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109537 plików
88716,18 GB

- ◢◤ FILMY [ NOWE ]
- ◢◤ FILMY [ NOWE ](1)
- ◢◤ Dzwonki Na Telefon 2014
- ♣ Metal
- ♣ Muzyka ♫♪♫2014
- █ █ █ [ LEKTOR ] FILMY [ DVDRIP ]
- ✔ RIDE PL (2015) PC Reloaded
! ロ - Army of Two The Devil’s Cartel (2013) XBOX 360
! ロ - Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 XBOX 360-(POLSKA WERSJA)
! iGO_2015
! ▣ Dead Space 3 PC [2013]
! ▣ Aliens Colonial Marines [PC]
! ▣ Sniper Elite - Nazi Zombie Army 2013 PC
! ロ - Crysis 3 (2013) XBOX 360 (POLSKA WERSJA)
! ロ-Aliens Colonial Marines XBOX 360
! ロ-Fist of the North Star Ken’s Rage 2 XBOX 360
!▣ Need for Speed Rivals (2013) XBOX360-PL
!█▬█ █ ▀█▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀!
⬛ Oddworld Stranger's Wrath PL PC
⬛ 007 Legends PC
⬛ Borderlands 2 PC
⬛ Darksiders II Death Lives PL PC
⬛ F1 Race Stars PC
⬛ Hitman Rozgrzeszenie PL PC
Hitman Rozgrzeszenie PL Skidrow
⬛ King's Bounty Wojownicy Północy PC
⬛ LEGO Władca Pierścieni PL PC
⬛ Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 PL PC
⬛ Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends PC
⬛ The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dawnguard PL PC
⬛FILMY NOWO DODANE - AVI ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
▦ F1 2015 [PC]
▣ Transformers Upadek Cybertronu [PC]
▦ F1 2014 [PC]
◩ Biblia - The Bible Serial (2013) - Lektor
■ iGO Europe ( Maps TomTom 2015.03 )( fbl, fpa, fsp, ftr, poi, 3dl ) FULL 15_08_2015
▦ WRC 5 [PC]
▦ PES 2016 [PC]
▧ ▶ Filmy 3D
▣ Drapieżnik Doskonały
▨ ! Misja Afganistan (POLSKA)
▧ ▍- FILMY 2013
▧ ▍- FILMY 2012
▨ 12 Godzin - Lektor
▨ 28 pokoi hotelowych (2012)
▨ 6 kul - Lektor
▨ 90 minut 2012
▨ A wiec Wojna Lektor PL
▨ Akt Odwagi Lektor
▨ Albert Nobbs Lektor
▨ American Pie zjazd absolwentów
▨ BBC Planeta ludzi
▨ Bez wyboru Lektor PL
▨ Bez wyboru Lektor PL(1)
▨ Błękitna Laguna Przebudzenie
▨ Boże, błogosław Amerykę Lektor PL
▨ Chińczyk na wynos Lektor
▨ Ciotka kontra mafia
▨ Cosmopolis
▨ Crawlspace 2012
▨ Czarnobyl Reaktor Strachu
▨ Czas nosorożca
▣ Dary Anioła - Miasto kości (2013) - Napisy PL
▨ Delikatność - La.Delicatesse Lektor
▨ Diabeł tasmański Lektor
▨ Django PL
▨ Dobry Doktor Lektor
▨ Doors Open
▨ Doors Open(1)
▨ Dopóki piłka w grze
▨ Droga bez powrotu 5
▨ Drogowka 2013
▨ Dziedzictwo Bourne'a Lektor PL
▣ Elizjum (2013) Lektor PL
▨ Epoka Lodowcowa 4
▨ Extracted
▨ Forced to Fight
▨ Frankie Go Boom Lektor
▨ Gala 2013 Oskary
▨ Gangster Squad Pogromcy mafii 2013
▨ Gangster Squad Pogromcy mafii Lektor
▨ Ghostquake - Haunted High Lektor
▨ Głupi, głupszy, najgłupszy
▦ Goats Lektor PL
▨ Gol 3 Lektor
▨ Gołota VS Saleta Walka
▨ Góra śmierci - Deadly Descent
▨ Gorejący krzew
▨ Hamilton W interesie narodu Lektor PL
▨ Here Comes The Boom Lektor
▨ Hindenburg
▨ Hobbit Niezwykła podróż 2012
▨ Holy Motors
▨ Hotel Transylwania Dubbing PL
▨ Ill Manors PL 2012
▨ Iron Man 3 (2013) PL
▨ Iron Man 3 dubbing
▨ Iron Man 3 PL Napisy
▨ Jack Reacher.Jednym strzałem
▨ Jak po maśle Lektor PL
▨ Jak urodzić i nie zwariować Lektor PL
▨ Jeszcze dłuższe zaręczyny
▣ Jeszcze większe dzieci (2013) Lektor PL
▣ Jeździec znikąd (2013) - Napisy PL
▨ Kiedy świnie mają skrzydła Lektor PL
▨ Kochanek królowej - Lektor
▨ Kochanie, poznaj moich kumpli Lektor PL
▣ Kolonia (2013) Lektor PL
▦ Komisarz Blond i Oko sprawiedliwości
▨ Kompania Braci 2013
▨ Kon Tiki
▣ Koniec świata (2013)
▨ Królewna Śnieżka i Łowca Lektor PL
▨ Kula w łeb (2012)
▨ LEGO Batman DC Superheroes Unite (2013 )
▨ Likwidator 2013
▨ Likwidator 2013(1)
▨ Lincoln Lektor
▨ Looper Pętla czasu Lektor
▨ Lotna brygada .Lektor- The Sweeney (2012)
▨ Mama 2013
▨ Mama i ja (2012)
▣ Metro (2013) Napisy PL
▨ Mistrz - The Master 2012
▨ Mój największy koszmar PL Lektor
▨ Mój rower 2012
▨ Monster High Upioryż miasto strachu (2013) Dubbing PL
▨ Movie 43 (2013)-PL
▨ Mroczna prawda PL Lektor
▨ Muzyka jest wieczna
▣ Najlepsza i Najmądrzejsza (2010) - Lektor
▨ Najwyższy Wyrok
▨ Nalot na Bin Ladena Lektor
▦ Niesamowity Spiderman
▨ Nitro Circus The Movie
▣ Obława w Napier - Siege (2012) - Lektor PL
▨ Oczy Smoka Lektor
▨ Operacja Argo Lektor
▨ Orda
▨ Ostatnie dni Osamy bin Ladena Lektor PL
▨ Paranormal Activity 4 Lektor PL
▨ Parker Lektor
▣ Phantom (2013) Lektor PL
▨ Piła Mechaniczna (2013) PL
▨ Pitch Perfect (2012)
▨ Plaga wampirów PL Lektor
▨ Pokój, miłość i nieporozumienia
▨ Potrzask - Brake Lektor
▨ Promised Land
▨ Pustka Lektor.-A Bout Portant (2010)
▣ Rabusie kontra zombie (2012) Lektor PL
▨ Ralf Demolka Dubbing
▨ Ralph Demolka-PL Dubbing
▨ Saga Zmierzch Przed Świtem - Część 2 Lektor PL
▨ Savages Ponad Bezprawiem Lektor PL
▨ Saving General Yang (2013)
▨ Scooby Doo i maska Błękitnego Sokoła Dubbing
▨ Sekrety małych mieszkań 2012 Lektor
▨ Serca z kamienia-Lektor
▣ Smerfy 2 (2013) - Dubbing Polski
▨ Spluwy dziewczyny i poker - Guns, Girls and Gambl ing
▣ Stacja szyfrująca (2013) Lektor PL
▨ Stalowe Magnolie - Steel Magnolias (2012)
▨ Strażnicy marzeń Dubbing
▨ Strażnicy marzeń Dubbing(1)
▨ Superman DCU Wyzwolenie (2013)
▨ Swing (2012) - Film Polski
▨ Szklana pułapka 5 (2013) PL
▨ Szturm - The Assault PL Lektor
▨ Szybcy i wściekli 6 (Napisy)
▨ Take This Waltz PL Lektor
▨ The Grandmaster PL
▨ The Man with the Iron Fists
▣ To już jest koniec (2013) - Napisy
▨ Tower Block PL Napisy (2012)
▩ Uprowadzona 2 Lektor PL
▨ W cywilu 3 Lektor.The Marine 3 Homefront
▨ Wiedźma wojny Lektor
▨ Włóczęga ze strzelbą Lektor
▨ Wyprawa do Xingu- Xingu
▨ Wyszłam za mąż, zaraz wracam Lektor
▨ Zabić, jak to łatwo powiedzieć
▨ Zamordowana - Assassinee (2012)
▨ Zarafa
▨ Zbroja Boga 3-Chiński Zodiak 2012
▨ Żegnaj królowo
▨ Zemsta w Bangkoku
▨ Zimne światło dnia Lektor
▨ Żółwik Sammy 2 PL Dubbing
▨ Zycie Pi Dubbing PL
▣▣ Bajki dla dzieci
▣▣ Gry - 1 Plik
▣▣ Programy PC
►► MotoGP 13 chomikuj
● Gry 4 YOU Android (masa gier)
● GRY Android HD
◘ Assassin's Creed III XBOX360 (Wersja Polska)
╣ GRY DLA DZIECI ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
█▬█ █ ▀█▀ !!!!
★ Jaś Fasola ( Kolekcja ) !
- ! ● Microsoft Office PL 2013
♛Wygaszacze Aquarium - ( Różne )♛
♦ Grand Theft Auto V FULL UNLOCKED-SG
♪♪ RMF MAXXX - Hop Bęc ♪♪
♪♪♪ Składanki , Płyty (Nowości) ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
-✔Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain (2015)PC( FitGirl Repack)
-✔Star Wars Battlefront (2015)PC
❎ WINDOWS 7 SP1 32-64 BIT
▛ GRY XBOX 360 [2012]
▛ GRY XBOX 360 [2013]
⧠▆ GRY PC Premiery 2013
⧠⧠ MotoGP 13 -2013- Pc chomikuj
1♪ PRZEBOJE (na dziś) ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
111111android gry
Platynowe Przeboje
Android _ Gry
Bajki Dubbing pl
Bajki Filmy 3D - anaglif red-cyan
Barbie and Her Sisters Puppy Rescue (2015)PC
BlueSoleil.v6.4.2 49.0 + Aktywator TheBest
fifa 15 bez cd-key
filmy 3d
Filmy 3D(okulary blue red) (76 plików)
Filmy rmvb
Filmy rmvb(1)
Imagine Champion Rider
LEGO Jurassic World RELOADED(1)
LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes PC ( polska wersja )
LEGO Marvel's Avengers (2016)PC- RELOADED (Polska wersja językowa )
LEGO Marvel's Avengers PC ( polska wersja )
nowe filmy
PayDay 2 PC
Sygic_14.7.5_EU_P L_Mapy_Luty_2015_ ( Cracked )( Android_apk )_FULL
Township 2.9.2
Toy Soldiers Complete (2016) PC
Wiedźmin 2 Zabójcy Królów
Pokazuj foldery i treści
Ostatnio pobierane pliki Ostatnio pobierane pliki
Rebel Moon Część 1 - Dziecko ognia 2023 Lektor PL.WEB-DL.XviD-AZQ.rmvb play
Wielka draka w dżungli  2014 Dubbing PL.720p.Bluray.ac3-KRT.mkv play
Zimne światło dnia 2012.PL.720.BRRiP.XViD-AC3.avi play
 Punkt zwrotny  - Na krawędzi - The Ledge 2011 PL.BRRip.XViD.rmvb play
Halloweenowy.seans.2013.PL.SUBBED.HDRip.XviD-KiT.avi play
Napisy PL Wklejone w Film Produkcja : USA Gatunek : ...
Porwanie 1971 - Hijack 1971 2024 PL.WEB-DL.XviD-NN.avi play
Ewa 2011.PL.HDTV.XviD-BiDA.avi play
Renifer Niko ratuje święta 2008.avi play
▶ Dubbing PL ▶ Gatunek: Animacja, Familijny ...

