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Tamgi - znaki rodowe starożytnych Sarmatów
Herby - znaki rodowe polskiej szlachty


Znakomita mapa: Ziemie ukraińskie III w. n.e. - Sarmaci

Sarmatischen Auxiliars (Amazonka)

Sarmatische Panzerreiter fliehen vor der römischen Kavallerie.

Goths and Sarmatian, eastern Europe, 4th century AD


Western Roman soldiers by the end of Aurelianus' reign. (konny wojownik reprezentuje styl


Żelazny miecz - rzadki okaz uzbrojenia Sarmatów, koczowniczego plemienia, które rozprzestrzeniło się po Europie pomiędzy 300 a 600 r. p.n.e. Zdjęcia rentgenowskie i inne nowoczesne techniki badawcze pozwalają stwierdzić, że tego rodzaju destrukty pierwotnie cechowała niezwykle wysoka jakość materiału i wykonania.

Jászság (Jazygia) Hungary

Rzymski jeżdziec
  • 110 KB
  • 10 lip 12 23:00
These earrings are said to be from the ancient city of Olbia on the northern coast of the Black Sea. Long a colonial trading post of the ancient Greeks, the city was inhabited by a mix of Greeks and Scythians and, from the third century B.C., Sarmatians as well. These earrings were made in the mid-first century A.D., a time when local inhabitants received gold and silver from the Romans in exchange for local goods such as salt and grain. The earrings display an array of accomplished goldsmithing techniques: three teardrop-shaped sardonyx stones in serrated, or dogtooth, settings are placed above a crossbar adorned with twisted filigree and granulation. The five chains of twisted gold wire hanging from the crossbar would have originally terminated in small glass beads. The Sarmatians, like the Scythians, buried their dead with jewelry and other possessions, and these earrings were likely part of a wealthy woman's burial attire. A grave recently excavated from the area suggests that a full complement of burial jewelry would have also included several necklaces, a pair of bracelets, gold brooches, and a string of beads for the head.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Lucius Arturius Castus entered military service as a Centurion in 158 AD, and rose in rank to Primus Pilus by 177 AD, 58 rank levels. He served during Caesar Antoninus Pius and was originally assigned to Syria. In 166 AD, he was in the Legion of II Adutrix under Caesar Marcus Aurelius and was stationed in the area of present day Budapest, where he fought against and later worked with the Sarmatians.

Out of the original 8,000 Sarmatian Cavalry, only 5,500 survived. The Sarmatian Knights were the horsemen of the region and lived in the plains between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

In 170 AD, Arturius was stationed in Potassia in Dacia which is modern Turda in the region of present time's Transylvania. He was assigned to the V Macedonica. In 173 AD he earned the rank of Primus Pilus. During the time Caesar Marcus Aurelius conscripted the 5,500 Sarmatian Cavalry that survived and sent them to Britain in 175 AD. Lucius Arturius Castus was also transferred to the VI Legion Victrix in 177 AD where he was in charge of the Sarmatian Cavalry at Bremetennacum as a Fort Commander. The Fort lies near Eboracum which is present day York.

In 180-185 AD, the Picts invaded Britain and the Roman Legions suffered heavy losses. It was known as the Caledonian Invasion. The Praetorium including the Sarmatians held Hadrian's Wall. Lucius Arturius Castus was promoted to Praefectus (Fort Commander) and established an outpost fort called Caerleon, known by the Welsh as Camelot.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
"They have no right breasts...for while they are yet babies their mothers make red-hot a bronze instrument constructed for this very purpose and apply it to the right breast and cauterize it, so that its growth is arrested, and all its strength and bulk are diverted to the right shoulder and right arm."

Sarmatian Matriarchy and Amazon Women
The most fascinating feature of Iranian-Sarmatian culture is their women warriors. Herodotus reported that the Sarmatians were said to be the offspring of Scythians who had mated with Amazons and that their female descendants "have continued from that day to the present to observe their ancient [Amazon] customs, frequently hunting on horseback with their husbands; in war taking the field; and wearing the very same dress as the men" Moreover, said Herodotus, "No girl shall wed till she has killed a man in battle."
Both Herodotus and Hippocrates accounts inform us the Sarmatians took interest in turning their women into strong-armed huntresses and fighters. Archaeological materials seem to confirm Sarmatian women's active role in military operation and social life. Burial of armed Sarmatian women comprise large percent of the military burial in the group occupy the central position and appear the be the richest.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Sauromatian - Blyumenfeld culture, 6th - 4th century B.C.
The Sauromatians were the eastern neighbors of the Scythians and both were kindred tribes of Iranian people. The relations between the Sauromatians and the Scythians were peaceful between the 6th to 4th centuries B.C. According to Herodotus, the Sauromatians fought with the Scythians against Darius the Great in the 5th century

