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  • 24 lut 11 0:32

z chomika Moriken

  • 231,6 MB
  • 31 maj 10 20:02

Horror, Sci-Fi

Koniec XVI wieku, Północna Karolina. Ananias Dare z grupą żołnierzy i osadników przybywa na wyspę Roanoke, by założyć na niej zalążek angielskiej kolonii. Wkrótce przekonują się, że wyspa ogarnięta jest przez starożytne zło w postaci trzech upiornych duchów. Opowieść oparta na prawdziwych wydarzeniach o zaginionej kolonii, której tajemnicy do dziś nie wyjaśniono.

z chomika Thomas1971

  • 3,7 MB
  • 31 maj 10 20:01

z chomika fop333

  • 2,9 MB
  • 31 maj 10 20:00

z chomika fop333

  • 41 KB
  • 23 maj 10 1:09

Jean Michel Alberola: „Echa i fantomy 1968”

Jean-Michel Alberola (urodzony w 1953 w Saïda w Algierii) mieszka i pracuje w Paryżu
i realizuje dzieła różnorakiej natury wykorzystując przy tym całe ogromne bogactwo materii i różne nośniki, co sprawia, że jego twórczość jest niezwykle bogata. Jego niecodzienne realizacje, które powstają budowane w oparciu o tematy, postawy, kwestie polityczne i estetyczne, tworzone są z pasteli, rzeźb, fotografii, plakatów, instalacji, retuszowanych przedmiotów, widokówek oraz słowa pisanego. Jego sposób tworzenia zamazuje granice pomiędzy tradycyjnymi kategoriami. Na swojej pierwszej wystawie w Katowicach Alberola zaprezentuje swoją nieznaną wcześniej twórczość, w tym w głównej mierze rysunki ścienne – rysunki in-situ. Rysunki do oglądania i do rozszyfrowania będą tak skomponowane, by przywoływać
na myśl jednocześnie plakaty i graffiti, którymi przesycone jest na co dzień nasze pole widzenia. W neonie „1968”, który pokazany zostanie w Katowicach, artysta stara się stworzyć dyskurs, zrozumieć nową sytuację, w jakiej znalazła się sztuka po 1968 i zmianach, które po tej rewolucji zaszły. Artysta nakłania
do refleksji nad wartością sloganu, hasła, każe widzowi zastanowić się nad jego stosunkiem do dzieła sztuki i do jego komercjalizacji. Refleksja, jaka przebija z neonowych dzieł Alberoli mogłaby zostać oddana przez pytania: w jaki sposób oświecić świat? W jaki sposób myśli uda się uczynić z władzy jedyne wyzwanie,
a ze społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego swoją jedyną ofiarę? Artysta nie udziela
odpowiedzi na postawione pytania, ale jego zasługą uzmysłowienie najważniejszego
pytania: jaka rewolucja jest jeszcze dzisiaj możliwa.


  • 28 KB
  • 23 maj 10 1:08
Książka: Rozprawa o dobrowolnej niewoli, po raz pierwszy ukazała się w Polsce w roku 2008 (!!!), z inicjatywy francuskiego malarza i grafika Jeana Michela Alberoli.


  • 62 KB
  • 6 maj 10 23:56


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  • 6 maj 10 0:03


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  • 6 maj 10 0:01


  • 169 KB
  • 5 maj 10 23:50
Vargas-Reighley examines the relationship among bicultural competence, stress and coping processes, adaptive processes, and academic resilience. Participants were Latina/o and Southeast Asian youth from two high schools in California. The Latina/o group was more likely to experience greater family stress, including greater parental marital dysfunction, more severe stressors, and greater stress ratings. The Southeast Asians were more likely to be of lower socioeconomic status, but more likely to show higher academic goals and achievement. Results indicate that bicultural competence was related to greater self-esteem, social support coping and coping efficacy in the familial stressful situation, and direct action coping and coping efficacy in the academic stressful situation. Bicultural competence does appear to be related to adaptive outcomes.


  • 114 KB
  • 5 maj 10 23:50
Scourfield McLauchlan studies how Members of Congress participate in cases before the Supreme Court. Members have filed amicus curiae briefs every Term since 1977. The frequency of Congressional participation before the Court continues to rise, and it is now a fixture in Supreme Court litigation. McLauchlan examines how often Members of Congress participate as "friend of the court," what types of cases attract Congressional attention, what motivates Congressmen to file amicus briefs, and whether Congressional "friends of the court" influence Supreme Court decision-making. She explores the implications of this trend for the principles of separation of powers and judicial independence.