obrazek LICZNIK OD 2013 03 06
« poprzednia stronanastępna strona »
  • 143,6 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - MNM Big Hits 2014-2
Pop | MP3 | 249 Kbps | 143 mb

Tracklist :

01. Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars
02. Calvin Harris - Summer
03. David Guetta & Showtek Ft Vassy - Bad
04. Joгo Neto & Frederico - Lк Lк Lк
05. Kiesza - Hideaway
06. Sia - Chandelier
07. Sigma - Nobody To Love
08. Jason Derulo Ft Snoop Dog - Wiggle
09. Clean Bandit Ft Jess Glynne - Rather Be
10. Gers Pardoel - Louise
11. Avicii - Addicted To You
12. Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong
13. Route 94 Ft Jess Glynne - My Love
14. Paloma Faith - Can't Rely On You
15. One Direction - You & I
16. 2 Fabiola Ft Loredana - She's After My Piano
17. Oscar & The Wolf - Princes
18. Magic! - Rude
19. The Chainsmokers - #selfie
20. The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm
21. 5 Seconds Of Summer - She Looks So Perfect
22. Stromae - Ta Fкte
23. Family Of The Year - Hero
24. Dimitri Vegas & Martin Garrix & Like Mike - Tremor

z chomika gembon1

  • 262,1 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Various - Nova Fresh 40 05-07 [2014]
Euro, Club, Pop, Vocal, R&B | Nova Fresh FM
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 01:56:02 | 270 Mb


01. Charli Xcx - Fancy 03:19
02. Maverick Sabre - Won't Let You Down 04:26
03. Iggy Azalea - Problem 03:13
04. Zhu - Faded 03:52
05. Demi Lovato - Somebody To You 03:04
06. Sigma - Nobody To Love 02:53
07. Ed Sheeran - Sing 03:55
08. Nicki Minaj - Pills N Potions 04:31
09. Scarlett Stevens - Tightrope 04:52
10. Ella Henderson - Ghost 03:37
11. Bonnie Anderson - Blackout - Single 03:01
12. Dami Im - Super Love 03:24
13. Pitbull - Mmm Yeah 03:51
14. Showtek/Vassy - Bad 03:41
15. Snoop Dogg - Wiggle 03:38
16. Pharrell Williams - Happy 03:53
17. Andy Grammer - Back Home 03:19
18. Kiesza - Hideaway 04:11
19. Sheppard - Something's Missing 02:52
20. Calvin Harris - Summer 03:42
21. Justice Crew - Que Sera 03:30
22. Zedd - Break Free 03:34
23. Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong 05:04
24. Sia/Sia - Chandelier 03:36
25. The Madden Brothers - We Are Done 03:36
26. Tove Lo - Stay High 04:17
27. Ed Sheeran - Don't 04:27
28. Milky Chance - Stolen Dance 04:01
29. Charli Xcx - Boom Clap 02:56
30. Mr Probz - Waves 03:50
31. Sheppard - Geronimo 03:45

z chomika gembon1

  • 1,17 GB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Artist: VA
Album: 100 Dance 2014 Vol. 5
Genre: Dance, Club...
Year: 2014
Track: 100
Time: 08:45:25
Format/Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps / 44kHz / Stereo
Size: 1170 Mb


01. Style Of Eye Ft. Sal - The Game (Extended Mix)
02. Vitodito & Talamanca - Calle Betis (Original Mix)
03. Celees - Party Fever (Alex Rodriguez Remix)
04. Ruby & Tony - Rock It (Original Mix)
05. Baseface - Consequences (Original Mix)
06. Trivecta feat. Connor Zwetsch - Believe (Original Mix)
07. Baseface - Consequences (Dub Version)
08. Titus1 feat. Shady A - Karnov (Original Mix)
09. Vato Gonzalez - B52 Riddim (Original Mix)
10. Whyel - Bad Boy Bang (Orginal)
11. Bumer! - Jumpa Style (Original Mix)
12. The Crystal Method feat. Dia Frampton - Over It (Dr. Ozi Remix)
13. Ariana & The Rose - In Your Bed (Project 46 Remix)
14. Sawdust – Respect (Original Mix)
15. Barely Alive feat. Messinian - Cyber Bully (Original Mix)
16. Slop Rock feat. Livingstone - No Other Way (Dirt Cheap Remix)
17. Sander Van Doorn & Firebeatz vs. R3hab & Ke$ha - Samurai Kids Track (GlowInTheDark SMASH-UP!)
18. Wax Motif & Neoteric - Das Machines (Botnek Remix)
19. Calvin Harris - Flashback (X-VERTIGO, Andy Callister & Renco Remix)
20. Survivor VS Firebeatz VS Steve Angello – Eye Of The SLVR Bazooka (Arthur White Mashup)
21. Denzal Park - Fire (Original Vocal Mix)
22. Stefan Vilijn - Distraction (Original Mix)
23. D.I.P Project - Pacman
24. The McMash Clan - Shadow Dance (Original Mix)
25. Tom Piper - Rip Up The Riddim (Kronic Remix)
26. Zulishanti - Likwid (Sauniks Remix)
27. Corvo & MindControl - Superstar (Original Mix)
28. Tristan Garner - Imperium (Original Mix)
29. Bombs Away & Tenzin - Mothertuckers (Original Mix)
30. Serebro - Я Тебя Не Отдам (DJ Nejtrino & DJ Baur Remix)
31. Shakira - Dare (La La La) (Felipe C. Remix)
32. Zoolanda - Come On (Original Mix)
33. Daddy's Groove - Stellar (Andy Callister ReBooty)
34. Tocadisco feat. Julian Smith - That Miami Track 2014 (Argoon & Novik Remix)
35. Charlie Darker - War Paint (Original Mix)
36. Showtek & Ookay – Bouncer (Original Mix)
37. Brooks Brown x Tranquillite - Ain't It
38. Victor Magan feat. Vassy & Juan Magan - Spotlight (David Campoy Remix)
39. Deorro vs. Calvin Harris & Nicky Romero - Yee Iron Bitch (Lunde Bros Edit)
40. TAITO - Bounce! (Extended Mix)
41. Dash Berlin & Rigby - Earth Meets Water (Radio Edit)
42. SCNDL ft. Timmy Trumpet - All The People Freaks (Matt Fabiano ''Freak'' Mash Up)
43. CAKED UP - Pop That Thang (Original Mix)
44. Tenishia - Pantera (Radio Edit)
45. Anima Sound System - Crossroads (Matula 2014 Extended Mix)

z chomika gembon1

  • 0,87 GB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Artist: VA
Album: Mega Dance Party
Genre: Dance, Club...
Year: 2014
Track: 80
Time: 06:31:27
Format/Quality: Mp3 / 320kbps / 44kHz / Stereo
Size: 895 Mb


01. Myon & Shane 54, Amy Pearson vs Ansolo & Special Features - Hurricane Unite (Stephan De Castel Bootleg)
02. Skidka & Hard Rock Sofa vs. Tommie Sunshine & Disco Fries - Cool With The Moloko Rhythm [Disco Fries Bootleg]
03. Martin Garrix - Proxy (Gordeev & Jon Remix)
04. Skrillex & Damian Jr. Gong Marley - Make It Bun Dem (Pegboard Nerds Remix)
05. Herve Pagez feat. Jalise - Take Control (Original Mix)
06. Thomas Newson & Marco V - Jaguar (Blaster Maxter Remix)
07. LA Riots feat. Ineabell - Let You Go (Original Mix)
08. The McMash Clan & Kate Mullins - Requiem (Original Mix)
09. Marc Korn feat. Jaicko Lawrence - More Than Enough (Geo Da Silva & Jack Mazzoni Extended Mix)
10. Sierra Leone - King Of Mykons (Original Mix)
11. Jenaux feat. Jared Lee - Turn Your World Around (Laidback Luke Edit)
12. Teddy Killerz - Precious (feat. Romadi)
13. Mark Knight, D.Ramirez & Underworld vs Dial M For Moguai - Downpipe Beatbox (Stephan De Castel Bootleg)
14. Tony Esposito - Sinue (Slava Maverick Remix)
15. John Dahlback & Benny Benassi - Blink Again (John Dahlback Remix)
16. Syn Cole feat. Madame Buttons - Miami 82 (Steerner Remix)
17. Jamiro Ligna - Seminar (Original Mix)
18. Scooter feat. Wiz Khalifa - Bigroom Blitz (Extended Mix)
19. Ibranovski – Filthy (TWIIG Bootleg)
20. Ulka vs. DJ Max Myers & Rifatello - Летать (DJ Nejtrino & Kirill Clash Radio Edit)
21. MakJ & Bassjackers vs Mercer & Bare - BanglaDERP (Verdugo Brothers Edit)
22. SCNDL - The Munsta (Scott Campbell Remix)
23. Galantis - You (Ivan Gough & Jebu Remix)
24. Scotty & Ray K. - Who Needs Enemies (Club Mix)
25. Edan Walk & Rubek Vanzer - Harmony (Original Mix)
26. Tanja La Croix - Wolfy
27. Liam Likes - Dirty Boy (Original Mix)
28. Tujamo - Hey Mister (twoloud Private Drop Edit)
29. Error404 ft. Zack Knight - One Thing (Original Mix)
30. Taylor & Gaspar Laci - White Dove (Radio Edit)
31. Modana & Tony T. - Heaven (Original Mix)
32. Tropkillaz & Party Favor - Dat Booty (Original Mix)
33. Greg Gelis feat. Fabrizio Levita - Gravity (Radio Mix)
34. W&W & Blasterjaxx - Rocket (Jay Cosmic Remix)
35. Franz Novotny - Falling Skies (Dave Winnel Remix)
36. Wesley Verstegen - Silence (Radio Edit)
37. London Rose feat. Dave Aude - Kick Drum (Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Radio Edit)
38. TroyBoi – Scatterbrained
39. Latin Fresh - Ella Se Arrebata (Rajeev Gualtiero Bootleg)
40. Slider & Magnit feat. Radio Killer - Sunwaves (Sunny Mix)
41. Hot Since 82 - Dont Touch The Alarm (Booka Shade Remix)
42. JOEYSUKI - Aftermovie (Jonathan Pitch Remix)
43. Jack Eye Jones - Far East (Blasterjaxx Remix)
44. -80.........