Early Sauro-Sarmatian - Prokhorovskaya culture, 4th - 2th century B.C.
The term "Sarmatian" or "Sirmatian" was first mentioned by Greek authors such as Eudox, Pseudo-Skilak, Heraklidus of Pont, and Theophrastus in the 4th-2nd century B.C. According to the researchers, the Early Sarmatian culture most probably developed as a result of the influx of populations from the forest-steppe trans-Urals, northwestern modern Kazakhstan, and the Aral Sea region. In the 4th century B.C. individual Sarmatian groups penetrated into the lower Volga River region, where Sauromatian dominated the area. From the 4th to 2nd centuries B.C., massive nomadic migrations westward from the southern Ural steppes reached the lower Don River and Kuban River regions and absorbed the local Sauromatiansa. During the 3rd century B.C. new powerful Sarmatian tribes were formed - the Aorsi, the Roxolani, the Alans, and the Iazyges advanced westwards. The massive Sarmatian western expansion ultimately brought down Scythian rule in the North Black Sea area between the end of the 3rd century and early 2nd century B.C.

From Strabo's Geography we know that in the 2nd century B.C., the Iazyges settled between the Don and the Dnieper while the Roxolani occupied the Black Sea steppes and conducted raids on Taurida (The Crimea). In the middle of the 1st century, the Roxolani reached further west around Danube and threatening the eastern provinces of Rome.

Some of the new burial traits during this time include side niches (podbois), catacombs, grave pits with ledges, and the southern orientation of the deceased. Animal style ornamentation began to die out. New types of swords, bronze mirrors, and decorations started to appear and the earlier Sauromatian style pottery underwent significant changes. The tribes from the trans-Ural steppes brought new techniques for pottery manufacturing, including the mixing of talc into the paste. New forms such as round-bottom pots and uniquely rich ornamental motifs were incorporated into the Sarmatian pottery style.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Middle Sarmatian - Suslovo cultures, late 2nd century B.C. - 2nd century A.D.
The Middle Sarmatian culture covered the steppes of Eurasia from the Danube River to the southern Ural Steppes. During this time a sharp decrease in the population occurred in the region because of deteriorating climatic conditions in the southern Ural area and the tribal migration to the west and southeast.

Late Sarmatian - the Alan or Shipovskaya cultures, 2nd - 4th century A.D.
Late Sarmatian sites were first identified by P.D. Rau, who also associated the Late Sarmatian sites with the historical Alans. At the beginning of the 1st century A.D., the Alans another Iranian group of nomads had occupied lands in the northeast Azov Sea area, along the Don. Based on the archaeological material they were one of the Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes began to enter the Sarmatian area between the middle of the 1st and the 2nd century A.D. The written sources suggest that from the second half of the 1st to 4th century A.D. the Alans had supremacy over the tribal union and created a powerful confederation of tribes. They continued to rule in the North Black Sea steppes until they were invaded by the Huns in the late 4th century A.D. Most of the Alans were absorbed by the Huns while a small number of them fled to the North Caucasus or went west and reached the shores of Gibraltar.

One of the most characteristic traits of the Late Sarmatian culture was the artificial deformation of skulls. This was probably accomplished by tying a soft cloth around the infant's head forcing an elongation of the cranium. This cultural trait was specific to the populations living east of the Don River and included the Southern Ural population. In contrast to the Middle Sarmatian culture, the predominant orientation of the deceased was to the north.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Religion and Social Class
The religious practices were consistent among the Sauro-Sarmatian nomads. They were typical of the Iranian-clan-tribal cults of pre-Zoroastrian. Their gods were personified. Those gods of nature were the sky, the earth, and fire. Gods pertaining to social concepts were the domestic hearth and war. The evidence of fire cult practices is exemplified by charcoal and ashes found in the burials.
The high amount of offensive weapons found in Sarmatian graves indicates a military-oriented nomadic life. Some of the rich burial sites of the Sarmatian aristocrats excavated in the Ural region indicates a defined social stratification had developed for the nomadic society. Class formation processes were accelerated greatly as the nomads from the southern Ural steeps and Volga region advanced westward and came into contact with Greek and Roman agriculture, industry, and trade centres.

