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EDW EP Uklady audio.iso

fenix71 / Elektronika Audio / EDW EP Uklady audio.iso
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Pliki zawierają zawartość płyty dodanej do specjalnego wydania EP i EDW.

Artykuły przeglądowe i dydaktyczne:

* Audio
* Nowe technologie w dziedzinie audio
* Rejestratory cyfrowe
* Zespoły głośnikowe
* Kino domowe
* Samodzielne konstruowanie zespołów głośnikowych
* Subwoofer
* Projekty Vellemana przedstawione na łamach EP


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek Room Acoustics, Fourth Edition - Heinrich Kuttruff This thoroughly revised and long awaited new edition of a classic text builds on the success of the 1991 third edition. Kuttruf considers the theory and practice of sound behavior in closed spaces; a key area for acoustical engineers worldwide. It is of particular interest to those working on auditoria and will therefore stand as an excellent complement to Barron's Auditorium Acoustics. This new edition includes important new material on the growth of digital technology and sound intensity.
obrazek Foundations of Engineering Acoustics Frank J. Fahy Foundations of Engineering Acoustics takes the reader on a journey from a qualitative introduction to the physical nature of sound, explained in terms of common experience, to mathematical models and analytical results which underlie the techniques applied by the engineering industry to improve the acoustic performance of their products. The book is distinguished by extensive descriptions and explanations of audio-frequency acoustic phenomena and their relevance to engineering, supported by a wealth of diagrams, and by a guide for teachers of tried and tested class demonstrations and laboratory-based experiments. Foundations of Engineering Acoustics is a textbook suitable for both senior undergraduate and postgraduate courses in mechanical, aerospace, marine, and possibly electrical and civil engineering schools at universities. It will be a valuable reference for academic teachers and researchers and will also assist Industrial Acoustic Group staff and Consultants. Comprehensive and up-to-date: broad coverage, many illustrations, questions, elaborated answers, references and a bibliography Introductory chapter on the importance of sound in technology and the role of the engineering acoustician Deals with the fundamental concepts, principles, theories and forms of mathematical representation, rather than methodology Frequent reference to practical applications and contemporary technology Emphasizes qualitative, physical introductions to each principal as an entrée to mathematical analysis for the less theoretically oriented readers and courses Provides a 'cook book' of demonstrations and laboratory-based experiments for teachers Useful for discussing acoustical problems with non-expert clients/managers because the descriptive sections are couched in largely non-technical language and any jargon is explained Draws on the vast pedagogic experience of the writer
obrazek Wzmacniacze Elektroniczne - G.S. Cykin W książce podane są podstawy teorii i wiadomości praktyczne z zakresu wzmacniania sygnałów elektrycznych w zastosowaniu do radiowych urządzeń nadawczych i odbiorczych, radiolokacji i nawigacji, telewizji i telesterowania, łączności wielokrotnej, techniki impulsowej i innych. Podano w niej zasady analizy i obliczeń wzmacniaczy na podstawie jednolitej metodyki badań oraz obliczania urządzeń wzmacniających lampowych i tranzystorowych. Wprowadzono wiele nowych zagadnień, jak na przykład: zagadnienie stabilizacji warunków pracy stopni tranzystorowych, wzajemnej korekcji stopni wzmocnienia sygnałów harmonicznych i korekcji czasu ustalania drgań we wzmacniaczach impulsowych
obrazek The Audiophile Loudspeaker anyone can build - Gene Healy The Audiophile Loudspeaker: Anyone Can Build" is a profusely illustrated "How-to" book that describes in easy-to-understand language how simple it is to build a world-class stereo loudspeaker system for the home. No hard-to-understand concepts or difficult terminology, just clear directions & fun. This easy-to-read book describes a fascinating project that will reward the reader with years of extraordinary listening pleasure. The market for "The Audiophile Loudspeaker: Anyone Can Build" is as broad as the consumer audio industry is vast.