z chomika gembon1

  • 366,5 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - Fun Summer Dance 2014
Dance | MP3 | 320 Kbps | 366 mb


CD 1
01. Magic System - Magic In The Air (Feat. Chawki)
02. Mr. Probz - Waves (Robin Schulz Radio Edit)
03. Afrojack - Ten Feet Tall (Feat. Wrabel)
04. Calvin Harris - Summer
05. Black M - Mme Pavoshko
06. Avici - Addicted To You
07. Pharrell Williams - Marilyn Monroe
08. Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong
09. Jason Derulo - Trumpets
10. Clean Bandit - Rather Be (Feat. Jess Glynne)
11. Edx - Cool You Off (Radio Version)
12. Camo & Krooked - Loving You Is Easy (Radio Edit)
13. Superfunk - Shine (Radio Edit)
14. Dj Fresh - Dibby Dibby Sound (Feat. Ms Dynamite) [Radio Edit]
15. Major Lazer - Come On To Me (Feat. Sean Paul)
16. Dj Lbr - Wine It Up (Feat. Nappy Paco) [Radio Edit]
17. Lee Mashup - Hum Connection (Feat. Stone Warley & Co) [Radio Mix]
18. Tainos - Fin De Semana (Radio Edit)
19. Iboz - Cherie Oh Ye (Radio Edit)
20. Syndicate Of L.A.W - Got It Like That (Edit)
21. Logobi Gt - Sucre Sale (Remix Junior Caldera 2014) [Radio Edit]
22. The Chainsmokers - Selfie

CD 2
01. David Guetta - Bad (Feat. Vassy) [Radio Edit]
02. Deorro - Five Hours (Radio Edit)
03. Stadiumx & Taylr Renee - Howl At The Moon (Radio Edit)
04. Ummet Ozcan - Raise Your Hands (Radio Edit)
05. Armin Van Buuren - Ping Pong (Hardwell Radio Edit)
06. Tujamo - Hey Mister (Radio Edit)
07. Hard Rock Sofa Vs. Eva Shaw - Get Down (Original Mix)
08. Showtek - Bouncer
09. Yves Larock - Zookey 2K14 (Feat. Roland Richards) [Radio Edit]
10. Tritonal - Colors (Feat. Sterling Fox) [Radio Edit]
11. Joachim Garraud - Turn Up The Music (Feat. Vassy)
12. Global Deejays - We Are The Nights (Radio Mix)
13. Oliver Heldens - Gecko (Radio Edit)
14. W&W - Bigfoot (Radio Edit)
15. Dvbbs & Tony Junior - Immortal (Original Mix Edit)
16. New World Sound & Timmy Trumpet - The Buzz (Original Mix)
17. Quintino - Go Hard (Original Mix)
18. Dimitri Vegas, Martin Garrix & Like Mike - Tremor (Sensation 2014 Anthem) [Radio Edit]
19. Adbb - Omg (Oh My God) [Radio Edit]
20. Dj Smash - Electrobeach (Radio Edit)
21. Ferdinand Dreyssig - Coeur De La Nuit (Radio Edit)
22. Rebel - He's A Pirate- (Feat. Sidney Housen) [Radio Edit]

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - House Clubhits Megamix Vol.4 - 2014
House | MP3 | 252 Kbps | 425 mb


01. Bryce - Blade Theme
02. Davis Redfield feat. Carl Man - Music Gods
03. Bob Sinclar - Cinderella
04. Stefan Dabruck - Knowing
05. Mr. Da-Nos feat. The Beatrockers - Dr. Beat
06. Gazzo - Funky Beats
07. Nutron - Beautiful Face
08. Pat Farrell - Dare to Dream
09. Falko Niestolik - Flash
10. Hardwell - Three Triangles
11. Vicetone feat. Chloe Angelides - White Lie
12. Don Diablo & Matt Nash - Starlight
13. Laidback Luke & Peking Duk - Mufasa
14. Adam Moore - I Got To Give
15. Eddie Halliwell - Diamonds
16. Gimbal & Sinan - Irresistible
17. Chris Wittig - Go Home, Youґre Drunk
18. Sick Individuals & Axwell feat. Taylr Renee - I Am
19. Jamie vs Olly Hence feat. Lyck - So Beautiful
20. Bruno Barudi, Dabox & Raul Mendes - Cyborg
21. Decibel Artforce feat. Lisa - Sunshine
22. Axwell - Center Of The Universe
23. Robert Harris - Rain
24. Feenixpawl & Jason Forteґ - Together
25. Anders Hallstrцm - Iґm Revolution
26. Kitsch 2.0 & R.O.N.N. - Summertime
27. Igor Blaska feat. Violeta White, Vkee Madison - Be Mad Be Bad
28. Vicetone - Tremble
29. Tocadisco feat Julian Smith - That Miami Track 2014
30. Andrey Exx & Hot Hotels - Dark Beat
31. Tocadisco - Cinderella
32. Calippo - Back There
33. Twopack - Klingt gut
34. The Disco Boys & Cuebrick - Watch Out
35. Jean Elan - Arrrgh
36. DBN & Patric La Funk - Quick Quack
37. Toffee Moes - Reef
38. Chris Ellis & Frank Eikam - Lipstick
39. Etienne Fergusson - Ain't That Funky
40. Deniz Koyu - Ruby
41. Michael Calfan - Falcon
42. Crew 7 feat. Leonardo - Summer Nights
43. Haji & Sheldon - Inception
44. Vol2Cat - Grey Goose
45. Niels van Gogh feat. Princess Superstar - Miami
46. Tocadisco - Garage 674
47. Mark Bale feat. Jason Caesar - We Don't Care
48. Monoloop - Murda
49. Alex Kenji - Taurus
50. Hard Rock Sofa - Arms Around Me
51. R3hab & Lucky Date - Rip It Up
52. Micha Moor - Space
53. Paul Vinx - Flashback
54. Mary G. feat. Ricardo Munoz - You & I
55. Finger & Kadel - Leben
56. Thomas Gold feat. Kaelyn Behr - Remember
57. Azzido Da Bass - Rockstar
58. Moreno feat. Justin Fitch - Stereo
59. Lucas Schmidt - Bottles
60. Smash & Vengerov - Only Forward
61. Christopher S & LeCrema feat. Jamayl Maleek - Rebel's Mind
62. Jason Chance & Michelle Weeks - My House
63. Chris Berg - Rockin Party
64. Hook N Sling feat. Karin Park - Tokio By Night
65. Dave202 - Cyclone
66. -99........

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Miami to Ibiza Sundowner Chill A Selection of Sunset Grooves from the Best Beach Clubs (2014)
Deep House, Chill House | Beat Boutique
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 02:48:08 | 391,95 Mb


01. Brooke Stonebridge - I Want to Know What Love Is - Aegean Hypno Dub
02. Offshore - Cafe del Mar - Balearic Chill Remix
03. Flamingo - My Friend - Mercer & Gissal Chilled Version
04. Sunset People - Summer Madness - White Sand Cut
05. Mercer & Gissal - Scandal
06. Willie Blake - Classical Gas
07. Art of Lounge - Moments in Love - Buddha Bar Mix
08. Scott Campbell - Extreme Ways - Theme from "Bourne"
09. Demetra Suvari - Santorini - Blue Star Mix
10. Luxury Traveller - Eagle Will Rise Again
11. Love Sex Money - What Is Love - Instrumental Chill Edit
12. Mystery of Soul - It's a Shame
13. Mystique - Essences - Rico Van Basten Chill Mix
14. Time Warp - I Like Chopin - Extended Chill Instrumental
15. Phillip Ashmore - Luxury Living
16. Pacific Coast Academy - Into the Blue
17. Chris Everett - Cuba - Chill Lounge Version
18. Ultraviolet - Ready or Not - Chilled Out Mix
19. Angie Steward - Souvenir - Electro Chill 80 Instrumental
20. Guru Dawn - Twin Peaks - Sunset Boulevard Mix
21. Solid Gold - Save a Prayer - Nick Tatler & Phil Blohm Instrumental
22. Robin Butler - Gymnopedie No.1 - Smooth Mix
23. Alexis Mayer - Rachel's Song - Aegean Dream Version
24. Cameo - Miami Vice - Crockett's Theme
25. Scott Simmons - Children - Mediterr-Asian Chill Mix
26. Steve Lawrence - The Ecstasy of Gold
27. Pacific Coast Academy - Everybody Loves the Sunshine
28. Tod Lancaster - Twisted Nerve - Kill Bill Whistle Song Chill Mix
29. Kim McNichols - Body Talk - Instrumental Lounge Mix
30. Mirage - Another Day in Paradise - Chilled Instrumental
31. Shanti - Capturing the Light of Down - Papeete Dream Version
32. Imogen Beat - One More Night - Cafй Vibe Mix
33. T Roots & Carrera - Chan Chan
34. Manolo Ribeira - Sex and the City Girls - Lounge Guitar Edit
35. Richard Saint Claire - Caribbean Blue - Piano Solo Version
36. Bombay Sapphire - No Quarter - Reggae Night Dub
37. Amnesia - Fringe Theme - Electro Chill Mix
38. Plastic Fantastic - The Model - 70's Lounge Mix
39. BT Project - Magic Fly
40. Mansion - Bella's Lullaby - Theme from "Twilight"

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - Annees 80 Vol. 2 (2013)
Pop, Soul, Rock | UMSM
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2013 | 01:18:10 | 178 Mb


01. Eddy Mitchell - Couleur Menthe A L'eau (Album Version) (03:28)
02. Johnny Hallyday - Laura (Album Version) (04:38)
03. Black - Wonderful Life (04:47)
04. Status Quo - In The Army Now (Early Fade) (03:38)
05. Jean-Luc Lahaye - Debarquez-Moi (Album Version) (03:49)
06. Catherine Lara - La Rockeuse De Diamants (Album Version) (04:01)
07. Florent Pagny - N’importe Quoi (Album Version) (03:47)
08. Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me (Single Version) (03:58)
09. Quincy Jones - Ai No Corrida (06:26)
10. Kim Wilde - You Keep Me Hangin' On (04:15)
11. Phil Barney - Avec Qui Tu Vis (Album Version) (04:00)
12. Charts - Je M'envoie (Album Version) (04:11)
13. L'affaire Louis Trio - Tout Mais Pas Ca (03:58)
14. Luna Parker - Tes Etats D'ame Eric (Album Version) (03:29)
15. Raft - Yaka Danse (Original Version) (03:45)
16. Version) Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie (Original 7 (03:22)
17. Daniel Balavoine - Je Ne Suis Pas Un Heros (Album Version) (04:59)
18. David Hallyday - High (04:04)

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - Annees 80 (2013)
Pop, Disco | UMSM
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2013 | 01:17:52 | 185 Mb