Roksolanie – jedno z plemion sarmackich.

Jako pierwsi wprowadzili do uzbrojenia kopie oraz mocny, początkowo łuskowaty, pancerz. U Roksolanów opancerzony był także koń. Służyli często w armii bizantyjskiej jako najemnicy zwani katafraktami.

Pod wodzą Tasjosa walczyli około 109 p.n.e. po stronie scytyjskiego władcy Palakosa przeciw wojskom pontyjskiego króla Mitrydatesa VI Eupatora, dowodzonymi w kampanii krymskiej przez Diofantesa. Liczące 50 tys. siły Roksolanów w starciu z sześciotysięczną armią pontyjską doznały ciężkiej porażki wskutek czego zmuszeni zostali do wycofania się z Krymu.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Czerkiesi - grupa etniczna z północno-zachodniego Kaukazu, obecnie zamieszkująca głównie Republikę Karaczajo-Czerkieską, gdzie Czerkiesi stanowią ok. 10% ludności, oraz kilka wiosek Republiki Adygei.

Mówią językiem czerkieskim, stanowiącym dialekt języka kabardyjskiego, chociaż niektórzy językoznawcy twierdzą, że to język kabardyjski jest dialektem czerkieskiego. Georges Dumézil dowodzi z kolei, że kabardyjski winien być właściwie nazywany wschodnioczerkieskim.

Kultura Czerkieska

Tradycyjna waleczność czerkieskich mężczyzn powodowała, iż większość członków imperialnej gwardii sułtańskiej wywodziła się właśnie z Czerkiesów. Czerkiesi brali też udział w wojnach na Bałkanach, głównie przeciwko Serbom. Tradycyjne piękno Czerkiesek (olbrzymie czarne oczy i mlecznobiała cera) czyniło z nich najbardziej pożądaną nację w haremach.

Diaspora czerkieska istnieje m.in. w Syrii i Libanie, w Jordanii (ok. 0,5% ludności), a także w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Nazwa własna Czerkiesów i Kabardyjczyków to Adygowie (kab. адыгэ, adyge). Od nazwy narodu wywodzi się popularny na całym Kaukazie i w Rosji strój męski z charakterystycznymi gilzami na piersi - czerkieska.


Na Kaukazie są trzy ludy od wieków słynące ze swojej wojowniczości i waleczności: indoeropejsko-sarmaccy Czerkiesi, oraz dwa ludy rdzennie pochodzące z Kaukazu: Czeczeni i Lezgini.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Kabardia - tureckie napisy


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00

z chomika chomikbeta

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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
The Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (Wikipedia) by the Jewish-Czech scholar Julius Pokorny was published in 1959. The work is now slightly outdated, especially as it was conservative even at the time Pokorny wrote it, ignoring the laryngeal theory, and hardly including any Tocharian or Anatolian material. But there exists no more modern and updated etymological dictionary of the Indo-European languages, so it is still of interest to scholars.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
strony: 35, 63
In this wide-ranging and often controversial book, Robert Drews examines the question of the origins of man's relations with the horse. He questions the belief that on the Eurasian steppe men were riding in battle as early as 4000 BC, and suggests that it was not until around 900 BC that men anywhere - whether in the Near East and the Aegean or on the steppes of Asia - were proficient enough to handle a bow, sword or spear while on horseback. After establishing when, where, and most importantly why good riding began, Drews goes on to show how riding raiders terrorized the civilized world in the seventh century BC, and how central cavalry was to the success of the Median and Persian empires.
Drawing on archaeological, iconographic and textual evidence, this is the first book devoted to the question of when horseback riders became important in combat. Comprehensively illustrated, this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in the origins of civilization in Eurasia, and the development of man's military relationship with the horse.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00
Late antique identities from the Western Balkans were transformed into new, Slavic identities after c. 600 AD. It was a process that is still having continuous impact on the discursive constructions of ethnic and regional identities in the area. Building on the new ways of reading and studying available sources from late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, the book explores the appearance of the Croats in early medieval Dalmatia (the southern parts of modern-day Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina). The appearance of the early medieval Croat identity is seen as a part of the wider process of identity-transformations in post-Roman Europe, the ultimate result of the identity-negotiation between the descendants of the late antique population and the immigrant groups.


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  • 10 lip 12 23:00


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