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MrMModsv1_8 1.2_02.zip

Download: MrMModsv1_8 1.2_02.zip

0,77 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
Są tu 2 mody:
-Betterlight który nieco poprawia swiatło:

-BetterGrass, który sprawia że po pewnym czasie trawa obrasta całą ziemię, a nie tylko z góry (również po bokach).

A mianowicie, nie musimy otwierać pliku minecraft.jar w WinRar,
Musimy wejśc do katalogu .minecraft i wkleić tam folder "mods" oraz plik MrMPatcher.jar
Uruchamiamy MrMPatcher i z listy wybieramy interesujące nas mody – BetterLight oraz BetterGrass, nie musimy instalować obu.
Klikamy Patch, po kilku sekundach zamykamy okno oraz raport.
Więcej w Readme.txt.


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Prosty mod, który nieco wydłuża zasięg ręki.
Sprawia że szkielety mają różne strzały (takie jak w 303 Arrows). Np ogniowe, ekslodujące, lodowe. itp.
Hak wspinaczkowy. obrazekFILM Sterowanie: pull = LCONTROL fix = X reverse = V swap = C gravity = G fling = N grab = B reset = R mouse_swing = M
Opis po angielsku: This mod adds infinite save slots to the game by making the arrow keys, mousewheel up/down and the page up/down keys scroll the viewable save buttons. You can also edit a configuration file in order to customize the number of columns and rows of save buttons that will be displayed at a time. Config file additionally lets you show/hide the world save size and adjust the size of the buttons and the size of the spacing between them. By default 3 columns of 5 rows of save buttons will be visible per 'page'. The config file is named WorldsPlus.ini and is automatically created in "%minecraft%/config/". Minor features of this mod include having the Escape key act as a Back button. Prior to clicking an empty save slot typing (or pasting) numbers will display the typed number on screen. This number will be used as the Seed value for the newly created world. Any letters/spaces/underscores typed will show up in a different place on screen. Clicking an already created world will rename the world to what was typed. Clicking an empty slot will assign the name to the new world as it loads. World slot names are saved in the save folder in the file 'name.txt' and the name will be whatever is on the first line of this file. If you wish to include numbers or other special characters in your world name you must manually edit this file after it is created.
Opis po angielsku: This mod upgrades the compass so right clicking while it is selected on your inventory bar will teleport you to your spawn point. You can use this feature 32 times per compass before the compass breaks. If you right click while sneaking you will use up 16 of your charges and reassign your spawn point to your current location. If you try to teleport while within 8 blocks of your home location it will instead act as a return trip using 4 charges and returning you to the last place you came home from.
Opis po angielsku: This mod includes named files to remove select monsters/livestock from spawning ANYWHERE in the world. Just install like any other mod but only drag the file whose name matches the thing you wish to never see again. Currently supports: cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, spiders, skeletons, zombies, creepers, squid Oprócz Modloadera wymaga moda 303 Spawnlist
Opis po angielsku: This mod is for people who have a fear of the Night (or configurably the day) so that you can automatically fast forward through the portion of the clock that you just have no love for. In the Mod Settings menu choose a time you want for dawn, and another for dusk, and then set a multiplier for how fast you wish to speed forward through time. In the settings a value of 0 or 24000 represents midnight. Click the toggle button for whether its day or night you wish to fast forward through. After choosing your options the game will automatically switch to fast forward mode whenever the game time is in the range you dislike. Oprócz modloadera wymaga API
Opis po angielsku: This mod changes the F3 key to act as a toggle key for the debug data instead of as a hold-to-view key. I've also added the Chunk coordinate info to the debug output. This allows you to easily browse your saves folder in case you want to manually delete specific chunks out of your world. I use Zans minimap which edits the same file so if you dont have that mod this will not work for you. This is only warning. Wymaga Zans Minimap
Opis po angielsku: This mod allows you to create charcoal by smelting logs in a furnace. Charcoal itself can be used as fuel and will burn equivalent to a log. 4 charcoal in a square in the crafting grid will produce coal. 1 charcoal and one stick will produce 1 torch.
Opis po angielsku: This mod allows you to scroll the sun by holding a modifier key and scrolling your mousewheel. There are also two preset keys where 1 press scrolls the time to a specific time of day. By default the modifier key is Left Shift and the hotkeys are K and L which will move the sun to Dawn and Dusk respectively. The modifier key, the hotkeys, and the times the hotkeys will attempt to scroll to are all configurable in the Settings API menu. To use this ability you must first craft the SunDial object. Each sundial you craft can move time forward a total ammount of time equal to one game week. Moving time backwards is 3x more expensive and the hotkeys will always move the sun in the direction that is cheaper. Settings menu allows you to adjust the total number of uses and the cost per use. You can set the cost to free, and you can even toggle an option so the sundial isnt even required if that is your preference. The 'stacksize' option is experimental and is only effective next time the game is rebooted. Total number of uses value also only effective at next game reboot due to code limitations. Adjust at own risk. Oprócz Modloadera wymaga API
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