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Działalność gospodarcza
ebooki - nauka
ebooki - polskie
ebooki hiszpańskie
ebooki po angielsku
BBC.Top.100.eB ooks
FIve Star Books (MOBI)
Book List
A. J. Hartley
Act of Will
Will Power
A. J. Jacobs
Year of Livin g Bibli cally _ One Man's Humbl e Quest to Follo w the Bible as Liter ally as Pos
A. Lee Martinez
Namel ess Witch , A
A. Manette Ansay
Good Thing s I Wish You
A. N. Roquelau re & Anne Rice
Beaut y's Punis hment
Beaut y's Relea se
Ace Atkins
Devil 's Garde n
Infam ous
Adam Haeder; Stephen Addison Schneite r; Bruno Gomes Pessanha ; Jam
LPI Linux Certi ficat ion in
Adam Haslett
Union Atlan tic
Adam Jacot De Boinod
Meani ng of Tingo _ And Other Extra ordin ary Words from Aroun d the World , The
Adam Langer
Thiev es of Manha ttan, The
Adam Lazarus
Chasi ng Great ness_ Johnn y Mille r, Arnol d Palme r, and the Mirac le at Oakmo nt
Adam Nevill
Apart ment 16
Banqu et for the Damne d
Adam Rex
Fat Vampi re_ A Never Comin g of Age Story
Adam Schell
Tomat o Rhaps ody_ A Fable of Love, Lust and Forbi dden Fruit
Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani
I Do Not Come to You by Chanc e
Adele Ashworth
My Darli ng Carol ine
Adele Parks
Game Over
Love Lies
AEleen Frisch
Essen tial Syste m Admin istra tion, 3rd Editi on
Aesop 's Fable s
Agatha Christie
Agaht a Chris tie_ An autob iogra phy
Alan Brinkley
Publi sher_ Henry Luce and His Ameri can Centu ry, The
Alan Dean Foster
Star Trek Movie Tie-I n
Alan Rusbridg er
Smell iest Day at the Zoo
Alan Weisman
World Witho ut Us, The
Albert Camus
Stran ger, The
Aldous Huxley
Brave New World
Brave New World Revis ited
Alex Kava
Black Frida y
Neces sary Evil, A
Soul Catch er, The
Alex Prentiss
Night Tides
Alex Scarrow
Alexande r Hamilton & James Madison & John Jay & Lawrence Goldman
Feder alist paper s, The
Alexande r McCall Smith
Alexande r Waugh
House of Wittg enste in_ A Famil y at War, The
Alexandr a Adornett o
Alexandr a Benedict
Notor ious Scoun drel, The
Alexandr a Ivy
Alexandr a Potter
You'r e the One That I Don't Want
Alexandr a Sokoloff
Book of Shado ws
Unsee n, The
Alexandr e Dumas
Alexey Pehov
Shado w Prowl er
Alfredo Vea
Gods go beggi ng
Ali Eteraz
Child ren of Dust_ A Memoi r of Pakis tan
Ali Smith
First Perso n_ And Other Stori es, The
Alice Sebold
Lovel y Bones , The
Alisa M. Libby
King' s Rose, The
Alisa Sheckley
Bette r to Hold You, The
Moonb urn
Alison Baversto ck
How to Get a Job in a Museu m Or Art Galle ry
Alison Sinclair
Darkb orn
Alison Weir
Lady Eliza beth, The
Alissa Johnson
Desti ned to Last
Allen Ginsberg
Reali ty sandw iches
Ally Blake
Datin g the Rebel Tycoo n
Alton Gansky
incum bent, The
Alyssa Day
Atlan tis Betra yed
Amanda Downum
Bone Palac e, The
Drown ing City, The
Amelia Jeanroy & Karen Ward
Canni ng & Prese rving for Dummi es 2nd Editi on
Amulya Malladi
Mango Seaso n, The
Amy Stewart
Wicke d Plant s
Andrea Gillies
Keepe r_ One House , Three Gener ation s, and a Journ ey Into Alzhe imer' s
Andrea Levy
Long Song, The
Andrew B. King
Websi te Optim izati on
Andrew H. Vachss
Two Train s Runni ng
Andrew Rosenhei m
Witho ut preju dice
Andrew Schloss & David Joachim & Alison
Maste ring the Grill _ The Owner 's Manua l for Outdo or C
Andrew Vachss
Weigh t, The
Andy Lane
Slow Decay
Andy McNab
Andy McNab & Robert Rigby
Boy soldi er
Meltd own
Payba ck
Andy Raskin
Ramen King and I_ How the Inven tor of Insta nt Noodl es Fixed My Love Life, The
Andy Remic
Kell' s Legen d_ The Clock work Vampi re Chron icles
Angela Knight & Nalini Singh & Virginia Kantra & Meljean Brook
Burni ng Up
Angie Fox
Accid ental Demon Slaye r, The
Anita Shreve
Ann Brashare s
My Name Is Memor y
Ann Napolita no
Withi n Arm's Reach
Anna Godberse n
Brigh t Young Thing s
Anna McPartli n
Alexa ndra, Gone
Anna Quindlen
Objec t lesso ns
Anna Whiteloc k
Mary Tudor _ Princ ess, Basta rd, Queen
Annabell e Gurwitch
You Say Tomat o, I Say Shut Up
Anne Bronte
Agnes Grey
Anne Enright
gathe ring, The
Anne Holt
Anne McAllist er
Incon venie nt Bride , The
McGil livra y's Mistr ess
Natha n's Child
Anne Michaels
Fugit ive piece s
Anne Perry
Bruns wick Garde ns
Anne Rice
Anne Rice & A. N. Roquelau re
claim ing of Sleep ing Beaut y, The
Anne Stuart
Ruthl ess
Anne Tyler
Ladde r of Years _ A Novel
Noah' s Compa ss
Annie Burrows
Visco unt and the Virgi n, The
Annie Jones
Mom Over Miami
Annie Leonard & Ariane Conrad
Story of Stuff , The
Annmarie Ortega
Dead Girl Talki ng
Anonymou s
Arabi an Night s, The
Beowu lf
Anthony Bourdain
Mediu m Raw_ A Blood y Valen tine to the World of Food and the Peopl e Who Cook
Anthony Francis
Frost Moon
Anthony Huso
Last Page, The
Anthony M. DeSte
King of the Godfa thers _ _Big Joey_ Massi no and the Fall of the Bonan no Crime Fa
Antoinet te van Heugten
Savin g Max
Anton Chekhov
Selec ted Stori es of Anton Cheko v
Antonia Fraser
Love and Louis XIV_ The Women in the Life of the Sun King
Antony Moore
Swap, The
Anya Bast
Anya Richards
Awake n
Aprilynn e Pike
Spell s
Apsley Cherry-G arrard
Worst Journ ey in the World , The
Arlene James
Match Made in Texas , A
Armistea d Maupin
Mary Ann in Autum n_ A Tales of the City Novel
Arnaldur Indridas on
Arthur Agatston & Jose
South Beach Diet Super charg ed_ Faste r Weigh t Loss and Bette r Healt h f
Arthur C. Clarke
City and the Stars and the Sands of Mars, The
Arthur Golden
Memoi rs of a geish a_ a novel
Arthur Miller
cruci ble_ a play in four acts, The
Arthur Slade
Hunch back Assig nment s, The
Arturo Perez-Re verte
King' s Gold, The
Purit y of Blood
Sun Over Breda , The
Asa Larsson
Blood Spilt , The
Savag e Altar , The
Assaf Gavron
Almos t Dead_ A Novel
Austin Grossman
Soon I Will Be Invin cible
Avi Steinber g
Runni ng the Books _ The Adven tures of an Accid ental Priso n Libra rian
Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand & Gary Hull & Leonard Peikoff
Ayn Rand reade r, The
Ayn Rand & Harry Binswang er
Ayn Rand lexic on_ objec tivis m from A to Z, The
Ayn Rand & Leonard Peikoff
Early Ayn Rand_ A Selec tion from Her Unpub lishe d Ficti on, The
Ayn Rand & Leonard Peikoff & David Harriman
Journ als of Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand & Leonard Peikoff & Harry Binswang er
Intro ducti on to objec tivis t epist emolo gy
Ayn Rand & Leonard Peikoff & Peter Schwartz
Voice of Reaso n_ Essay s in Objec tivis t Thoug ht, The
Ayn Rand & Nathanie l Branden
virtu e of selfi shnes s_ a new conce pt of egois m, The
Ayn Rand & Peter Schwartz
Retur n of the primi tive_ the anti- indus trial revol ution
Ayn Rand & Robert Mayhew
art of nonfi ction _ a guide for write rs and reade rs, The
Ayn Rand & Tore Boeckman n
art of ficti on_ a guide for write rs and reade rs, The
Opera tion Mince meat_ How a Dead Man and a Bizar re Plan Foole d the Nazis and Assur ed an Al
B. J. Daniels
B. K. Evenson
Dead Space _ Marty r
B. V. Larson
Barb Hendee
Blood Memor ies
Hunti ng Memor ies
Barb Hendee & J. C. Hendee
Barbara Ehren
Brigh t-sid ed_ how the relen tless promo tion of posit ive think ing has under mined Am
Barbara Hamilton
Ninth Daugh ter, The
Barbara McMahon
Accid ental ly the Sheik h's Wife
Barbara O'Neal
Lost Recip e for Happi ness, The
Barbara Quick
Golde n Web, A
Barbara Wertheim Tuchman
Guns of Augus t, The
Baron Schwartz & Peter Zaitsev & Vadim Tkachenk o & Jeremy D. Zawodny & Arje
High Perf
Barry Edelstei n
Bardi sms
Barry Maitland
Marx Siste rs_ A Kathy Kolla and David Brock Myste ry, The
Barry Unsworth
Land of Marve ls
Brain s_ A Zombi e Memoi r
Ben Goldacre
Bad scien ce
Ben H. Winters & Jane Austen
Sense and Sensi bilit y and Sea Monst ers
Ben Horton
Monst er Repub lic
Ben Kane
Forgo tten Legio n, The
Road to Rome_ A Forgo tten Legio n Chron icle, The
Silve r Eagle , The
Ben Sherwood
Charl ie St. Cloud
Man Who Ate the 747, The
Bernard Cornwell
Fort_ A Novel of the Revol ution ary War, The
Bernhard Schlink & Peter Constant ine
Self' s decep tion
Bernhard Schlink & Walter Popp
Self' s punis hment
Beryl Bainbrid ge
Anoth er part of the wood
Beth Kery
Explo sive
Beth Pattillo
Sweet gum Ladie s Knit for Love, The
Beverly Barton
Don't Cry
Silen t Kille r
Beverly Connor
Bhante Henepola Gunarata na
Beyon d Mindf ulnes s in Plain Engli sh
Bianca D'Arc
Once Bitte n, Twice Dead
Bill Bryson
Bill Fawcett
Nebul a Award s Showc ase 2010
Bill O'Reilly
Pinhe ads and Patri ots_ Where You Stand in the Age of Obama
Bill Simmons
Book of Baske tball _ The NBA Accor ding to the Sport s Guy, The
Billy Crystal
700 Sunda ys
Where Heave n Begin s
Blake Charlton
Spell wrigh t
Blake Crouch
Bad Girl
Deser t Place s_ a Novel of Terro r
Bob Woodward
Obama 's Wars
Bobby Flay & Step
Bobby Flay' s Throw down! _ More Than 100 Recip es from Food Netwo rk'
Bonnie Vanak
Immor tal Wolf
Brad Herzog
Turn Left at the Troja n Horse _ A Would -Be Hero' s Ameri can Odyss ey
Brad Thor
Apost le, The
Athen a Proje ct_ A Thril ler, The
Brady Udall
Lonel y Polyg amist _ A Novel , The
Bram Stoker
Dracu la
Brandily n Collins
Dark Pursu it
Expos ure
Brandon Sanderso n
Alcat raz Versu s the Evil Libra rians
Way of Kings , The
brave vessel_ the true tale of the castaway s who rescued Jamestow n and inspired Shakespe a
bread lover's bread machine cookbook _ a master baker's 300 favorite recipes for perfect- ev
Brenda Jackson
What a Westm orela nd Wants
Brenda Joyce
Darke st Heart , The
Brenda Novak & Jill Shalvis & Alison Kent
Mothe r, Pleas e!
Brenda Wineappl e
White heat_ the frien dship of Emily Dicki nson and Thoma s Wentw orth Higgi nson
Brenna Yovanoff
Repla cemen t, The
Brent Weeks
Bret Easton Ellis
Brett Battles
Unwan ted, The
Brian Falkner
Brain Jack
Tomor row Code, The
Brian Haig
Capit ol Game, The
Kingm aker, The
Man in the Middl e
Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
Brian Holden Reid & John Keegan
Ameri can Civil War and the wars of the Indus trial Revol ution , The
Brian Keene
Darkn ess on the Edge of Town
Brock Clarke
arson ist's guide to write rs' homes in New Engla nd_ a novel , An
Bronwyn Scott
Arabi an Night s with a Rake
Bruce Feiler
Counc il of Dads, The
Bryan O'Sulliv an
Mercu rial_ The Defin itive Guide
Bryce Courtena y
Fortu ne Cooki e
Brynn Paulin
Belon ging to Them
C. E. Lawrence
Silen t Screa ms
Silen t Victi m
C. E. Murphy
C. J. Box
Nowhe re to Run (A Joe Picke tt Novel )
C. J. Chivers
Gun, The
C. J. Sansom
Sover eign
C. S. Lewis
C. T. Adams & Cathy Clamp
Serpe nt Moon
Caitlin Kittredg e
Demon Bound
Stree t Magic
Cameron Dean
Passi onate Thirs t
Cameron Haley
Mob Rules
Cameron Newham
Learn ing the bash Shell , 3rd Editi on
Camilla Gibb
Sweet ness in the Belly
Camy Tang
Sushi for One_
Cara Carnes
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
angel 's game, The
Carol Goodman
Arcad ia Falls
Carol Marinell i
Emerg ency_ Wife Lost and Found
Carol Shields
box garde n, The
Carole Nelson Douglas
Silve r Zombi e_ Delil ah Stree t_ Paran ormal Inves tigat or
Carolyn Jessop & Laura Palmer
Escap e
Carolyn Parkhurs t
Nobod ies Album , The
Carrie Vaughn
Disco rd's Apple
Casey Mayes
Deadl y Row, A
Cassie Miles & Marie Ferrarel la
Color ado Abduc tion
Catherin e Banner
Eyes of a King, The
Voice s in the Dark
Catherin e George
Milli onair e's Rebel lious Mistr ess, The
Power of the Legen dary Greek , The
Catherin e Jinks
Refor med Vampi re Suppo rt Group , The
Cathryn Fox
Insti nctiv e
Cathy Cassidy
Angel Cake
Drift wood
Cathy Marie Buchanan
Day the Falls Stood Still , The
Cathy Maxwell & Elaine Fox & Jeaniene Frost & Tracy Anne Warren & Sophia Na
Four Dukes and a Dev
Cathy Williams
Secre t Spani sh Love- Child , The
Cathy Yardley
Ensla ve_ The Tamin g of the Beast
Ravis h_ The Awake ning of Sleep ing Beaut y
Cesar Millan
Puppy hood_ How to Raise the Perfe ct Dog
Chad M
Ones Who Hit the Harde st_ The Steel ers, the Cowbo ys, the '70s, and the Fight for
Chaim Potok
gates of Novem ber, The
Chandra Hoffman
Chose n_ A Novel
Charlain e Harris
Charlain e Harris & Toni L. P. Kelner
Death 's Excel lent Vacat ion
Charlene Sands
Milli on-Do llar Marri age Merge r
Charles Bell & Mats Kindahl & Lars Thalmann
MySQL High Avail abili ty
Charles Dickens
Charles Nicholl
Lodge r Shake spear e_ His Life on Silve r Stree t, The
Charles P. Pierce
Idiot Ameri ca_ How Stupi dity Becam e a Virtu e in the Land of the Free
Charles Stross
Overt ime_ A Tor.C om Origi nal
Wirel ess
Charles Todd
Duty to the Dead, A
Impar tial Witne ss_ A Bess Crawf ord Myste ry, An
Red Door, The
Charles Williams
Charles Williams & Franklin W. Dixon
Agrou nd
Charles Yu
How to Live Safel y in a Scien ce Ficti onal Unive rse
Charlie Nardozzi
Veget able Garde ning for Dummi es
Charlott e Bronte
Jane Eyre
Chaz McGee
Angel Inter rupte d
Desol ate Angel
Chelsea Handler
Are You There , Vodka _ It's Me, Chels ea
Chels ea Chels ea Bang Bang
My Horiz ontal Life_ A Colle ction of One-N ight Stand s
Cherie Priest
Bones haker
Cleme ntine
Dread nough t
Chet Raymo
Skept ics and true belie vers_ the exhil arati ng conne ction betwe en scien ce and relig ion
China Mieville
Krake n
Choderlo s de Laclos
Dange rous liais ons
Chris Bohjalia n
Doubl e Bind, The
Chris J. Randolph
Stars Rain Down
Chris Kuzneski
Lost Thron e, The
Plant ation , The
Proph ecy, The
Secre t Crown , The
Sign of the Cross
Sword of God
Chris Mooney
Missi ng, The
Chris Ryan
Who Dares Wins
Chris Sanders; Chris Sanders
Pract ical Packe t Analy sis
Chris Stewart
Three Ways to Capsi ze a Boat_ An Optim ist Afloa t
Chris Takemura ; Luke S. Crawford
Book of Xen, The
Chris Wooding
Skein of Lamen t, The
Christie Golden
Artha s_ Rise of the Lich King
Fate of the Jedi_ Omen
World of Warcr aft_ The Shatt ering _ Prelu de to Catac lysm
Christie Ridgway
Mad Enoug h to Marry
Christin a Perozzi & Hallie Beaune
Naked Pint_ An Unadu ltera ted Guide to Craft Beer, The
Christin e Barber
Bone Fire_ A Myste ry, The
Repla cemen t Child , The
Christop her
Born to Run_ A Hidde n Tribe , Super athle tes, and the Great est Race the World Has
Christop her Bohjalia n
Befor e You Know Kindn ess
Christop her Brookmyr e
Panda emoni um
Christop her Buechele r
Blood That Bonds , The
Christop her Fowler
Christop her Golden & Tim Lebbon
Chamb er of Ten, The
Christop her Hitchens
God Is Not Great _ How Relig ion Poiso ns Every thing
Porta ble Athei st_ Essen tial Readi ngs for the Nonbe lieve r, The
Christop her Paolini
Brisi ngr
Christy English
Queen 's Pawn, The
Chuck Klosterm an
Chuck Palahniu k
Cierra Rantoul
My Best Frien ds Have Hairy Legs
Cindi Myers
Rock my world
Claire Cook
Wildw ater Walki ng Club, The
Claudia Roden
Arabe sque_ a taste of Moroc co, Turke y, and Leban on
Cleo Coyle
Cody Lundin & Russ Miller
98.6 degre es_ the art of keepi ng your ass alive
Colin McAdam
Colin Nissan & Sean
Don't Be That Guy_ A Colle ction of 60 Annoy ing Guys We All Know and Wish W
Conn Iggulden
Black water
Gengh is_ Bones of the Hills _ A Novel
Gengh is_ Empir e of Silve r
Conor Kostick
Cormac McCarthy
All the prett y horse s
No count ry for old men
Cornelia Read
Invis ible Boy
Count Leo Nikolaye vich Tolstoy & Ben H. Winters & Leo Tolstoy
Andro id Karen ina
Craig Johnson
Cold Dish, The
Cybill Shepherd & Aimee Lee Ball
Cybil l Disob edien ce
Cynthia Eden
Deadl y Fear
Cynthia Leitich Smith
Tanta lize
Illus trate d Longi tude_ The True Story of a Lone Geniu s Who Solve d the Great est
D. H. Lawrence
Lady Chatt erley 's Lover
Women in Love
D. H. Lawrence & Victoria Blake
Sons and Lover s
D. M. Cornish
Found ling
Lampl ighte r
Dacre Stoker & Ian Holt
Dracu la the Un-De ad
Dracu la_ The Un-De ad
Dai Sijie
Once on a Moonl ess Night
Dale Doughert y & Arnold Robbins
Sed & awk, 2nd Editi on
Dale Seslick
Dr Dale' s Zombi e Dicti onary _ The A-Z Guide to Stayi ng Alive
Kill Bin Laden _ a Delta Force Comma nder' s accou nt of the hunt for the world 's most wante
Damon Galgut
In a Stran ge Room_ Three Journ eys
Dan Abnett
Borde r Princ es
First and only
Dan Ariely
Upsid e Of Irrat ional ity, The
Dan Chaon
Await Your Reply
Dan Fante
Dan Fesperma n
Arms Maker of Berli n, The
Layov er in Dubai
Dan Morrison
Black Nile, The
Dan Parry
Moons hot_ The Insid e Story of Manki nd's Great est Adven ture
Dan Poblocki
Night marys , The
Stone Child , The
Dan Senor & Saul Singer
Start -Up Natio n_ The Story of Israe l's Econo mic Mirac le
Dan Simmons
Carri on Comfo rt
Drood _ A Novel
Hyper ion
Dan Vining
Among the Livin g
Dan Whit
Cactu s Eater s_ How I Lost My Mind- and Almos t Found Mysel f-on the Pacif ic Crest Trail , Th
Dana Cameron
Dana Milbank
Tears of a Clown _ Glenn Beck and the Tea Baggi ng of Ameri ca
Dani Kollin & Eytan Kollin
Uninc orpor ated Man, The
Confe ssion s of a Wall Stree t Analy st_ A True Story of Insid e Infor matio n and
Daniel Defoe
Robin son Cruso e
Daniel Defoe & Virginia Woolf
Moll Fland ers
Daniel H. Pink
whole new mind_ why right -brai ners will rule the futur e, A
Daniel Kehlmann
Me and Kamin ski
Measu ring the World
Daniel Meyers
In the Valle y of the Kings _ Howar d Carte r and the Myste ry of King Tutan khamu n's To
Daniel Okrent
Last Call_ The Rise and Fall of Prohi bitio n
Daniel Silva
Danielle Evans
Befor e You Suffo cate Your Own Fool Self
Danielle Ganek
Summe r We Read Gatsb y, The
Danielle Steel
Danielle Trussoni
Angel ology
Dante Alighier i
Divin e Comed y, The
Daphne Kalotay
Russi an Winte r
Darin Bradley
Darren Shan
Daryl Gregory
Devil 's Alpha bet, The
Pande moniu m
Dave Eggers
What Is the What_ The Autob iogra phy of Valen tino Achak Deng
Wild Thing s, The
Zeito un
David Allen
Getti ng Thing s Done
David Archulet a & Monica H
Chord s of Stren gth_ A Memoi r of Soul, Song and the Power of Perse vera
David Baldacci
True Blue
David Benedict us & Mark Burgess
Retur n to the Hundr ed Acre Wood
David Byrne
Bicyc le diari es
David Carnoy
Knife Music
David Cristofa no
Girl She Used to Be, The
David Cross
I Drink for a Reaso n
David Dosa
Makin g Round s with Oscar _ The Extra ordin ary Gift of an Ordin ary Cat
David Drake
Dogs of War
David Ebershof f
Danis h Girl, The
David Foster Wallace
Broom of the Syste m, The
Consi der the Lobst er_ And Other Essay s
Obliv ion_ stori es
David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer
Year' s Best SF 15
David Grann
Devil and Sherl ock Holme s_ Tales of Murde r, Madne ss, and Obses sion, The
Lost City of Z_ A Tale of Deadl y Obses sion in the Amazo n, The
David Grossman
To the End of the Land
David Hagberg
Cabal , The
David Hewson
Dante 's Numbe rs
David Ignatius
Incre ment_ A Novel , The
David J. Schow
Inter necin e
David Jacobs
Death Angel
David Kirkpatr i
Faceb ook Effec t_ The Insid e Story of the Compa ny That Is Conne cting the World , T
David Leavitt
Body Of Jonah Boyd, The
David Liss
consp iracy of paper _ a novel , A
David Llewelly n
Trace Memor y
David Lodge
Deaf Sente nce
David Lynch
Catch ing the Big Fish_ Medit ation , Consc iousn ess, and Creat ivity
David Macinnis Gill
Black Hole Sun
David Markson
Last Novel , The
David Matthew Klein
David Mitchell
David Moody
Dog Blood
David Morrell
Firef lies
David N. Blank-Ed elman
Autom ating Syste m Admin istra tion with Perl
David Nicholls
One Day
David Nobbs
Cupid 's Dart
David Peace
Damne d UTD, The
Occup ied City
David Plouff
audac ity to win_ the insid e story and lesso ns of Barac k Obama 's histo ric victo ry, Th
David R. George III
Star Trek_ Typho n Pact_ Rough Beast s of Empir e
David Remnick
Bridg e_ The Life and Rise of Barac k Obama , The
David Rollins
Knife Edge, A
David Rosenfel t
David Sedaris
David Sherman & Dan Cragg
Doubl e Jeopa rdy
David Simon
Homic ide_ A Year on the Killi ng Stree ts
David Stone
Skorp ion Direc tive, The
David Weber
Out of the Dark
David Wroblews ki
Story of Edgar Sawte lle, The
Davida Wills Hurwin
Freak s and Revel ation s
Dean Koontz
death and life of the great American school system_ how testing and choice are undermin ing
Deb Baker
Debbie Macomber
Manni ng Groom s_ Bride On The Loose _Same Time, Next Year, The
Deborah Donnelly
Died to match
Deborah Hale
Bough t, the Penni less Lady
Wante d, Mail- Order Mistr ess
Deborah Kalin
Shado w Queen
Deborah M. Brown
Deborah Mitchell
Foods That Comba t Aging
Deborah Raney
Benea th a South ern Sky
Deborah Vogts
Snow Melts in Sprin g
Dee Henderso n
God's Gift
Deepak Chopra
Reinv entin g the Body, Resur recti ng the Soul_ How to Creat e a New You
Delia Parr
Day by Day
Dell Magazine Authors
Analo g SFF, Decem ber 2009
Delson Armstron g
Red Serpe nt_ The Falsi fier
Deneane Clark
Denialis m_ How Irration al Thinking Hinders Scientif ic Progress , Harms the Planet, and Thr
Denise Austin
Denis e's Daily Dozen _ The Easy, Every Day Progr am to Lose Up to 12 Pound s in 2 Weeks
Denise Rossetti
Thief of Light
Denise Verrico
Cara MIA - Book One of the Immor tyl Revol ution
Dennis Lehane
Bosto n Noir
Dennis Showalte r
Hitle r's Panze rs_ The Light ning Attac ks That Revol ution ized Warfa re
Derek Benz & Jon S. Lewis
Grey Griff ins_ The Clock work Chron icles #1_ The Brims tone Key
Devin Ale
I Can't Belie ve It's Not Fatte ning! _ Over 150 Ridic ulous ly Easy Recip es for the Supe
Devon Monk
Magic in the Shado ws
Magic on the Storm
Dexter Filkins
forev er war, The
Dexter Palmer
Dream of Perpe tual Motio n, The
Diana Duncan
Bulle tproo f Bride
Midni ght Hero
Diana Orgain
Bundl e of Troub le
Mothe rhood Is Murde r
Diane Burke
Midni ght Calle r
Diane Chamberl ain
Bay at Midni ght, The
Secre t Life of Ceece e Wilke s, The
Diane Duane
Empty Chair , The
Omnit opia Dawn
Diane Duane & Peter Morwood & Gene Roddenbe rry
Rihan nsu_ The Blood wing Voyag es
Diane Hammond
Seein g Stars
Diane Setterfi eld
thirt eenth tale_ a novel , The
Diane Whitesid e
Devil She Knows , The
Irish Devil , The
Diarmaid MacCullo ch
Chris tiani ty_ The First Three Thous and Years
Dick Couch
Warri or Elite _ The Forgi ng of Seal Class 228, The
Dick Francis
Dick Francis & Felix Francis
Disappea ring Spoon_ And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from
Dmitry Glukhovs ky
Metro 2033
Dolen Perkins- Valdez
Wench _ a novel
Don Hoesel
Hunte r's Moon_ A Novel
Don Pendleto n
Despe rate Cargo
Front ier Fury
Salva dor Strik e
Sherl ock Holme s and the King' s Evil_ And Other New Tales Featu ring the World 's Great est
Donald Ray Pollock
Knock emsti ff
Donna Kauffman
Here Comes Troub le
Donna Leon
About Face
Blood from a stone
Quest ion of Belie f, A
Dorothy Hearst
Promi se of the Wolve s_ A Novel
Doug Johnston e
Tombs tonin g
Douglas Adams
hitch hiker 's guide to the galax y, The
Douglas Anthony Cooper
Milro se Munce and the Den of Profe ssion al Help
Douglas Mauro; Kevin Schmidt
Essen tial SNMP, 2nd Editi on
Douglas Preston
Impac t
Douglas Preston & Mario Spezi
Monst er of Flore nce, The
Dubravka Ugresic & Michael Henry Heim
Minis try of Pain, The
Duncan Falconer
E. D. Baker
Frog Princ ess, The
E. L. Doctorow
Billy Bathg ate
Homer & Langl ey_ A Novel
E. M. Forster
Room with a View, A
Earl E. Gobel
Heart s of Grey
Earl W. Emerson
smoke room_ a novel of suspe nse, The
Edeet Ravel
Your Sad Eyes and Unfor getta ble Mouth
Edgar Allan Poe
Essen tial Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Rice Burrough s
Tarza n of the apes
Edie Jarolim
Am I Borin g My Dog__ And 99 Other Thing s Every Dog Wishe s You Knew
Edith Nesbit & H. R. Millar & Sanford Schwartz
Encha nted Castl e and Five Child ren and It, The
Edith Wharton
Age of Innoc ence, The
Ethan Frome & Selec ted Stori es
Edmond Rostand
Cyran o de Berge rac
Edward De Bono
Later al Think ing
Think !_ Befor e It's Too Late
Edward M. Kennedy
True Compa ss_ A Memoi r
Edward O. Wilson
Anthi ll_ a novel
Edward Rutherfu rd
New York_ the novel
Rebel s of Irela nd_ The Dubli n Saga, The
Eileen Clymer Schwab
Promi se Bridg e
Eileen Wilks & Maureen Child & Anne Marie Winston
Love- from His Point of View!