  • 149 KB
  • 5 maj 10 23:50
Originally published in 1972, this pioneering book has become a classic in visual anthropology. Worth and Adair set out to answer the question, What would happen if someone from a culture that makes and uses motion pictures taught people who have never made or used motion pictures to do so for the first time? They taught filmmaking and editing to a group of six Navajos in Pinetree, Arizona. This book explains what happened, what they and the Navajos said and thought about what happened, and how they analyzed the films in a cultural context. The films, still available for rent, are described in detail and illustrated with still photographs.
Richard Chalfen, a research assistant on the original project in 1966, has updated the book with a thorough discussion of the importance of the Navajo project and a critical assessment of the reactions to it.


  • 248 KB
  • 5 maj 10 23:49
'A powerful critique of the major beliefs of modern Conservatism.' Bhikhu Parekh, New Statesman / 'The whole book must be read. Indeed, only the final page, like a good detective story, brings with it the full philosophical discovery.' Observer / This is a new edition of a classic work by one of the world’s leading progressive political philosophers. Ted Honderich examines ideology and reality in British and American politics in order to establish the true distinctions of conservatism. Conservatives often claim to believe in reform, but not change, to rely on instinct rather than abstract theories. So what is the conservative rationale? Does conservatism have a philosophical founding principle that unifies it? Ted Honderich’s search for the fundamental principle of conservatism is an enlightening one. He examines influential thinkers in the conservative tradition, from Edmund Burke and Adam Smith to Michael Oakeshott and Robert Nozick. He brings rigorous analytic philosophy to bear on the Republican party in the United States, and the Conservative party and the New Labour party in Britain. This lucid book, written with wit and clarity, is fully revised and updated in order to give a rigorous and complete analysis of conservatism up to the American election of 2004. Honderich’s subtle analysis is not without surprises: the book will continue to be of interest to all students of politics, and anyone who wants a broader understanding of what today’s politicians owe to the conservative tradition.


  • 10,4 MB
  • 5 maj 10 23:49


  • 161 KB
  • 5 maj 10 23:49
In the mid-1990s, policymakers in more than half the states and the federal government responded to escalating crime rates and a series of sensationalized crimes by passing laws that imposed lifetime sentences on repeat offenders. Since then, the "Three Strikes and You're Out" movement, which embodies the overall "get tough with crime" approach to criminal sentencing, has generated much controversy. Critics argue that Three Strike laws are disproportionate, costly, and inefficient. Supporters, however, argue that the laws are effective, necessary, and just. Despite the controversy, Three Strike laws are still popular more than a decade after their implementation. Attempts to reduce the scope and/or severity of Three Strike policies have failed and the laws continue to affect thousands of offenders each year. Setting the record straight, Walsh provides a clear, comprehensive overview of the movement and its consequences. Do Three Strikes laws really prevent crime? Do they cost less than releasing repeat offenders time and time again? Are they evenly and fairly applied? These questions and more are answered in these pages through a careful analysis of the costs, benefits, and results of Three Strikes legislation. Walsh analyzes the historical development of the Three Strikes movement in the context of "get tough" sentencing reforms and provides detail about the various Three Strikes statutes adopted across the nation, while offering an in-depth exmamination of the controversies they have produced. Amid efforts to repeal or revise such statutes, the laws still stand, and this book sheds light on the history of, rationale for, and results of one of the most controversial criminal justice movements of our time.


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  • 5 maj 10 23:49


  • 121 KB
  • 5 maj 10 23:48
The Fantasy Film provides a clear and compelling overview of this revitalized and explosively popular film genre.
Includes analyses of a wide range of films, from early classics such as The Wizard of Oz and Harvey to Spiderman and Shrek, and blockbuster series such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Harry Potter films
Provides in-depth historical and critical overviews of the genre
Fully illustrated with screen shots from key films


  • 143 KB
  • 5 maj 10 23:48
Since the 1970s, Americans have witnessed a pyrrhic war on crime, with sobering numbers at once chilling and cautionary. Our imprisoned population has increased five-fold, with a commensurate spike in fiscal costs that many now see as unsupportable into the future. As American society confronts a multitude of new challenges ranging from terrorism to the disappearance of middle-class jobs to global warming, the war on crime may be up for reconsideration for the first time in a generation or more. Relatively low crime rates indicate that the public mood may be swinging toward declaring victory and moving on.

However, to declare that the war is over is dangerous and inaccurate, and After the War on Crime reveals that the impact of this war reaches far beyond statistics; simply moving on is impossible. The war has been most devastating to those affected by increased rates and longer terms of incarceration, but its reach has also reshaped a sweeping range of social institutions, including law enforcement, politics, schooling, healthcare, and social welfare. The war has also profoundly altered conceptions of race and community.

It is time to consider the tasks reconstruction must tackle. To do so requires first a critical assessment of how this war has remade our society, and then creative thinking about how government, foundations, communities, and activists should respond. After the War on Crime accelerates this reassessment with original essays by a diverse, interdisciplinary group of scholars as well as policy professionals and community activists. The volume's immediate goal is to spark a fresh conversation about the war on crime and its consequences; its long-term aspiration is to develop a clear understanding of how we got here and of where we should go.


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