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Atlantis Word Processor Final.rar

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Atlantis Word Processor Final [ENG] [Serial]

Atlantis Word Procesor to edytor tekstu. Jest doskonałą alternatywą dla MS Word. Obsługuje on proste dokumenty Worda, a także format RTF, który jest jego podstawowym formatem, a także format BMP, EMF, WMF, JPG, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, TIF, PCD, itp.



Atlantis is an innovative, no-nonsense word processor carefully designed with the end-user in mind. Compact, fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient, Atlantis will be the perfect companion for a wide range of your word processing tasks, – from simple to most complex. It does not matter if you are a novice or a power user, Atlantis has the tools you will ever need to compose highly professional documents. Using a most original and practical Control Board, you will create and manage all components of complex documents with unparalleled ease: sections, fields, headers & footers, newspaper columns, bulleted & numbered lists, styles, bookmarks, footnotes & endnotes, etc, all are a breeze with Atlantis.

Both the Safeguard and Backup Files features make sure that you work under extremely safe conditions. Private documents can also be encoded and secured: you can save them to a proprietary COD file format using powerful 256-bit encryption technology.

The Atlantis AutoCorrect and Spellcheck-As-You-Type features combine with a unique typing assist, the Atlantis Power Type, to dramatically simplify your word processing life. The Overused Words feature will help creative writers avoid repetitions and clichйs.

The Atlantis interface is entirely customizable: menus, toolbars, hot keys, colors and sounds can all be adjusted to suit your own requirements. What's more, Atlantis is a fully portable word processor. You can install Atlantis to a memory flash drive, and Atlantis will travel with you wherever you go.


Document creation and formatting is easy, using a customizable and expandable collection of document templates and sample letters.

Comprehensive Style Sheet support is available for advanced users.
A customizable and expandable Clip Library is stocked with text and graphic items ready to be inserted in larger documents whenever suitable. The Atlantis original collections of clips include everyday phrases, letter writing elements, clip art, etc.
Of course, all the traditional font and paragraph formatting commands are present:

choice of typeface, font size, font color. A state of the art typeface preview.
bold, italic, underline, strikeout, double strikeout, superscript, subscript, small caps, all caps, shadow, outline, emboss, engrave.

choice of 17 underline styles; choice of underline color.
character spacing, scaling, kerning, vertical offset.
fully customizable tab stops.
left/right paragraph indent, first line indent and outdent.
spacing before/after paragraph, 6 types of interline spacing.
keep with next paragraph, keep intact, page break before, widow/orphan control.
and plenty more, only a key press or mouse click away...

More than 20 fields are supported. The corresponding items are quickly inserted and automatically updated by Atlantis. Fields make document and template creation very flexible. What's more, we have made sure that fields are not restricted to advanced users: using fields in Atlantis is child's play!

Words can be hyphenated across lines automatically or manually.
You can create newspaper-type columns, divide documents into sections, each section with its own page settings.
You have two graphic-type formatting modes to change font color and highlight text. You will use specific mouse pointers to format text in the same way as you would with a paint brush.

Atlantis introduces a revolutionary approach to document formatting with a Format Palette and Brush. Even the most complex formatting jobs can be done exclusively with a brush-like mouse cursor and a palette loaded with formatting templates. You can use the Atlantis default palette or customize your own format palettes in any way you like.

The Format Palette is only one of the instruments present on the Atlantis Control Board. The Atlantis Control Board brings together all the tools and commands that are required to create both simple and complex documents with the greatest of ease. Each panel of the Atlantis Control Board is dedicated to one specific characteristic of the active document. You have separate overviews of the document Headings, Bookmarks, Sections, Styles, or Lists, with all the related commands directly available from each specific panel of the Control Board. Tools and commands to manage Headings are on hand on the "Headings" panel, tools and commands to manage Bookmarks are on hand on the "Bookmarks" panel. Etc. This gives you unequaled power and flexibility.

The AutoCorrect feature of Atlantis has fully customizable multilingual options, and will dramatically simplify your word processing life. It combines flexibility with power for unparalleled control over the typing and formatting of documents. Some of the Atlantis AutoCorrect functions are still unheard-of in today's top-end word processors. Texts are proofread in the background "As-You-Type", or, optionally, when typing is complete.

A multilingual spellchecker will help you create documents with perfect language. Spelling is checked "As-You-Type", or, again, optionally, when typing is complete. Original Atlantis Spellcheckers are available for 16 languages or dialects. And of course, you can create and augment as many custom dictionaries as you wish.

Power Type is a typing assist adding unique functionality to Atlantis. Working in close cooperation with our proprietary spellchecker engine, Power Type collects statistical information about the texts that you type, creating a smart database of the words that you use most, and also of their usual environment. When you start typing the same words again, Atlantis gives a warning sound, pops a small window up, and displays a list of words beginning with the same characters. But this is not all. The Atlantis Power Type has learning abilities. As time goes by, the Power Type database gets smarter, and you will notice that the typing suggestions are more and more appropriate. Of course, the Atlantis Power Type is invaluable for people with disabilities. But also for slow "one-finger" typists.

The Overused Words feature will help creative writers avoid repetitions and clichйs if they want their texts to be read with any interest or pleasure. The Overused Words feature will show detailed statistics about repetitions and word frequency. This will tell you where words need to be replaced with synonyms, or whole paragraphs reworked.

To improve the reading and understanding of the documents you create in Atlantis, you can add bookmarks, hyperlinks, table of contents to them. Atlantis can build table of contents automatically at the press of a few keys.
All documents created in Atlantis can be "Saved As Web Page", i.e. saved as HTML. This will help owners of personal Web sites, and also e-book creators tremendously. Atlantis also has a command to convert any document to an eBook with just a few mouse clicks.

You will find comprehensive support for all types of lists, bulleted and numbered, whether simple (one level) or outline (multilevel). Where numbered lists are concerned, we have placed the highest emphasis on reliability. You will design foolproof numbering schemes from simplest to most complex with the greatest of ease. And, uniquely, you will be able to fix the wrong numbering of lists created in other not so smart word processors.

Headers and footers are fully supported. And so are footnotes and endnotes. You can insert footnotes and/or endnotes, choosing from a wide range of different reference marks. What's more, and quite uncommonly, you can configure footnotes and endnotes differently from one document section to the other.


Document size is literally unlimited.
Multiple document formats are supported, insuring maximum portability on all systems: RTF, MS Word DOC 6.0/95/97/2000/XP/2003,Vista, Seven DOCX, etc.
Support for document projects.

Multiple graphic formats can be used to complement text: BMP, EMF, WMF, JPG, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, TIF, PCD, ICO, etc.
You have an option to save documents in a supercompact lightweight RTF format. Combined with the Atlantis internal Zip compression, this option is ideal for files traveling on the Internet.


strona producenta: http://www.atlantiswordprocessor.com/
system operacyjny: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven


Zakładka Help -> Enter Registration Code


screen po instalacji: http://zapodaj.net/4d34c0410f83.jpg.html
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