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Annihilator - 2022 - Metal II.rar

Venom43 / Muzyka (1234) / 2022 / Annihilator - 2022 - Metal II.rar
Download: Annihilator - 2022 - Metal II.rar

132,3 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
01. Chasing the High (06:13)
02. Downright Dominate (05:38)
03. Army of One (06:00)
04. Couple Suicide (03:57)
05. Heavy Metal Maniac (Exciter cover) (03:59)
06. Haunted (08:44)
07. Romeo Delight (Van Halen cover) (04:20)
08. Detonation (03:39)
09. Clown Parade (05:15)
10. Smothered (05:20)
11. Kicked (05:55)


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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
01. Otwieracz 5:33 02. Cudzesy 3:35 03. Pornolistonosz 3:56 04. O Jeden Most Za Daleko 3:48 05. Ranny Ptaszek 2:45 06. Romantyczny Książe Metalu 4:48 07. Numer Z Banjo 3:52 08. Serce Za Szkłem 4:19 09. Wampir 4:24 10. Alkoman 4:54
01. I Have A Right (04:40) 02. Black Sheep (04:01) 03. Half A Marathon Man (04:59) 04. Broken (05:13) 05. Letter To Dana (06:18) 06. FullMoon (04:52) 07. Shamandalie (03:56) 08. San Sebastian (03:39) 09. Gravenimage (05:10) 10. Flag In The Ground (03:54) 11. My Land (04:55) 12. Victoria's Secret (03:02)
01. The Rest Of The Sun Belongs To Me (05:51) 02. For The Sake Of Revenge (03:31) 03. A Little Less Understanding (04:29) 04. Alone In Heaven (05:17) 05. Tallulah (05:28) 06. Don't Say a Word (06:14) 07. As If The World Wasn't Ending (03:50) 08. Paid In Full (03:59) 09. Tonight I Dance Alone (03:16) 10. The Wolves Die Young (03:58) 11. Wolf & Raven (04:24) 12. On The Faultline (05:20)
01. Pavlov's Dawg (05:31) 02. Ex-Fluencer (04:58) 03. Beerbarians (05:21) 04. Diary of a Nihilist (04:50) 05. Veins of Terra (05:53) 06. Momento (05:15) 07. Metal Cash Machine (06:29) 08. Dark Self Intruder (05:55) 09. Lockdown Forever (04:07) 10. On the Day I Die (06:45)
01. In Memoriam (Live) (02:00) 02. United (Live) (06:26) 03. Changing Times (Live) (04:53) 04. Set the World on Fire (Live) (05:35) 05. Broken Dreams (feat. Marco Pastorino) (Live) (05:09) 06. Changing Fate (feat. Kathrin Raunigger) (Live) (04:57) 07. Journey's End (Live) (06:14) 08. Velatum (feat. Sascha Paeth) (Live) (06:00) 09. Souls and Sins (feat. Sascha Paeth & Michele Guaitoli) (Live) (05:00) 10. Coldness Kills (Live) (07:53) 11. Fairytales (feat. Clémentine Delauney) (Live) (04:15) 12. Legacy of Tudors (feat. Clémentine Delauney) (Live) (06:50) 13. Spirit in the Flesh (feat. Niklas Müller) (Live) (06:02) 14. Engraved Within (Live) (04:46) 15. In the Name of Scotland (Live) (05:35) 16. Lionheart (Live) (06:04)
01. Sepulchral Voice (05:09) 02. After the Deluge (05:03) 03. Electrocution (03:21) 04. Baptism of Fire (04:01) 05. Better off Dead (03:41) 06. Body Parts (03:06) 07. Jabba the Hut (02:28) 08. Gathering of Minds (04:13) 09. That's What an Unknown Killer Diarized (04:37) 10. Book Burning (02:38) 11. Genocide (04:31) 12. City of God (04:17) 13. Ashes to Ashes (04:14) 14. In War and Pieces (04:15) 15. S.O.D.O.M. (03:37) 16. Caligula (04:04) 17. Euthanasia (03:54) 18. 1982 (03:22)
01. The River Is Rising (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (03:42) 02. Whatever Gets You By (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (03:40) 03. C'est la vie (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (04:38) 04. The Path Less Followed (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (03:40) 05. Actions Speak Louder Than Words (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (04:01) 06. Spirit Love (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (04:15) 07. Fill My World (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (05:28) 08. April Fool (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (04:33) 09. Call Off The Dogs (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (03:15) 10. Fall Back To Earth (feat. Myles Kennedy and The Conspirators) (06:23)
01. Severed (00:56) 02. Insides Out (03:32) 03. Exhume and Devour (03:06) 04. You're so Hideous (03:07) 05. Good Day to Be a Bad Guy (03:51) 06. Return to Haddonfield (04:05) 07. Horrifier (04:44) 08. Hell is Coming (04:29) 09. Halfway to the Grave (03:06) 10. Christine: Fury in the Night (02:51) 11. The Other Side (05:15)
01. AC-DC - Live Wire (05:38) 02. AC-DC - The Jack (05:39) 03. AC-DC - Problem Child (04:49) 04. AC-DC - Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be (04:06) 05. AC-DC - Let There Be Rock (07:33) 06. AC-DC - Whole Lotta Rosie (04:52) 07. AC-DC - Highway To Hell (03:27) 08. AC-DC - High Voltage (05:29) 09. AC-DC - Dog Eat Dog (04:22) 10. AC-DC - Shot Down In Flames (03:50) 11. AC-DC - Gone Shootin' (05:55) 12. AC-DC - Rock N Roll Damnation (04:10) 13. AC-DC - If You Want Blood (You've Got It)/Let There Be Rock (11:51) 14. AC-DC - TNT (02:36) 15. AC-DC - Jailbreak (04:48)
01. Wizard of the Vortex (06:02) 02. Sweet Evil Sun (03:40) 03. Angel Battle (06:29) 04. Black Butterfly (05:46) 05. When Death Sighs (05:59) 06. Scandinavian Gods (04:36) 07. Devil Voodoo (07:36) 08. Crucified (06:24) 09. Goddess (06:07) 10. A Cup of Coffin (Outro) (01:12)
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