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widziany: 27.05.2024 16:43

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Ukryj opis Rozwiń
Zgodnie z polskim prawem po pobraniu jakiegokolwiek pliku z prawem autorskim należy usunąć go po 24h.Właściciel tego chomika nie ponosi żadnej odpowiedzialności za niezgodne z prawem wykorzystanie materiałów zgromadzonych na tej stronie!!! PLIKI PRZEZNACZONE DLA OSÓB PEŁNOLETNICH !!!
  • 1,15 GB
  • 17 sty 22 6:55
Date of release: 18 November, 2021
Duration: 19 min 42 s
I don’t see my uncle all that often. It seems like there’s a rush of holidays and birthdays, all finishing with Christmas, and it’s not until the next fall that we all start seeing each other again. It’s not really intentional. Life just gets busy. And family time is not always high in my priorities.
I never think ...
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  • 0,93 GB
  • 17 sty 22 5:56
Release Date: November 4, 2021
Richie is amazing. I could have never imagined when I became his step-dad that I would take to him so closely. We’re very different, and that’s okay. I appreciate him so much for who he is and who he is becoming. I’ve always been a bit outgoing and fearless, but Richie is very shy and still a bit unsure of himself. I want him to see himself the way I see him. I came across a photographer who does incredible photography of fathers and sons. And even though he’s not my own, he’s still my boy and I want him to feel that. I scheduled the photographer and told Richie it would be a nice thing for us to have and look back on. But I didn’t tell him the whole truth… The photographer doesn’t just photograph dads and sons for holiday cards. He also does incredibly compelling, beautiful, even erotic photography. Nude men with their handsome sons, embracing and connecting in, well, unorthodox ways. But still beautiful and artistic. I know I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, but I wanted to find a way for Richie to feel more comfortable in his own skin. I’ve seen him naked a few times and, if I’m being honest, I know he’s got a little bit of a crush on me. He always has since we first met. And now that he’s all grown, I want him to see me not just as his dad, but as a man he can be close to. Even… really close… During the photoshoot, the photographer did a great job posing us and making us look great. It was a little silly at first, as all photoshoots are, but once we got into the groove, I could see Richie beginning to glow. He was confident and happy! And he seemed like he was having a good time. Seeing my boy happy just filled me with so much feeling. And before I knew it, I was popping wood in my pants! I couldn’t tell if it was obvious, but I decided to just let it lay. If I look aroused in the photos, fine! That’s just me reacting to my beautiful boy. Eventually, though, I wanted to get more of the photos I’d seen before. The naked ones. So I prompted the photographer and he instructed us to strip off our clothes. I could see Richie was a little uncomfortable at first. I wasn’t sure if it was more about being naked with his old man or if it was being naked in front of the camera. Either way, I assured him that not only would he love it and love the photos, but that he was absolutely stunning and had no reason to be embarrassed of his body. It took a little bit, but Richie became more and more comfortable. I think he was still relying on me to comfort him and assure him, but that’s what dads are for! And I couldn’t be prouder.
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  • 0,85 GB
  • 12 lip 21 3:13
GayCest - THE DOCTOR'S SON TAPE #8 Dr Wolf And His Son Jonathan Making My Boy Cum

The air in the sauna was thick. Every breath that Jonathan took felt heavy and long. He could feel his lungs expanding and contracting inside his chest, pulling in the heat and filling his torso with warmth.

It had a woody, natural scent to it, due in no small part to the pine walls. But as he continued to inhale deeply, he caught the fragrance of something else. Something more unique.

He sat on the floor between his old man’s legs, resting his back against the towel that covered his lap. Dr. Wolf’s spread thighs opened up his loins to the heat and the steam, filling the air with his manly, mature musk. Jonathan closed his eyes and luxuriated in the aroma of his daddy’s genitals, feeling his own cock rise beneath his towel...
  • 663,4 MB
  • 5 lip 21 9:11
GayCest: DADDY'S LITTLE BOYTAPE #14 - Father Son Campout

Mr. Armstrong loves being able to take his boy out in the world. Every time they go out to dinner or to the movies, he can see the way other men get jealous of him. They see his beautiful, young, happy little guy and wish they could be so lucky. Mr. Armstrong is proud of his boy and he loves knowing that Austin is his.

But as much as he loves to go out, he also can't get enough of spending quality, one on one time with his son. Camping has always been a favorite pastime of theirs, and ever since they forged their beautiful bond, it's become even more special.

They drove for hours to get to their secluded spot, only making a few stops along the way before they reached their destination. Despite making good time, it was well after dark when they got to their site. No time to make a fire - the two quickly set up their tent and settled in for the night. They knew they'd be there for a few days, and the s'mores could wait until they were well-rested.
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adres231 napisano 24.08.2021 13:15

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piecia35 napisano 27.08.2021 14:04

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fizykowsz napisano 12.09.2021 15:32

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nakedmale19 napisano 7.02.2022 14:55

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Zapraszam do mnie po nowe filmy z męską nagością



G-VIP-ExclusivePL napisano 24.06.2022 19:25

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G-VIP-ExclusivePL napisano 24.06.2022 19:25

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navak32565 napisano 2.11.2022 11:03

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loyaxan819 napisano 12.12.2022 02:11

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Super chomik

stopa77_ napisano 27.12.2022 00:53

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porter123 napisano 7.04.2023 15:53

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