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kryhawrc2 / VAG(audi,Vw,seat,skoda) / VCDS / VCDS-AKP-805.4-Installer_PL.exe
Download: VCDS-AKP-805.4-Installer_PL.exe

3,73 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)


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Jeśli potrzebujesz innych programów, np: polski vag, możesz je pobrać tutaj.
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika

Dive down and immerse yourself in your own underwater world every time you use your device. Explore the pristine waters of a deep ocean environment teeming with exotic sea life. Discover a sunken ship, coral reef, and more as sunlight glints off hidden treasure. Schools of fish swim past you while a manta ray glides overhead. Or, dive into shallow seas and drift in azure blue waters - it's all up to you. Watch closely and you may even see a shark in the distance! Interact with the fish that swim nearby and the hidden treasure. Customize your dive experience with hundreds of combinations - hide the ship, change the treasure to a diving helmet, choose from 'Shallow Seas' or 'Coral Life' themes, and much more! This wallpaper is true 3D with hand-crafted artwork. Our wallpapers feature silky-smooth animations while conserving your battery life. Works great with phones, tablets, or any device that supports live wallpapers. What's in this version: (Updated : Jun 11, 2014) The 'Friendly Seas Pack' is available for purchase! It features a fully animated Dolphin, Sea Turtle, interactive Sea Horses, new themes, and more! Also includes: Double-tap (or choose another gesture) to change scenes! Swaying sea grass in the Shallow Seas environment! Accurate time of day with moon / sun, and lighting changes! Shark Pack owners get a new Thresher shark in the background! Many other fixes and improvements


You can decorate very easily an Android phone to either of WP8 style or Nokia X launcher style. Also you can download "SquareHome.Tablet" (Windows 8 style UI) from Features: Drag out the application drawer from the right edge of screen. drag out the menu from the left edge of screen. create a tile by dragging an application, shortcut or widget. select multiple tiles and merge them into a folder. resize the tile by dragging right-bottom corner. control the size of widget in a tile by clicking the central button when resizing it. change the style and form of a tile. so many forms are supported: auto image, custom image, CPU load, available memory, battery level, missed calls, unread messages, unread Gmails, date/time... apply a theme or icon pack easily. easy search for applications, shortcuts and widgets. hide useless applications. assign behaviors to many gestures. other many intuitive features. What's in this version : (Updated : Jun 11, 2014) supports Dutch supports "OK Google" hotword detection can search icons by name from icon packs fixed some bugs

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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności