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21577 plików
166,09 GB

films and archives
Acid Drinkers
Annihilator-Al ice_In_Hell-19 89-DNR
Anoushka Shankar
Anti Tank Nun - Hang'em High (2012) [mp3@320]
Antony & The Johnsons [1998]
I Am A Bird Now [2005]
The crying light [2009]
Arch Enemy - 2011 - Khaos Legions (Limited Deluxe Edition, 2CD)
Arch Enemy
Arch_Enemy-Bur ning_Bridges_( Digipack)-1999
Archive - Controlling Crowds (2009)
Archive - Noise
Archive - With Us Untill You're Dead
Arson_Anthem-A rson_Anthem-20 08-FNT
Asian_Dub_Foun dation-Collect ion-19RLS-ViPv 2
Atrocity - Die Gottlosen Jahre Live In Wacken (2012)
AURA - 1. Aura_ Solo
bajm - Bajm-1983
bajm - Bajm-1983
Banda I Wanda - 1994 - The Very Best of Banda I Wanda
Banda I Wanda - 1994 - The Very Best of Banda I Wanda
Barry Adamson - Moss Side Story
Barry Adamson - Stranger On The Sofa
Barry_Adamson- Black_Amour-(C DMUTE223)-CDM- 2002-MK2
Behemoth.Disco graphy.MP3.160 .320.VBR-NoGrp
Belly-Star-199 3-DNR
Bernard Herrmann - The Film Scores
Betrayer (Pol) - Necronomical Exmortis (Demo-1992)
Biff - Ano
Big_Cyc-Szambo _I_Perfumeria- 2008
Billy_Bob_Thor nton-Hobo-2005 -FM
Billy_Sheehan- Prime_Cuts-200 6-SnS
Birthday Party
Bjorn Berge
Black Sabbath - 13
Black Sabbath - Discography
1. Studio Albums
2. Live Albums - Live Bootlegs
3. Compilation - Tribute Albums
Black Stone Cherry
Black Stone Cherry - Folklore And Superstition
Blotted Science
2011 - Blotted Science -The Animation Of Entomology (EP) by SickSatan
2011 - Blotted Science -The Animatio n Of Entomolo gy (EP) by SickSata n
Blotted Science - The Machination s Of Dementia (2007)
Book of Angels, Vol. 10_ Bar Kokhba play
Burzum-Antholo gy-(Advance)-2 008-FNT
Cacophony-Spee d_Metal_Sympho ny-1987-DNR
Cancer Bats
Candlemass - Doomology (box set) (2010)
Candlemass - Psalms For The Dead (2012)
Cannibal Corpse - 2012 - Torture
Cattle Decapitation
Cavalera Conspiracy
Cavalera Conspiracy - Blunt Force Trauma (2011) 320 k
Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted [2008]
Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted [2008]
Celtic Frost
Celtic Woman Solo Albums
Chirgilchin - [1996] the wolf and the kid
Chirgilchin - [1999] aryskan's wind
Chris Botti - In Boston [2009]
Coroner [Zurich, SWI]
Deep Purple - Complete Discography
dj krush & toshinori kondo - KI-OKU
Down - III Over The Under
DR. Hackenbush - Czarna Ziemia
Dragon_-_Horda _Goga
Dream Theater - 2009 Black Clouds & Silver Linings (Special Edition 3 CD)
Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3
Dream Theater - Undiscovered 2003-2005
Dream_Theater_ -_Systematic_C haos(320 kbs)-2007- WWW.demonoid.c om - bY duendeinfernal
Dreamers_O'o's Band 2_7_09 Abrons
Drum Nation Volume 1 (2004)
Dub FX - Everythinks A Ripple (2009)
Dub Fx - Live in the Street - (2007) [re-encode] [MP3]
E.S.T (Esbjörn Svensson Trio)
Eddie_Vedder_- _Into_the_Wild __2007__-_Soun dtrack
Eddie Vedder - Into the Wild (2007) - Soundtrack
Edward_Grieg-T he_Genius_Of_G rieg-2CD-2006- DNR
Edyta Bartosiewicz 6 Solo Albums
