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Christmas Silent Night LWP! v1.5.apk

dommichal / Aplikacje Android / Christmas / Christmas Silent Night LWP! v1.5.apk
Download: Christmas Silent Night LWP! v1.5.apk

4,56 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)

It's Christmas time!

This live wallpaper shows a dreamy Christmas night scene with frosty snow, blinking Christmas lights, sparkling stars and moon. Tap on the sky to show a twinkling star. Sky shimmers and can be toggled on/off.

Includes the following settings:
- Enable/disable Moon
- Enable/disable Fog
- Enable/disable Light Halos
- Fog Speed
- Snow Amount


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek Opis Celebrate the wonders of Christmas - in true 3-D! The creators of your favorite Live Wallpapers are delighted to bring you another 3D Live wallpaper especially for Christmas. Celebrate the Holidays every time you use your device, in true 3-D! Gather the family together in a cozy den, in front of a warm crackling fireplace. Your own picture on the mantel is surrounded by twinkling Christmas lights, and stockings with your names grace the fireplace. Enjoy a Christmas tree with customizable lights, gifts, and tree topper. Eagerly await Santa's visit with a calendar that counts down the days until Christmas, and leave cookies and a note for Santa Claus. Gaze out the frost-covered window at a picturesque Winter scene while snow gently falls.
obrazek Opis Stunning 3D sparkling Christmas tree of light with exciting Christmas countdown! Let your phone count you down to the Christmas and the New Year! '3D Christmas Live Wallpaper' is a stunning 3D live wallpaper featuring a sparkling animated Christmas Tree of Light, and an exciting Countdown to Christmas and the New Year.
obrazek Opis Piękna Winter Wonderland Live Wallpaper - 100% Uczucie Holiday! Jest to interaktywny Live Wallpaper kryje piękny zimowy krajobraz z ładnymi warstw paralaksy ruchomych, łagodnych spadających płatków śniegu, dzień / noc cykli, drzew kołyszących oraz oświetlenie świąteczne i wiele więcej! Z wieloma regulowanymi parametrami! I nie przegap pisanki! Opinie użytkowników są bardzo mile widziane! Pytania, zapytania? Tylko nas maila! Jak to zrobić: Strona główna> Naciśnij Menu> Tapety> Tapety na żywo
obrazek Opis Celebrate the wonders of Christmas - in true 3-D! The creators of your favorite Live Wallpapers are delighted to bring you another 3D Live wallpaper especially for Christmas. Celebrate the Holidays every time you use your device, in true 3-D! Gather the family together in a cozy den, in front of a warm crackling fireplace. Your own picture on the mantel is surrounded by twinkling Christmas lights, and stockings with your names grace the fireplace. Enjoy a Christmas tree with customizable lights, gifts, and tree topper. Eagerly await Santa's visit with a calendar that counts down the days until Christmas, and leave cookies and a note for Santa Claus. Gaze out the frost-covered window at a picturesque Winter scene while snow gently falls. Customize every part of the scene, including your own photograph on the fireplace, your text on the stockings and the message for Santa. Choose the color of lights, customize the ornaments, gifts and ribbons, snowflakes, garland, tree topper, and more! You can also show or hide the items in the scene to celebrate the wonders of Christmas in a way that means the most to you. This wallpaper is true 3-D with hand-crafted artwork. Our wallpapers feature silky-smooth animations while conserving your battery life.
obrazek Opis Beautiful clock widgets Beautiful Clock Widget is the most beautiful clock widget on Android home screen. It includes a collections of clock widget with optional weather and battery information Features ☆ Fully customization (background colors, hand colors, text colors, etc) ☆ Different sizes (2x2, 4x2, 4x3) and resizable on some launchers (ex. Nova launcher) ☆ Over 45 themes (digial clock, analog clock, typography clock, animal, dual) ☆ Auto-update timezone/location ☆ Auto-update weather, battery information ☆ Lock screen widget (Jelly Bean 4.2)
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności