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Tamgi - znaki rodowe starożytnych Sarmatów
Herby - znaki rodowe polskiej szlachty


Znakomita mapa: Ziemie ukraińskie III w. n.e. - Sarmaci

Sarmatischen Auxiliars (Amazonka)

Sarmatische Panzerreiter fliehen vor der römischen Kavallerie.

Goths and Sarmatian, eastern Europe, 4th century AD


Western Roman soldiers by the end of Aurelianus' reign. (konny wojownik reprezentuje styl


Żelazny miecz - rzadki okaz uzbrojenia Sarmatów, koczowniczego plemienia, które rozprzestrzeniło się po Europie pomiędzy 300 a 600 r. p.n.e. Zdjęcia rentgenowskie i inne nowoczesne techniki badawcze pozwalają stwierdzić, że tego rodzaju destrukty pierwotnie cechowała niezwykle wysoka jakość materiału i wykonania.

Jászság (Jazygia) Hungary

Rzymski jeżdziec
  • 47 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
With the skill of a forensic scientist, Dr. Mallory traces the immediate origins of each of the Indo-European peoples of Europe and Asia. By comparing their languages he demonstrates their common cultural heritage, and through the technique of comparative mythology he examines their earliest beliefs.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
The Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture provides full, inclusive coverage of the major Indo-European language stocks and their origins. The Encyclopedia also includes numerous entries on archaeological cultures having some relationship to the origin and dispersal of Indo-European groups-as well as entries on some of the major issues in Indo- European cultural studies.
There are two kinds of entries in the Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture: a) those that are devoted to archaeology, culture, or the various Indo-European languages; and b) those that are devoted to the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European words.
With more than 700 entries, written by specialists from around the world, the Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture has become an essential reference text in this field.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
This introduction to Comparative Indo-European linguistics starts with a presentation of the languages of the family and a discussion of the culture and origin of the Indo-Europeans. It covers the nature of language change and the methods of reconstruction of older language stages, with many examples provided from the Indo-European languages. A full description is given of the sound changes, which makes it possible to follow the origins of the different Indo-European languages step by step. This is followed by a discussion of the development of all the morphological categories of proto-Indo-European linguistics.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
The first complete history of Central Eurasia from ancient times to the present day, Empires of the Silk Road represents a fundamental rethinking of the origins, history, and significance of this major world region. Christopher Beckwith describes the rise and fall of the great Central Eurasian empires, including those of the Scythians, Attila the Hun, the Turks and Tibetans, and Genghis Khan and the Mongols. In addition, he explains why the heartland of Central Eurasia led the world economically, scientifically, and artistically for many centuries despite invasions by Persians, Greeks, Arabs, Chinese, and others. In retelling the story of the Old World from the perspective of Central Eurasia, Beckwith provides a new understanding of the internal and external dynamics of the Central Eurasian states and shows how their people repeatedly revolutionized Eurasian civilization.


strona 92: The Western Steppe: The Scythians and Sarmatians


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
На русском языке еще не было написано столь грамотной и подробной книги, посвященной истории европейской конницы. Она охватывает период от ранней античности до конца XVII в., когда введение униформы в европейских армиях в значительной степени стерло колорит предшествующих эпох. Очерки, составляющие издание, расположены в хронологическом порядке и в определенной мере объединены внутренними связями и отсылками, характеризуют определенные этапы истории конницы и развития военного дела.
Издание рассчитано как на специалистов, так и на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся военной историей.


  • 49,2 MB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00


  • 213 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
In ancient and medieval times the lands of what is now referred to as the former Soviet Union provided the battlegrounds for some of the most fantastic warriors history has known. The purpose of this book is to give us a glimpse of what they looked like. It features twenty-two full colour plates showing expert reconstructions of nearly seventy exotic warriors from places as far apart as from the Danube in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, where Chuckchi warriors even terrorised the inhabitants of the western coasts of America! Each plate is accompanied by its own text giving a short historical outline and a description of the military characteristics and arms and armour of its principals.


  • 72 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
This essential guide to ancient warfare describes the fight-ing methods of soldiers in Europe and the Middle East in an age before gunpowder. From a detailed examination of the individual components of an ancient army and their equip-ment, to a fascinating exploration of ancient battle strategies, siege warfare, and naval battles, the book explores the unique tactics required to win battles with the technology available. Featuring specially commissioned color and black-and-white artwork and twenty-four full-color tactical maps, this book shows in great detail the methods by which armies, including Assyrians and Roman forces, prevailed over their foes, and why other armies were less successful. This is a must-read for anyone interested in ancient warfare.

strony: 96, 107, 109, 116


  • 60 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
The Roman excursions north of the Tyne-Solway line, the route of Hadrian's Wall, can be roughly divided into three main periods. Firstly, Agricola advanced against the Caledonii for six campaigning seasons culminating in the decisive battle of Mons Graupius in AD 83. Secondly, the Antonine Wall was built 70 miles to the north of Hadrian's Wall along the Forth-Clyde isthmus, though it marked the northern frontier of the empire for little more than 20 years. Finally, at the beginning of the 3rd century AD L. Septimius Severus arrived to restore order along the northern frontier, briefly reoccupying and repairing sections of the Antonine Wall. This title describes the fortifications left behind by each of these three attempts to subdue Rome's northernmost frontier.

About the Author
Dr Nic Fields started his career as a biochemist before joining the Royal Marines for eight years. Having left the Navy he went back to University and completed a BA and PhD in Ancient History at the University of Newcastle. He is now a lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Edinburgh. Donato Spedaliere studied at the Instituto Nazionale di Belle Arti in Florence. Since 1995 he has worked as a professional illustrator, and founded the company Alina Illustrazioni with his wife in 1998. Sarah Sulemsohn Spedaliere took a degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, lectured at the University of Florence, and completed an architecture degree in 1994. Since 1998 she has worked at Alina Illustrazioni.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
In this study of language, archeology and culture, Hartwick College anthropology professor Anthony hypothesizes that a proto-Indo-European culture emerged in the Ponto-Caspian steppes 4,000 years ago, speaking an ur-language ancestor to the Romance, German and Slavic family of languages, Sanskrit and modern English. Citing discoveries in the Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan made possible only after the fall of the Iron Curtain brought together Soviet and western scientists, Anthony combines evidence from radioactive dating, demographic analysis of migration patterns, linguistic analysis and the study of epics such as the Iliad and the Rig Veda to substantiate his contention. Central to his thesis is the role of the horse, originally domesticated for food and first ridden to manage herds; only later, with the development of the chariot, were they ridden during combat. Anthony provides a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of his subject, complete with a history of relevant research over the past two centuries (including evidence and opinion that counter his own, such as the now-discredited Aryan race hypothesis). A thorough look at the cutting edge of anthropology, Anthony's book is a fascinating look into the origins of modern man.


  • 349 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
The twilight of the Roman Empire saw a revolution in the way war was waged. The drilled infantryman, who had been the mainstay of Mediterranean armies since the days of the Greek hoplite, was gradually replaced by the mounted warrior. This change did not take place overnight, and in the 3rd and 4th centuries the role of the cavalryman was primarily to support the infantry. However, by the time of the 6th century, the situation had been completely reversed. Late Roman Cavalryman gives a full account of the changing experience of the mounted soldiers who defended Rome's withering western empire.


Irańscy Sarmaci szkoląc jazdę póżnego Imperium Rzymskiego, oraz jazdę germańskich Gotów, przyczynili się do powstania w Europie, klasy rycerskiej i społeczeństwa feudalnego.


  • 72 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
This encyclopedia opens up the worlds beyond the splendors of the Mediterranean and shows that there was indeed civilization and culture in the hinterlands of Europe before the modern period..accompanied by sharp, well-reproduced, black-and-white illustrations and photographs. Each volume also includes a set of good color illustrations as well as maps and timelines..this set is a joy to read and a worthwhile purchase, especially for academic libraries and larger public libraries


  • 9,8 MB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
5 minuta - Wojny Markomańskie (170-180 AD)

Opis sarmackiej jazdy Jazygów, mylnie uznanej przez autora książki, jako plemię słowiańskie.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Sarmatyzm – barokowa formacja kulturowa w Polsce od końca XVII do schyłku XIX w. Opierała się na micie, jakoby szlachta polska miała pochodzić od Sarmatów – starożytnego ludu zamieszkującego początkowo między Dolną Wołgą a Donem. Po Sarmatach szlachta miała odziedziczyć umiłowanie wolności, gościnność, dobroduszność, męstwo oraz odwagę. Odegrał on ważną rolę w barokowej literaturze polskiej i miał ogromny wpływ na kształtowanie umysłowości, obyczajowości i ideologii polskiej szlachty. Według opinii Tadeusza Mańkowskiego: teoria sarmackiej genezy narodu i państwa polskiego w tym świetle to nie mit, ani też bajanie niekrytycznych umysłów kronikarzy, lecz wyraz poszukiwania swojego <> przez bardziej oświecone warstwy narodu, poszukiwanie tradycji historycznych przez naród, który poczuł się na siłach i chce coś znaczyć, szukanie swego miejsca wśród innych narodów o odległej przeszłości.

Wiadomości ogólne

Nazwa sarmatyzm pochodzi od starożytnych Sarmatów (ludu irańskiego), których szlachta uznała za swoich przodków. Sarmatyzm był polską i szlachecką odmianą baroku. Stanowił zjawisko wyjątkowe, ponieważ łączył w sobie tradycje Zachodu, Wschodu i rodzime. Wywarł wpływ na kulturę krajów słowiańskich, Węgier, Wołoszczyzny, Mołdawii. Sarmatyzm miał duży wpływ na próby tworzenia w XIX wieku polskiego stylu narodowego, jako polska forma malarstwa sarmackiego.


  • 57 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Karacena, czyli zbroja z łusek żelaznych nitowanych na skórze, stanowi najbardziej oryginalny wytwór kultury sarmackiej. Właśnie w Polsce, w nawiązaniu do dawnych – sarmackich czy scytyjskich – zbroi (nota bene uwiecznionych na rzymskich kolumnach triumfalnych), a także do późnoantycznych, wykreowano nowy i ważny typ uzbrojenia. Był on wprawdzie tworem eklektycznym, lecz tak świetnie skomponowanym, iż zachował w pełni stylistyczną jedność. W tym miejscu należy wyjaśnić, że sam termin „karacena” wywodzi się z nazwy „corazzina”, dotyczącej pancerza skórzanego lub pancerza ze zbrojnikami na skórze.


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