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Stationary templates design vector.zip

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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
♥ Soccer Camp Templates Bundle for Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator This collection of templates are ideal for soccer camps & football clubs. The fun and energetic design makes these templates particularly suitable for promoting kid's soccer clubs, schools and training camps. The templates each come with blue & red colour schemes – classic football colours to say the least – though these colours, along with images and all text areas can be customised with just a few clicks. Easily create posters, magazine adverts, flyers, rack cards & tri-fold brochures with just minutes editing. The templates come in both Photoshop PSD and Illustrator Vector Ai formats. All layers & folders are well-organised and clearly labelled for fast and efficient editing. An overview of this template pack's features: Each template comes in Photoshop PSD & Illustrator Ai format Free-to-download fonts are used throughout Expert customer support is free to all customers Bleeds, trim & safe area guides added for easy printing Stock photos are included with every template.
Vintage & Chlak Christmas Party Flyer templates Fully layered 2 .PSD Fully editable 8.3×11.7 (.25” bleed) 300dpi CMYK Print Ready Free fonts used link attached with main file
Best Corporate Rollup Banner Bundle Best Corporate Rollup Banner Bundle 10 in 1 Advertisement Templates All template is editable text, colour based designed in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign & Microsoft PowerPoint. They are fully customisable, ready to print with professional template setup with CMYK, Layered, 300 DPI, Bleeds, Safe guides and free fonts. 100% CUSTOMIZABLE & PRINT READY Replace or edit your brand logo, colour, and text All graphics & elements are scalable vector, editable text & included free font download links Print ready Resizable graphics with 300 DPI, CMYK colour mode Bleeds & safe text, Trim marks & guides 850x2000 mm print dimension Well organised layered files *F I L E S . I N C L U D E D : Documentation.pdf 12 PSD file 9 EPS file 9 INDD file 9 AI file 9 PDF file 9 PPTX file 9 IDML file
10 Best Sellers Sports Flyer Bundle 3152664 Your most waiting sports flyer bundle is right here. 10 Best Sellers Sports Flyer Bundle is the only all in one sports flyer bundle. All of them are in very high quality and supper eye catching. Just download and edit with Adobe Photoshop easily. Because everything is highly organized and editable.. No professional editing knowledge is required, Just open them in Adobe Photoshop and start editing with type tool. All of the flyers are fully editable with free fonts..install them and you are ready to go... All of the flyers are in 300 DPI high resolution and CMYK color mode for best quality print... Minimum Software Requirements: Any Version of Adobe Photoshop CS or CC
10 Car Wash Flyers Bundle 1931127 DETAILS TOTAL 10x5 = 50 FLYERS TEMPLATES TOTAL 50x6 = 300 SOFTWARE FORMATS This FLYER Bundle specially for Car Wash Company. All type of Car Wash or Car Company Authorities can use this flyers properly. I have included 5 Sizes all of flyers. So you can use any of these size for your business. I have added 6 Software Formats of Every sizes. So, Don't worry about your skill. You can easily edit with any of these Software. 5 FLYER SIZES AVAILABLE Letter U.S. Size (8.5x11 Inch) A4 Size (210x297mm) A5 Size (148x210mm) Flyer U.S Size (5x7 Inch) DL Size (99x210mm) TOTAL 5x10 = 50 TEMPLATES 6 SOFTWARE FORMATS AVAILABLE Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Acrobat DC Vector EPS MICROSOFT WORD TOTAL 50x6 = 300 SOFTWARE FORMATS
Tri-Fold Brochure__PSD This File open is programs (cs3, cs4, cs5, cs5.5, cs6, cc, cc+), it’s item minimum adobe photoshop cs3 open and any update program version opening. Well Organised Shape Layered (Psd), CMYK Color Mode, Very Clean, Fully Full Corporate/Business Topic & vry easy color changable, Print ready & Fully Editable and 4 Color With Text/fonts/colors editable. and any problems or help for contact this mail address in main file support file. Font: We used all are free font, font file URL included in readme.txt file.
CreativeMarket - 10 Flat Design Corporate Flyers 2247230 Specification CMYK Color Mode 300 DPI Resolution Size 210”x297” 0.25” Bleed in Each Side Features 3 Colors Free Fonts Editable Text Layers Smart Object Layer For Replace Photo Well Organized Layer
10 Senior Care Homes Flyers Bundle 2100226 DETAILS Easy to customize fully layered 300dpi •4x6 size •0.25 Bleeds + Guides •CMYK •Print Ready Font links are present in the instruction file. 1 PSD file 1 Instruction file having links of free fonts used in the item and links for photos Note: Everything is included
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności