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bigchomson / Sporty Walki / Muay Thai / Saner_Sangmanee_-_Muay_Thai_Chaiyuth_Style_Vol_1(2).avi
Download: Saner_Sangmanee_-_Muay_Thai_Chaiyuth_Style_Vol_1(2).avi

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Czas trwania: 59 min

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Chaiyuth is thought to be the original form of Muay Thai. Little is known about this style of fighting but it is thought to have originated from ancient times when nomadic Chinese Tribes settled in the central plains area of Thailand. It was therefore feasible that these tribes had knowledge of Kung Fu and other south-east Asian martial arts and from these styles evolved the form Muay Chaiyuth.

Volume 1
Starts with the history of this martial art form and shows how to do the respect for the teacher ceremony seen at the beginning of Thai boxing fights. Then follows instruction on:

•The basic Muay Thai movement, duen muay which translates as the boxing walk.
•The defensive moves of brushing and blocking.
•Demonstration on the use of the fist, elbow, knee and foot.
•How to mix the techniques.

Volume 2
Relationship Between The Nine Weapons

How to learn the most superior form of Muay Thai
Teacher Chakraphob writes:

On this DVD we are going to learn what is called "the relationship between the nine weapons", i.e. to practice using the hands, knees, feet and elbows. There are 7 practice series on the DVD, each using the hands, knees, feet and elbows alternatively, both offensively and defensively, from the front, back, side or all four directions.

In ancient days, the teachers divided Thai boxing into 3 categories with 12 primary forms, altogether 36 forms. If they are mixed together more than 108 forms can be obtained. These 108 forms are being continuously developed and the outcome is infinite.

If we practice until we are skillful, we will be able to create various forms and use our weapons naturally and effectively. It all depends on how much each boxer has mastered the primary and secondary forms. After learning the boxing skills I hope you will practice and become a good and kind person in society and in your nation too.
Chakraphob Charoenrat

Volume 3
Basic Preparation Practice

Muay Thai warm-up
This DVD concentrates of preparing both physical and metal fitness in order to practice the art of Muay Thai. A series of exercises are shown which include meditation during the physical exercise. The Thai proverb says that a good mind brings about a healthy body. The purpose of practicing Chaiyuth Thai boxing is to exercise both the mind and body, to achieve their maximum efficiently. Even if you are not intending taking up the sport of Muay Thai, this DVD will give you a good fitness regimen.


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Chaiyuth is thought to be the original form of Muay ...
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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Doktor JC (Dean Cain) przewodniczy ekspedycji naukowej, której celem jest odnalezienie wraku zaginionego statku. Jednostka płynęła w rejs rozpoznawczy w strefie podbiegunowej i zatonęła w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach 200 lat temu. Naukowiec chce odszukać statek, nim uczyni to dr Hasslein (Steven Waddington). Wkrótce załodze doktora JC udaje się odnaleźć zaginione szczątki. W wyniku pierwszych ustaleń okazuje się, że kapitanem tragicznej ekspedycji był przodek naukowca. W trakcie dalszych prac badawczych zaczynają ginąć członkowie załogi. Ocaleni świadkowie utrzymują, że agresorem jest lodowe monstrum, które zostało zbudzone w trakcie prac na wraku. Naukowcy odkrywają, że potwór żywi się energią cieplną..
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