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BBC - Europe A Natural History - 4 - A New Millenium.avi

emotivelamb / Dokumentalne / Europe - A Natural History - 4x / BBC - Europe A Natural History - 4 - A New Millenium.avi
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Czas trwania: 48 min

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Europe is home to more than 700 million people, most of them city dwellers. Much of its wildlife has suffered as a result, but efforts are underway to protect and reintroduce some species. Others have exploited new opportunities offered by man-made environments. In Rome, the first metropolis on the continent, winter tourists watch swirling clouds of starlings flocking over the city. Buildings and structures have replaced caves and cliffs as preferred perches and nest sites for some birds, including kestrels and white storks. On a nearby landfill site, griffon vultures and red foxes forage and scavenge food. Wildlife and people are coming into contact more often. Joggers in the woods around Budapest often encounter wild boars, while farmers in the Carpathian Mountains live alongside Europe's biggest populations of bear, wolf and lynx. These predators were hunted to extinction in Western Europe, but are now returning, aided by green corridors such as the European Green Belt and wildlife-friendly development. Beavers have also returned in large numbers due to protection and the clean-up of Europe's polluted rivers. A chemical spill in the 1960s killed all the fish in the Rhine, but now there is a project to reintroduce Atlantic salmon to the river. There are, however, new dangers. Invasive species such as Chinese mitten crabs, Asian long-horned beetles and Japanese knotweed threaten the native flora and fauna. Climate change could also have a dramatic effect on the continent, but Europe's natural history has experienced many such changes in the past.


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Europe: A Natural History is a four-part BBC nature documentary series which looks at the events which have shaped the natural history and wildlife of the European continent over the past three billion years. It debuted on UK television on BBC Four in February 2005, and was repeated on BBC Two in September the same year. The series was broadcast in some other territories as Wild Europe.

