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Taylor, Asmunson-Guilford - Treating Health Anxiety. A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach (terapia poznawczo-behawioralna).pdf

al.iz / INNE PROBLEMY / Taylor, Asmunson-Guilford - Treating Health Anxiety. A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach (terapia poznawczo-behawioralna).pdf
Download: Taylor, Asmunson-Guilford - Treating Health Anxiety. A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach (terapia poznawczo-behawioralna).pdf

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HIPOCHONDRIA (zaburzenie hipochondryczne) - zaburzenie somatoformiczne, którego dominującą cechą jest stałe nieuzasadnione przekonanie o istnieniu przynajmniej jednej poważnej, postępującej choroby somatycznej.
Osoba cierpiąca na hipochondrię ujawnia uporczywe skargi somatyczne lub stale skupia uwagę na ich fizycznej naturze. Normalne czy banalne doznania lub przejawy są często interpretowane jako nienormalne i świadczące o chorobie, a uwaga skupiona jest zwykle na jednym czy dwóch narządach albo układach ciała.
Hipochondria często występuje w depresji lub towarzyszy jej lęk.

The purpose of this book is to describe the nature, assessment, and treatment of health anxiety disorders, including hypochondriasis, the various forms of abridged hypochondriasis (among which we include disease phobia), and delusional disorder (somatic type). These are all characterized by excessive anxiety about one’s health, stemming from beliefs that one’s physical integrity is threatened. Like other forms of anxiety (Lang, 1985), health anxiety is a multifaceted phenomenon, consisting of distressing emotions (e.g., fear, dread), physiological arousal and associated bodily sensations (e.g., palpitations), thoughts and images of danger, and avoidance and other defensive behaviors. Health anxiety ranges from mild and transient to severe and chronic. Our emphasis is on the more debilitating, persistent forms, particularly hypochondriasis. We begin this chapter by defining health anxiety and distinguishing its adaptive and maladaptive forms. We then describe the clinical features of hypochondriasis and related disorders, and explain why health anxiety disorders are important for health care practitioners to understand, detect, and treat.


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FOBIA SPECYFICZNA - zaburzenie nerwicowe, którego objawem osiowym jest uporczywy lęk przed określonymi sytuacjami, zjawiskami lub przedmiotami, związany z unikaniem przyczyn go wywołujących i utrudniający funkcjonowanie w społeczeństwie. Fobie wywoływane są przez pewne sytuacje lub obiekty zewnętrzne wobec osoby przeżywającej lęk, które w praktyce nie są niebezpieczne. A specific phobia is a generic term for any kind of anxiety disorder that amounts to an unreasonable or irrational fear related to exposure to specific objects or situations. As a result, the affected persons tend to actively avoid direct contact with the objects or situations and, in severe cases, any mention or depiction of them. The fear or anxiety may be triggered both by the presence and the anticipation of the specific object or situation. A person who encounters that of which they are phobic will often show signs of fear or express discomfort. In some cases it can result in a panic attack. In most adults this kind of phobia is consciously recognized by the person. Still, anxiety and avoidance are difficult to control and may significantly impair the person's functioning and even physical health. Examples: Phobias of Blood, Needles, Doctors, and Dentists; Claustrophobia; Animal and Insect Phobias; Height Phobia; Driving Phobias; Flying Phobias; Phobias of Storms, Water, Choking, and Vomiting.
At some point in life, almost all men and women have a problem with sexual functioning. If you are looking for solutions to sexual problems, this workbook can help. You may use it in conjunction with visits to a qualified mental health professional or on your own, with or without your partner. This workbook gives you correct information about sex and offers information, advice, and practical suggestions for common sexual problems. From this book, you will learn to improve and enjoy your sexual relations. Divided into three parts, this workbook presents a comprehensive program for solving sexual problems. -Part I includes basic information that is helpful for understanding sexual problems and sexual functioning in general. -Part II addresses specific sexual problems and provides information and strategies to alleviate and overcome them. -Finally, Part III focuses on information and strategies to help you maintain the gains you've made. Exercises for couples, chapter review quizzes, and user-friendly worksheets can be found throughout the workbook and will help you increase your knowledge and understanding of sex and sexual relationships. The information presented is based on research and has helped thousands of people like you, and their partners, solve sexual problems and prevent them from occurring again.
Autism affects more than 1 million children and adults in the United States, and parents may be confused by the behavior of autistic children. This book provides help-and hope-by explaining the differences between various types of autism and delivering the lowdown on behavioral, educational, medical, other interventions. Featuring inspiring autism success stories as well as a list of organizations where people who support those with autism can go for additional help, it offers practical advice on how to educate children as well as insights on helping people with autism use their strengths to maximize their potential in life.
LĘK UOGÓLNIONY (GAD) - zaburzenie lękowe, które charakteryzuje nierealistyczny, uporczywy i przesadzony lęk przed potencjalnym nieszczęściem, które może dotknąć zarówno osobę chorą jak i jej rodzinę (bankructwo, choroba, niepowodzenia życiowe). Osoby cierpiące na to zaburzenie mają również problemy z koncentracją, łatwo się irytują i męczą, żyją ciągle w stanie napięcia.
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