Elaine Beale
Anoth er Life Altog ether _ A Novel
Eleanor Moran
Mr Almos t Right
Elie Wiesel & Catherin e Temerson
Sonde rberg Case, The
Elin Hilderbr and
Summe r Affai r_ A Novel , A
Elisabet h Hyde
In the Heart of the Canyo n
Elisabet h Naughton
Marke d
Stole n Fury
Stole n Heat
Elisabet h Tova Bailey
Sound of a Wild Snail Eatin g, The
Elise Blackwel l
Unfin ished Score , An
Elise Hyatt
Frenc h Polis hed Murde r
Elita Faith Daniels
Tree of Life
Elizabet h Berg
Elizabet h Bevarly
Indec ent Sugge stion
Elizabet h Bright
Murde r and Salut ation s
Elizabet h David
Book of Medit erran ean Food, A
Elizabet h Edwards
Resil ience _ Refle ction s on the Burde ns and Gifts of Facin g Life' s Adver sitie s
Elizabet h Gaskell
life of Charl otte Bront e, The
Wives and Daugh ters
Elizabet h Gilb
Eat, pray, love_ one woman 's searc h for every thing acros s Italy , India and Indon e
Elizabet h Gilbert
Commi tted_ A Skept ic Makes Peace with Marri age
Stern Men
Elizabet h Holcombe
Heave n and the Heath er
Elizabet h Hoyt
Wicke d Inten tions
Elizabet h J. Duncan
Brush with Death _ A Penny Brann igan Myste ry, A
Cold Light of Mourn ing, The
Elizabet h Kelly
Apolo gize, Apolo gize!
Elizabet h Peters
River in the Sky, A
Elizabet h Vaughan
Desti ny's Star
Ellen Datlow
Tails of Wonde r and Imagi natio n
Ellen Fitzpatr ick
Lette rs to Jacki e_ Condo lence s from a Griev ing Natio n
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
This Child Will Be Great
Ellie Campbell
When Good Frien ds Go Bad
Elmore Leonard
Djibo uti_ A Novel
Emeril Lagasse
Farm to Fork
Emilie Richards
Fortu nate Harbo r
Happi ness Key
Iron Lace
Emily Dickinso n & Rachel Wetzsteo n
colle cted poems of Emily Dicki nson, The
Emily Gray Tedrowe
Commu ters_ A Novel
Emily Jane Bronte
Wuthe ring Heigh ts
Emily Winslow
Whole World _ A Novel , The
Emma Donoghue
Seale d Lette r, The
Emma Thompson
Nanny McPhe e and the big bang
Eoin Colfer
Eric C. Westman & Stephen
New Atkin s for a New You_ The Ultim ate Diet for Shedd ing
Eric Flint
Drago n Done It, The
Eric Garcia
Repo Men
Eric Jerome Dickey
Drive Me Crazy
Liar' s Game
Eric Nylund
All That Lives Must Die
Eric van Lustbade r & Robert Ludlum
Bourn e Objec tive, The
Erica Bauermei ster
Monda y Night Cooki ng Schoo l, The
Erica Hayes
Shado wglas s_ The Shado wfae Chron icles
Erica Ridley
Too Wicke d to Kiss
Erik Larso
Devil in the White City_ Murde r, Magic & Madne ss and the Fair that Chang ed Ameri ca, Th
Erin Bried
How to Build a Fire_ And Other Handy Thing s Your Grand fathe r Knew
Erin Kellison
Shado w Bound
Shado w Fall
Ernest E. Rothman & Brian Jepson & Rich Rosen
Mac OS X for Unix Geeks
Estelle Lazer
Resur recti ng Pompe ii
Esther Freud
Hideo us kinky
Eugene Robinson
Disin tegra tion_ The Splin terin g of Black Ameri ca
Evan Mandery
First Conta ct_ Or, It's Later Than You Think
Eve Bunting
Summe r of Riley , The
Eveline Chao & Chris Murphy
Niubi !_ The Real Chine se You Were Never Taugh t in Schoo l
Evelyn Cosgrave
Despe ratel y Seeki ng __
everythi ng Chinese cookbook _ from wonton soup to sweet and sour chicken -- 300 succul
everythi ng Thai cookbook _ from Pad Thai to lemongra ss chicken skewers, 300 tasty, temp
Evie Wyld
After the fire, a still small voice
F. Scott Fitzgera ld
Beaut iful and Damne d, The
This side of parad ise
Felipe Fernande z-Armest o
1492_ The Year Our World Began
Felix Gilman
Half- Made World , The
Fernando Morais
Warri or's Life_ A Biogr aphy of Paulo Coelh o, A
Fernando Pessoa
Book of Disqu iet, The
Fiona Jayde
Night Haven
Flynn Meaney
Blood thirs ty
Forgotte n 500_ The Untold Story of the Men Who Risked All for the Greatest Rescue Missio
Frances de Pontes Peebles
seams tress , The
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Secre t Garde n, The
Francine Rivers
Her Mothe r's Hope
Francis Scott Fitzgera ld & Bryant Mangum
best early stori es of F. Scott Fitzg erald , The
Frank Herbert
Franz Kafka & Jason Baker & Donna Freed
metam orpho sis and other stori es, The
Fred Thompson
Teach ing the Pig to Dance _ A Memoi r
Frederic k Douglass
Narra tive of the Life of Frede rick Dougl ass, an Ameri can Slave
Frederic k Forsyth
Cobra , The
Day of the Jacka l, The
Phant om of Manha ttan, The
Friedric h Nietzsch e & Anthony M. Ludovici
Ecce Homo (the Autob iogra phy of Fried rich Nietz sche)
Friedric h Wilhelm Nietzsch e & Walter Arnold Kaufmann
Basic writi ngs of Nietz sche
Fyodor Dostoyev sky
Crime and Punis hment
Homer 's Odyss ey_ A Fearl ess Felin e Tale, Or How I Learn ed about Love and Life with a Blind
G. J. Meyer
Tudor s_ The Compl ete Story of Engla nd's Most Notor ious Dynas ty, The
Gabriell a Poole
Secre t Lives
Gail Caldwell
Let's Take the Long Way Home_ A Memoi r of Frien dship
Gail Carriger
Blame less
Gail Godwin
Unfin ished Desir es_ A Novel
Gail Oust
Til Dice Do Us Part
Gaile Parkin
Bakin g Cakes in Kigal i
Gardner Dozois
Mammo th Book of the Best of Best New SF, The
Garth Nix
Shade 's Child ren
Garth Stein
Art of Racin g in the Rain, The
Gary Birken & M.D_
Code 15
Gary Chapman
5 Love Langu ages_ The Secre t to Love That Lasts , The
Gary Hansen
Wet Deser t_ Track ing Down a Terro rist on the Color ado River
Gary Jansen
Holy Ghost s
Gary Paulsen
Gary Rivlin
Broke , USA_ From Pawns hops to Pover ty, Inc.- -How the Worki ng Poor Becam e Big Busin ess
Gary Russell
Twili ght Stree ts, The
Gary Shteynga rt
Super Sad True Love Story _ A Novel
Gary Vaynerch uk
Crush It!_ Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passi on
Gaston Leroux
Phant om of the Opera , The
Gay Talese
Honor thy fathe r
Gayle Brandeis
Delta Girls
Gayle Forman
If I Stay
Gayle Lynds
Book of Spies , The
Gene Mustain & Jerry Capeci
Mob star_ the story of John Gotti
Gene Wallenst ein
pleas ure insti nct_ why we crave adven ture, choco late, phero mones , and music , The
Gennifer Choldenk o
Al Capon e Shine s My Shoes
George Bernard Shaw
Pygma lion and three other plays
George Bishop
Lette r to My Daugh ter_ A Novel
George Dawes Green
Raven s
George Orwell
Compl ete Novel s Of Georg e Orwel l, The
George R. R. Martin
George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozo
Songs of Love and Death _ All-O rigin al Tales of Star- Cross ed Lo
George W. Bush
Decis ion Point s
Gerald Durrell
Corfu trilo gy, The
Gerald Kolpan
Gerald Martin
Gabri el Garci a Marqu ez_ a life
Geraldin e Brooks
March _ a novel
Year of wonde rs_ a novel of the plagu e
Gervase Phinn
Domin ic's Disco very
Story of the Scrol ls_ The Mirac ulous Disco very and True Signi fican ce of the Dead Sea Scro
Gilbert Morris
Homep lace, The
Gillian Summers
Into the Wilde wood
Secre t of the Dread Fores t, The
Gin Phillips
Well and the Mine, The
Gita Nazareth
Forgi ving Arara t
Gladys Mitchell
When Last I Died
Glen Cook
Surre nder to the Will of the Night
Sword beare r, The
Glenn Cooper
Secre t of the Seven th Son
Tenth Chamb er, The
Glenn Taylor
Marro wbone Marbl e Compa ny, The
Gord Rollo
Jigsa w Man, The
Gordon Ramsay & Ditte Isager
Cooki ng for Frien ds
Grace Lin
Where the Mount ain Meets the Moon
Graham Bowley
No Way Down_ Life and Death on K2
Graham Brown
Black Rain_ A Thril ler
Black Sun_ A Thril ler
Graham Moore
Sherl ockia n, The
Greg Bear
Greg Mortenso n
Stone s Into Schoo ls
Three Cups of Tea
Gregg Olsen
Victi m Six
Gregory A
Myth of a Chris tian Natio n_ How the Quest for Polit ical Power Is Destr oying the Churc
Gregory A. B
Myth of a Chris tian Relig ion_ Losin g Your Relig ion for the Beaut y of a Revol ution ,
Gregory Funaro
Sculp tor, The
Gregory Maguire
Gregory Mcdonald
Confe ss, Fletc h
Fletc h's Fortu ne
Grimm Brothers
Grimm 's Fairy Tales
Guillerm o del Toro & Chuck Hogan
Strai n, The
Guillerm o Martinez & Sonia Soto
Book of Murde r, The
Gus Russo
Outfi t_ The Role of Chica go's Under world in the Shapi ng of Moder n Ameri ca, The
Gustave Flaubert
Madam e Bovar y
Senti menta l Educa tion
Guy Adams
House That Jack Built _ The House That Jack Built , The
Guy Gavriel Kay
Guy Harrison & Steven Feuerste in
MySQL Store d Proce dure Progr ammin g
Guy Sajer
Forgo tten Soldi er, The
Weath er of the Futur e_ Heat Waves , Extre me Storm s, and Other Scene s from a Clima te-Ch anged
H. G. Wells
Time Machi ne and the Invis ible Man, The
War of the World s, The
H. N. Pollack
World Witho ut Ice, A
H. P. Lovecraf t
At the mount ains of madne ss
H. Paul Jeffers
Dark Myste ries of the Vatic an
H. Rider Haggard
King Solom on's Mines
Ha Jin
good fall, A
Hannah Reed
Buzz Off
Hannelor e Brenner- Wonschic k & Han
Girls of Room 28_ Frien dship , Hope, and Survi val in There
Hans Christia n Andersen & Harry Clarke & Jack Zipes & Marte H. Hult
Fairy Tales
Hans Holzer
Ghost s
Hitle r's Niece
Harlan Coben
Caugh t
Harold Koplewic z
It's Nobod y's Fault _ New Hope and Help for Diffi cult Child ren and Their Paren ts
Harold McGee
On food and cooki ng_ the scien ce and lore of the kitch en
Harper, Tom
Knigh ts of the Cross
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's cabin
Harriet Brown
Brave Girl Eatin g_ A Famil y's Strug gle with Anore xia
Harry Turtledo ve
Ameri can Empir e_ Blood and Iron
Haruki Murakami
Haruki Murakami & Alfred Birnbaum & Philip Gabriel
Under groun d
Haruki Murakami & Jay Rubin
After the quake _ stori es
X-Tre me Latin _ Lingu a Latin a Extre ma_ All the Latin You Need to Know for Survi ving the 21s
Heather Barbieri
Lace Maker s of Glenm ara, The
Heather Clay
Losin g Charl otte
Heather Graham
Ghost Memor ies
Ghost Shado w
Night walke r
Heather Gudenkau f
Weigh t of Silen ce, The
Helen Baron
Perfe ct Perso nalit y Profi les
Helen Bianchin
Publi c Marri age, Priva te Secre ts
Helen Brooks
Milli onair e's women
Helena Andrews
Bitch Is the New Black _ A Memoi r
Helene Tursten
Glass Devil , The
Torso , The
Helene Tursten & Steven T. Murray
Detec tive Inspe ctor Huss
Henning Mankell
Henning Mankell & Ebba Segerber g
Firew all
Henning Mankell & Laurie Thompson
Depth s
Shado ws in the Twili ght
Henning Mankell & Steven T. Murray
Fifth Woman , The
Sidet racke d
Henry Cole
Nest for Celes te_ A Story About Art, Inspi ratio n, and the Meani ng of Home, A