Elektryczne Gitary & Kuba Sienkiewicz-An tologia-15 Kompletnych albumow (1992-03)Mp3
Ella_Fitzgeral d-Legends-1996 -DNR
Emiliana Torrini - Fisherman's Woman [2005]
Emiliana Torrini - Rarities (2010) - Indie [www.torrentaz os.com]
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Enter_Ghost-Mu rettes-(EP)-20 07-DNR
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus (Remastered)
Eric Clapton - Rush
Etta James
Matriarch of the Blues
Etta James - Blues To The Bone
Ewa Bem
Exhumed-Anatom y_Is_Destiny-2 003-DNR
Exhumed-Gore_M etal-1998-DNR
eye for an eye
fabryka drwin
Faith No More
Fantomas - 1999 - Live in Cleveland 8.12.99
Farben Lehre
Fear Factory
Fear Factory - Mechanize - Limited Edition - 2010
Fear Factory - The Industriali st - 2012 (320 kbps)
Fear Factory - The Industriali st-DIGIPAK- 2012-FKK
Fear Is the Mindkiller
Fear_Factor y-540000_De grees_Fahre nheit-WEBRI P-(Promo_CD S)-2005-PMS _INT
Fear_Factor y-Archetype -(Bonus_DVD A)-2004-GOR E
Fear_Factor y-Archetype -2004-INT-D DZ
Fear_Factor y-Archetype -Trackfix-2 004-ESC
Fear_Factor y-Bite_The_ Hand_That_B leeds-(CDS) -2004-0MNi
Fear_Factor y-Burn-CDS- 1997-EOS
Fear_Factor y-Cars-(CDS )-1999-BUTT _INT
Fear_Factor y-Collectio n-36CD-VIP
Fear Factory
Reman ufact ure
Fear_Fac tory-540 000_Degr ees_Fahr enheit-W EBRIP-(P romo_CDS )-2005-P MS_INT
Fear_Fac tory-Arc hetype-( Bonus_DV DA)-2004 -GORE
Fear_Fac tory-Arc hetype-2 004-INT- DDZ
Fear_Fac tory-Arc hetype-T rackfix- 2004-ESC
Fear_Fac tory-Bit e_The_Ha nd_That_ Bleeds-( CDS)-200 4-0MNi
Fear_Fac tory-Bur n-CDS-19 97-EOS
Fear_Fac tory-Car s-(CDS)- 1999-BUT T_INT
Fear_Fac tory-Con crete-Ad vance-20 02-JUST
Fear_Fac tory-D-D ay_(Live _in_San_ Francisc o_CA_090 299)-2CD -Bootleg -1999-JU ST
Fear_Fac tory-Dem anufactu re-(Digi pak)-199 5-AoN_IN T
Fear_Fac tory-Dem anufactu re-2CD-( Reissue) -2005-BU TT
Fear_Fac tory-Dig imortal- EGO
Fear_Fac tory-Dig ital_Con nectivit y-Promo- 2002-PMS
Fear_Fac tory-Fea r_in_Flo rida-199 8-PMS
Fear_Fac tory-Fea r_is_the _Mindkil ler-1993 -BUTT_IN T
Fear_Fac tory-Hat efiles-2 003-EOS
Fear_Fac tory-Hat efiles-P romo-200 3-VIC
Fear_Fac tory-Inv isible_W ounds-Pr omo_CDS- 2002-PMS
Fear_Fac tory-Lin chpin_(U K_CDS)-2 001-PMS
Fear_Fac tory-Lin chpin_Au stralian _Tour-EP -2001-DM A
Fear_Fac tory-Liv e_At_Biz arre_(08 -23-98)- 1998-PMS
Fear_Fac tory-Los t_Souls_ (Demo)-1 991-BKF
Fear_Fac tory-Mis chief_In vasion-O ST-2004- RNS
Fear_Fac tory-Obs olete-Di gipak-19 98-EOS
Fear_Fac tory-Pun ishing_S ydney-(1 -27-1997 )-DKT
Fear_Fac tory-Rar e_Tracks -2001-SS P
Fear_Fac tory-Rem anufactu re-1997- BUTT_INT
Fear_Fac tory-Res urrectio n-CDS-19 98-SS
Fear_Fac tory-Rev olution- 1998-PMS
Fear_Fac tory-Sou l_Of_A_N ew_Machi ne-(Rema stered)- 2CD-2004 -RNS
Fear_Fac tory-Sou l_Of_A_N ew_Machi ne-1992- GORE
Fear_Fac tory-The _Best_Of _Fear_Fa ctory-CD -2006-QT XMp3
Fear_Fac tory-The _Gabber_ Mixes-Vi nyl-EP-1 997-DVT
Fear_Fac tory-Tra nsgressi on-(Adva nce)-200 5-RNS
Fear_Fac tory-Tra nsgressi on-(UK_B onus_Tra cks)-200 5-KzT
Fear_Fac tory-Tra nsgressi on-2005- HoLE
Fear_Factor y-Concrete- Advance-200 2-JUST