01. Daniel Balavoine - L'aziza (Album Version) (04:18)
02. Alain Bashung - Gaby Oh Gaby (Album Version) (03:45)
03. The Buggies - Video Killed The Radio Star (Single Version) (03:17)
04. Michel Sardou - Etre Une Femme (Album Version) (04:12)
05. Visage - Fade To Grey (Album Version) (03:47)
06. Gilbert Montagne - Les Sunlights Des Tropiques (Album Version) (03:51)
07. Michael Sembello - Maniac (Bof Flashdance) (04:01)
08. Elli Medeiros - Toi Mon Toit (Album Version) (03:37)
09. L'affaire Louis Trio - Chic Planete (Album Version) (03:18)
10. Suzanne Vega - Luka (Album Version) (03:49)
11. Patricia Kaas - Mon Mec A Moi (Album Version) (04:10)
12. Stephan Eicher - Combien De Temps (Album Version) (04:13)
13. Interpretes Divers - Upside Down (Album Version) (04:02)
14. Francois Feldman - Joue Pas (Album Version) (04:08)
15. Lipps Inc - Funkytown (03:56)
16. Womack & Womack - Teardrops (03:43)
17. Jean-Luc Lahaye - Femme Que J'aime (Album Version) (03:38)
18. Kool & The Gang - Fresh (Album Version) (04:24)
19. Niagara - Je Dois M'en Aller (Version Longue) (04:14)
20. Pauline Ester - Oui Je L'adore (Album Version) (03:25)

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Dance Party 2014 [Pre-Release]
British Hip Hop, Euro, Club | Universal Music TV (UMTV)
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 01:17:45 | 180 Mb


01. The Vamps - Last Night 03:05
02. Demi Lovato - Let It Go 03:42
03. 5 Seconds Of Summer - She Looks So Perfect 03:22
04. Katy Perry, Juicy J - Dark Horse 03:32
05. One Direction - Best Song Ever 03:16
06. Little Mix - Move 03:42
07. Sigma - Nobody To Love 03:06
08. Ellie Goulding - Goodness Gracious 03:33
09. The Janoskians - Real Girls Eat Cake 02:49
10. Pixie Lott - Nasty 02:45
11. Avicii - Hey Brother 04:12
12. Pitbull, Ke$Ha - Timber 03:22
13. Olly Murs - Right Place Right Time 03:10
14. Sam Smith - Money On My Mind 03:11
15. The Saturdays - Not Giving Up 03:01
16. Disclosure, Alunageorge - White Noise 03:34
17. Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball 03:41
18. Fuse Odg - Antenna 03:02
19. Rizzle Kicks - Skip To The Good Bit 03:17
20. Jessie J, Big Sean, Dizzee Rascal - Wild 03:51
21. Ariana Grande, Big Sean - Right There 04:03
22. Martin Garrix - Animals 02:45
23. John Martin - Anywhere For You 03:31

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Various - Dream Dance Vol.72 (2014)
House, Club House, Dance, Trance | Sme Media (Sony Music)
VBR | MP3 | unmixed | 04-07-2014 | 03:53:23 | 420 Mb


Disk: 1
1. God Is A Dj - Radio Edit - Dream Dance Alliance (D.D. Alliance)
2. Be.Angeled 2014 - Dj Shog Rework - Jam & Spoon Feat. Rea
3. I Lost Myself - Original Edit - Dj Shog / Fröhlich, Jens
4. Summer - Harris, Calvin / Harris, Calvin
5. Ping Pong - Radio Edit - Van Buuren, Armin
6. Falling Back - Radio Edit - Cosmic Gate Feat. Eric Lumiere
7. When It Ends It Starts Again - Atb Feat. Sean Ryan
8. Stay The Night - Zedd Feat. Hayley Williams
9. Life - Aboutblank Edit - Aboutblank & Klc Feat. Andru Donalds
10. This Is What It's All About! - Radio Edit - Kai Tracid & York
11. Are Your One Of Us? - Video Edit - Kyau & Albert
12. Earth Meets Water - Radio Edit - Dash Berlin & Rigby
13. Blue Fire - Original Mix Edit - Gielen, Johan Vs Virtual Vault
14. Come Back - Holmes & Watson
15. Stockholm - Construction Time Remix Edit - The New Division
16. Feeling For You - Single Edit - Van Der Karsten
17. Rise Up - Radio Edit - Gabriel & Dresden
18. Ahead Of Us - Radio Edit - Tom Swoon, Lush & Simon
19. Overtime - Vicetone Edit - Cash Cash
20. You And I - Radio Edit - Punk Party Feat. Kelly Sweet
21. Unfamiliar Truth - John O'callaghan Radio Edit - Lange Feat. Hysteria!

Disk: 2
1. One Day (Vandaag) - Radio Edit - Bakermat
2. Rather Be - Cash Cash X Valley Remix - Clean Bandit Feat. Jess Glynne
3. Payback - Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman X Steve Angello
4. Blink - Video Edit - Cascada
5. It's A Fine Day - Club Edit - Adrima
6. Wonderful - Single Mix - Topmodelz
7. You - Galantis
8. Bring Back The Love - Cj Stone Radio Edit - Klaas
9. Tokyo By Night - Axwell Remix Radio Edit - Hook N Sling Feat. Karin Park
10. U And Us - Single Edit - Megara Vs. Dj Lee Feat. Fridge
11. Springtide - Vocal Edit - Mason Tyler Feat. Aimee Bobruck
12. Coming Home - Stereojackers Vs. Mark Loverush Radio Edit - Petralia, Marco & Rubin Feat. Ilan Green
13. I Won't Hold You Back - Club Edit - Rio, Stefan
14. Incredible Light - Radio Edit - Tube Tonic
15. Broken Things - Radio Edit - Snow, John
16. Don't Stop The Rhythm - Enyo & Mario Ayuda Edit - Van Snyder & Dj D.M.H. Feat. Big Daddi
17. Send Me An Angel - Original Edit - Skyrosphere
18. Bittersweet Encounters - Tribune Edit - Dearing, Aiden
19. Irresistible - Radio Edit - Gimbal & Sinan
20. Keep It Alive - Mr. G! Mix Edit - Bounce, Brooklyn & Giorno
21. Shelter From The Storm - Radio Edit - Cueboy & Tribune

Disk: 3...................

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  • 5.0
  • 177,9 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Title : Notowanie nr 2188 z dn.2014 07 05
Codec................: LAME 3.93
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Extreme, (avg. bitrate: 314kbps)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz
Tags.................: ID3 v1.0, ID3 v2.3
Playing Time.........: 01:17:37
Total Size...........: 174,43 MB

TrackList :

1. Pitbull feat. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte - We Are One (Ole Ola)
2. Indila - Derniere Danse
3. Bob One ft. Pokahontaz - Przestan (Zetena Remix)
4. Mr Probz - Waves (Robin Schulz Remix)
5. Sia - Chandelier
6. Route 94 ft. Jess Glynne - My Love
7. Magic System feat Ahmed Chawki - Magic In The Air
8. Kiesza - Hideaway
9. David Guetta, Showtek feat. Vassy - Bad
10. Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong
11. Bakermat - One Day (Vandaag)
12. Mrozu feat. Sound'n'Grace - Nic do stracenia
13. Sigma - Nobody To Love
14. Shakira - Dare (La La La)
15. Showtek Justin Prime ft. Matthew Koma - Cannonball (Earthquake)
16. Ewelina Lisowska - We Mgle
17. Elaiza - Is It Right
18. Coldplay feat. Avicii - A Sky Full of Stars
19. Elena feat. Glance - Mamma Mia (He's Italiano)
20. Grzegorz Hyzy ft. Tabb - Na chwilę

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Artist: VA
Title Of Album: ZYX Italo Disco New Generation Vol. 3
Year Of Release: 2013
Label: ZYX
Genre: Italo Disco, Euro Disco
Quality: MP3
Bitrate: VBR
Total Time: 02:33:40
Total Size: 279 MB


CD 1

01. Savage - Save Me (Vocal Remix) (07:26)
02. Joey Mauro - Japan Kiss (Marschall Longdrink Remix) (07:58)
03. Tess - Cry Away (Italo Disco Extended Mix) (05:24)
04. Tq & Linda Jo Rizzo - Out Of The Shadow (Extended) (08:02)
05. Aldo Lesina - Look Me In The Eyes (Disco Mix) (06:16)
06. Dj Savage - Love Fly Your Way (Extended Version) (06:38)
07. Modern Tracking - Running Away (TDHDriver Long Mix) (06:52)
08. Synthesis - Galactic Dream (Extended) (07:02)
09. Sally Shapiro - If It Doesn't Rain (Extended Mix) (06:11)
10. Tom Hooker & Miki Chieregato - No Elevation (Flashback Remix) (06:01)
11. Reale Accademia - She's Mine (80s Memories Team Remix) (08:33)

CD 2

01. Mirko Hirsch Feat. Elen Cora - Save Me (just For Tonight) (Extended Version) (06:14)
02. Discobonus - Spend Your Money (Money Maxi Version) (07:23)
03. The Sweeps - The Last Dream (Flemming Dalum & Steen Gjerulff Remix) (05:57)
04. Victor Ark - One More Time (Vocal Version) (06:30)
05. The Crosslines - Tomorrow Is Another Day (Another Day Mix) (06:39)
06. Foxbox - To The Beach (Maxi Version) (05:14)
07. Tiziana Rivale - Flame (Vocal Version) (06:52)
08. Italove - Strangers In The Night (Flashback Ri-Mix) (07:55)
09. Tommy Sun - Magic Carillon (Italo Mix) (06:54)
10. Rick De Moore - Flash On The Floor (Extended Version) (05:03)
11. Alden Tyrell & Fred Ventura - Don't Stop (Original Mix) (07:41)
12. Linda Jo Rizzo - Day Of The Light (80s Maxi Mix) (04:55)

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - Baila Verano 2014 (2014)
Dance, Latino | Planet Dance Music
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 01:49:33 | 256 Mb


01. Tu Fuego (feat. Yoe Zr) - Javi Rodriguez & David Ballesteros
02. Latina (Radio Edit) [feat. 2Diamonds] - Kike Puentes
03. No Llores por Ese (Radio Edit) - Clase A
04. Me Enamore (Latin Version) [feat. Siko Ruiz] - Jose Alfredo
05. Mirala (feat. Neon) - Teknova
06. Que Suba la Temperatura (feat. J.Cabas) - Dj Cort-S
07. Pa'elante - Mike de la Cruz
08. Baby Tonight (feat. Foncho) - Kike Puentes & Danny Costta
09. No Hay Nada (Radio Version) [feat. Juan Martinez & William el Innovador] - Dj Gago
10. Angel de Ilusion (Radio Mix) - DJ Mix
11. Descontrolate - Fran Lara, Manu Serrano & Jay Anthony
12. Esta Noche Es Nuestra (feat. Raul Nadal) - Rafi Vicente
13. Amor de Plato (feat. Pilson & They Bisi) - Rafa Marco & Alex Selfa
14. Camina Morena - Lios Choco
15. Hasta Que Salga el Sol (feat. Raul Nadal & Manu Sanchez) - Impacto Urbano
16. Tu y Yo (feat. Sueco&Loko) - Kike Puente
17. Ponte Wapa - Yero y Flow
18. Carta de Amor - Tisu & Dani
19. Te Encontre (feat. Alfred Money Man) - Cristian Tomas
20. Morenaza (feat. Vito Eme) - Euro Latin Beats
21. Chicas Solteras (feat. 2KL) - Pepe Gordillo
22. Ella Quiere (Radio Version) - Yago Corbal
23. Boom Boom (Radio Edit) [feat. J Mandly] - Albert Fdez
24. La Mirona (Mr. Rommel Remix) - Lios Choco
25. Pool Party (Borja Jimenez Official Remix) [feat. Nico Mastre] - Tony Fernandez
26. Noche de Fiesta (Radio Edit) [feat. Kalex] - Sp-Dj
27. Preguntate (Ton Ray Original Mix) - D.Aney & Dario J
28. Me Cambiaste (feat. Marvil) - Jomy Galan & Niko Rodriguez
29. Ella Ta Suelta - Teknova & Los Tiburones
30. Pegaito (feat. Guade Ravelo & Varo Ratata & Aitor Cruz) - Yero y Flow