Henry David Thoreau
Walde n and on the Duty of Civil Disob edien ce
Henry H. Neff
Hound of Rowan , The
Secon d Siege _ Book Two of The Tapes try, The
Henry James
Daisy Mille r_ and, Washi ngton Squar e
Wings of the Dove, The
Henry M. Paulson
On the Brink _ Insid e the Race to Stop the Colla pse of the Globa l Finan cial Syste m
Herman Melville
Moby Dick
Hermann Hesse
Siddh artha
Hew Strachan
First World War, The
Hilary Mantel
Wolf Hall
Hilary Thayer Hamann
Anthr opolo gy of an Ameri can Girl_ A Novel
Holger H. Herwi
Marne , 1914_ The Openi ng of World War I and the Battl e That Chang ed the World , Th
Holly Black
Geekt astic
Poiso n Eater s_ And Other Stori es, The
Iliad , The
Homer & Robert Fagles & Bernard Knox
Odyss ey, The
Homer & Robert Squillac e & George Herbert Palmer
Odyss ey, The
Honor Hartman
Unkin dest Cut, The
Hooman Majd
Ayato llah Begs to Diffe r, The
How the Scots invented the Modern World_ the true story of how western Europe's poorest nat
Howard Bryant
Last Hero_ A Life of Henry Aaron , The
Howard Jacobson
Kaloo ki Night s
Howard Marks
Mr Nice_ an autob iogra phy
Howard Pyle
Merry Adven tures of Robin Hood, The
Howard Zinn
Zinn Reade r, The
Howie Mandel & Josh Young
Here' s the Deal_ Don't Touch Me
Huck_ The Remarkab le True Story of How One Lost Puppy Taught a Family-- and a Whole Town--ab o
Hunter S. Thompson
Curse of Lono, The
Fear and loath ing in Las Vegas , and other Ameri can stori es
Iain M. Banks
Ian C. Esslemon t
Night of Knive s_ A Novel of the Malaz an Empir e
Ian Douglas
Earth Strik e_ Star Carri er_ Book One
Ian Irvine
Chima era
Geoma ncer
Tetra rch
Ian McCallum
Ecolo gical Intel ligen ce_ Redis cover ing Ourse lves in Natur e (Easy Read Large Editi on)
Ian McEwan
Comfo rt of Stran gers, The
Ian Whates
City of Dream s and Night mare
Imre Kertesz
Fatel essne ss
Ingrid Betancou rt
Even Silen ce Has an End_ My Six Years of Capti vity in the Colom bian Jungl e
Iris Johansen & Roy Johansen
Shado w Zone
Isabel Allende
Islan d Benea th the Sea
Isabel Wilkerso n
Warmt h of Other Suns_ The Epic Story of Ameri ca's Great Migra tion, The
Isobelle Carmody
Night gate
Winte r door
Italo Calvino
Why Read the Class ics_
Italo Calvino & Martin McLaughl in
Hermi t in Paris _ Autob iogra phica l Writi ngs
Ivan Ristic
Apach e Secur ity
J. D. Robb
Indul gence in Death
J. L. Bourne
Beyon d Exile _ Day by Day Armag eddon
J. Maarten Troost
sex lives of canni bals_ adrif t in the Equat orial Pacif ic, The
J. Mark Bertrand
Back on Murde r
J. Michael Hileman
Vrin_ Ten Morta l Gods
J. P. Donleavy
Singu lar Man, A
J. P. Donleavy & Jay McInerne y
Ginge r Man, The
J. R. Moehring er
Tende r Bar_ A Memoi r, The
J. R. R. Tolkien
J. R. R. Tolkien & Christop her Tolkien
Child ren of Hurin , The
J. R. R. Tolkien & Christop her Tolkien & Ted Nasmith
Silma rilli on, The
J. Randy Taraborr elli
Micha el Jacks on_ The Magic , the Madne ss, the Whole Story , 1958- 2009
Secre t Life of Maril yn Monro e, The
J. Robert King
Guild Wars_ Edge of Desti ny
J. T. Ellison
Cold Room, The
Jaci Burton
Bound , Brand ed, & Braze n
Darke st Touch , The
Taken by Sin
Jack Higgins
Eye of the storm
Judas Gate, The
Wolf at the Door, The
Jack Kerouac
On The Road
Jack L. Chalker
Midni ght at the Well of Souls
Jack London
Call of the Wild and White Fang, The
Jack McDevitt
Ancie nt shore s
Etern ity Road
Moonf all
Jackie Kessler & Caitlin Kittredg e
Black and White
Shade s of Gray
Jacqueli ne E. Luckett
Searc hing for Tina Turne r
Jacquely n Frank & Kate Douglas & Jess Haines & Clare Willis
Noctu rnal
Jag Bhalla
I'm Not Hangi ng Noodl es on Your Ears and Other Intri guing Idiom s from Aroun d the World
Jake Adelstei n
Tokyo Vice_ An Ameri can Repor ter on the Polic e Beat in Japan
James A. Michener
Sourc e, The
James Andrus
Perfe ct Woman , The
James Barclay
Elfso rrow
James Becker
Moses Stone , The
James Bradley
Imper ial Cruis e_ A Secre t Histo ry of Empir e and War, The
James Church
Bambo o and Blood
James D. Watson
Avoid Borin g Peopl e_ Lesso ns from a Life in Scien ce
James Dashner
Maze Runne r, The
James Fenimore Cooper
Last of the Mohic ans, The
James Goss
Almos t Perfe ct
Risk Asses sment
James Grippand o
Abduc tion, The
Money to Burn_ A Novel of Suspe nse
James Herbert
James King
Bill Warri ngton 's Last Chanc e
James L. Rubart
Rooms _ A Novel
James Lee Burke
Rain Gods
James M. Barrie
Peter Pan
James M. Tabor
Blind Desce nt_ The Quest to Disco ver the Deepe st Place on Earth
James MacDonal d
Lord, Chang e My Attit ude_ Befor e Its Too Late
James Patterso n
James Patterso n & Howard Roughan
Don't Blink
James Patterso n & Ned Rust
Danie l X_ Watch the Skies
Witch & Wizar d_ The Gift
James Robert Smith
Flock , The
James Rollins
Map of Bones
James Scott Bell
Try Fear
James W. Nichol
Trans gress ion_ A Novel of Love and War
Jamie Sobrato
Any Way You Want Me
Jamyang Norbu
manda la of Sherl ock Holme s_ the missi ng years , The
Jan Guillou
Birth of the Kingd om
Jan Hudson
Maver ick, The
Jan Siegel
witch queen , The
Jane Austen
Jane Borodale
Book of Fires , The
Jane Goodall & Than
Hope for Anima ls and Their World _ How Endan gered Speci es Are Being
Jane Graves
Flirt ing with Disas ter
Jane Green
Babyv ille
Beach House , The
Dune Road
Jane Leavy
Last Boy_ Micke y Mantl e and the End of Ameri ca's Child hood, The
Jane Smiley
Priva te Life
Jane Ziegelma n
97 Orcha rd_ An Edibl e Histo ry of Five Immig rant Famil ies in One New York Tenem ent
Janelle Brown
This Is Where We Live
Janet Evanovic h
Janet Gleeson
Milli onair e_ The Phila ndere r, Gambl er, and Dueli st Who Inven ted Moder n Finan ce
Janette Rallison
Just One Wish
Janice Hardy
Shift er, The
Janice Y. K. Lee
Piano Teach er, The
Jarad Henry
Blood Sunse t
Jared M. Diamond
Guns, germs , and steel _ the fates of human socie ties
Jason Hightman
Saint of Drago ns, The
Samur ai
Jason Mattera
Obama Zombi es_ How the Liber al Machi ne Brain washe d My Gener ation
Jasper Fforde
Last Drago nslay er, The
Jaspreet Singh
Jay McInerne y
How It Ended _ New and Colle cted Stori es
Jayne Ann Krentz
In Too Deep
Jayne Anne Phillips
Lark and Termi te
Decod ed
Jean Johnson
Bedti me Stori es_ A Colle ction of Eroti c Fairy Tales
Jean Kwok
Girl in Trans latio n
Jean Rabe & Martin Harry Greenber g
Times hares
Jeanne Adams
Deadl y Littl e Secre ts
Jeanne DuPrau
City of Ember _ Book 1, The
Jedediah Berry
Manua l of Detec tion, The
Manua l of Detec tion_ A Novel , The
Jeff Corwin
Jeff Corwi n_ a wild life _ the autho rized biogr aphy
Jeff Lindsay
Dexte r Is Delic ious
Jeff Potter
Cooki ng for Geeks _ Real Scien ce, Great Hacks , and Good Food
Jeff Povey
Seria l Kille rs Club, The
Jeff Sharlet
famil y_ the secre t funda menta lism at the heart of Ameri can power , The
Jeff Strand
Press ure
Jefferso n Bass
Devil 's Bones _ A Body Farm Novel , The
Flesh and Bone_ A Body Farm Novel
Jeffrey Archer
Paths of Glory
Jeffrey Cohen
As Dog Is My Witne ss Anoth er Aaron Tucke r Myste ry
Farew ell to Legs_ An Aaron Tucke r Myste ry, A
For Whom the Miniv an Rolls _ An Aaron Tucke r Myste ry
Jeffrey Long & Paul Perry
Evide nce of the After life_ The Scien ce of Near- Death Exper ience s
Jeffrey Zaslow
Girls from Ames_ A Story of Women and a Forty -Year Frien dship , The
Jenna Blum
Those Who Save Us
Jennifer Baggett & Am
Lost Girls _ Three Frien ds. Four Conti nents . One Uncon venti on
Jennifer Brown
Hate List
Jennifer Erin Valent
Firef lies in Decem ber
Jennifer Fulton
Dark Dream er_ A Dark Vista Roman ce
Jennifer Stanley
Way of the Guilt y_ A Hope Stree t Churc h Myste ry, The
Jenny McCarthy
Love, Lust & Fakin g It_ The Naked Truth About Sex, Lies, and True Roman ce
Jeremy Robinson
Insti nct_ A Chess Team Adven ture
Jerry A. Coyne
Why Evolu tion Is True
Jerry Ahern
Writt en in Time
Jerry Del
From Those Wonde rful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbo r_ Front -Line Dispa tche
Jerry Peek & Shelley Powers & Tim O'Reilly & Mike Loukides
UNIX Power Tools , 3rd Editi on
Jerry Weintrau b
When I Stop Talki ng, You'l l Know I'm Dead_ Usefu l Stori es from a Persu asive Man
Jesse Bullingt on
Sad Tale of the Broth ers Gross bart, The
Jesse Kellerma n
Execu tor, The
Jessica Conant-P ark & Susan Conant
Fed Up
Jill Dawson
great lover , The
Jill Myles
Gentl emen Prefe r Succu bi
Succu bi Like It Hot
Jill Shalvis
Kiss Me, Kate! and Hug Me, Holly !_ Duets 2 Roman tic Comed ies
Jillian Hart
Gingh am Bride
Jillian Lauren
Some Girls _ My Life in a Harem
Jilliane Hoffman
Prett y Littl e Thing s
Jilly Cooper
Jim Butcher
Jim Gorant
Lost Dogs_ Micha el Vick' s Dogs and Their Tale of Rescu e and Redem ption , The
Jim Kelly
Jim Lehrer
Jim Lynch
Borde r songs
Jimmy Buffett
salty piece of land, A
Jimmy Buffett & Helen Bransfor d
Swine Not__ A Novel Pig Tale
Jo-Ann Mapson
Solom on's Oak_ A Novel
Joanne Fluke
Choco late Chip Cooki e Murde r
Joanne Harris
Runem arks
Joanne Rock
Capti ve, The
Jodi Picoult
Secon d Glanc e
Joe Hill
Heart -shap ed box
Joe Pernice
It Feels So Good When I Stop
Joe Torre & Tom Verducci
Yanke e Years , The
Joel C. Rosenber g
Twelf th Imam, The
Joel Osteen
Start ing Your Best Life Now_ A Guide for New Adven tures and Stage s on Your Journ ey
Your Best Life Now for Moms
Joey W. Hill
Vampi re Trini ty
Johanna Moran
Wives of Henry Oades , The
John Boyne
Boy in the Strip ed Pyjam as, The
John Brown
Serva nt of a Dark God
John Buntin
L.A. noir_ the strug gle for the soul of Ameri ca's most seduc tive city
John Burdett
Bangk ok 8
Godfa ther of Kathm andu, The
John C. McManus
Grunt s_ Insid e the Ameri can Infan try Comba t Exper ience , World War II Throu gh Iraq
John Fante & Dan Fante
Wait until sprin g, Bandi ni
John Green & David Levithan
Will Grays on, Will Grays on
John Grisham
Appea l, The
Ford Count y_ stori es
John Grogan
Marle y & me_ life and love with the world 's worst dog
John Hart
King of Lies, The
John Heileman n & Mar
Game Chang e_ Obama and the Clint ons, McCai n and Palin , and the Race of
John Irving
Last Night in Twist ed River
John Jackson Miller
Star Wars Lost Tribe of the Sith #1
John Joseph Adams
Impro bable Adven tures of Sherl ock Holme s, The