Fear_Factor y-D-Day_(Li ve_in_San_F rancisco_CA _090299)-2C D-Bootleg-1 999-JUST
Fear_Factor y-Demanufac ture-(Digip ak)-1995-Ao N_INT
Fear_Factor y-Demanufac ture-2CD-(R eissue)-200 5-BUTT
Fear_Factor y-Digital_C onnectivity -Promo-2002 -PMS
Fear_Factor y-Fear_in_F lorida-1998 -PMS
Fear_Factor y-Hatefiles -2003-EOS
Fear_Factor y-Hatefiles -Promo-2003 -VIC
Fear_Factor y-Invisible _Wounds-Pro mo_CDS-2002 -PMS
Fear_Factor y-Linchpin_ (UK_CDS)-20 01-PMS
Fear_Factor y-Linchpin_ Australian_ Tour-EP-200 1-DMA
Fear_Factor y-Live_At_B izarre_(08- 23-98)-1998 -PMS
Fear_Factor y-Lost_Soul s_(Demo)-19 91-BKF
Fear_Factor y-Mischief_ Invasion-OS T-2004-RNS
Fear_Factor y-Obsolete- Digipak-199 8-EOS
Fear_Factor y-Punishing _Sydney-(1- 27-1997)-DK T
Fear_Factor y-Rare_Trac ks-2001-SSP
Fear_Factor y-Remanufac ture-1997-B UTT_INT
Fear_Factor y-Resurrect ion-CDS-199 8-SS
Fear_Factor y-Revolutio n-1998-PMS
Fear_Factor y-Soul_Of_A _New_Machin e-(Remaster ed)-2CD-200 4-RNS
Fear_Factor y-The_Best_ Of_Fear_Fac tory-CD-200 6-QTXMp3
Fear_Factor y-The_Gabbe r_Mixes-Vin yl-EP-1997- DVT
Fear_Factor y-Transgres sion-(UK_Bo nus_Tracks) -2005-KzT
Fear_Factor y-Transgres sion-2005-H oLE
Remanufactu re
Fields of the Nephilim
Fields of the Nephilim - BBC radio 1 live
Fields Of The Nephilim - Mourning Sun - 2005
Fluisterwoud - Langs Galg En Rad
Fluke - Volumes 1-6 [2010] [320kbps] HoTT
Flying Colors-2012-Fl ying Colors
franek kimono
franek kimono
Frank Zappa
Frank Zappa 1
Furia [POL] - Martwa polska jesień (2007)
Future sound of london
future talk
Gov't Mule - Deepest End
CD 1
CD 2
Grabak - Encyclopaedia Infernalis
Green Carnation - Light Of Day, Day Of Darknesss
Green_Jelly-33 3-1994-DNR
Guano Apes
Guns & Roses - Use Your Illusion I (1991)
1991 - Use Your Illusion I
Guns & Roses - Use your Illusion II (1991)
1991 - Use your Illusion II
Guns_N_Rose s-Appetite_ for_Destruc tion -1995
Guns_N_R oses-App etite_fo r_Destru ction -1995
Guns.N.Roses-C hinese.Democra cy.320kpbs-ViS UAL
guy klucevsek - stolen memories
Hacksaw_To_The _Throat-Wastel ands-2007-DNR
Haemorrhage - Apology For Pathology
harry partch - 17 lyrics of li po
Hate Eternal
I, Monarch
hawkwind - space ritual
space ritual (cd 1)
space ritual (cd 2)
Heaven Deconstruction
Hecate Enthroned
Hecate Enthroned - Miasma
Hecate Enthroned - The Slaughter Of Innocence
Hecate Enthroned - Upon Promeathean Shores
Hellhammer-Hel lhammer
Henry_Mancini- Midnight_Moonl ight_And_Magic -2004-DNR
Henry_Rollins_ And_Mother_Sup erior-Get_Some _Go_Again_Sess ions-2CD-2005
Huun Huur Tu
1994 the orphan's lament
fly, fly my sadness
I CHING(1983)
I CHING(19 83)
Składanka - Sesja I Ching
Skêadank a - Sesja I Ching
Iconoclasm - Iconoclastic Warfare
Iggy Pop
Igor Markevich - Philharmonia Orchestra - Le Sacre Du Printemps
Ihsahn - The Adversary
Immolation - Discografía [heavytorrents .org]
Immortal - 2009 - All Shall Fall
Impaled Nazarene - Discography
In a Flesh Aquarium (2006)
Infernal War
Redesekrati on
Iperyt 2011 - No State Of Grace
Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da- Vida [1968][Deluxe Version 1995]
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden - Complete Discography
Iron Maiden - Complete Discography 1
Ive Mendes
Ive Mendes (New Version) [UK]
Jaco Pastorius
Jaga Jazzist - A livingroom hush (2001)
Jan _Kyks_ Skrzek
Modlitwa Bluesmana w Pociagu
Jan Garbarek
Jan Garbarek - triptykon
jan garbarek ustad fateh ali khan - ragas and sagas
jan garbarek group
twelve moons
Janerka Lech & Klaus Mitffoch - The Best
Janerka Lech & Klaus Mitffoch - The Best
JANERKA.Lech-P lagiaty[ape]by .grego[VelvetU ndergroundForu m
JANERKA Lech - Plagiaty
Jean-Michel Jarre - Jarre in China - CD Audio Live
Jeff Buckley albums V0
Jefferson_Airp lane-Collectio ns-2006-CEC
Jerzy_Romaniuk -Chopin_I_Love -2006-DNR
Joe Bonamassa Discography 2001-2006
Joe Satriani
john lee hooker
John Lurie
John McLaughlin's Greatest Hits
John Parish & Polly Jean Harvey - 1996 That Was My Veil
john zorn
john zorn 1
John_Petrucci_ and_Jordan_Rud ess-An_Evening _With-(Reissue )-2004-BUTT
John_Petrucci- Suspended_Anim ation
John_Zorn--Fil mworks_XIX-The _Rain_Horse-PR OPER-2008-i8
John_Zorn--Mys terium-.Tzadik .-2005
Johnny Cash
jon madof - rashanim [2003 - tzadik]
Johny Cash - American IV - The Man Comes Around
Judgment Night [1993] Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Judgment Night [1993] Motion Picture Soundtrack - Covers
K. Penderecki - Te Deum, Lacrimosa 256kbs mp3 by depitt
Penderecki- Te Deum; Lacrimosa (Special Edition)
Kalevala - A Finnish Progressive Rock Epic
Kazik - dyskografia
Kazik na Żywo - Dyskografia (1994-2002)
Kazik-Silny_Ka zik_Pod_Wezwan iem-PL-2008-BF PMP3
KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic
Kebnekajse - Electric Mountain (1994)
Keep of Kalessin - Through Times of War
Keep Of Kalessin-recla im
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain
Kill Bill OST
Various - Kill Bill Vol. 1 Soundtrack
Various - Kill Bill Vol. 2 Soundtrack
Killing Technology
King Crimson
King Diamond
Koldbrann - Nekrotisk Inkvisition
Korn - Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 Disc 1
Korn-Unplugged -2007-pLAN9
Korpiklaani - Tales Along This Road
KRZAK - Blues Rock Band
KRZAK - Extrim
Krzak - Krzak (1983)
KSU - Ludzie Bez Twarzy
KSU - Ludzie Bez Twarzy
KSU - Nasze Słowa
KSU - Nasze Słowa
KSU-XXX-lecie, Akustycznie
L_Dopa-Gra-PL- 2007-BFPMP3
Lacuna Coil - Karmacode
laibach - divided states of america
Lamb of God
Laurie_Anderso n-Home_Of_The_ Brave-1986-DNR
Laurie_Anderso n-Life_On_A_St ring-2001-DNR
Led Zeppelin
Les_Claypool-O f_Whales_And_W oe-2006
lesli dalaba - timelines
Leszek Możdżer - Tango z Lady M - 2004 - ][LoLTEAM][ RELEASE
Leszek Możdżer - Tango z Lady M
Liquid Tension Experiment
Liquid Tension Experiment - Live at NAMM 31.1.1999 (192)
Liquid Tension Experiment - Testing For Tension (Philadelphia 22.1.1999) (2CD)
CD 1
CD 2
Liquid Tension Experiment (1999-01-30-Li ve At NAMM)
Liquid Trio Experiment - When the Keyboard Breaks (Live in Chicago)
Lynyrd_Skynyrd -Lynyrd_Skynyr d-(Collectors_ Boxset)-3CD-20 07-EON
Lynyrd_Skynyrd -Whats_Your_Na me
Machine_Head-C ollection-24CD -VIP
Machine_Head-C ollection-24CD -VIP 1
Maciej_Malencz uk-Cantigas_De _Santa_Maria-P L-2006-BFPMP3
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Birds of Fire (1972)
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Inner mounting Flame (1971)
Maiden Heaven (2008)
Manegarm - Dodsfard
Manegarm - Havets Vargar
Manegarm - Vredens Tid
Marcin Wyrostek - Magia del Tango
Maria Peszek - Jezus Maria Peszek
Maria Peszek - Maria Awaria - 2008 - jacek03 _ 320kb
maria peszek (2005) miasto mania
Maria Sadowska
Tribute to Komeda
Maria_Peszek-M aria_Awaria-PL -2008-BFPMP3
Marilyn Manson - Holywood (MP3 320)
WINDOWS (C) - Shortcut.ln k
Marilyn_Manson -Eat_Me_Drink_ Me-Promo-2007- FKK
massenet - melodies (dubosc, dudziak et al-dartigolles )
Massive Attack - Collected (2006)
Collected CD1
Collected CD2
Master of Puppets
Master-Master- Remastered-200 8-BERC
Master-On_the_ Seventh_Day_Go d_Created___Ma ster-Remastere d-2008-BERC
Mastodon - The Hunter (2011) [Deluxe Edition] [mp3@320]
Mastodon_-_Lev iathan-Promo-C D-2004-QTXMp3
Mastodon-Blood _Mountain-(RET AIL)-2006-h8me
Mastodon-Capil larian_Crest_P t2-CDS-2006-FF F
McLaughlin, John -52
Mekong Delta - Discography
Mekong Delta - Discography 1
Melechesh - Sphynx
Mental_Amputat ion_-_Utter_Su bordination-20 07-ViC
Mercyful Fate Discography [Mp3 320][TechUK]
Mercyful_Fate_ Tribute-1997-D NR
Meredith Monk - Songs From The Hill- Tablet
Meshuggah - obZen (2008)
Meshuggah 2012 - Koloss
midnight rain
między rabarbarem a pomidorem
Mike Patton
Mikołaj Trzaska
Miles Davis - In A Silent Way (1968)
Miles_Davis_Co llection-71RLS -PART1-ViP
Miles_Davis_Co llection-71RLS -PART2-ViP
Mind Funk 'aka Mindfunk' - Mind Funk (1991) -V 0
Ministry - Relapse (2012)
Ministry (music)
Ministry-Colle ction
Mussorgsky - Pictures At An Exhibition, A Night On The Bald Mountain
Mussorgs ky
Mussorgsky - Pictures At An Exhibition, A Night On The Bald Mountain & Other Russian Showpieces - Fritz Reiner (Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
Mussorgsky - Songs & Dances Of Death - Johnson, Lipovsek
Mussorgs ky - Songs & Dances Of Death - Johnson, Lipovsek
My Dying Bride
Mystery Tracks - Archives Vol. 3
Nailbomb - Point Blank [Bonus Tracks]
Nailbomb - Proud To Commit Commercial Suicide (1995)
Naked City
Black Box
Naked City-Heretic, jeux des dames cruelles
Naked_City-Bla ck_Box-2CD-199 6
namtchylak, sainkho - letters
Nasum--Doombri nger-Digipak_C DEP-2008-WUS
Nasum-Helvete- 2003-DNR
Nasum-Human_2. 0-2000-DNR
Neurosis - Honor Found In Decay (2012)
New folder
Newsted - Heavy Metal Music (Limited Edition) (2013) [320]
Nick_Cave-Coll ection
Niemen - Marionetki
Nine_Inch_Nail s-Collection
Nokturnal Mortum - Mirovozzrenie
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
Nuclear_Assaul t-Radiation_Si ckness-DVD-200 7-BERC
Nucleus - Elastic Rock (1970)
Nucleus - Labyrinth (1973)
Obituary 1
okna tsahan zam - shaman voices
Old Man's Child - Vermin
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
Orianthi - Believe (2009)'JB59
Orianthi - Fire [EP] (2011) MP3 320kbps
