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Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 v4.0.0 [PL] [REG-PATCH]
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer to proste a zarazem świetne narzędzie do poprawiania jakości zdjęć wykonanych aparatem cyfrowym.
Fotografia po użyciu Ashampoo Photo Optimizer staje się dużo bardziej wyraźna, jaśniejsza, kolory są bardzo żywe. Aplikacja pozwala na optymalizację nie tylko jednego zdjęcia ale jednocześnie całych albumów. Posiada też proste funkcję rotacji fotek.
Bardzo przydatną funkcją Ashampoo Photo Optimizer jest automatyczna optymalizacja. Program analizuje zdjęcie i sam dostosowuje jego parametry tak, aby osiągnąć najlepszy efekt. Osiągnięte w ten sposób rezultaty są całkiem niezłe. Sprawdza się ona doskonale przy zdjęciach zrobionych w słabym świetle lub przy brzydkiej pogodzie.
Docenią ją szczególnie osoby pragnące robić ładne zdjęcia, a nie posiadające dużej wiedzy z dziedziny fotografii.
opis made in lalootech
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Clearly structured user interface
The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 convinces with its clearly structured user interface including an integrated image viewer in Explorer style for a quick access to all your digital pictures. Furthermore, you can now also adjust the thumbnail view of the photos according to your wishes. You can for example switch between vertical and horizontal order as well as change the size of thumbnails.
One click optimization
Just select a picture, click on “Optimize“ and experience the wow effect. Your pictures will become more attractive, brighter and more natural. No matter whether you want to optimize one or several pictures - with the Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 everything is finished with just one click.
Wide range of functions
The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 has all functions that you need to make the best out of your photos – red eye correction, several effects, watermarking, color correction, one click optimization, rotate, mirror, age images and lots more. The result of an optimization or an effect can be comfortably viewed and compared to the original picture in a before / after split screen. If you don’t like an automatic optimization, you can do a manual color correction with the help of slide controls.
Correction of the dreaded red eye effect in flash photos is just as easy: Just roughly select the part of the photo containing the red eyes and click, Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 does the rest. With one of all the effects your pictures will become eye-catchers. Let the program for example age your image and experience the fascination of old photo in your latest pictures. If you don’t want others to boast themselves with your photos, just use a text or a symbol as watermark for your pictures. This makes a lot of sense especially with photos that you would like to post on the Internet. The photo optimizer will help there, too.
Automatic backup
You never need to worry about “damaging” your photos by editing them with Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4, because you can always return to the original version. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 automatically makes backups of the original versions of your photos in a database, whose storage location you can determine yourself. In order to restore the original, just select a photo and click on “Undo”.
Different export options
With the Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 you can quickly and easily present your dream photos to your family and friends. Send your optimized pictures for example by e-mail. For this the size of the photos can be decreased appropriately. Now you can also share your brilliant pictures with your friends on Facebook. For this you just have to login to Facebook and grant Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 access. Furthermore, you can also upload your pictures to Picasa, use them as desktop background or print them out.
The best features at a glance
One click optimization for your pictures
Conversion of photos into the desired format
Optimization of several pictures with one click
Red eye correction
Clear program interface
Image viewer in Explorer style
Before / after view
Aging of images
Inversion of colors
Change in sharpness
Automatic backup
Watermarking of photos
Connection to Facebook, Picasa etc.
Send pictures by e-mail
Full touch screen support
Home Page - http://www.ashampoo.com/
Operating System:
Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7.
Any computer that runs one of the operating systems above.
Graphics card: min. resolution 800 x 600 with 1 MB memory and 16-bit color (high color)
Recommended: resolution 1280 x 1024 or better, true color
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