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  • 135,5 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - US TOP 20 Single Charts 5.07.2014
Pop, Electro | MP3 | 235 Kbps | 135 mb


VA - US TOP20 Single Charts 5.07 (2014)

01. Iggy Azalea Feat. Charli XCX - Fancy
02. Ariana Grande Feat. Iggy Azalea - Problem
03. Magic! - Rude
04. Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong
05. Sam Smith - Stay With Me
06. Jason Derulo - Wiggle
07. John Legend - All Of Me
08. Calvin Harris - Summer
09. DJ Snake Feat. Lil Jon - Turn Down For What
10. Pharrell Williams - Happy
11. Katy Perry Feat Juicy J - Dark Horse
12. Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith - Latch
13. Ed Sheeran - Sing
14. Maroon 5 - Maps
15. Paramore - Ain't It Fun
16. Justin Timberlake - Not A Bad Thing-Pair Of Wings
17. MKTO - Classic
18. Jason Derulo Feat. 2 Chainz - Talk Dirty
19. Katy Perry - Birthday
20. Rixton - Me and My Broken Heart

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  • 377,5 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

Trance Voice Experience Vol 4 The Very Best in Vocal Club Anthems (2014)
Trance, Vocal, Uplifting | Drizzly Records
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 02:43:22 | 377,50 Mb


01. DJ Shog - Be the One
02. Nik Fenix - Time - Vocal Mix
03. Kahraman - A Prophet - M&D Substance Remix
04. Matteo Sala - Travel from My Heart
05. Subtara - Computer Technology
06. Green Court - Take (My Breath Away) - Cj Stone Remix
07. Alex Torn - Fanane
08. DJ Shog - Don't Stop
09. LTN - A Simple Plan - Marquee'n'Herdy's Late Nite Mix
10. Attention Seekers - Gypsy Rock - Akato Remix
11. Eddie Sender - Moonlight in Your Eyes - Jean Luc Remix
12. Ramona Fottner - Devotion - Bigfloor Edit
13. DJ Shog - Tell Me Why - Full Vocal Edit
14. Cosmic Culture - Our Future - Cosmic Culture Hymn Mix
15. 2-Largo - Rain - Radio Version
16. Green Court - Silent Heart - Flutlicht Remix
17. Dr. Dacota - Newborn - Betonwiese Remix
18. DJ Shog - Jelousy - Edit
19. Wasabi - Ready 4 Take Off
20. DJ Sequenza - Rhythm of Love
21. Attention Seekers - Heartbeat - Extended Mix
22. DJ Worris - Time Machine - Club Mix
23. Tukan - Light a Rainbow - Green Court & Marc Dawn Remix
24. Green Court - Silent Heart - Club Mix
25. DJ Shog - Running Water - Radio Edit

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  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - Technobase.Fm Vol. 9 - 2014
House | MP3 | 320 Kbps | 357 mb


CD 1
01. Alex M. Vs. Marc Van Damme - Bang The Drum (Allez Allez) (Dan Winter Bootleg Mix)
02. Marco Van Bassken Feat. Ida Berg - Apollo (Ti-Mo Remix)
03. Brooklyn Bounce And Giorno - Keep It Alive (Mr. G Mix)
04. Rob Mayth And Dj Neo - Emergency
05. Jens O. - Stay
06. Alex M. - Heavenly Emotions (Alex Megane Newdance Mix)
07. Dj Gollum And Empyre One Vs. Nicco - Rockstar (Handsup Mix)
08. Seaside Clubbers And Martin Lindberg - Fieber (Neotune Remix)
09. Tale And Dutch Feat. Bart Reeves - The Message (Reload) (G Bootleg Mix)
10. Nick Skitz - Anthem #2 (Nick Skitz And Technoposse Remix)
11. Massmann Meets Scarlet - Dreaming For Eternity
12. Ti-Mo - Sign Of Life
13. Plasdance - Heartbeat
14. Dreiundzwanzig - Komodo 2K14 (Phillerz Remix)
15. Dj Paffendorf Vs. Ryan T. - Dream And Dance (Club Mix)
16. Shaun Bate And Sam Walkertone - Lightswitch (Addicted Craze Vs. Basslovers United Remix)
17. Moreno Feat. Justin Fitch - Stereo (Dj Gollum Vs. Empyre One Remix)
18. Martini Monroe And Steve Moralezz - Let The Sunshine (Basslovers United Remix)
19. Italobrothers - Up 'n Away (Dj Gollum Feat. Dj Cap Remix)
20. Cansis Vs. Spaceship - What The F##K (Club Mix)
21. Etania - Forever You Are Mine (Mankee Remix)
22. Crew 7 - Such A Shame (Mankee Remix)
23. Tube Tonic - Incredible Light

CD 2
01. Consuelo Costin - Here We Go (Sunvibez Remix)
02. Giga Dance Feat. Morano - Around The World (Raindropz Remix)
03. Pulsedriver - Do You Want It Right Now (Topmodelz Remix)
04. Dj Mikesh - Hardcore Salsa 2K14 (Dancecore Mix)
05. Dj Hyo - Ring Ding Dong
06. Handsup Playerz And Dj Texx - Respect Someone (Dj Texx Club Mix)
07. Distinct - Say Hello (Predancer Remix)
08. Dreamstyle And Ulti Feat. Timh - Back To Reality (Spikes And Slicks Remix)
09. Last Hit Feat. Adam Lyons - Echo (Basslouder Remix)
10. Dj Bud - I Can Feel (Alexkea Remix)
11. Dualxess And Nico Provenzano Feat. Orry Jackson - Dirty Bitch (Malu Project Remix)
12. Miradey - Can't Get Enough (Commercial Club Crew Remix)
13. Ellyland - Bedroom (Phillerz Remix)
14. Cueboy And Tribune - Shelter From The Storm (Club Mix)
15. Overtune - More Than A Feeling (Dj Fait Remix)
16. Skyrosphere - Send Me An Angel (Tribune Remix)
17. Spikes And Slicks - Without You (Tomtrax Remix)
18. Dj Gollum Feat. Dj Cap - Give Me Five (Easter Rave Hymn 2K14) (Drm Remix)
19. J And M Vs. Dj Alan Kay Feat. Susan Albers - Heaven Is Not Enough (Bulljay Meets Handsup Playerz Remix)
20. Manuel Lauren And Destiny - Enemy (Groove-T Remix)
21. T-Moor Rodriguez - Heroes (Tomtrax Remix)
22. Md Electro Vs. Way And Beyond Feat. Johanna - My Heart (Re-Load Remix)
23. Tronix Dj Feat. Toni Fox - Keep Going On

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  • 461,4 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

NOW Dance Grand Time (2014)
Club, Hands Up, Euro, Vocal, Pop | Compilation Euro
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 03:30:40 | 475 Mb


01. Thomas Petersen - The Mission (Radio Edit) 03:56
02. Tom & Hills - No Brakes (Original Mix) 05:46
03. Scott Attrill - Neon Baby (Original Mix) 06:56
04. Starkillers & Black Boots - Sweet Surrender (Radio Edit) 03:30
05. Third Party - Everyday Of My Life (Radio Edit) 03:35
06. Sander Van Doorn - Right Here Right Now (Radio Edit) 03:27
07. Those Random Boys Feat. Hezzy - Immortals (Original Mix) 04:31
08. Persian Raver Feat Nate Monoxide - Do U Remember (Radio Edit) 03:56
09. Rьfьs - Sundream (Original Mix) 04:35
10. Tiesto Feat. Matthew Koma - Wasted 03:08
11. Nick Otronic & High Level Feat. Sofia Robert - What It Feels Like (Original Edit) 03:24
12. Romeo Testa - Light It Up 03:24
13. Neon Trees - Sleeping With A Friend (Kat Krazy Radio Mix) 03:55
14. Stephan F Feat. Kalia - Love Me (Original Mix) 05:00
15. Shanahan Feat. Vegas - Life Of Scars (Radio Edit) 03:28
16. Pimp!Ie - Beat Slamming (Radio Edit) 03:52
17. The Partysquad & Rob Pix - Born To Rave 03:34
18. Lily Allen - Our Time 04:25
19. Example - Kids Again (Extended Mix) 05:49
20. Royal Djs - I Adore You (Vocal Extend) 06:00
21. Starkid Feat. Sophia May - Loving You (Radio Edit) 03:40
22. Sharon Doorson - Louder 03:26
23. Ktree Feat. Robin Stjernberg & Flo Rida - Tunderbolt (E-Partment Short Mix) 03:05
24. Jose M Duro & Ramses Lopez - Let It Go (Radio Mix) 03:57
25. Katia Feat. Wildboyz - Boom Sem Parar (Radio Edit) 03:23
26. Jose Seron Featuring. Bori - Positive Energy (Radio Edit) 03:33
27. Marsal Ventura & Alex De Guirior & Submission Dj Feat. Dee Dee - See The Light (Extended Mix) 04:41
28. The Chainsmokers - #Selfie (Instrumental Mix) 03:03
29. Logovibes Feat Shaharah - Kiss You (Original Mix) 03:27
30. Kisskaya And Sporty-O - Torn By U (Original Mix) 06:48
31. Singer & Dealer Feat. Anderson Mele - Time To Fly (Enzo Zagaria Extended) 05:50
32. Karbonio14 - One Step Closer To Madness (Radio Mix) 03:47
33. Sia - Chandelier 03:36
34. Jens O. Vs. Special D. - Raver (Phillerz Remix Edit) 03:17
35. Kindervater Feat. Nadja - Everytime You Need Me 2014 (Rework Edit) 03:02
36. The Shrink Reloaded & Phil Giava Feat. Da Mouth Of Madness - Wicked (Edm Radio Mix) 03:37
37. Joanna Rays - Not Enough (Radio French Mix) 03:05
38. Romantico Latino - Opaye (Radio Edit - Euro Latino) 03:00
39. Little Mix - Word Up! 03:29
40. Stamusic. - Clap (Original Mix) 04:32
41. Kalado - Make Me Feel (Hybrid Remix) 03:12
42. Shut Up! Vs. Holger Schulz - Alive (Original Mix) 04:08
43. Marq Aurel & Mizz Camela - Stomp Out (Sander Remix Edit) 04:24
44. Marq Aurel & Mizz Camela - Stomp Out (Radio Edit) 03:38
45. Jon Spoon - Where Do We Go (Remixes) (Loud Tunerz Remix Edit) 04:27
46. -52...........

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Nederlandse Top 40 Week 27 (2014)
Club, Dance, Euro, Vocal, Pop | Media Markt NL
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 02:45:54 | 381 Mb


Nederlandse Top 40 week 2014-27 Complete Lijst (41 / 150:20)
01. Tove Lo - Habits (Stay High) 03:29
02. Tove Lo Ft. Hippie Sabotage - Stay High (Habits Remix) 04:19
03. Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong 04:05
04. Calvin Harris - Summer 03:40
05. Dotan - Home 04:27
06. Ariana Grande Ft. Iggy Azalea - Problem 03:14
07. Kiesza - Hideaway 04:13
08. Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars 04:29
09. Clean Bandit Ft. Jess Glynne - Rather Be 03:45
10. Sigma - Nobody To Love 03:10
11. Sam Smith - Stay With Me 02:57
12. Pitbull Ft. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte - We Are One (Ole Ola) 03:42
13. Jason Derulo Ft. Snoop Dogg - Wiggle 03:14
14. Tiлsto Ft. Matthew Koma - Wasted 03:09
15. Route 94 Ft. Jess Glynne - My Love 02:26
16. Ed Sheeran - Sing 03:22
17. George Ezra - Budapest 03:22
18. Milky Chance - Stolen Dance 05:10
19. David Guetta & Showtek Ft. Vassy - Bad 03:20
20. Coldplay - Magic 04:45
21. Imagine Dragons - Demons 02:54
22. Lilly Wood & The Prick And Robin Schulz - Prayer In C (Robin Schulz Remix) 05:21
23. Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake - Love Never Felt So Good 04:08
24. Stromae - Ta Fкte 02:55
25. Afrojack Ft. Wrabel - Ten Feet Tall 03:52
26. Chef' Special - In Your Arms 03:33
27. Dj Snake & Lil Jon - Turn Down For What 03:34
28. Family Of The Year - Hero 03:10
29. Cazzette - Sleepless 03:43
30. The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm 03:33
31. Gers Pardoel - Louise 02:55
32. Maroon 5 - Maps 03:10
33. Watermдt - Bullit 03:15
34. Dimitri Vegas, Martin Garrix & Like Mike - Tremor (Sensation 2014 Anthem) 04:59
35. Iggy Azalea Ft. Charli Xcx - Fancy 03:18
36. Aloe Blacc - The Man 04:15
37. Pharrell Williams - Happy 03:53
38. Katy Perry Ft. Juicy J - Dark Horse 03:37
39. Clean Bandit Ft. Sharna Bass - Extraordinary 04:16
40. Chocolate Puma Ft. Kris Kiss - Step Back 02:55
41. Avicii - Addicted To You 02:28

Nederlandse Top 40 week 2014-27 Nieuwe Binnenkomers (4 / 15:33)
42. Lilly Wood & The Prick And Robin Schulz - Prayer In C (Robin Schulz Remix) 05:21
43. Cazzette - Sleepless 03:43
44. Maroon 5 - Maps 03:10
45. Iggy Azalea Ft. Charli Xcx - Fancy 03:18

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Eddie Stobart Trucking Songs - Trucking All Over The World [Box set]
Blues, Rock And Roll, Electric Blues, Folk | Sony Music TV Comp
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 03:46:03 | 518 Mb


Trucking All Over The World - Various CD1 (19 / 73:12)
01. Another One Bites The Dust - Queen 03:35
02. Rockin All Over The World - Status Quo 03:35
03. Gimme All Your Lovin' - Zz Top 04:00
04. Dead Ringer For Love - Meat Loaf With Cher 04:23
05. Cold As Ice - Foreigner 03:18
06. Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now - Starship 04:30
07. Let Your Love Flow - The Bellamy Brothers 03:15
08. Can't Fight This Feeling - Reo Speedwagon 03:46
09. Out Of Touch - Daryl Hall & John Oates 04:03
10. Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar 02:51
11. Hold The Line - Toto 03:56
12. Poison - Alice Cooper 04:29
13. Is This Love - Whitesnake 03:57
14. Burning Heart - Survivor 03:51
15. Open Arms - Journey 03:18
16. Don't Look Back - Boston 05:59
17. Somebody To Love - Jefferson Airplane 02:58
18. Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson 03:30
19. Convoy - C.W. Mccall 03:50

Trucking All Over The World - Various CD2 (20 / 78:52)
20. Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra 03:48
21. Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac 03:42
22. Town Called Malice - The Jam 02:54
23. Whiskey In The Jar - Thin Lizzy 05:43
24. Walk On The Wild Side - Lou Reed 04:13
25. You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon 04:40
26. We Didn't Start The Fire - Billy Joel 04:28
27. Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan 06:08
28. I Walk The Line - Johnny Cash 02:44
29. Cuddly Toy - Roachford 03:48
30. She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals 03:35
31. Fanfare For The Common Man - Emerson, Lake & Palmer 02:58
32. Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) - Gene Clark, The Byrds 03:34
33. Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas 03:26
34. No Time - The Guess Who 03:38
35. Straight From The Heart - The Allman Brothers Band 03:46
36. Living After Midnight - Judas Priest 03:31
37. Black Magic Woman - Santana 03:14
38. While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Jeff Healey Band 04:12
39. Silver Machine - Hawkwind 04:38

Trucking All Over The World - Various CD3 (19 / 73:58)
40. Shoot The Runner - Kasabian 03:28
41. Rocks - Primal Scream 03:35
42. Dakota - Stereophonics 04:57
43. Fools Gold - The Stone Roses 04:16
44. Motorcycle Emptiness - Manic Street Preachers 03:34
45. Place Your Hands - Reef 03:38
46. Drive By - Train 03:15
47. Reach Out (Touch The Sun) - Mike & The Mechanics 04:04
48. What About Now - Daughtry 04:11
49. No Such Thing - John Mayer 03:51
50. Adrienne - The Calling 04:00
51. Roll Away The Stone - Mott The Hoople 03:13
52. Want You To Want Me - Cheap Trick 02:44
53. Hush - Love Affair 03:41
54. Rabbit - Chas 'N' Dave 02:21
55. Take This Job And Shove It - Johnny Paycheck 02:36
56. Friday I'm In Love - The Cure 03:34
57. Lido Shuffle - Boz Scaggs 03:41
58. Free Bird (9 Minute Version) - Lynyrd Skynyrd 09:11

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The Best Rock n Roll Album In The World...Ever! [Box set]
Blues, Rock And Roll, Alternative Rock, Folk | UMTV - Universal Music TV
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 02:21:05 | 345 Mb


01 Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley 02:30
02 Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly 02:29
03 Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry 02:40
04 Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On - Jerry Lee Lewis 02:51
05 Rip It Up - Little Richard 02:22
06 Wake Up Little Susie - The Everly Brothers 02:02
07 Hey Little Girl - Del Shannon 02:31
08 Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash 02:43
09 Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley 02:46
10 Slow Down - Larry Williams 02:44
11 Let's Have A Party - Wanda Jackson 02:08
12 Hound Dog - Big Mama Thornton 02:50
13 Rocket 88 - Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats 02:48
14 Tear It Up - Johnny Burnette & The Rock 'N' Roll Trio 01:54
15 I Fought The Law - Bobby Fuller Four 02:17
16 Teen Angel - Mark Dinning 02:38
17 Blueberry Hill - Fats Domino 02:21
18 The Shape I'm In - Johnny Restivo 02:06
19 The Great Pretender - The Platters 02:39
20 Ten Commandments Of Love - Harvey & The Moonglows 04:04

01 We're Gonna) Rock Around The Clock - Bill Haley & His Comets 02:10
02 La Bamba - Ritchie Valens 02:07
03 Dream Lover - Bobby Darin 02:31
04 Such A Night - Johnnie Ray 02:14
05 The Wanderer - Dion 02:47
06 White Lightnin' - The Big Bopper 02:12
07 Lollipop - Ronald And Ruby 01:52
08 Rock-A-Billy - Guy Mitchell, Jimmy Carroll 02:13
09 Fried Onions - Lord Rockingham's Xi 01:46
10 Rumble - Link Wray & His Ray Men 02:25
11 Bad Boy - Marty Wilde 02:23
12 Maybe Tomorrow - Billy Fury 02:11
13 Get A Job - The Silhouettes 02:46
14 Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes 02:25
15 Stood Up - Ricky Nelson 01:51
16 Sealed With A Kiss - Brian Hyland 02:39
17 Devil Or Angel - Bobby Vee 02:18
18 Corrine Corrina - Ray Peterson 02:40
19 Poetry In Motion - Johnny Tillotson 02:30
20 What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For- - Emile Ford & The Checkmates 02:07


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VA - Hands Banger Taking Smack (2014)
Funky, Tech, Vocal, Progressive | Package Sound
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 05:57:04 | 810 Mb


01. John Dahlback And Benny Benassi - Blink Again 04:56
02. Marco Van Bassken Feat. Ida Berg - Apollo (Extended Mix) 04:39
03. Mlab - God S Mysterious Ways (Aggressor Remix) 10:11
04. Tony Colangelo Feat Neisha Harley - Closer Than Close (Francesco Cofano Remix) 07:10
05. Phex & Xobia - 80S Called (Intrinity Remix) 06:32
06. Zoo Brazil, Obsession - Pastil (Marco Lys Remix) 08:31
07. Cosmithex - The Ritual 08:54
08. Evelyn - La Vida Loca (Mike Candys Mix) 05:00
09. Dominique Jardin - Banger (Original Mix) 05:29
10. Kill The Buzz - Go There (Original Mix) 04:49
11. Jenaux Ft Jared Lee - Turn Your World Around (Laidback Luke Edit) 04:49
12. Stendahl - Four Years Later (Original Mix) 08:33
13. Claes Rosen - If I Could Be U (Luiz B Remix) 07:21
14. Dutchican Soul And Husky Feat. Ron E Jones - Time Wont Wait (Original Vocal) 07:18
15. Xenium - Make Old Things New (Radio Edit) 03:01
16. Matt Holliday - Frigid (Instrumental Mix) 07:14
17. Adamillar - Meth 06:37
18. Lissat & Voltaxx - Day & Night (The Peverell Brothers & Vigo Qinan Remix) 06:43
19. Armin Van Buuren - Ping Pong (Kryder & Tom Staar Remix) 04:46
20. Siar - I Like The Deep (Radio Edit) 03:01
21. Bsharry - Seven Nation Army (Extended Mix) 06:11
22. Dj Storm - Narcos (Radio Edit) 02:56
23. Fabio Sparda - Handz App (Radio Edit) 03:30
24. Nrd1 Vs Gianluca Motta & Dr. Space Feat. Sam Stray Wood - Work (Nrd1 Mix) 05:11
25. Alberto Remondini - Smack This Bitch Up (No Stop Extended Version) 04:46
26. Ferdinand Dreyssig & Marvin Hey - Coeur De La Nuit (Wankelmut Remix) 07:17
27. Stereofunk - 4 Da Ladies (Tagteam Terror Remix) 05:21
28. Talkbox - No Consciousness (Fernando Mello Remix) 06:36
29. Davis Redfield Feat. Carl Man - Music Gods (Original Mix) 04:22
30. Jose Spinnin Cortes - Lentamente (Jose Spinnin Cortes Remix) 08:07
31. Lancelot Feat. Ngaiire - Truth (Original Mix) 04:20
32. Antoine Clamaran - Breaking Into My Heart (Original Mix) 05:33
33. New World Sound & Thomas Newson - Flute (Tony Junior & Bryan Mescal Remix) 03:57
34. Lars Van Dalen - Move That Body (Original Mix) 06:13
35. Calippo - Taking Over (Original Mix) 06:04
36. Barnes & Heatcliff Feat. Tyra Juliette - Perfect Nightmare (Extended Day) 04:47
37. Clyde Trevor - Aftershock (Club Mix) 04:12
38. Vidaloca, Piem - Follow Us (Original Mix) 07:41
39. Blister 13.0 - Sin Ojos (Oliver Prime Remix In Green) 08:50
40. Tom Arden - Requiem (Radio Edit) 03:51
41. Variavision - Temptation (Nicola Zucchi Club Cut) 03:48
42. Yamppier Feat. Fillo - Everything (Remix Extended) 04:26
43. -61.....