Orianthi - Heaven In This Hell 2013 Rock 320kbps CBR MP3 [VX]
OST-O_Brother_ Where_Art_Thou -2000
OST-Reservoir_ Dogs
OST-The_Footba ll_Factory-PRO PER-2004-BOS
Overkill - Discography
Ozzy Osbourne- Prince Of darkness Box Set
Ozzy_Osbourne- Black_Rain-200 7-AMRC
P.O.D.-When_An gels_And_Serpe nts_Dance-2008 -PAYABLEONDEAT H
PainKiller - Discography
Painkiller - Rituals Live in Japan
Pantera Discography 1990-2003 (9 CDs)
Parricide - Patogen
passion of percussion (aka darbuka sololari)
passion of percussion (aka darbuka sololari)
yasar akpence - passion of percussion vol. 2 (2004)
passion of percussion (aka darbuka sololari) 1
passion of percussion (aka darbuka sololari)
yasar akpence - passion of percussion vol. 2 (2004)
Patti Smith
Patti Smith 1
Paweł Kukiz i Piersi - The Best Of
Pearl Jam
PET - Pet (Self-Titled)
Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals - Walk Through Exits Only (2013)
picture from the street
Pictures at an Exhibition
Pidżama Porno
Piersi – Piersi (1992)
Piersi – Piersi (1992) 1
Pilichowski Band - Jazzga LIVE (2004) mp3@320 [jazz-rock-fus ion]
Pilichowski Band - Jazzga LIVE (2004) mp3@320 [jazz-rock-fus ion] 1
Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd 1
Pixies 1
PJ Harvey
PJ Harvey 1
Point Blank
Point Blank 1
Potęga Seksu - Graham Masterton
Potęga Seksu - Graham Masterton 1
Primordial 1
Primus-Collect ion-15RLS-VIP
Primus-Collect ion-15RLS-VIP 1
Projekct X
Heaven and Earth
Proletaryat - Prawda (2010) [mp3@320]
Proletaryat - Prawda (2010) [mp3@320] 1
PROLETARYAT - Proletariat
Püdelsi - Jasna Strona Legendarni Pudelsi 1986-2004
Pudelsi - Wolnosc Slowa
Pyorrhoea - The Eleventh Thou Shalt Be My Slave
Queens of The Stone Age Complete Discography [MP3 VBR -V1] - JED
Quentin.Tarant ino.Filmograph y.DVDRip.XviD- TPB
Rage Against The Machine
Ravi Shankar
Red Hot Chilli Pipers - Bagrock To The Masses (2007) Folk
Rob_Zombie-Edu cated_Horses_( Advance)-2006- FM
Robert_Plant-N ow_And_Zen-(Re mastered)-2007 -SAW
Robert_Plant-P ictures_At_Ele ven-(Remastere d)-2007-SAW
Robert_Rodrigu ez-Grindhouse_ Planet_Terror- OST-2007-SAW
Rodrigo Y Gabriela
Rodrigo y Gabriela - 11-11
Rodrigo y Gabriela - 11-11
Rodrigo y Gabriela - Live in Japan
Rollins Band
Roman Kostrzewski - Listy z Ziemi
Część I
Część II
Limbic System
Rootwater (Pol)- Visionism (2009) [mp3@vbr] [Metal-Hard core]
Rory Gallagher
Rotting Christ - AEALO
Rotting Christ - discography
Rotting Christ - Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy (2013) [mp3@VBR]
Long Distance- The Best of Runrig
S.O.D.-Speak_E nglish_Or_Die- 1985
sainkho namchylak
Sammath Naur - Self - Proclaimed Existence
Sandra Nasic
2007 The Signal
Sepultura - The Mediator Between The Head And Hands Must Be The Heart (2013)
Serj_Tankian-E lect_The_Dead_ (Bonus_CD)-200 7-NBD
Serj_Tankian-E lect_The_Dead- 2007-SERJTANKi AN
Serj_Tankian-E mpty_Walls-(CD S)-2007-SERJTA NKiAN
Severe Torture-Misant hropic Carnage
Sex_Pistols-SP UNK-Remastered -(Read_Nfo)-20 06-FFaCC
Shakespears_Si ster-Best_Of-2 004-RNS
Shakin Dudi - Swing Revival (1999) [FLAC]
shakin_dudi-zl ota_plyta
