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  • 13,2 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
It's raining and Peppa is sad because she can't go out to play. When the rain stops, Peppa feels better and she and George get ready to play one of their favorite games - jumping in mud puddles! When Mummy and Daddy Pig join in, things get really muddy.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
George's favourite toy is Mr.Dinosaur. One day Mr.Dinosaur gets stuck up a tree and George thinks he is lost, so Peppa helps George find him.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,1 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa Pig's best friend, Suzy Sheep, comes over to visit.

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  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house, and meet their new parrot, Polly.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Daddy Pig is a little upset because he lost his glasses, so Peppa and George try to find them.

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  • 13,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George go to Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house and look at their garden.

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  • 13,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George are having a picnic, when a thunderstorm starts. They go inside the house but Daddy Pig has to go back out to get Peppa's teddy as she has left him in the garden. Peppa decides she loves thunderstorms as they leave behind lots of mud puddles.

z chomika wesalina

  • 25,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Mummy Pig gives Peppa a box, which has to be kept a secret.

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  • 13,1 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George go outside to fly their kite, but the kite gets stuck in a tree.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Daddy Pig tells Peppa and George a story about a princess who needs sleep. In the story, Peppa is the princess, George is the prince, Mummy Pig is the queen, and Daddy Pig is the king.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,7 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig find a box of instruments in the attic, and Peppa and George try them out.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,8 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and her family have to wash the car when it gets dirty.

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  • 12,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George make everyone laugh when they dress up as Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,2 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and her family go to the school fair. and do lots of stuff while they're there. Peppa and her friends get their faces painted as tigers

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
It is Mummy Pig's birthday, and Peppa, George and Daddy Pig are planning a surprise.

z chomika wesalina

  • 27,5 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa loses her tooth, so she puts the tooth under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy, but she worries that she might be mean.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,5 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house for lunch. Granny Pig has made a salad but George doesn't like vegetables, so Grandpa Pig makes the salad into a dinosaur shape to help George eat his salad.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,8 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
The family car breaks down, so Peppa and her family rent a new one, but it starts acting crazy.

z chomika wesalina

  • 27,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Grandpa Pig hides some treasure in his garden, and when Peppa and George come, they have to look for it.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa has chicken pox, and has to stay in bed until she gets better.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,9 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
It is snowing, so Peppa and George go outside to play.

z chomika wesalina

  • 28,1 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and her family go to the Windy Castle, and when they get there, they have a wonderful view from the top.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,7 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George's cousin Chloe comes to their house. Peppa tries to show Chloe that she is a big girl, but it is very hard.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,6 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Mummy Pig makes pancakes, and Peppa and George help, but Daddy Pig flips his pancake so high it sticks to the ceiling.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,7 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house. Grandpa Pig has built a tree house for them.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,1 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George are having a costume party. Peppa is a fairy princess, and George is a dinosaur. Peppa has to pick which of her friends is wearing the best costume.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and her family go to the museum. Peppa imagines herself as a Queen in the King and Queen's room. George imagines being a big dinosaur in the Dinosaur Room.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,8 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
It is a super hot day, and all the mud puddles have dried up, so Peppa and George play in the wading pool.

z chomika wesalina

  • 12,5 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa and George visit their cousin Chloe's house, where they put on a puppet show about a pig who snores a lot. Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig miss the show as they are too busy snoring.

z chomika wesalina

  • 13,0 MB
  • 29 sty 15 20:31
Peppa instructs Daddy Pig to do lots of exercise to do as he is a bit fat. Daddy Pig is horrified to learn you have to exercise every day to get fit.

z chomika wesalina

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