19. Top One - Hello (Sygus Bootleg)
20. Vexel - Męski Świat (DAVIS Reactivation Remix)

z chomika Astro-Dance

  • 5.0
  • 69,5 MB
  • 11 lut 14 18:29

VA - Romanian Party Hits Vol.200 (2014)
Artist...............: VA
Album................: Romanian Party Hits Vol 200
Genre................: Dance / Club / Pop
Quality..............: bitrate: 128 kbps
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz
Total Size...........: 70 MB
Ripped by............: 2014-02-11
1. Janine ft. Andreias - Tuga Tuga (Hudson Leite & Thaellysson Pablo Remix) [Radio Edit] (3:03)
2. Voltaj - Meci de box (3:27)
3. Alexandra Stan feat. Manilla Man - All My People (DJ Rustya Reshatovich Remix) (6:22)
4. Doddy - Pentru Viitor (3:48)
5. Anna Lesko Feat Mike Diamondz - Go Crazy (3:19)
6. Mossano - I promise you (Radio Version 2014) (3:11)
7. Sore - Dor sa-ti fie dor ( Radio Edit) (3:47)
8. Claydee feat. Ruby - Do It (Dj Mark Extended Mix) (3:28)
9. MR.Alama & Ligia - Helena feat. Ddy Nunes (Extended) (5:03)
10. Rolla Sparks feat. F. Charm - TNT (3:18)
11. Cristina Spatar feat. Speak - Zambesc 2014 (3:31)
12. Dj Layla and Lorina - Searching 4 Love (Hudson Leite and Thaellysson Pablo Remix) [Radio Edit] (3:24)
13. Dony - Sueno latino (Original Radio Edit) (3:32)
14. Edwardo Base feat. Deelyte - Be Mi Amore (Radio Edit) (2:55)
15. Geo Da Silva & Jack Mazzoni - Booma Yee (Tessiano Remix) (5:30)
16. Inventive Sound ft. Danny D - Now I Know (DJ NenZ Remix) (4:31)
17. Minola - Fly Fly Fly (Original Radio Edit) (3:22)
18. Miryam - One Love (Original Radio Edit) (3:08)
19. Relight Orchestra - Elegibo (Andeeno Damassy Remix) (4:25)
20. Roxana Nemes - Cold Town (2:58)

z chomika Astro-Dance

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