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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
This is the story of a woman named Rene Caisse. For more than 50 years, until her death in 1978 at the age of 90, she treated thousands of cancer patients, most of them written off by doctors as terminally ill, with her own secret herbal formula. She called it Essiac—Caisse spelled backwards—and she brewed the tea herself, alone in her kitchen. Her patients swore by her. They were devoted. Men and women who believed she cured them of cancer told their friends and families, wrote letters to doctors and politicians, swore affidavits, testified before the Canadian parliament and pleaded with Rene Caisse to supply them with more Essiac when they needed it. Some husbands and wives of patients who died wrote Rene letters thanking her profoundly for making life easier—free of pain—and longer for their loved ones. Her funeral in the village of Bracebridge, about 170 kilometers north of Toronto, was attended by hundreds of people, including former patients Rene had treated for terminal cancer as far back as the 1930s and who were still on their feet to bury her and tell their stories.
This book, The Cure For All Advanced Cancers, is about a completely self-sufficient cancer therapy that can be carried out by the patient at home at fairly low cost. It seldom requires medical care. At one time scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency disease, was so life threatening it required medical care, but it no longer does. We all know what to do: eat fresh fruit and vegetables. It took 400 years from the discovery of its cure (1535) to utilization of the cure by the public in the early 1900’s. Yet it had been published in medical journals many times!1 It took the unrelated orange juice industry to bring it to the public’s attention in the early 1900’s.
• Nearly four hundred preventive factors • Over fifty cancer treatment methods • Based on the findings of eighty cancer researchers • The three primary methods used today • Over fifty special herbs • The four leading herbal formulas • Anti-cancer organizations and clinics • Sources of supplies – and much more
This book is a comprehensive compilation of over 350 natural and alternative cancer treatments. It is a result of extensive research of the methods cancer victors have used to make themselves cancer free. Read their stories in I Beat Cancer! which is a directory of over 2,000 people who beat their cancer using the treatments described in this e-book. The objectives of the book are to: • Encourage you to be open-minded and seek ALL the information about your choices of treatments • Be a starting point for your discussions with your doctor or with the qualified, licensed physicians who use these treatments in their practices, or your chosen natural therapist. Please do not delay in consulting a licensed physician for an opinion if you suspect you have cancer. • Be a starting point for your own research so you can make the best-informed decisions about your treatment plan. The consensus of the majority of alternative cancer therapists is that, the chance of full recovery using alternative therapies is almost 100%. with a newly diagnosed condition of early cancer, before any traumatic or toxic treatments have been received.
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