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Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary_-_The_Glory_of_the_Goddess.pdf

dakini156 / Tantra, śaktyzm, śiwaizm / Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary_-_The_Glory_of_the_Goddess.pdf
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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
One of the most importants tantras of the Srividya School.
This is the best known of the Tantric scriptures. It was translated by Sir John Woodruffe (under the pseudonym 'Arthur Avalon'), one of the few Indologists to gain direct access to this obscure and secretive branch of Hinduism. Framed as a conversation between the god Shiva and goddess Shaki, this text describes the chakra, or subtle energy structure of the human body, ceremonies, yogic practices and mantras for meditation, and a summary of the Hindu laws (dharma) regarding sexual behavior.
Bhavanopanishad is affiliated to Atharva Veda. It is a major text in the Sri Vidya – Sri Chakra tradition. The main purpose of the text is to delineate the correspondence between the details of Śri Chakra with the details of human constitution. Commentary by V. Ravi. Published in November 2013.
The Spanda principle came to play a key role in the unique tantric metaphysics of 8th-10th century Kashmir. This principle was explicated by Kshemaraja, cousin and disciple of Abhinavagupta. The original Spanda Karikas are thought by Kshemaraja to have been revealed and authored by the sage Vasugupta. The doctrine of Spanda complements the teaching of Pratyabhijna known as the "doctrine of recognition''. All these thoughts and teachings are known collectively as Kashmir Shaivism. [English text begins on page 95]
This little work is a digest of the Pratyabhijna system of Kashmir Saiva philosophy, prepared by Ksemaraja, the illustrious disciple of Abhinavagupta. It avoids all polemics and gives in a very succinct form (20 surras) the main tenets of the Pratyabhijna presented by Utpala. Pratyabhijna means recognition. Jiva is Siva; by identifying himself with his body, Jiva has forgotten his real nature. This teaching is meant to enable Jiva to recognise his own real self i.e., Siva and to suggest to him the spiritual discipline needed to attain 'at-one-ment' with SlVA.
This book serves as an introductory study of Tantric Śaivism in its original scriptural sources. It traces the features and content of the canon of the Śaiva Tantras, making use of many unpublished manuscripts from Kashmiri Śaiva authors. The book is also an introduction to the literature of the Kubjikamata. As Kundalini, Kubjika is worshipped as the Goddess who is curled up and sleepeng, waiting to be awakened. The author explores her place in the Tantric literature.
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