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Grim Legends 3 The Dark City Collectors(1).exe

adamus19741 / gry ukryte przedmioty / Grim Legends 3 The Dark City Collectors(1).exe
Download: Grim Legends 3 The Dark City Collectors(1).exe

1,04 GB

5.0 / 5 (2 głosy)


ROK: 2016

________________________________________________________________________________ ______
Sylvia, a young acolyte of the monster hunting Order, follows the trail of the Order’s ex-member Gabriel, who stole the artifact containing an evil creature called Koshmaar. The unleashed monster absorbs the entire city into its nightmare realm and now its fate lies in Sylvia’s hands. Accompanied by her trusted mentor Solomon, the young heroine will need to face her ultimate trial and discover a link between the villain Gabriel and her own heritage. As it turns out, there are nightmares buried in the past even darker than demons roaming the vast gothic city.
________________________________________________________________________________ ______



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PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ What should have been a day of celebration turns into a nightmare as good witch Lynn is possessed by a strange evil force! As her witch hunter-turned-husband, you must follow Lynn into the Other World and defeat whatever has a hold on her. EleFun brings you a story rich with family history and witches' lore in this thrilling continuation of the popular Witches' Legacy series. You’ll love your impish helper as much as the innovative hidden-object games and puzzles ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ What should have been a day of celebration turns into a nightmare as good witch Lynn is possessed by a strange evil force! As her witch hunter-turned-husband, you must follow Lynn into the Other World and defeat whatever has a hold on her. EleFun brings you a story rich with family history and witches' lore in this thrilling continuation of the popular Witches' Legacy series. You’ll love your impish helper as much as the innovative hidden-object games and puzzles ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Your niece Larisa set out on an excavation deep in the mountains of Tibet. However, you receive a letter with information about her disappearance. In the search for Larisa you travel across the world only to discover that things are not as they seem and something unnatural may be lurking in the labyrinth that is the temple of Shangri-La. Solve mysteries and face an enemy who will do anything to stop you on your journey through Tibetan Quest: Beyond Worlds End. ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ It's the end of the world... at least in Oakville. Find out what's really happening in a town where everyone seems to be missing, and a strange mystic is warning citizens of the coming apocalypse. As fans of the Phantasmat series know, it's hard to tell who's really dead and who's really alive in this world. The eerie continuation comes from Eipix, makers of the popular Final Cut and Myths of the World games! Play a new variety of puzzles and hidden-object games, including interactive morphing scenes, silhouettes, and multiple zoom HOPs. ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Albert had everything a painter could want, a successful business with a loving family to support him. But for the last few months he's been plagued by nightmares, by visions of a terrifying being that he has named Solitude. One stormy evening, he finds his nightmares have become reality when Solitude kidnaps his family, taking them deep into her painting. Albert yearns to free them, but doing so will come at a high price. All his memories have been corrupted and now only Solitude knows the truth. Albert must face his fears and journey onward, armed only with his paintbrushes and his love for this family. Can he save them, or will Solitude's painting become his final masterpiece? ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ From ERS Game Studios, creators of Haunted Legends and Redemption Cemetery, join the hunt in a brand new supernatural adventure in the latest Shadow Wolf Mysteries! For centuries, the De Lupe family has protected the city of Gévaudan using the strength granted by their werewolf curse. Now it is time for the next generation to take over. Will young Pierre choose to shoulder his father’s burden or will he take a chance with a new cure to free his family from their curse forever? The ghostly wolves have the city surrounded. Who will protect the town? ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ When a garbled distress call comes in from a neighboring city, you are chosen to investigate the source of the trouble. Armed with a magical amulet that can cast a variety of spells, you head through the portal to find out what has happened in Volarden. But as you begin to investigate, you quickly learn that things may not be what they seem. Watch your back – evil is taking shape around every corner in this exciting Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game! ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ A traveling carnival becomes the scene of a strange murder, and you've been called in to handle the case. There are no witnesses, and everyone at the carnival denies knowing the victim. But are their reactions all for show? The evidence points to a deeper mystery, complete with lies, imposters, and betrayal within the close-knit carnival community. Can you flush out the truth, or will you become just another attraction in this deadly show?This Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game features unique crime-scene interactions and realistic deduction techniques to help you solve the case! ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ As a child, you had a wonderful imaginary friend from outer space. Nix taught you about the stars and inspired you become an astronomer. Years later, while investigating a mysterious object in the sky, you discover that your imaginary friend was real all along! He's come to warn Earth of a terrible threat – a merciless race of aliens is fast approaching, and you and Nix are the only ones who can stop them. Can you save both your friend's planet and your own in time? Your journey will take you into the past and beyond the stars in this thrilling Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game! ______________________________________________________________________________________


PEŁNA WERSJA GRY ANG ROK: 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________________ The whole affair began like an ordinary kidnapping. Who could have thought that this case would bring villains of all kinds and all ranks under the scrutiny of my magic magnifying glass? Or that I myself would end up at the center of a crisis? I would have to struggle with a demon, risk my life, and save the city from a mystical madman. But I just couldn’t say no. My father was afflicted with a terrible illness, and his very life was at stake! ______________________________________________________________________________________

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