Shining- 2013- One One One (sickdamnation )
Shining (Nor) - Blackjazz 2010
Shining (Nor) -2010- Blackjaz z
Show No Mercy
Sick_Of_It_All -Death_To_Tyra nts-2006-PMS
SIEKIERA- Nowa Aleksandria
Sinead O'Connor
Siouxsie - Mantaray
Siouxsie_And_T he_Banshees-Jo in_Hands-(Rema stered)-2006-0 MNi
Siouxsie_And_T he_Banshees-Ju ju-(Remastered )-2006-0MNi
Siouxsie_And_T he_Banshees-Ka leidoscope-(Re mastered)-2006 -0MNi
Six Litanies for Heliogabalus
Speak_Japanese _Or_Die-(S.O.D ._Tribute)-200 0
Steve Beresford, David Toop, John Zorn, Tonie Marshall - Deadly Weapons
Steve Vai
Steve Vai - The Story Of Light (2012) [mp3@320]
Steve Vai Discography
Steven Wilson
Steven Wilson - Insurgentes
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble
In Step
The Sky Is Crying
Stevie_Ray_Vau ghan_And_Doubl e_Trouble-Prid e_And_Joy-(DVD )-2007-MTD
Stevie_Ray_Vau ghan_And_Frien ds-Solos_Sessi ons_And_Encore s-2007-MTD
Strapping Young Lad
Suffocation_-_ Suffocation-20 06-CMG
Suffocation-Th e_Best_Of_Suff ocation-2008-M TD
Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Cyco Miko
Infectious Grooves Discography
Suicidal Tendencies Discography
Suicidal_Te ndencies-Po ssessed_To_ Skate-12_In ch_EP-1987- RZB
Sun Ra - Secrets of the sun (1962)
Super Guitar Trio - al di meola larry coryell birelli lagrene
Sweet Noise
System Of A Down
Sztywny Pal Azji
Talking_Heads- Brick-8CD-2005 -MTD
Terrorizer-Dar ker_Days_Ahead -(Advance)-200 6-RNS
The Creatures(Siou xsie Sioux) - Boomerang @320 (1989 Goth Rock)(Inc covers)
The Devin Townsend Project -2011- Deconstruction - Ghost [SpecialEditio n]
The Devin Townsend Project -2011- Deconstruct ion
The Devin Townsend Project -2011- Ghost
The Dillinger Escape Plan
The Dixie Dregs
The Doors
The Golden Palominos
The Joy of Motion
The Killing Fields
The Man In Black
The Pixies
The Rolling Stones
The Toy Dolls - Discography
The Young Gods - Play Kurt Weill
The_Cranberrie s-When_Youre_G one-(CDM)-1996 -DNR
The_Dillinger_ Escape_Plan-Co llection-32RLS -ViPv2
The_Heart_Thro bs-Cleopatra_G rip-1990-DNR
The_Pogues_-_T he_Definitive_ Collection-2CD -2007-USZ
The_Sisters_of _Mercy-Vision_ Thing_(Remaste red_and_Expand ed)-2006-JUST
The_Stooges-Fu n_House_(Delux e_Edition)-2CD -Remastered-20 05-SnS
The_String_Tri bute_To_Tool-T hird_Eye_Open- (Retail)-2001- HHI
The_Young_Gods -Knock_On_Wood -Bonus-DVD-200 8-r35
Therion_-_Cele brators_Of_Bec oming-4DVD-200 6-ViC
Tindersticks - Working For The Man
Tom Waits
Tomahawk-Anony mous-PC89-ADVA NCE_CD-2007-BP M
Tomasz Stańko
Tony Levin - Stick Man
Tony Levin, David Torn, Alan White - Levin Torn White
Tool - Complete Discography
Tori Amos
Toy_Dolls-Absu rd-Ditties-199 3-DNR
Toy_Dolls-Fat_ Bobs_Feet-1991 -DNR
Toy_Dolls-Ten_ Years_Of_Toys- 1989-DNR
Traced In Air
Trio of Doom (McLaughlin,Pa storius,Willia ms)
Tristania - Ashes
Tryptikon - Eparistera Daimones
Turbo - Kawaleria Szatana (1987) [APE]
Tuva (Throat-Singin g) Collection
Tuva_ Voices From The Center Of Asia
VA - K-Tunes presents Alternative Sounds vol.2 (march 2006)
VA - K-Tunes presents Alternative Sounds vol.2 (march 2006)