Livin g Dead, The
Waste lands
John le Carre
Our Kind of Trait or
John M. Barry
Risin g tide_ the great Missi ssipp i flood of 1927 and how it chang ed Ameri ca
John Major
2012 Story _ The Myths , Falla cies, and Truth Behin d the Most Intri guing Date in Hist
John Manning
All the Prett y Dead Girls
John Marciano
Anony ponym ous_ The Forgo tten Peopl e Behin d Every day Words
John Milton & Burton Raffel
Annot ated Milto n_ Compl ete Engli sh Poems , The
John Milton Cooper
Woodr ow Wilso n_ a biogr aphy
John Sandford
Bad Blood
Broke n prey
Invis ible Prey
John Saul
John Shirley
Bleak Histo ry
John Shors
Besid e a Burni ng Sea
Drago n House
Wishi ng Trees , The
John Steinbec k
John Steinbec k & Edward Flanders Ricketts
log from the Sea of Corte z, The
John Steinbec k & Linda Wagner-M artin & Jose Clemente Orozco
Pearl , The
John Steinbec k & Rosa Harvan Kline & Alexande r Hackensm id
Forgo tten Villa ge, The
John Steinbec k & Warren G. French
In Dubio us Battl e
John Updike
Maple s stori es, The
Rabbi t, Run
Towar d the End of Time
John Vaillant
Tiger _ A True Story of Venge ance and Survi val, The
John Verdon
Think of a Numbe r
John Vorhaus
Calif ornia Roll, The
John W. Dean
Conse rvati ves Witho ut Consc ience
John Wray
Lowbo y
John Wyndham
Midwi ch Cucko os, The
John Yoo
War by other means _ an insid er's accou nt of the war on terro r
Johnny D. Boggs
North field
Jon Clinch
Kings of the Earth _ A Novel
Jon Erickson
Hacki ng_ The Art of Explo itati on, 2nd Editi on
Jon Evans
Night of Knive s
Jon Katz
Rose in a Storm
Jon Krakauer
Where Men Win Glory
Jon Sprunk
Shado w's Son
Jon Stephen Fink
Furth er Adven tures
Storm in the Blood , A
Jon Stewart
Naked Pictu res of Famou s Peopl e
Jonathan Franzen
Freed om
Jonathan L. Howard
Johan nes Cabal the Necro mance r
Jonathan Maberry
Rot & Ruin
Jonathan Oliver
Call of Kerbe ros_ Twili ght of Kerbe ros, The
Jonathan Strahan
Eclip se 3_ New Scien ce Ficti on and Fanta sy
Eclip se Three
Jonathan Swift
Gulli ver's Trave ls
Jonathon King
Joseph Conrad
Heart of darkn ess
Joseph Finder
Vanis hed
Joseph Kertes
Grati tude
Joseph Lidster & James Moran & Andrew Cartmel & David Llewelly n & Sarah Pinborou gh
Conse quenc es
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
In a Glass Darkl y
Joseph Wambaugh
New Centu rions , The
Josh Bazell
Beat the reape r_ a novel
Josh Lieb
I Am a Geniu s of Unspe akabl e Evil and I Want to Be Your Class Presi dent
Joshilyn Jackson
Backs eat Saint s
Girl Who Stopp ed Swimm ing, The
Joshua Corin
While Galil eo Preys
Joshua Ferris
Unnam ed, The
Joy Bauer & Carol Svec
Joy Bauer 's Food Cures
Joy Nash
Celti c Fire
Grail King, The
Joyce Carol Oates & Elaine Showalte r
Expen sive Peopl e
Joyce Lamb
Cold Midni ght
Joyce Maynard
Good Daugh ters
Juan Gabriel Vasquez
Infor mers, The
Juan Gomez Jurado
Contr act With God
Jules Verne
Journ ey to the Cente r of the Earth , A
Twent y Thous and Leagu es Under the Sea
Julia Alvarez
In the Time of the Butte rflie s
Retur n to Sende r
Julia Barrett
Beaut y and the Feast
Julia Child
Julia 's Kitch en Wisdo m
Julia Franck
blind side of the heart , The
Julia Gregson
East of the Sun
Julia Llewelly n
Model Wife, The
Julia Stuart
Tower , the Zoo and the Torto ise, The
Julie E. Czerneda
Migra tion_ Speci es Imper ative #2
Julie James
Just the Sexie st Man Alive
Pract ice Makes Perfe ct
Somet hing about You
Julie Kagawa
Iron King, The
Julie Miller
Ridin g the storm
Julie Powell
Cleav ing
Juliet Gael
Roman cing Miss Bront e_ A Novel
Justin Cronin
Mary and O'Nei l
Passa ge, The
Summe r Guest , The
Justin Halpern
Sh_t My Dad Says
Justin Peacock
Blind Man's Alley
Justin Taylor
Apoca lypse Reade r, The
K. J. Taylor
Dark Griff in, The
K. M. Soehnlei n
Robin and Ruby
Numbe rs Rule Your World _ The Hidde n Influ ence of Proba bilit ies and Stati stics on Every thin
Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Beaut iful Creat ures
Kamran Pasha
Mothe r of the Belie vers_ A Novel of the Birth of Islam
Karen Armstron g
Case for God, The
Histo ry of God_ the 4000- year quest of Judai sm, Chris tiani ty, and Islam , A
Short Histo ry of Myth, A
Karen Chance & Marjorie M. Liu & Yasmine Galenorn & Eileen Wilks
Karen E. Olson
Drive n to Ink
Karen Harper
Down River
Mistr ess Shake spear e
Karen Marie Moning
Blood fever
Faefe ver
Karen Stabiner
Getti ng In_ A Novel
Karin Fossum
Don't Look Back
He Who Fears the Wolf
Water 's Edge, The
Karl F. Lutzen & Mark Stevens
Build ing homeb rew equip ment
Karl Marlante s
Matte rhorn _ A Novel of the Vietn am War
Karma-gl in-pa (Karma Lingpa), W. Y. Evans-We ntz (Editor) , Lama Kazi Dawa-Sam du
Tibet an
Kate Atkinson
Start ed Early , Took My Dog
Kate Furnival l
Concu bine' s Secre t, The
Russi an Concu bine, The
Under a Blood Red Sky
Kate Grenvill e
Secre t River , The
Kate Griffin
Midni ght Mayor , The
Kate Hewitt
Bride 's Awake ning, The
Kate Hoffmann
might y Quinn s_ Liam, The
Kate Moore
To Tempt a Saint
Kate Morton
Dista nt Hours , The
Kate Mosse
cave, The
Winte r Ghost s, The
Kate S
suspi cions of Mr. Which er_ a shock ing murde r and the undoi ng of a great Victo rian dete
Kate White
Hush_ A Novel
Katherin e M. Ra
Devil 's Dozen _ How Cutti ng-Ed ge Foren sics Took Down 12 Notor ious Seria l Kille r
Katherin e Sutcliff e
White horse
Kathleen Bacus
Calam ity Jayne
Kathleen Kent
Heret ic's Daugh ter_ A Novel , The
Kathleen T. Horning
From Cover to Cover _ Evalu ating and Revie wing Child ren's Books
Kathleen Y'Barbo
Confi denti al Life of Eugen ia Coope r_ Woman of the West, The
Kathryn Stockett
help, The
Kathy Reichs
Deja Dead
Spide r Bones _ A Novel
Kathy Reichs & Brendan Reichs
Viral s
Katie Crouch
Girls in Truck s
Katie Fforde
Love Lette rs
Katie Nicholl & C Nicholl
Willi am and Harry
Katrina Kittle
Bless ings of the Anima ls_ A Novel , The
Katrina Prado
Whore of Babyl on, a Memoi r, The
Kavita Daswani
Salaa m, Paris
Kay Redfield Jamison
Nothi ng was the same_ a memoi r
Keith Gessen
All the Sad Young Liter ary Men
Keith Haring & Robert Farris Thompson
Keith Harin g Journ als
Keith Richards & James Fox (Contrib utor)
Kelley Armstron g
Exit Strat egy
Kelley St. John
Flirt ing with Tempt ation
Good Girls Don't
Kelly Creagh
Never more
Ken Auletta
Googl ed
Ken Follett
Fall of Giant s
Man from St. Peter sburg , The
Ken Scholes
Antip hon
Kenneth Cameron
Bohem ian Girl, The
Frigh tened Man, The
Kenneth Grahame
Wind in the Willo ws, The
Kenneth Silverma n
Begin Again _ A Biogr aphy of John Cage
Kenneth Wishnia
Fifth Serva nt, The
Kerry Greenwoo d
quest ion of death _ an illus trate d Phryn e Fishe r treas ury, A
Tommy 's Honor _ The Story of Old Tom Morri s and Young Tom Morri s, Golf' s Found ing Fathe r a
Boy Who Came Back from Heave n_ A Remar kable Accou nt of Mirac les, Angel s, and Li
Have a New Kid by Frida y_ How to Chang e Your Child 's Attit ude, Behav ior & Chara cter in 5
Kevin David & Kevin David Anderson & Sam Stall Anderson & Sam Stall
Night of the Livin g Trekk ies
Kevin M. White
Apple Train ing Serie s_ Mac OS X Suppo rt Essen tials v10.6
Kevin O'Brien
Next to Die, The
Vicio us
Watch Them Die
Kevin Purdy
Compl ete Andro id Guide , The
Kevin Roose
Unlik ely Disci ple_ A Sinne r's Semes ter at Ameri ca's Holie st Unive rsity , The
Kim Echlin
Dagma r's Daugh ter
Eleph ant Winte r
Kim Stanley Robinson
Blue Mars
Green mars
Red Mars
Kim Vogel Sawyer
In Every Heart beat
Kim Wright
Love in Mid Air
Kimberly Alan
Truth s Unvei led
Kimberly Fisk
Lake Magic
Kris Kennedy
Irish Warri or, The
Krista Vernoff & Az Ferguson
Game On! Diet_ Kick Your Frien d's Butt While Shrin king Your Own, The
Kristan Higgins
Kristen Heitzman n
Indiv isibl e
Kristen Landon
Limit , The
Kristin Hannah
Angel Falls
On Mysti c Lake
Winte r Garde n
Kristina Riggle
Life You'v e Imagi ned, The
Real Life & Liars
Kurt Vonnegut
Kylie Ladd
After the Fall
L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims
Black Cathe dral
Lalita Tademy
Cane River
Larry McMurtry
Lones ome Dove
Larry Niven & Edward M. Lerner
Juggl er of World s
Larry's Kidney_ Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China with My Black Sheep C
Lars Brownwor th
Lost to the West_ The Forgo tten Byzan tine Empir e That Rescu ed Weste rn Civil izati on
Laura Bradley
Brush -Off_ A Hair- Raisi ng Myste ry, The
Laura Bush
Spoke n from the Heart
Laura Iding
Marry ing the Playb oy Docto r
Laura Ling & Lisa Ling
Somew here Insid e
Laura Lippman
I'd Know You Anywh ere
Laura Moriarty
Cente r of Every thing , The
While I'm Falli ng
Laurell K. Hamilton
Bulle t
Kiss of Shado ws, A
Lauren Belfer
Fierc e Radia nce_ A Novel , A
Lauren Beukes
Zoo City
Lauren Conrad
L.A. Candy
Lauren Oliver
Befor e I Fall
Laurent Fignon
We Were Young and Caref ree
Laurie Faria Stolarz
Deadl y Littl e Secre t
Laurie Helgoe
Intro vert Power _ Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidde n Stren gth
Laurie Sheck
Monst er's Notes , A
Lawrence Block
Lawrence G. McDonal
colos sal failu re of commo n sense _ the insid e story of the colla pse o
Lawrence S. Kaplan
House of Ghost s
Leander Kahney
Insid e Steve 's Brain
Lee Child
61 Hours
Killi ng Floor
Nothi ng to Lose
Leo Nikoleye vich Tolstoy
Anna Karen ina
Leo Tolstoy (graf) & Ann Slater
death of Ivan Ilyic h_ and, Maste r and man, The
Leonard Peikoff
Omino us Paral lels
Leonardo da Vinci & Irma Anne Richter & Thereza Wells
Noteb ooks
Les Stroud & Laura Bombi
Survi ve!_ Essen tial Skill s and Tacti cs to Get You Out of Anywh ere - Ali
Lesley Anne Cowan
Somet hing Wicke d
Lesley Hazleton
After the proph et_ the epic story of the Shia- Sunni split in Islam
Leslie Langtry
Leslie Meier
Bake Sale Murde r
Lev Grossman
Magic ians, The
Lewis Carroll
Alice 's Adven tures in Wonde rland and Throu gh the Looki ng-Gl ass
Lewis Hyde
Gift_ Creat ivity and the Artis t in the Moder n World , The
Liane Merciel
River Kings ' Road, The
Liaquat Ahamed
Lords of Finan ce_ The Banke rs Who Broke the World
Lidia Matticch io Bastiani ch & Tanya B
Lidia Cooks from the Heart of Italy _ A Feast of 175
Lifetime Televisi on
Cook Yours elf Thin_ Skinn y Meals You Can Make in Minut es