obrazek Elektroniczne modyfikatory dzwieku - Stanislaw Dinter Książka zawiera opisy (w bardzo przystępnej formie) układów elektronicznych, zwanych modyfikatorami dźwięku lub przystawkami defektowymi. Jest to kompletny materiał instruktażowy podstawowych efektów stosowanych przez instrumentalistów (16 układów od najprostszych do bardziej skomplikowanych). Opisy, rysunki i zdjęcia gotowych układów mogą być wykorzystane przez uczniów w pracowniach elektronicznych, kołach zainteresowań, hobbystów i zawodowych elektroakustyków. Mogą też stanowić materiał inspirujący. Wszystkie zaprezentowane układy zostały praktycznie wykonane (zdjęcia) i wyróżniają się dobrymi walorami użytkowymi.
obrazek The sound of silence: lowest-noise RIAA phone-amps designer's guide There is a wide field of tasks left that can only be satisfyingly attacked with the help of old-fashioned analogue technology, and one of the most important are amplifiers for analogue signals - such as for audio purposes. The content of this book will lead to affordable phono amplifier design approaches which will end up in lowest-noise solutions not far away from the edge of physical boundaries set by room temperature and given cartridges - thus, fully compatible with very expensive so called “high-end” or “state-of-the-art” offers on today markets - and, from a noise point of view in most cases outperforming them! With easy to follow mathematical treatment it is demonstrated as well that theory is not far away from reality. Measured SNs will be found within 1dB off the calculated ones and deviations from the exact amplifier transfer won't cross the ± 0.1dB tolerance lines. Additionally, the book presents measurement set-ups and results. Consequently, comparisons with measurement results of test magazine will soon become easier to perform.
obrazek Loudspeaker Design Cookbook 7th Ed - Vance Dickason Now in the 7th edition! More comprehensive and featuring a wealth of new material, the 7th edition of the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook is a must-have for new speaker builders as well as owners of previous editions of the Cookbook. Highlights from the new edition include: • A major study on cabinet diffraction and reflection • An exploration of how to produce linear behavior with low distortion in woofers • Tips & tweaks to ensure a great-sounding speaker in the new chapter on "Loudspeaker Voicing" • An updated look at the latest loudspeaker design and room interfacing software products • Extensive studies using LEAP 5.0 and the Klippel Analyzer
obrazek Leo L. Beranek - Acoustics INTRODUCTION AND TERMINOLOGY,THE WAVE EQUATION AND SOLUTIONS,The Wave Equation ,Solutions of the Wave Equation,Energy Density and Intensity,ELECTRO-MECHANO-ACOUSTICAL CIRCUITS,Mechanical Circuits ,Acoustical Circuits Transducers,Circuit Theorems, Energy, and Power,RADIATION OF SOUND,ACOUSTIC COMPONENTS,Acoustic Elements,MICROPHONES,General Characteristics of Microphones,Pressure Microphones ,Gradient and Combination ,Microphones,DIRECT-RADIATOR LOUDSPEAKERS,Basic Theory of Direct-radiator Loudspeakers,Design Factors Affecting, Direct-radiator, Loudspeaker Performance,LOUDSPEAKER ENCLOSURES,Simple Enclosures ,Bass-reflex Enclosures,HORN LOUDSPEAKERS,Sound Fields in Large Irregularly Shaped Enclosures ,Sound Transmission through Walls between Enclosures,NOISE CONTROL,Acoustic Transmission Paths,ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS,Measurement of Acoustic ,Levels,Reciprocity Calibration of Transducers ,HEARING, SPEECH INTELLIGIBILITY, AND PSYCHOACOUSTIC ,CRITERIA,DECIBEL CONVERSION TABLES
obrazek Designing, Building and testing Your own speaker system - David B. Weems Thousands of hobbyists, students and electronics salespeople and technicians have turned to this best-selling guide for expert advice and a collection of simple-to-advanced speaker system projects. Now in its fourth edition, it continues to set the standard for accessible, up-to-the-minute guidance on designing, building, and testing speakers that sound as good as any system you can buy - for hundreds less! This definitive do-it-yourself book on creating and testing all kinds of speaker systems is updated to cover the latest makes and models. It also includes new speaker tests, expanded information on crossover networks, techniques for designing double-chamber reflex enclosures, practical rather than theoretical dimension charts, and more. The book provides you with concise, step-by-step instructions for building speakers, and teaches you how to choose speakers that are best suited for various specific uses, set up a home system that will give you optimal performance, and critically evaluate speakers by ear if you lack test equipment. The included list of driver and system components suppliers helps you get started right away.
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