VA-Battle_Of_T he_Sexes-Promo -2007-JRP
VA--Beowulf_OS T_(Music_From_ the_Motion_Pic ture)-2007-OMA
VA-Contaminate d_7-Sampler-20 05-B2R
VA-Drum_Nation _Vol_3-2006-RN S
VA-Higher_Lear ning-Question_ The_Knowledge- (Sampler)-1994 -DNR
VA-Jazz_Side_O f_The_Moon-The _Music_Of_Pink _Floyd-(SACD33 8)-CD-2008-OBC
VA-Kerrang_Pre sents_Remaster ed_(Metallicas _Master_Of_Pup pets_Revisited )-2006-KzT
VA-Kerrang-Hig h_Voltage-2006 -KzT
VA-Kerrang-Hig her_Voltage-20 07-SKL
VA-Mercyful_Fa te_Tribute-199 7-DNR
VA--Metal_Hamm er_Maximum_Met al_Vol._123-DV D_MAG-2007-OMA
VA-Metal_Hamme r-The_Black_Cr usade_and_Beyo nd-MAG-2007-gF
VA-Metal_Maste rs-3CD-2006-SA W
VA-Metal-A_Hea dbangers_Compa nion_II-6CD-(B oxset)-2007-DN R
VA-Nativity_In _Black_II-A_Tr ibute_To_Black _Sabbath-(2000 )-PRW_INT
VA-Nick_Cave_I _Przyjaciele_- _W_Moich_Ramio nach-PL-2001-B FHMP3
VA-O.S.T_The_B ig_Lebowski-19 98-CHUPA
VA-Pagan_Metal _Tunes_Vol_1-P romo-2007-BERC
VA-Quentin_Tar antinos_Death_ Proof-OST-2007 -SAW
VA-Speak_Japan ese_Or_Die-(S. O.D._Tribute)- 2000
VA-The_Art_of_ Extreme_Music_ Vol_2-2007-MAG -GRAVEWISH
VA-The_Devils_ Rejects_OST-20 05-MUSiQ
VA-Transistor_ Transistor-Wol ves-(Split_EP) -2004-DNR
Vesania - God The Lux
Vesania_-_Dist ractive_Killus ions-Promo-200 7-ViC
Vesania-Rage_O f_Reason-Retai l_CDS-2008-RAC EME
Vildhjarta - Masstaden - 2011 (320 kbps)
Vildhjarta - Omnislash [2009]
Vildhjarta - Omnislash (singlepack ) [2009]
Vildhjarta - Thousands Of Evils (EP) (2013)
The New Age Of Chaos
Vinnie_Moore-M inds_Eye-1987- DNR
Virgin Snatch
Art Of Lying
Virgin Snatch - S.U.C.K.S
Virgin_Snatch- In_the_Name_of _Blood-2007-B2 R
Vital_Remains- Evil-Death-Liv e_(DVD_Extra)- READ_NFO-2007- FOAD
Vital_Remains- Horrors_of_Hel l-2006
Voivod - Infini (2009)
Voivod - Target Earth [Limited Edition] (2013)
Disc 01
Disc 02
Voivod [Discografia]
Voo Voo - Płyta
Wiedzmin_(OST) -PL-2007-Happy _Birthday
Winery Dogs (mijo92)
Wojciech Kilar - Dracula
Wojtek_Pilicho wski-Fair_Of_N oise-CD-2010-2 11
XX Years
Yat-Kha - Dalai Beldiri [1999]
Young Gods - Knock on Wood
Zakk Wylde_-_Covers The Classics-SYN
Zoe-Hammer-199 6-DNR

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tolorek napisano 28.01.2015 18:39

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dark53 napisano 22.04.2015 13:07

zgłoś do usunięcia

Boleslaw3333 napisano 2.05.2015 10:17

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etaszto22 napisano 2.05.2015 10:28

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Aga_Slodka napisano 16.05.2015 23:44

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anya.86 napisano 14.07.2015 09:41

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nowe-2016-pl napisano 21.02.2016 11:16

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Anna26072626 napisano 2.06.2017 21:54

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wecem58214 napisano 20.01.2023 09:16

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Super chomik

czarnecki10 napisano 20.10.2024 13:34

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