Lillian S Carl
Vorko sigan Compa nion, The
Lisa Black
Takeo ver
Lisa Childs
Vampi re Hunte r the Vampi re Hunte r the Vampi re Hunte r, The
Lisa Drayer
Beaut y Diet_ Looki ng Great Has Never Been So Delic ious, The
Lisa Genova
Still Alice
Lisa Grunwald
Irres istib le Henry House , The
Lisa Jackson
Runni ng Scare d
Lisa Lillien
Hungr y Girl 1-2-3 _ The Easie st, Most Delic ious, Guilt -Free Recip es on the Plane t
Hungr y Girl_ 200 Under 200_ 200 Recip es Under 200 Calor ies
Hungr y Girl_ Recip es and Survi val Strat egies for Guilt -Free Eatin g in the Real World
Lisa Mantchev
Perch ance to Dream _ Theat re Illum inata #2
Lisa Sanders
Every patie nt tells a story _ medic al myste ries and the art of diagn osis
Lisa See
Snow Flowe r and the Secre t Fan
Lisa Unger
Black Out_ A Novel
Lisi Harrison
Liudmila Petrushe vskaia & Ludmil
There once lived a woman who tried to kill her ne
Liz Gallaghe r
Oppos ite of Invis ible, The
Liz Murray
Break ing Night
Liz Williams
Demon and the City, The
Snake Agent _ A Detec tive Inspe ctor Chen Novel
Lloyd Alexande r
Lola Shoneyin
Secre t Lives of Baba Segi' s Wives , The
Lorenzo Carcater ra
Sleep ers
Lorie O'Clare
Stron g, Sleek and Sinfu l
Lou Anders
Maske d
Lou Berney
Gutsh ot Strai ght
Louis Sachar
Cardt urner , The
Louisa May Alcott
Littl e Women
Louise Wener
Half Life of Stars _ A Novel , The
Louis-Fe rdinand Celine
Castl e to Castl e (Fren ch Liter ature )
Lucy Gordon
Itali an's Right ful Bride , The
Lus M. Rocha
Holy Bulle t, The
Last Pope, The
Lyman Frank Baum
Wonde rful Wizar d of Oz, The
Lynda Burton
Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panti es on
Lynn Abbey
braze n gambi t, The
Cinna bar Shado ws
Rise and Fall of a Drago nking , The
Lynn Barber
Educa tion, An
Lynn Viehl
Shado wligh t
Optio ns Tradi ng Body of Knowl edge_ The Defin itive Sourc e for Infor matio n About the Opt
M. G. Vassanji
Assas sin's Song, The
M. K. Hobson
Nativ e Star, The
M. T. Mustian
Genda rme, The
Mackenzi e Ford
Cloud s Benea th the Sun, The
Gifts of War
Mackenzi e Phillips & Hilary Liftin
High on Arriv al
Maddy Hunter
Madelein e Wickham
Desir able Resid ence, A
Madison Smartt Bell
All Souls ' Risin g
Devil 's dream
Maggie Barbieri
Extra curri cular Activ ities
Maggie Griffin
Tip It!_ The World Accor ding to Maggi e
Maggie Pouncey
Perfe ct Reade r
Malcolm Gladwell
Outli ers_ the story of succe ss
tippi ng point _ how littl e thing s can make a big diffe rence , The
What the Dog Saw_ And Other Adven tures
Malla Nunn
Beaut iful Place to Die, A
Marc Bekoff
Anima l Manif esto_ Six Reaso ns for Expan ding Our Compa ssion Footp rint, The
Marc Weissblu th & M.D_
Healt hy Sleep Habit s, Happy Child
Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini
Cruci fixio n River
Margaret Atwood
Penel opiad , The
Year of the Flood , The
Margaret George
Helen of Troy
Margaret Miles
Misch ief in the Snow, A
Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
Drago nlanc e_ The Secon d Gener ation
Drago ns of Autum n Twili ght
Marie Ferrarel la & Jenna Mills
Diagn osis_ dange r
Marie Force
Love at First Fligh t_ One Round Trip That Would Chang e Every thing
Marie Osmond & Marcia Wilkie
Might as Well Laugh about It Now
Marilynn Griffith
Made of Honor
Marina Fiorato
Botti celli Secre t, The
Mario Livio
golde n ratio _ the story of phi, the world 's most aston ishin g numbe r, The
Mario Vargas Llosa
Who Kille d Palom ino Moler o_
Marion Roberts
Mostl y Sunny with a Chanc e of Storm s
Marisha Pessl
Speci al topic s in calam ity physi cs
Mark Bittm an's Kitch en Expre ss_ 404 Inspi red Seaso nal Dishe s You Can Make in 20 Minut es
Mark A. McDonald
Miser y Doesn 't Alway s Love Compa ny
Mark Bittman
Food Matte rs Cookb ook_ 500 Revol ution ary Recip es for Bette r Livin g, The
Food Matte rs_ A Guide to Consc ious Eatin g with More Than 75 Recip es
Mark Coker
Smash words Style Guide
Mark Collins Jenkins
Vampi re Foren sics_ Uncov ering the Origi ns of an Endur ing Legen d
Mark D. White & Robert Arp
Batma n and philo sophy _ the dark knigh t of the soul
Mark Doty
Fire to fire_ new and selec ted poems
Mark Greaney
On Targe t
Mark Kurlansk y
Food of a Young er Land, The
Mark Lutz
Learn ing Pytho n
Mark McNay
Mark Mills
Amaga nsett
Infor matio n Offic er, The
Mark Morris
Bay of the Dead
Mark Mynheir
Night Watch man, The
Mark R
30-Mi nute Vegan 's Taste of the East_ 150 Asian -Insp ired Recip es--f rom Soba Noo
Mark Spragg
Bone Fire
Mark Thompson
White War_ Life and Death on the Itali an Front 1915- 1919, The
Mark Twain
Markus Zusak
I Am the Messe nger
Marliss Melton
Show No Fear
Marsha Canham
In the Shado w of Midni ght
Throu gh a Dark Mist
Martha Gellhorn
Trave ls with Mysel f and Anoth er
Martin Cruz Smith
Three Stati ons_ An Arkad y Renko Novel
Martin J
When China rules the world _ the rise of the middl e kingd om and the end of the weste rn
Martin Solares
Black Minut es, The
Mary Daheim
Loco Motiv e_ A Bed-a nd-Br eakfa st Myste ry
Mary Jo Putney
Wild Child , The
Mary Karr
Lit_ A Memoi r
Mary Monroe
God Don't Like Ugly
Mary Nichols
Fount ain, The
Mary Roach
Packi ng for Mars_ The Curio us Scien ce of Life in the Void
Mary Robinett e Kowal
First Fligh t
Mary Wine
Beddi ng the Enemy
Mary Wollston ecraft Shelley
Frank enste in
Mary Yukari Waters
favor ites_ a novel , The
Mathias Malzieu & Sarah Ardizzon e
Boy with the Cucko o-Clo ck Heart , The
Matt Forbeck & Jeff Grubb
Guild Wars_ Ghost s of Ascal on
Matthew Kneale
Engli sh passe ngers
Matthew Plampin
Stree t Philo sophe r, The
Matthew Skelton
Story of Cirru s Flux, The
Matthew Stokoe
Empty Mile
Matthias Kalle Dalheime r & Matt Welsh
Runni ng Linux , 5th Editi on
Maureen Ash
Murde r for Chris t's Mass
Maureen Howard
Rags of Time, The
Maureen Lang
Whisp er on the Wind
Maureen Tan
Too Close To Home
Maureen Wood & Ron Kolek
Ghost Chron icles , The
Maurice G. Dantec
Grand Junct ion
Max Allan Collins & Matthew Clemens
You Can't Stop Me
Max Brooks
World War Z_ An Oral Histo ry of the Zombi e War
Maya Angelou
I know why the caged bird sings
Maya Banks
Darke st Hour, The
Meghan McCain
Dirty Sexy Polit ics
Melanie Benjamin
Alice I Have Been_ A Novel
Melanie Rawn
Drago n Princ e
Star Scrol l, The
Sunru nner' s fire
Melissa Jacobs
Love, Life and Lingu ine
Melissa Marr
Stopp ing Time, Part 1
Stopp ing Time, Part 2
Wicke d Lovel y
Mellick Carlton
Satan Burge r
Melody Carlson
Catwa lk
Mercedes Lackey
Meredith Efken
Sahm I Am
Merrie DeStefan o
After life_ The Resur recti on Chron icles
Merry Jones
Nanny Murde rs, The
Murde r Room_ The Heirs of Sherl ock Holme s Gathe r to Solve the World 's Most Perpl exing Co
Mia Zachary
After noon Delig ht
Michael A. Martin
Star Trek_ Typho n Pact_ Seize the Fire
Michael Antho
Mass Casua lties _ A Young Medic 's True Story of Death , Decep tion, and Disho nor in Ir
Michael C. White
Beaut iful Assas sin
Michael Capuzzo
Murde r Room, The
Michael Connelly
Michael Cunningh am
Flesh and Blood
home at the end of the world , A
Land' s End_ A Walk in Provi nceto wn
Michael Davis
Stree t gang_ the compl ete histo ry of Sesam e Stree t
Michael Dobbs
One minut e to midni ght_ Kenne dy, Khrus hchev , and Castr o on the brink of nucle ar war
Michael Gruber
Good Son_ A Novel , The
Michael Haag
Templ ars_ Histo ry and Myth_ From Solom on's Templ e to the Freem asons
Michael J. F
Funny Thing Happe ned on the Way to the Futur e_ Twist s and Turns and Lesso ns Learn ed,
Michael Korda
Hero_ The Life and Legen d of Lawre nce of Arabi a
Michael Ondaatje
Anil' s Ghost
Michael Pollan
Michael Rash
Linux Firew alls
Michael Ruhlman
reach of a chef_ beyon d the kitch en, The
Michael S. Gazzanig a
Michael Schrenk
Webbo ts, Spide rs, and Scree n Scrap ers
Michael Schuster
Star Trek_ Myria d Unive rses_ Shatt ered Light
Michael Swanwick
Dog Said Bow-W ow, The
Michael Tunison
Footb all Fan's Manif esto, The
Michael Van Rooy
Ordin ary Decen t Crimi nal, An
Michael W. Lucas; Michael W. Lucas
Cisco Route rs for the Despe rate, 2nd Editi on
Michael Walsh
Hosti le Inten t
Michel Faber
Crims on Petal and the White , The
Michele Young-St one
Handb ook for Light ning Strik e Survi vors, The
Michelle Moran
Cleop atra' s Daugh ter
Heret ic Queen , The
Nefer titi
Mignon F. Ballard
Angel Whisp ered Dange r, The
Shado w of an Angel
Miguel Syjuco
Ilust rado
Mihaly Csikszen tmihalyi
Creat ivity
Tulip omani a_ The Story of the World 's Most Covet ed Flowe r & the Extra ordin ary Passi ons It A
Mike Das
First Famil y_ Terro r, Extor tion, Reven ge, Murde r and the Birth of the Ameri can Mafia , Th
Mike Mullane
Ridin g Rocke ts
Mikhail Bulgakov
Maste r and Marga rita, The
Mikkel Birkegaa rd
Libra ry of Shado ws, The
Mingmei Yip
Petal s from the Sky
Mira Grant
Feed_ The Newsf lesh Trilo gy
Miranda Bliss
Murde r Has a Sweet Tooth
Miranda July
No one belon gs here more than you_ stori es
Mollie Katzen
Get Cooki ng_ 150 Simpl e Recip es to Get You Start ed in the Kitch en
Molly Evans
One Summe r in Santa Fe
Morgan Matson
Amy & Roger 's Epic Detou r
Mosab Hassan Yousef
Son of Hamas
Mulk Raj Anand
Untou chabl e
N. K. Jemisin
Hundr ed Thous and Kingd oms, The
Nancie McDermot t & Maren Caruso
Quick & Easy Chine se_ 70 Every day Recip es
Nancy Baggett
Knead lessl y Simpl e_ Fabul ous, Fuss- Free, No-Kn ead Bread s
Nancy Bell
Biggi e and the Devil Diet
Nancy N. Rue
Sophi e's Secre t
Sophi e's World
Nancy Ortberg
Unlea shing the Power of Rubbe r Bands _ Lesso ns in Non-L inear Leade rship
Nancy S. Hughes
1500- Calor ie-a- Day Cookb ook, The
Naomi Novik
His Majes ty's Drago n
Naomi Rich
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Black Swan_ The Impac t of the Highl y Impro bable , The
Natale Stenzel
Pando ra's Box
Natasha Solomons
Mr. Rosen blum' s List_ Or Frien dly Guida nce for the Aspir ing Engli shman
Nathan Lowell
Quart er Share _ A Trade r's Tale from the Golde n Age of the Solar Clipp er
Nathan Whitaker
Mento r Leade r_ Secre ts to Build ing Peopl e and Teams That Win Consi stent ly, The
Nathanie l Hawthorn e & Nancy Stade
Scarl et Lette r, The
Nathanie l Philbric k
