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  • 1 mar 11 12:05
The history of Poland is a fascinating story of a people struggling to achieve nationhood in the face of internal and external conflict. Poland became a unified Christian state in AD 966 and by the 12th century a knightly class had emerged - a force that was integral to the defence of Poland against increasingly frequent foreign invasions. Intent on crushing rival Christian states, the Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights all mounted attacks but were beaten back by the Poles, as were invading Mongols and Turks. This book reveals the organisation, equipment and battle histories of the medieval Polish armies as they developed and modernised to emerge as one of the dominant powers of Eastern Europe.


  • 155 KB
  • 1 mar 11 12:03
This is the first academic book which concentrates on the discoveries of medieval date (6th- 13th centuries) from the territory of modern Poland. The book covers the principal research questions, such as the origins of the Slavs, societies of the proto-state period and the origins of the Polish state. The volume also includes a discussion of the most interesting, sometimes controversial, archaeological discoveries or issues. These include pagan Slavonic holy places, the monumental mounds of Little Poland, the first traces of medieval writing, exceptional strongholds, the origins of Polish towns, rural landscapes, archaeology of the oldest monastic complexes, and the question of locals and aliens viewed through archaeological evidence and many other topics.The book is meant mainly for students, archaeologists and historians. It can also be useful for a wider audience interested in the history and archaeology of central Europe. In November 2006 "The Archaeology of Early Medieval Poland" received the KLIO Award from the Association of Polish History Publishers.


  • 243 KB
  • 1 mar 11 12:03

This book came out almost a decade ago. During these years Polish, Lithuanian, Bulgarian and Czech translations followed, each of them permitting small changes and corrections. In the year 2000 the consequences of the fall of communism in East Central Europe can be ascertained and evaluated better than in 1992, especially as new sources become available. This necessitated a rewriting of the last section, bringing up to date the chronological tables and the list of readings, and making small revisions in the text.

The ongoing debate about the terminology (East Central, Central or Eastern Europe) has been enriched by new interpretations and trends. The name “East Central Europe” became more widespread in literature, and in some instances has been used to include the present day Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, indeed Latvia and Estonia, i.e. those countries which have become independent of Russia. A good example of this approach is represented by the Institute of East Central Europe (Instytut Europy środkowo-wschodniej) in Lublin. Under its auspices a huge collective two-volume history of East Central Europe in Polish has appeared in 2000 under the general editorship of Jerzy Kłoczowski—the authors are: N. Aleksiun, D. Beauvois, E. Ducreux, J.Kłoczowski, J. Samsonowicz, P. Wandycz. The French version, to be published by the Presses Universitaires de France in the collection “Nouvelle Clio”, will follow shortly.

In turn the appellation “Central Europe” has been favored by some Czech circles which insist that the Czech lands have always been westward oriented. Prague, they point out, lies farther to the west than Vienna and roughly at the same longitude as Berlin. Hence, the term Central Europe is the only appropriate one. The use of this name has also been noticeable in political discourse, particularly after Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary became parts of NATO, and are in the process ...


  • 221 KB
  • 1 mar 11 12:02
You could start with Chicken Baked with Prunes, prepared in the 14th century for the Bishop of Zeitz. The ingredients include sliced onion, shredded white cabbage, large prunes with their pits, chopped parsley, juniper berries, a large roasting hen cut in half, bay leaf, bacon, ginger, cinnamon, a red Hungarian wine, and a little dill seed. This bakes, covered, in an earthenware pan, and is served on boiled millet refried in oil or butter and accompanied by green mustard sauce. What you would taste, according William Woys Weaver, the editor and coauthor of Food and Drink in Medieval Poland, is the spirit of 14th-century Polish cuisine. Not French, mind you. Not Italian, or German even. But Polish.

First published in a much more academic form in 1963 (not to mention in academic Polish), Maria Dembinska's groundbreaking study of the foods and eating habits of the Polish in the Middle Ages took until now to find its way into English. The text remains true to its scholarly spirit, for perhaps no one admired Dembinska more for her academic rigor than Weaver, author of the recent Heirloom Vegetable Gardening. And it was Weaver who brought Dembinska's book to life, took it on as a personal challenge and mission, all of his considerable work done gratis. To read his introduction, which properly places Dembinska in a scholarly pantheon, is to read a spy novel, for all that is in this book was gathered under police-state scrutiny.

Dembinska has an interdisciplinary approach, including the all-important ethnographic perspective and historic archaeology. One discipline was used to confront and/or confirm the theories of the other, because much of what might have been a written record was lost to warfare, both modern and historic. Dembinska's challenge was not only to chronicle the food ways of medieval Poland, but to try to define what in fact was Polish. Who were the Poles? Where were the Poles? What unfolds in chapters such as "Toward a Definition of Polish National Cookery," "Poland in the Middle Ages," "The Dramatis Personae of the Old Polish Table," and "Food and Drink in Medieval Poland" is a document of how people lived in a land caught between Europe and Asia, with influences pouring in from Cyprus and Byzantium, Russia, Germany, Italy, and France.

In a sense, Dembinska's greatest gift has been to give a real Polish history back to a living Poland. And William Woys Weaver gives us Maria Dembinska, a wonderful scholar who died before this long, long project could be completed. The recipes Weaver researched and included with the text combine to make this a history, ethnography, archaeology, and a powerful friendship you can sit down and taste. It's a rare taste, and one to be savored.


  • 176 KB
  • 1 mar 11 12:02
By 1400 the long running conflict between the Order of Teutonic Knights and Poland and Lithuania was coming to a head, partly as a result of the Order’s meddling in the internal politics of its neighbours. In June 1410 King Wladislaw Jagiello of Poland invaded the Order’s territory with a powerful allied army including all the enemies of the Teutonic Knights – Poles, Lithuanians, Russians, Bohemians, Hungarians, Tartars and Cossacks. This book recounts how, when the armies clashed on the wooded, rolling hills near the small village of Tannenberg, the Teutonic Knights suffered a disastrous defeat from which their Order never recovered.


Opposing Commanders
Opposing Armies
Opposing Plans
The Tannenberg
Grunwald Campaign
The Battlefield Today


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darmowe_fragmenty napisano 12.11.2013 11:32

zgłoś do usunięcia

"Posiadanie marzenia to pierwszy krok na drodze ku jego realizacji. Kiedy już uporasz się z przeszłością, zaakceptujesz siebie samego oraz zobowiążesz do samospełnienia, następnym krokiem będzie puszczenie wodzy fantazji. Zaplanuj podróż ku marzeniom. Wyobraź sobie ich realne spełnienie. Kiedy już ośmieliłeś się zamarzyć o czymś, podążanie w kierunku spełnienia tej rzeczy stanie się koniecznością . W przeciwnym razie marzenie zacznie zżerać cię od środka. Nic nie zabija nas tak, jak świadomość tego, że posiadało się marzenie, które nigdy nie doczekało się spełnienia. Uznaj zatem, że podążanie ścieżką marzeń jest koniecznością."

Les Brown

kune-gunda napisano 13.11.2013 07:18

zgłoś do usunięcia

marione1969 napisano 16.11.2013 22:01

zgłoś do usunięcia

janmiodek88 napisano 30.11.2013 07:19

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android-2014 napisano 11.12.2013 16:18

zgłoś do usunięcia

Dante._ napisano 4.08.2014 19:19

zgłoś do usunięcia

ginger.86 napisano 25.09.2015 14:56

zgłoś do usunięcia

anya-86-filmy napisano 4.10.2015 10:12

zgłoś do usunięcia

Najlepszyy4441 napisano 19.01.2025 11:06

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