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Master Voyager v2.80 [PL] [Cracked RES]
Master Voyager to aplikacja zaprojektowana do zabezpieczania danych na nośnikach CD/DVD oraz na urządzeniach przenośnych USB. Umożliwia tworzenie zabezpieczonych obszarów na wymienionych nośnikach danych. Zabezpieczone dane na tychże nośnikach są w pełni autonomiczne w stosunku do programu, który obszary te szyfrował. Oznacza to, że dostęp do tych danych użytkownik posiada również na komputerach bez zainstalowanego programu Master Voyager. Aby się do nich dostać, należy jedynie użyć zdefiniowanego wcześniej hasła. Master Voyager korzysta z 256-bitowego algorytmu szyfrującego (AES).
Master Voyager was especially designed to create password protected DVD/CD discs and USB Flash Drives (Pendrive). Protected Disc/Pendrive is fully autonomous and does not need any special software installed on computer. It is possible to create protected media on first computer and "play" it on a second computer with installed OS: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
Master Voyager would be helpful in the following situations:
• Password protected CD/DVD with large ammount of sensitive data inside can be safely sent via usual postal mail
• Encrypted backups on CD/DVD can be kept in public places
• Encrypted USB Flash Drive can be stolen, but confidential documents will remain confidential.
• No need to decrypt files on DVD/Pendrive before the use. Just enter password and work with any document on DVD/USB Flash Drive as with any usual storage device.
Main Features:
• Transparent decryption. There is no need to decrypt data from DVD/CD/USB or copy files from CD/USB to hard disk. Just enter password and work with encrypted USB or CD. Open encrypted documents directly from CD/USB and even launch programs or play movies. Master Voyager utilizes special on-the-fly decryption technology invented for CryptoExpert Professional software.
• Do not worry about data confidentiality. Master Voyager uses 100% strong encryption of protected contents: AES 256-bit. AES is Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) and used to protect sensitive information by U.S.Government organizations and commercial organizations (banks and others). Read more at nist.gov
• Embedded CD/DVD burning module to create encrypted DVD or CD disc. It supports CDR/CDRW/DVD-R/DVD-RW disc types. Just select files/folders you want to burn to secure CD and the program will do it.
• The recipient of protected CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive has no necessity to buy the Master Voyager. He/She just needs to insert disc into CDROM (or connect Flash Drive to USB port) and enter password and work with the media as with usual CD. The only requirement is to have Windows 7/Vista/XP (32 or 64 bit). The protected media does NOT install any software to the target computer and does not ask to reboot computer. It is fully autonomous.
• Since version 2.00, it is possible to work with encrypted usb drive/dvd disc media without administrator's rights. In this case protected media contains special program Partition Explorer to work with your encrypted usb flash drive/DVD as with encrypted archive.
• Since version 2.20, it is possible to create >4gb secure partitions on USB Flash Drives formatted to NTFS or exFAT
strona producenta: http://www.mvoyager.com/
system operacyjny: Windows XP/Vista/Seven
- zainstaluj program nie uruchamiaj
- zawartość folderu Crack przekopiuj do głównego katalogu z programem
- domyślny katalog to: C:/Program Files/Master Voyager
- uruchom program
Zmiana języka na PL: zakładka Preferences -> Language > Interface Language -> polish -> OK -> -> zamknij program -> uruchom program ponownie
screen po instalacji i zmianie na PL: http://www.bmw-mpower.pl/foto/di-113090163813.jpg
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1 plików
10,27 MB