Last Stand _ Custe r, Sitti ng Bull, and the Battl e of the Littl e Big Horn, The
Natsume Soseki
Kokor o
Nava Semel
And the Rat Laugh ed
Neal Asher
Techn ician , The
Neal Stephens on
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Death by black hole_ and other cosmi c quand aries
Neil Gaiman
Odd and the Frost Giant s
Smoke and Mirro rs_ Short Ficti ons and Illus ions
Neil Gaiman & Al Sarranto nio
Stori es_ All-N ew Tales
Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean
Coral ine
grave yard book, The
Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchet t
Good Omens _ The Nice and Accur ate Proph ecies of Agnes Nutte r, Witch
Neil Jackson
Outsi ders, The
Neil Sheehan
fiery peace in a cold war_ Berna rd Schri ever and the ultim ate weapo n, A
Nelson DeMille
charm schoo l, The
Nero Blanc
Death on the Diago nal
Two down
Nevada Barr
Track of the Cat
Niall Ferguson
House of Roths child _ . Money 's proph ets, 1798- 1848, The
Love Is the Best Medic ine_ What Two Dogs Taugh t One Veter inari an about Hope, Hum
Nicci French
memor y game, The
safe house , The
What To Do When Someo ne Dies
Niccolo Machiave lli & Peter Constant ine
essen tial writi ngs of Machi avell i, The
Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl W
Half the Sky_ Turni ng Oppre ssion Into Oppor tunit y for Women Worl
Nicholas Sparks
Nick Cave
Death of Bunny Munro _ A Novel , The
Nick Douglas
Twitt er Wit_ Brill iance in 140 Chara cters Or Less
Nick Drake
Tutan khamu n
Nick Gevers & Jay Lake
Other Earth s
Nick Hornby
Fever Pitch
Julie t, Naked
Nick Taylor
Ameri can-m ade_ the endur ing legac y of the WPA _ when FDR put the natio n to work
Nicole Krauss
Great House _ A Novel
Nicole Mones
Last Chine se Chef, The
Lost in Trans latio n
Nikolai Vasilevi ch Gogol
Dead Souls
Nina LaCour
Hold Still
Nitesh Dhanjani & Billy Rios & Brett Hardin
Hacki ng_ The Next Gener ation
Noah Boyd
Brick layer , The
Noah Gift & Jeremy M. Jones
Pytho n for Unix and Linux Syste m Admin istra tion
Noah J. Goldstei n & Steve J. Martin & Robert B
Yes!_ 50 Scien tific ally Prove n Ways to Be Pe
Nora Roberts
Hot ice
Publi c Secre ts
Searc h, The
Nora Roberts & J. D. Robb
Big Jack
Norah Vincent
Volun tary Madne ss_ My Year Lost and Found in the Loony Bin
Norman Ollestad
Crazy for the Storm _ A Memoi r of Survi val
Norris Church Mailer
ticke t to the circu s_ a memoi r, A
Nury Vittachi
Feng Shui Detec tive, The
O. Henry & Victoria Blake
Selec ted stori es of O. Henry
Oliver Bowden
Renai ssanc e
Oliver Potzsch
Hangm an's Daugh ter, The
Olivia Munn & mac montando n
Suck It, Wonde r Woman !_ The Misad ventu res of a Holly wood Geek
origin of species by means of natural selectio n, or, The preserva tion of favored races in
Original Curse_ Did the Cubs Throw the 1918 World Series to Babe Ruth's Red Sox and Incite
Orson Scott Card
Ender 's Game
Pathf inder
Oscar Casares
Amigo land
Oscar Hijuelos
Beaut iful Maria of My Soul
Oscar Wilde
De Profu ndis
Ozzy Osbourne & Chris Ayres
I Am Ozzy
P. J. Bracegir dle
Fiend ish Deeds
Padma Viswanat han
Toss of a Lemon , The
Pain Chronicl es_ Cures, Myths, Mysterie s, Prayers, Diaries, Brain Scans, Healing, and th
Pam Jenoff
Komma ndant 's Girl, The
Pamela Britton
Tempt ed
Pamela Callow
Damag ed
Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer
Post- Ameri can Presi dency _ The Obama Admin istra tion' s War on
Pamela Keyes
Jumbe e, The
Pamela Klaffke
Snapp ed
Panama fever_ the epic story of one of the greatest human achievem ents of all time--th e bu
Paolo Bacigalu pi
Pump Six and Other Stori es
Windu p Girl, The
Pat Benatar & Patsi Bale Cox
Betwe en a Heart and a Rock Place _ A Memoi r
Pat Brown & Bob Andelman
Profi ler_ My Life Hunti ng Seria l Kille rs and Psych opath s, The
Pat Conroy
Pat Conro y Cookb ook_ Recip es and Stori es of My Life, The
South of Broad
Patricia Cornwell
Scarp etta Facto r, The
Patricia McCormic k
Purpl e Heart
Patrick Barclay
Footb all - Blood y Hell! '_ The Story of Alex Fergu son
Patrick McCabe
Emera ld Germs of Irela nd
Patrick Millikin
Phoen ix Noir
Patrick Ness
New World , The
Patrick Robinson
To the Death
Patrick White & J. M. Coetzee
Vivis ector , The
Patrick Woodhead
Cloud Maker , The
Patti Callahan Henry
When Light Break s
Patti LaBelle
Patti LaBel le's lite cuisi ne_ over 100 dishe s with to-di e-for taste ma
Paul Auster
Sunse t Park
Paul Greenber g
Four Fish_ The Futur e of the Last Wild Food
Paul Halpern
Colli der
Paul Johnson
Churc hill
Paul Mooney & Dave Chappell e
Black Is the New White
Paul Murray
Skipp y Dies_ A Novel
Paul Rusesaba gina & Tom Zoellner
Ordin ary Man, An
Paul Shaffer & David Ritz
We'll be here for the rest of our lives _ a swing in' show- biz saga
Paula Butturin i
Keepi ng the Feast
Paula Marantz Cohen
What Alice Knew_ A Most Curio us Tale of Henry James & Jack the Rippe r
Paula Quinn
Seduc ed by a Highl ander
Paula T. Renfroe
Cheat ing Curve , The
Pauline Rowson
Dead Man's Wharf
Peter Ackroyd
Albio n_ The Origi ns of the Engli sh Imagi natio n
Peter Anghelid es
Anoth er Life
Pack Anima ls
Peter F. Hamilton
Evolu tiona ry Void, The
Peter Hessler
Count ry Drivi ng_ A Journ ey Throu gh China from Farm to Facto ry
Peter Kreeft
Three Philo sophi es Of Life
Peter Lewis
Dead in the Dregs _ A Babe Stern Myste ry
Peter Lo
In the Neigh borho od_ The Searc h for Commu nity on an Ameri can Stree t, One Sleep over at
Peter Pezzelli
Home to Italy
Peter Rabe
Stop This Man!
Peter Straub
Peter V. Brett
Deser t Spear , The
Phil Ford
Skypo int
Philip Caputo
Acts of Faith
Philip K. Dick
Philip Pullman
Philippa Gregory
Red Queen , The
White Queen , The
Phillip Finch
Devil 's Keep
Pittacus Lore
I Am Numbe r Four
Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman
Nurtu reSho ck_ new think ing about child ren
Polly Shulman
Grimm Legac y, The
Portia de Rossi
Unbea rable Light ness_ A Story of Loss and Gain
Prescrip tion Alternat ives_ Hundreds of Safe, Natural, Prescrip tion-Fre e Remedies
R. A. Salvator e
Crims on Shado w, The
Gaunt lgrym
R. D. Wingfiel d
Night Frost
R. J. Ellory
City of Lies
Quiet Vende tta, A
R. K. Narayan
Ramay ana_ a short ened moder n prose versi on of the India n epic, The
R. Scott Bakker
Disci ple of the Dog
Rachael Ray
Expre ss Lane Meals
Rach Ray 365_ No Repea ts
Racha el Ray's Look _ Cook
Rachel Aaron
Spiri t Rebel lion_ The Legen d of Eli Monpr ess_ Book 2, The
Spiri t Thief , The
Rachel Gibson
I'm in No Mood for Love
Rachel Neumeier
City in the Lake, The
Rachel Swirsky
Eros, Phili a, Agape
Memor y of Wind, A
Rachel Vail
Gorge ous
Raffi Yessayan
2 in the Hat_ A Novel of Suspe nse
Eight in the Box_ A Novel of Suspe nse
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Essay s and Poems by Ralph Waldo Emers on
Ralph Waldo Emerson & Brooks Atkinson & Mary Oliver
essen tial writi ngs of Ralph Waldo Emers on, The
Randal Keynes
Creat ion_ Darwi n, His Daugh ter & Human Evolu tion
Randy C. Alcorn
Heave n
Randy Pausch & Jeffrey Zaslow
last lectu re, The
Randy Singer
By Reaso n of Insan ity
Ray Bradbury
Green shado ws, white whale
Raymond Khoury
Sign, The
Rebecca Barnhous e
Comin g of the Drago n, The
Rebecca Skloot
Immor tal Life of Henri etta Lacks , The
Rhonda Lau
Every thing Stir- Fry Cookb ook_ 300 Fresh and Flavo rful Recip es the Whole Famil y W
Rhonda Nelson
Playe r, The
Rhys Bowen
Richard A. Knaak
Legen ds of the Drago nreal m, Vol II
Richard Dawkins
God Delus ion, The
Great est Show on Earth , The
Richard Henry Dana & Anne Spencer
Two Years Befor e the Mast_ A Perso nal Narra tive of Life at Sea
Richard J. Evans
Comin g of the Third Reich , The
Richard Kadrey
Butch er Bird_ A Novel of the Domin ion
Sandm an Slim
Richard Laymon
Richard Morgan
Alter ed Carbo n
Broke n Angel s
Woken Furie s
Richard Overy
Battl e of Brita in, The
Richard Parry
Trial by Ice_ The True Story of Murde r and Survi val on the 1871 Polar is Exped ition
Richard W. Leech
Adven tures of Butto n, The
Richard Wiseman
59 Secon ds_ Think a Littl e, Chang e a Lot
Richard Wrangham
Catch ing Fire_ How Cooki ng Made Us Human
Richard Wright
Nativ e son
Rick Acker
When the Devil Whist les
Rick Bragg
princ e of Frogt own, The
Rick Mofina
Panic Zone, The
Rick Riordan
Rick Rodgers
Winte r Gathe rings _ Casua l Food to Enjoy with Famil y and Frien ds
Ricky Martin
Ridley Pearson
In Harm' s Way
Rita Lakin
Getti ng Old Is Tres Dange reux
Rita Mae Brown
Nose for Justi ce, A
Rob Sheffiel d
Love Is a Mix Tape_ Life and Loss, One Song at a Time
Rob Thurman
Grimr ose Path_ A Trick ster Novel , The
Robert Alexande r
Raspu tin's Daugh ter
Roman ov Bride , The
Robert Anton Wilson
Schro dinge r's cat trilo gy
Robert B. Parker
Robert Conroy
Red Infer no_ 1945
Robert Coover
Robert Crais
Sentr y, The
Robert Gilmore
Alice in Quant umlan d_ An Alleg ory of Quant um Physi cs
Robert Goddard
Long Time Comin g_ A Novel
Robert Goolrick
Relia ble Wife, A
Robert Jordan
Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderso n
Gathe ring Storm , The
Robert K. Wittman & John Shi
Price less_ How I Went Under cover to Rescu e the World 's Stole n Trea
Robert Lacey
Insid e the Kingd om
Robert Louis Stevenso n
Stran ge Case of Dr Jekyl l and Mr Hyde and Other Tales
Treas ure Islan d
Robert Ludlum
Bourn e Ident ity, The
Bourn e ultim atum, The
Robert Ludlum & Eric van Lustbade r
Bourn e Decep tion, The
Robert Mecklenb urg
Manag ing Proje cts with GNU Make, 3rd Editi on
Robert Oe
theor y of almos t every thing _ the Stand ard Model , the unsun g trium ph of moder n physi cs,
Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson
illum inatu s! trilo gy, The
Robert Spiller
Witch of Agnes i, The
Robert Wright
Evolu tion of God, The
Roberta Brandes Gra
Battl e for Gotha m_ New York in the Shado w of Rober t Moses and Jane Jacob s, T
Roberto Escobar & David Fi
Accou ntant 's Story _ Insid e the Viole nt World of the Medel lin Carte l,
Robin Burcell
Bone Chamb er, The
Robin Caroll
Dead Air
Robin Hobb
Drago n Haven
Robin Kaye
Break fast in Bed
Romeo , Romeo
Too Hot to Handl e
Robin Lee Hatcher
Vote of Confi dence , A
Robin McKinley
Pegas us
Rocco DiSpirit o
Now Eat This!