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VA - Annees 80: Les meilleurs hits 80's reunis dans une playlist (2014)
Pop, Disco, Dance, Soul | Sony Music Catalog
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 02:32:45 | 361 Mb


01. Thierry Hazard - Le Jerk (Album Version) (03:55)
02. Indochine - L’aventurier (03:52)
03. Jean-Patrick Capdevielle - Quand T'es Dans Le Desert (03:34)
04. Trust - Antisocial (05:09)
05. Bruce Springsteen - Born In The U.S.A. (04:39)
06. James Brown - Living In America (04:42)
07. Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning (Remastered) (04:15)
08. The Stranglers - Always The Sun (Live) (04:50)
09. Cock Robin - The Promise You Made (03:52)
10. Eurythmies - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (04:52)
11. Toto - Africa (04:55)
12. Terence Trent D'arby - Sign Your Name (04:36)
13. Laurent Voulzy - Desir, Desir, Pt. 1 (04:55)
14. Marc Lavoine - Elle A Les Yeux Revolver (03:35)
15. ) Berlin - Take My Breath Away (Love Theme From 'top Gun (04:13)
16. Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes - (I've Had) The Time Of My Life (04:45)
17. Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Single Version) (04:25)
18. Interpretes Divers - Eternal Flame (03:55)
19. Sade - Smooth Operator (Single Version) (04:17)
20. George Michael - Careless Whisper (Album Version) (05:00)
21. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing (03:58)
22. The Jacksons - Can You Feel It (05:58)
23. Earth, Wind & Fire - Let's Groove (05:36)
24. The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men (05:27)
25. The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited (Re-Eq'd Version) (03:52)
26. Kenny Loggins - Footloose (03:46)
27. Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (03:49)
28. Ghostbusters ) Ray Parker, Jr - Ghostbusters (From (04:04)
29. Billy Joel - Uptown Girl (03:37)
30. Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go (03:50)
31. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (03:32)
32. Interpretes Divers - Boys (Co-Ed Remix) (03:45)
33. Nena - 99 Red Balloons (03:49)
34. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger (04:04)
35. Europe - The Final Countdown (05:09)

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VA - Fresh Summer House (2014)
Funky, Club House, Latin House | Rimoshee Traxx
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 01:01:08 | 155 Mb


01. Ariano Kina - Bitch (06:01)
02. Francois Bresez - Got to Give Up (07:08)
03. il Capo Electronico - Reverse Life (06:15)
04. Ace of Island - Back to the Future (06:43)
05. Peetboy & Mr.Tom Wave - Dirty Disco (05:41)
06. Tom Leiden - Tobacco (07:04)
07. Stev Dive & Delighters - Colors of the Beach (Dabool, Manface Remix) (05:03)
08. RIQ - Latino Dance (DeProgres Remix) (06:38)
09. Vodka & Raki - Marihuana (Delighters & Tivish Remix) (05:40)
10. Dandee, DJ Cool & Rolex DJ - Do You Like (Dj Dave Remix) (04:52)

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BEST - Hell Dance 18 (2014)
Dirty, Bigroom, Club, House | Collection Hits
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 01:50:16 | 261 Mb


01 Scooter feat. Whiz Khalifa – Bigroom Blitz
02 Arash feat. Helena - One Day (Alexx Slam & Mickey Martini Rmx)
03 Bacefook feat. Lolita Jolie – Mon Chéri (Short Mix)
04 PSY feat. Snoop Dogg – Hangover (Reznikov & Denis First ft. Portnov Rmx)
05 Benny Benassi feat. Gary Go – Let This Last Forever
06 Fedde Le Grand – You Got This (Original Mix)
07 Albert Kick & Mr Lemon – Talking About (Albert Kick Club Mix)
08 Modana & Tony T. - Heaven
09 Borgeous – Wildfire
10 Brooklyn Bounce & Giorno – Keep It Alive (Giorno Club Mix)
11 BodyRockers - I Like The Way You Move (DJ Viduta & DJ DimixeR Rmx)
12 Tony Igy – Astronomia (Sergey Fisun Rmx)
13 Sonique - Sky (Oleg Perets & Ivan Flash Rmx)
14 Nervo feat. Duane Harden – Sunshine Thru Rain Clouds
15 Moiez – What I Need This Time
16 Stonebank feat. Emel – Moving On
17 Dirty Ducks & Anderblast – Hammer
18 Sander Van Doorn, Martin Garrix & DVBBS feat Aleesia – Gold Skies
19 Riggi & Piros – Elephant
20 Marco V – Met
21 Jay Hardway – Bootcamp
22 Deorro, J-Trick – Rambo (Hardwell Edit)
23 Alpharock – Drop The Guns

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Clubland Vol.8 2014 (2014)
House, Club House | Universal Music
VBR | MP3 | unmixed | 02-07-2014 | 02:22:08 | 281 Mb


01. Avicii - Lay Me Down 4:56
02. Afrojack feat Wrabel - Ten Feet Tall (David Guetta 6:01
03. Hardwell - Everybody Is In The Place (Radio Edit) 2:50
04. Klangkarussell - Netzwerk (Falls Like Rain) (Radio 3:33
05. Tisto feat. Matthew Koma - Wasted 3:05
06. Mr. Probz - Waves (Robin Schulz Radio Edit) 3:24
07. Duke Dumont feat. Jax Jones - I Got U (Radio Edit) 3:17
08. Barnes Heatcliff feat. Tyra Juliette - Perfect 3:40
09. Armin van Buuren - Ping Pong (Radio Edit) 2:56
10. R3hab - Revolution (Radio Mix) 3:22
11. Deorro - Bootie In Your Face (No Rock Drop) 0:37
12. Firebeatz - Guitar Track (Original Mix) 4:25
13. The Chainsmokers - Selfie 3:01
14. Ookay - Bouncer (Original Mix) 4:22
15. Sidney Samson - Trojan (Original Mix) 5:14
16. Ummet Ozcan - Raise Your Hands (Radio Edit) 3:05
17. John Martin - Anywhere For You (Tisto vs. Dzeko 5:46
18. Mariah Carey - You're Mine (Eternal) (Fedde Le 3:11
19. Wankelmut feat. John LaMonica - Wasted So Much 3:29
20. Eva Simons - Celebrate The Rain 3:36
21. Tove Lo - Habits (Stay High) (The Chainsmokers 4:19
22. Mike Candys - Carnaval (Original Mix) 4:20
23. Kiesza - Hideaway 4:11
24. Italo Brothers - Up N Away 3:05
25. Darius Finlay feat. Jen - I Am Not A Millionaire 3:32
26. Niels van Gogh - Pullover (Original Mix) 4:11
27. Electric Lady Lab - Open Doors (Kongsted Remix 3:33
28. Marty feat. Tommy Simmonds - Kids 3:46
29. Glenn Morrison feat. Islove - Goodbye (Radio Edit) 3:32
30. Otto Le Blanc feat. Lonesound - Overdose (Club 3:39
31. Patrick Metzker feat. Baby Brown - Stars In The 3:11
32. Gorgon City feat. Laura Welsh - Here For You 3:48
33. Clubraiders feat. Godfrey Egbon - Use Your Power 3:32
34. Orange Grove - Ready For It (Bob Sinclar Remix 2:56
35. Pitt Leffer - No Lies (Markito Remix) 4:10
36. Dr. Dancefloor feat. Vin - Put Your Hands Up 2:35
37. DJ Indygo - Broken Morning (Dirty Impact Remix) 3:02
38. The Mayday Masters - Full Senses (Official Stefan 3:21
39. Dominique Jardin - Banger (Original Edit) 3:15

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DJ Networx Vol.61 (2014)
House, Progressive House, Dance, Hardstyle | Smd Tunnel (Sony Music)
VBR | MP3 | mixed +cue | 03-07-2014 | 02:37:20 | 223 Mb


CD 1
01 Kenneth G Audio Twinz - Rave-Olution
02 Hardwell - Everybody Is In The Place
03 Bassjackers - Crackin (Martin Garrix Edit)
04 Alvaro Glowinthedark - Charged (Extended Mix)
05 R3hab Nervo Ummet Ozcan - Revolution (Vocal Mix)
06 Kura - Sabotage (Original Mix)
07 Davis Redfield - Wlftm (Extended Mix)
08 DJ Dean Brooklyn Bounce - Play It Hard 2k14 (Gary D's Mikrotek Remix)
09 Hardface - There Is No Law (Weekenders Remix)
10 Mike Molossa Via DJ Chris D - I Feel You (Mc Brotherz Club Mix)
11 Thomas Petersen - The Mission (Original Mix)
12 Ultraviolence - Reverse
13 100mg - The Point (Noizy Boy Remix)
14 Vontek Faderfreak - E-Mission (Original Mix)
15 Dark Sector - Suffer In Darkness (Club Mix)
16 Energy Syndicate Costa Pantazis - Laptrancer (Energy Syndicate Remix)
17 Granity Feat. Cybill - Angels (Karlston Khaos Remix)
18 Empyre One - Lost In The Discotheque (Ext. Mix)
19 DJ Gollum Feat. DJ Cap - Give Me Five (Easter Hymn 2k14)
20 Rocco Cc.K - Rotate (Scoon Delore Remix)
21 DJ Sanny Danny Suko Ft. Orry Jackson - DJ Play This Song (Phillerz Remix)
22 Giga Dance Feat. Morano - Around The World (Original Mix)
23 Sunset Dream Inc. Ft. Lyane Natemonoxide - Believe (Dansynergy Felice Maturo Remix)
24 North Core Project - Fucking Revolution (Original Mix)
25 Van Bass-10 Vaughn - Happiness (Official Insane Anthem)