The programmes featured extensive use of CGI to bring to life extinct species, and show how the European cities of today would have looked at various points in the past, when the climate was very different.
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BBC - Europe A Natural History - 4 - A New Millenium.avi play
Europe is home to more than 700 million people, most of ...
Europe is home to more than 700 million people, most of them city dwellers. Much of its wildlife has suffered as a result, but efforts are underway to protect and reintroduce some species. Others have exploited new opportunities offered by man-made environments. In Rome, the first metropolis on the continent, winter tourists watch swirling clouds of starlings flocking over the city. Buildings and structures have replaced caves and cliffs as preferred perches and nest sites for some birds, including kestrels and white storks. On a nearby landfill site, griffon vultures and red foxes forage and scavenge food. Wildlife and people are coming into contact more often. Joggers in the woods around Budapest often encounter wild boars, while farmers in the Carpathian Mountains live alongside Europe's biggest populations of bear, wolf and lynx. These predators were hunted to extinction in Western Europe, but are now returning, aided by green corridors such as the European Green Belt and wildlife-friendly development. Beavers have also returned in large numbers due to protection and the clean-up of Europe's polluted rivers. A chemical spill in the 1960s killed all the fish in the Rhine, but now there is a project to reintroduce Atlantic salmon to the river. There are, however, new dangers. Invasive species such as Chinese mitten crabs, Asian long-horned beetles and Japanese knotweed threaten the native flora and fauna. Climate change could also have a dramatic effect on the continent, but Europe's natural history has experienced many such changes in the past.
BBC - Europe A Natural History - 2 - Ice Ages.avi play
2.5 million years ago, a periodic shift in the Earth's o ...
2.5 million years ago, a periodic shift in the Earth's orbit, coupled with a tilt in its axis, triggered a sudden change in climate and Europe was plunged into an ice age. The wintry iciness of today's Alps spread across northern Europe as ice sheets extended as far south as London, Amsterdam and Berlin. Conditions were ideal for cold-adapted animals, forerunners of musk oxen and reindeer. Woolly mammoth bones dredged from the bottom of the North Sea are evidence that this was once icy tundra. The warm interglacial periods attracted very different creatures: fossil hippos, rhinos, lions and hyenas have been unearthed in London. This thermal pulsing has occurred around twenty times, the last ice age ending 15,000 years ago. Europe now bears the scars of repeated glaciations. Lake Ladoga, Europe's largest freshwater body, is a product of the last thaw and has its own subspecies of seal as well as osprey, moose and beaver. Ibex are ice-age immigrants from Asia, stranded in the European mountains by the receding glaciers. Even the desert sand of Słowiński in Poland can be traced back to glacial debris washed up by the sea. As the ice retreated, the plants and animals associated with modern Europe began to advance north. Those featured include the capercaillie of the northern forests and migrant birds on Germany's wetlands. Modern humans began to settle the coasts alongside otters and seals, and slowly spread along inland waterways, but made little impression on the deciduous forests of the interior.
BBC - Europe A Natural History - 3 - Taming the Wild.avi play
The third programme explores the growing influence of pe ...
The third programme explores the growing influence of people on the land. After the last ice age, Europe's mild climate and virgin forests attracted human and animal immigrants, including moose, bear, deer and wild boar. The agreeable climate also attracted immigrant farmers from Mesopotamia to the eastern Mediterranean, and reliable food supplies encouraged permanent settlement. By 3000 BC, civilization had spread to western megalithic sites such as Stonehenge and Carnac. Bronze Age Europeans discovered the smelting process, leading to a period of conflict and conquest over valuable metal ores. The Roman Empire was born, and a massive road-building enterprise ensued, enabling a flow of trade, livestock, ideas and culture. A sudden cooling of the climate may have precipitated its collapse. In the Middle Ages, cultures such as the Vikings were influenced by the land and the sea, while in southern Spain the Moors introduced new irrigation canals. A fresh onslaught on Europe's forests supplied timber for boat-building, housing and fuel. Rats brought the Black Death into Europe's new towns and cities, killing half the human population. It would be 250 years before the numbers recovered, but this allowed wildlife some breathing space. The medieval voyages of discovery brought new plants and animals to the continent, including the potato. The Industrial Revolution made Europe rich, but at great cost to its natural resources. The birth of tourism encouraged a new appreciation of nature, and modern Europeans have switched their attitude from consumption to custodianship. As a result, wildlife is returning.
Moja łódz Podwodna 2010.480p.BDRip.XviD.AC3-BiDA Lektor PL.avi play
. Oryginalny Lektor PL Dramat, Komedia Pamiętacie ...
obrazek. Oryginalny Lektor PL Dramat, Komedia Pamiętacie świat sprzed "Harry'ego Pottera" i "Zmierzchu"? Jeżeli tak, z pewnością polubicie Oliviera Tate'a. Ten chłopak nie pasowałby do naszych czasów - nie potrafi czarować, nie jest też wampirem. Mieszka w nudnym miasteczku, w którym nic się nie dzieje. Nie ma przyjaciół, a dziewczyna, w której się zakochał, woli innego. Jednak Oliver Tate nie jest zwykłym przeciętniakiem, bo posiada niezwykły dar.
Witaj  co słychać  2010 PL.DVDRip.XviD-Zet Lektor PL.avi play
. Oryginalny Lektor PL Komedia Romantyczna Gabrie ...
obrazek. Oryginalny Lektor PL Komedia Romantyczna Gabriela i Gabriel są małżeństwem z ponaddwudziestoletnim stażem, które przechodzi kryzys. Kobieta zrezygnowała niegdyś dla rodziny z ambicji i dziś odczuwa z tego powodu ogromną frustrację. Z kolei jej mąż, były pianista, nie umie pogodzić się z utraconą młodością. Para jest sobą znudzona i nie potrafi się porozumieć. Zamiast spędzać razem czas oddają się internetowym flirtom i romansom .
Szczęściarz.avi play
czas trwania: 1 godz. 41 min. gatunek: Dramat prem ...
obrazekNAPISY czas trwania: 1 godz. 41 min. gatunek: Dramat premiera: 20 kwietnia 2012 (świat) produkcja: USA reżyseria: Scott Hicks scenariusz: Will Fetters, Douglas McGrath Żołnierz marines, sierżant Logan Thibault (Efron) powraca z trzeciej wyprawy w Iraku. Wierzy, że jedyną rzeczą, która sprawiła, że przeżył, jest znaleziona fotografia kobiety, której nawet nie zna.Thibault dowiaduje się, że kobieta ze zdjęcia ma na imię Beth (Schilling), poznaje także jej adres. Wkrótce zjawia się u niej w domu i podejmuje pracę w prowadzonym przez jej rodzinę schronisku dla zwierząt. Mimo początkowej nieufności i skomplikowanej sytuacji życiowej Beth między kobietą a Thibaultem nawiązuje się romans. Logan zaczyna mieć nadzieję, że Beth może stać się dla niego kimś więcej niż tylko kobietą ze zdjęcia, które przyniosło mu szczęście. Film "The Lucky One" oparty jest na motywach bestsellerowej powieści Nicholasa Sparksa „Szczęściarz”.
W Brighton 2010.DVDRip.XviD-BiDA Lektor PL.avi play
. Oryginalny Lektor PL Kryminał, Thriller Akcja ro ...
obrazek. Oryginalny Lektor PL Kryminał, Thriller Akcja rozgrywa się w małym nadmorskim miasteczku w Wielkiej Brytanii. Toczy się tu walka o przywództwo w jednym z lokalnych gangów, a dotychczasowy szef grupy zleca zamordowanie swojego największego rywala.
A jednak Afryka  2010 PL.DVBRip.XviD-Zet.avi play
Gatunek: Przygodowy Światowa premiera: 2010 Po ...

obrazek Gatunek: Przygodowy Światowa premiera: 2010 Polska premiera: Produkcja: Niemcy ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

obrazek▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Anne Winter porzuca męża i udaje się do Afryki, by tam podjąć pracę lekarza. Martin postanawia jechać za żoną i przekonać ją do powrotu. █ PREMIERA Z LEKTOREM PL / KOPIA TVRIP █ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ obrazek
Chico i Rita-Lektor PL.DVDRiP.XViD-PSiG.avi play
„Chico i Rita” to opowieść o wielkiej miłości utalen ...

„Chico i Rita” to opowieść o wielkiej miłości utalentowanego pianisty Chico i pięknej, obdarzonej niezwykłym głosem Rity. Ich wspólna historia zaczyna się na Kubie w 1948 roku, ale los rzuci kochanków do Nowego Jorku, Paryża, a nawet Hollywood. Bohaterów opartego na prawdziwej historii filmu połączyło pożądanie i muzyka, która odgrywa w „Chico i Rita” niezwykle ważną rolę. Na doskonałej ścieżce dźwiękowej usłyszymy jazz, cubop, mambo, sambę... To one nadadzą rytm gorącemu uczuciu. Miłość jest piosenką, której nigdy nie zapomnisz...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Animacja, Romans, Muzyczny , 1 lipca 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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