Roger Rosenbla tt
Makin g Toast
Ron Paul
Revol ution , The
Ron Rash
Burni ng Brigh t
Ron Suskind
Way of the World , The
Ronald C White & Jr_
A. Linco ln_ A Biogr aphy
Ronald Kessler
In the Presi dent' s Secre t Servi ce
Ronald Searle
Terro r of St Trini an's and Other Drawi ngs, The
Rory Clements
Marty r
Rose Lerner
In for a Penny
Rose Tremain
Tresp ass
Rosecran s Baldwin
You Lost Me There
Rowena Cory Daniells
King Rolen 's Kin_ The Uncro wned King
King' s Basta rd, The
Roy Peter Clark
Glamo ur of Gramm ar_ A Guide to the Magic and Myste ry of Pract ical Engli sh, The
Ru Freeman
disob edien t girl_ a novel , A
Rudyard Kipling & Lisa Makman
Jungl e Books , The
Russell Andrews
Aphro dite
Ruth Rendell
Porto bello
Ryan Hughes
Darkn ess Befor e the Dawn, The
S. D. Perry & Britta Dennison
Night of the Wolve s
S. D. Perry & Weddle David & Jeffery Lang & Keith R. A. DeCandid o
Twist of Faith
S. J. Bolton
Blood Harve st
S. J. Day
Eve of Darkn ess
S. J. Rozan
Absen t Frien ds
Trail of Blood
S. L. Viehl
Cryst al Heale r
Dream Calle d Time_ A Stard oc Novel
S. M. Stirling
High King of Monti val_ A Novel of the Chang e, The
S. T. Joshi
Ameri can super natur al tales
S.D. Perry & Britta Dennison
Star Trek_ Terok Nor_ Dawn of the Eagle s
Sabine Durrant
Cross Your Heart , Conni e Pickl es
Sadie Jones
Small Wars_ A Novel
Sally Koslow
With Frien ds Like These
Salman Rushdie
Grimu s
Luka and the Fire of Life
Sam Barone
Quest for Honou r
Sam Bourne
Last Testa ment, The
Sam Sykes
Tome of the Under gates
Sam W
Fifth Avenu e, 5 A.M._ Audre y Hepbu rn, Break fast at Tiffa ny's, and the Dawn of the Moder n
Samantha Hunter
Make Your Move
Sandra Brown
Tough Custo mer_ A Novel
Sandra Dallas
Diary of Matti e Spens er, The
Sandra Hill
Vikin g Takes a Knigh t, The
Sandra Ruttan
Frail ty of Flesh , The
Sara Douglass
Infin ity Gate_ Darkg lass Mount ain_ Book Three , The
Sara Gruen
Water for Eleph ants
Sara Paretsky
Body Work
Sara Poole
Poiso n_ A Novel of the Renai ssanc e
Sarah Addison Allen
Garde n Spell s
Girl Who Chase d the Moon_ A Novel , The
Sarah Bradford
Lucre zia Borgi a_ life, love and death in Renai ssanc e Italy
Sarah D'Almeid a
Dying by the Sword
Muske teer' s Seams tress , The
Sarah Dessen
That Summe r
This Lulla by
Sarah Langan
Audre y's Door
Sarah Pinborou gh
Into the Silen ce
Sarah Silverma n
Bedwe tter_ Stori es of Coura ge, Redem ption , and Pee, The
Sarah Stewart Taylor
O' Artfu l Death
Sasa Stanisic & Anthea Bell
How the Soldi er Repai rs the Gramo phone
Saundra Mitchell
Shado wed Summe r
Scott G. Gier
Genel lan_ Plane tfall
Scott Lasser
Year That Follo ws, The
Scott Lynch
Lies of Locke Lamor a, The
Scott Pat
Quant s_ How a New Breed of Math Whizz es Conqu ered Wall Stree t and Nearl y Destr oyed I
Scott Westerfe ld
Blue noon
Touch ing darkn ess
Sean Aiken
One-W eek Job Proje ct_ One Man, One Year, 52 Jobs, The
Sean Black
Lockd own
Sean Carroll
From Etern ity to Here
Seanan McGuire
Artif icial Night , An
Local Habit ation , A
Rosem ary and Rue
Sebastia n Faulks
Week in Decem ber, A
Sebastia n Junger
Sena Jeter Naslund
Adam & Eve
Sergei Lukyanen ko
Twili ght Watch , The
Shane Jones
Light Boxes
Shelley Munro
Spurn ed Visco untes s, The
Sheri S. Tepper
Six Moon Dance
Sherrily n Kenyon
No Mercy
Sherrily n Kenyon & Dianna Love & Cindy Gerard & Laura Griffin
Deadl y Promi ses
Sherryl Woods
Shuichi Yoshida & Philip Gabriel
Villa in
Siddhart ha Mukherje e
Emper or of All Malad ies_ A Biogr aphy of Cance r, The
Sidney Sheldon
Rage of angel s
Sidney Sheldon & Tilly Bagshawe
Mistr ess of the Game
Sigrid Nunez
Salva tion City
Sigrid Undset & Tiina Nunnally & Brad Leithaus er
Krist in Lavra nsdat ter
Silvia Hagen
IPv6 Essen tials
Simon Dixon
Cathe rine the Great
Simon Hawke
Simon Kernick
Last 10 Secon ds, The
Simon R. Green
Simon Scarrow & Simon
Young Blood s
Simon Winchest er
Fract ure Zone_ My Retur n to the Balka ns, The
Outpo sts_ journ eys to the survi ving relic s of the Briti sh Empir e
Sinclair Lewis
Babbi tt
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Compl ete Sherl ock Holme s, Volum e I, The
Sherl ock Holme s_ The Compl ete Illus trate d Novel s
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Kyle Freeman
Compl ete Sherl ock Holme s, Volum e II, The
Sloane Crosley
How Did You Get This Numbe r
Sojourne r Truth
Narra tive of Sojou rner Truth , The
Sonny Brewer
Corma c_ The Tale of a Dog Gone Missi ng
Sophie Hannah
Truth -Tell er's Lie, The
Sophie Kinsella
Can you keep a secre t_
Remem ber Me_
Stacy Dittrich
Devil 's Close t, The
Stacy Schiff
Cleop atra_ A Life
Starr Ambrose
Our Littl e Secre t
Stefanie Pintoff
In the Shado w of Gotha m
Stephani e Barr
Jane and the Unple asant ness at Scarg rave Manor _ Being the First Jane Auste n Myste
Stephani e Barron
Jane and the Madne ss of Lord Byron _ Being A Jane Auste n Myste ry
Jane and the man of the cloth
Jane and the Priso ner of Wool House
Stephani e Cowell
Marry ing Mozar t
Stephen Baxter
Evolu tion_ a novel
Stone Sprin g
Stephen Coonts & Jim DeFelice
Deep black
Stephen Crane
Maggi e_ A Girl of the Stree ts and Other Writi ngs About New York
Red Badge of Coura ge and Selec ted Short Ficti on, The
Stephen Fry
Fry_ A Memoi r
ode less trave lled_ unloc king the poet withi n, The
Stephen Hawking
Brief er Histo ry of Time, A
Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow
Grand Desig n, The
Stephen J. Cannell
King Con
Stephen King
Stephen R. Donaldso n
Again st All Thing s Endin g (The Last Chron icles of Thoma s Coven ant, Book 3)
This Day All Gods Die
Stephen R. Lawhead
Scarl et
Steve Bell & Dick Bass & Pat
Seven Summi ts_ The Quest to Reach the Highe st Point on Every Con
Steve Berry
Balka n Escap e (Shor t Story )_ A Cassi opeia Vitt Adven ture, The
Balka n Escap e, The
Charl emagn e Pursu it, The
Steve Coll
Ghost Wars
Steve Jones
Darwi n's Islan d_ The Galap agos in the Garde n of Engla nd
Steve Martin
Objec t of Beaut y, An
Steve Perry & Tom Clancy & Larry Segriff & Steve R. Pieczeni k
Chang ing of the guard
Steve Souders
Even Faste r Web Sites
High Perfo rmanc e Web Sites
Steve Stern
Froze n Rabbi , The
Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J
Freak onomi cs_ A Rogue Econo mist Explo res the Hidde n Side of Ever
Steven Erikson
Steven Saylor
Empir e_ The Novel of Imper ial Rome
Stieg Larsson
Girl Who Kicke d the Horne t's Nest, The
Girl Who Playe d with Fire, The
Girl with the Drago n Tatto o, The
Storm Constant ine
Wrait hs of Will and Pleas ure, The
Stuart McLean
Vinyl Cafe Unplu gged
Sudhir Alladi Venkates h
Gang leade r for a day_ a rogue socio logis t takes to the stree ts
Susan Casey
Wave_ In Pursu it of the Rogue s, Freak s and Giant s of the Ocean , The
Susan Wiggs
Story of Us, The
Table for five
Susan Wittig Albert
Tale of Oat Cake Crag, The
Susanna Clarke
Jonat han Stran ge and Mr Norre ll
Susanna Daniel
Stilt svill e_ A Novel
Susanna Ives
Rakes and Radis hes
Suzanne Collins
Mocki ngjay
Suzanne Forster & Donna Kauffman & Jill Shalvis
Velve t, Leath er & Lace
T. S. Eliot
Waste Land and Other Poems
T.R. Reid
Heali ng of Ameri ca, The
Tad Williams
Shado whear t_ Volum e Four of Shado wmarc h
Tami Hoag
Heart of Gold
Secre ts to the Grave
Tanya Huff
Truth of Valor , The
Tariq Ali
duel_ Pakis tan on the fligh t path of Ameri can power , The
Tariq Ramadan
Quest for Meani ng, The
Tatiana de Rosnay
Secre t Kept, A
Ted Bell
Warlo rd_ An Alex Hawke Novel
Ted Dekker
Bride Colle ctor, The
Ted Wood
Murde r on Ice
Temple Grandin
Think ing in pictu res_ and other repor ts from my life with autis m
Teresa Giudice & Heather Maclean
Skinn y Itali an_ Eat It and Enjoy It
Teresa Medeiros
Devil Wears Plaid , The
Terry Joseph
From Dawn to Decei t
Terry McMillan
Getti ng to Happy
Terry Pratchet t
Terry Pratchet t & Jacqueli ne Simpson
Folkl ore of Discw orld, The
Tess Evans
Book of Lost Threa ds
Tess Gerritse n
Girl Missi ng
The Editors of Cooks Illustra ted
Cook' s Illus trate d How-t o-Coo k Libra ry, The
The Harvard Lampoon Inc. Staff
Night light _ A Parod y
Theodore Dreiser
Siste r Carri e
Therese Walsh
Last Will of Moira Leahy , The
Thisbe Nissen
Ospre y Islan d
Thomas A. Limoncel li
Time Manag ement for Syste m Admin istra tors
Thomas E. Ricks
Gambl e_ Gener al Petra eus and the Ameri can Milit ary Adven ture in Iraq, The
Thomas E. Sniegosk i
God Machi ne, The
Thomas French
Zoo Story _ Life in the Garde n of Capti ves
Thomas Hardy
Tess of the D'Urb ervil les
Thomas Kinkade & Katherin e Spencer
Inn at Angel Islan d, The
Thomas Paine
Commo n Sense , the Right s of Man and Other Essen tial Writi ngs of Thoma s Paine
Thomas Steinbec k
In the Shado w of the Cypre ss
Tim Davys
Amber ville
Tim Gunn
Gunn' s Golde n Rules
Tim Kring & Dale Peck
Tim Pratt
Sympa thy for the Devil
Tim Thornton
Alter nativ e Hero, The
Tim Weiner
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