CD 2
01 Brennan Heart - Evolution Continues
02 Wildstylez Noisecontrollers - Cats Jets Und Breaks
03 Rebourne - Under Our Surface (Outlands Open Air Anthem 2014)
04 Code Black Atmozfears - Accelerate (Official Xxlerator Anthem 2014)
05 D-Block S-Te-Fan Ft. Chris Madin - Worlds Collide (Rebirth Anthem 2014)
06 Da Tweekaz Feat. Ghost Wars - Ran Away
07 Toneshifterz - I Want To Party
08 Frontliner Dillytek - Elevate
09 Waverider - The Way
10 Coone - Survival Of The Fittest (Defqon.1 Anthem 2014)
11 Bass Modulators - Let Me See Ya (Original Mix)
12 Tnt Audiofreq - Yerba Diabolika 2k14
13 Raxtor - Wild Skin
14 In-Phase - Something Like
15 B-Front Digital Punk - Purify (Original Mix)
16 Chris One - Scum (Caine Remix)
17 Neroz - Unleash Fury
18 Stereotuners - Dominator
19 Blackburn - Weakness
20 Noisecult - Punchlines
21 The Prophet - One Moment (Bass Modulators Extended Remix)
22 G-Style Brothers - Another Day
23 Soulrage - Mind
24 Hardstyle Connectors - Lift Off (Original Mix)
25 Mindshockers - Passion One

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Extended 80s - The Definitive 12inch Collection [Box set]
Synth-Pop, New Wave, Alternative, Indie, Leftfield | USM Media TV - Union Square Music
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 02:55:10 | 538 Mb


Disc: 1
1. Relax (12inch New York Mix) Frankie Goes to Hollywood Frankie Goes to Hollywood
2. Situation (Extended Version) Yazoo Yazoo
3. Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go (Extended Version) Soft Cell Soft Cell
4. Girls On Film (Night Version) Duran Duran Duran Duran
5. Everything She Wants (12inch Remix) Wham Wham
6. Don't You Want Me (Oliver Lieb Extended Remix) Human League The Human League
7. Atomic (Diddy's 12inch Mix) Blondie Blondie
8. Sledgehammer (Dance Mix) Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel
9. It's My Life (US Mix) Talk Talk Talk Talk
10. (Feels Like) Heaven (Extended Version) Fiction Factory Fiction Factory
11. Absolute (Gary Langan Version) Scritti Politti Scritti Politti
12. Shout (US Dub Version) Tears For Fears Tears for Fears

Disc: 2
1. Lullaby (Extended Mix) The Cure The Cure
2. Spellbound (12inch Mix) Siouxsie and the Banshees Siouxsie and the Banshees
3. Pretty In Pink (Berlin Mix) The Psychedelic Furs The Psychedelic Furs
4. Never Stop (Discotheque Mix) Echo & The Bunnymen Echo and the Bunnymen
5. Quiet Life (12inch Mix) Japan Japan
6. Fade To Grey (Extended Version) Visage Visage
7. Close To the Edit (Closely Closely, Enough's Enough) Art Of Noise The Art of Noise
8. You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) (Murder Mix) Dead or Alive Dead Or Alive
9. Welcome to the Pleasuredome (Escape Act Video Mix) Frankie Goes To Hollywood Frankie Goes to Hollywood
10. Diggin Your Scene (Long Version) The Blow Monkeys Blow Monkeys
11. Poison Arrow (US Remix) ABC ABC
12. Really Saying Something (Extended Mix) Bananarama feat Fun Boy Three Bananarama & Fun Boy Three
13. Our House (12inch Extended Version) Madness Madness

Disc: 3
1. Chant No.1 (12 inch Version) Spandau Ballet Spandau Ballet
2. Pull Up To The Bumper (12inch Remixed Version) Grace Jones Grace Jones
3. Sometimes (12inch Mix) Erasure Erasure
4. I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me (Extended Mix) Nik Kershaw Nik Kershaw
5. Love Of the Common People (Extended Version) Paul Young Paul Young
6. Breakout (N.A.D Mix) Swing Out Sister Swing Out Sister
7. A New England (12inch) Kirsty MacColl Kirsty MacColl
8. All Cried Out (Extended Version) Alison Moyet Alison Moyet
9. Duel (Bitter Sweet MIx) Propaganda Propaganda
10. Genetic Engineering (Extended Mix) Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
11. All Stood Still (12inch Version) Ultravox Ultravox
12. Pacific State (Origin Mix) 808 State 808 State
13. Sign Of The Times (Extended 12inch Version) The Belle Stars The Belle Stars

z chomika UBSIC

  • 423,6 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

German TOP 50 Official Dance Charts 23-06 (2014)
Dance, Club, Progressive, Bigroom, House | German Promo Chart
256 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 2014 | 04:02:51 | 424 Mb


01. Alle Farben Feat. Graham Candy - She Moves (Far Away) 03:58
02. Mr. Probz - Waves (Robin Schulz Remix) 07:10
03. Calvin Harris - Summer 03:44
04. Route 94 Feat. Jess Glynne - My Love 04:22
05. Clean Bandit Feat. Jess Glynne - Rather Be 03:47
06. Bakermat - One Day (Vandaag) 03:39
07. Pitbull Feat. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte - We Are One (Ole Ola) 03:42
08. David Guetta & Showtek Feat. Vassy - Bad 04:30
09. Avicii - Addicted To You 05:32
10. Armin Van Buuren - Ping Pong 07:37
11. Faul & Wad Ad Vs Pnau - Changes 05:44
12. The Chainsmokers - Selfie 04:01
13. Bingo Players - Knock You Out 05:30
14. Klangkarussell - Netzwerk (Falls Like Rain) 03:51
15. Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake - Love Never Felt So Good 04:05
16. Milky Chance - Stolen Dance 05:13
17. Klingande - Jubel 04:43
18. Pitbull Feat. Kesha - Timber 03:24
19. Dj Antoine - Light It Up 04:31
20. Avicii - Hey Brother 04:15
21. Showtek Feat. Matthew Koma - Cannonball (Earthquake) 05:55
22. Miami Rockers - To Brazil 04:14
23. Dreiundzwanzig Feat. Mauro Picotto - Iguana 04:56
24. Dvbbs & Borgeous - Tsunami 03:56
25. Martin Garrix - Animals 05:04
26. Bellini - Samba Do Brasil 05:23
27. Showtek Feat. We Are Loud & Sonny Wilson - Booyah 05:11
28. Die Fantastischen Vier Feat. Don Snow Aka Jonn Savannah - 25 05:37
29. Jaques Raupй - Banana Joe 05:08
30. Hardwell - Everybody Is In The Place 05:52
31. Milk & Sugar Feat. Maria Marquez - Canto Del Pilon (Reworked) 03:35
32. R3hab & Nervo & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution 05:03
33. Alex Kenji - Channels 06:31
34. Bryce - Blade Theme 04:41
35. Sander Van Doorn & Firebeatz - Guitar Track 04:30
36. Bvdc Feat. Lumidee - Mamacita 04:57
37. Mausi - My Friend Has A Swimming Pool 03:46
38. Tujamo & Plastik Funk Feat. Sneakbo - Dr. Who! 04:12
39. Gisele & Bob Sinclar - Heart Of Glass 04:16
40. Steve Aoki Feat. Waka Flocka Flame - Rage The Night Away 04:45
41. Jay Frog - Beatbox Rocker 04:59
42. Sean Finn - Cold As Ice 03:38
43. Oceana - Everybody 04:58
44. Booka Shade Feat. Fritz Helder - Love Drug 07:44
45. Shaun Bate & Sam Walkertone - Lightswitch 05:21
46. Ummet Ozcan - Raise Your Hands 04:29
47. Manuel Baccano Feat. Alpha & Tony T - We Came To Party 06:20
48. Chapeau Claque - Schoener Moment 04:27
49. Bк Ignacio - Ayo Aye (Ritmo Do Coraзгo) 03:29
50. Federico Scavo - Balada 06:17

z chomika UBSIC

  • 405,3 MB
  • 11 lip 14 16:06

VA - Kontor Top Of The Clubs Vol.63 - 2014
House | MP3 | 251 Kbps | 405 mb

CD 1
01. Calvin Harris - Summer
02. R.I.O. feat. U Jean - One In A Million (Extended Mix)
03. Afrojack feat. Wrabel - Ten Feet Tall
04. DJ Antoine - Light It Up (Bodybangers Remix)
05. Alle Farben feat. Graham Candy - She Moves (Far Away) (Lexer Remix)
06. Duke Dumont feat. Jax Jones - I Got U
07. Gorgon City feat. MNEK - Ready For Your Love
08. R3hab & NERVO & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution (Audien Remix)
09. ATB with Boss and Swan - Raging Bull
10. Maor Levi - Together (Original Mix)
11. Oliver Heldens - Juggernaut (Original Mix)
12. DERB vs Jacob van Hage - derb (Jacob van Hage Remix)
13. Tom Wax & Strobe - Thora Thora (Original Mix)
14. DBN - Panther (Original Mix)
15. EDX - Cool You Off (Original Mix)
16. Chromeo feat. Toro Y Moi - Come Alive (The Magician Remix)
17. Nora En Pure - You Are My Pride (Croatia Squad Remix)
18. Go Freek - We Can Ride (Dom Dolla Remix)
19. Nile Rodgers - Do What You Wanna Do (MK Disko Dub)
20. KRONO feat. VanJess - Redlight (Pretty Pink Remix)

CD 2
01. Michael Mind Project - IGNITE (Original Mix)
02. Mike Candys - Anubis (Original Mix)
03. Swanky Tunes feat. C. Todd Nielsen - Fire In Our Hearts (Original Mix)
04. Armin van Buuren - Ping Pong (Kryder & Tom Staar Remix)
05. Hook N Sling feat. Karin Park - Tokyo By Night (Axwell Remix)
06. Hardwell - Everybody Is In The Place (Original Mix)
07. W&W & Blasterjaxx - Rocket (Original Mix)
08. 3LAU feat. Bright Lights - How You Love Me
09. Crew Cardinal feat. Kodie - Forever Young (Rapless Extended Mix)
10. Nick Peloso - Por Que' No (Extended Mix)
11. Fun[k]House - WHAT (Original Mix)
12. Jack Holiday & Mike Candys - Popcorn (Original Mix)
13. Merzo - Quartz (Original Mix)
14. Deorro & J Trick - Rambo (Hardwell Edit)
15. Steve Angello & Dimitri Vangelis & Wyman - Payback
16. Roxxio feat. Carolina Marquez & Snoop Dogg - Disco Jump (Andy B. Jones Remix Extended)
17. twoloud - Track two (Original Mix)
18. SESA - AiAiAi (Original Extended Mix)
19. Paris Blohm & Taylr Renee - Left Behinds (Original Mix)
20. Front Runners vs Matt James - NUMB3RS (Original Mix)

CD 3
01. Chapeau Claque & Pretty Pink - Schoner Moment (Pretty Pink Remix)
02. Bakermat - One Day (Vandaag)
03. Avicii - Addicted To You
04. Chassio - Love You Louder (Extended Mix)
05. Sam Smith - Money On My Mind (MK Remix)

z chomika UBSIC

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Tiili napisano 3.03.2024 16:53

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krisluck60 napisano 23.07.2024 05:50

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marxiusz1978 napisano 26.07.2024 05:22

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Tiili napisano 29.07.2024 10:38

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