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Amelia Elias - Guardian's League 2 - Outcast.pdf

SiriusBlack4 / BOOKS / Amelia Elias - Guardian's League 2 - Outcast.pdf
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In one instant, everything Renee Hardin knew was destroyed. Vampires were real, and now she had the bloodlust and fangs to prove it. Thrown into a new world, the only friend she has is Eli, a man who could've been drawn from her worst fears... or her darkest dreams. Mysterious and ancient, Eli is the most powerful of vampires and the most determined to rid the world of the predators that feast upon the innocent. He has spent thousands of years alone, wanting nothing, needing no one. But when a beautiful woman's mortal life is stolen before his eyes by the very Outcasts he hunts, Eli has no choice but to pose as her Sire and take her in and try to prevent their evil from poisoning her soul. Sexual attraction between Sire and fledgling is utterly forbidden, yet every moment with Renee makes him all the more aware that he is not her Sire. Fearless, sassy, and vibrantly alive, she awakens feelings he thought long dead and buried. But how can he risk loving her when it would mean revealing the sins that caused the gods to turn their backs on him for eternity? Warning, this title contains explicit sex and violence.


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obrazek She sees dead people Beautiful, smart, and chic, Pepper Martin never had to work a day in her life -- until her surgeon daddy was convicted of fraud, her wealthy fiancé took a powder, and the family fortune ran bone dry. Suddenly desperate, the inexperienced ex-rich girl was forced to take the only job she could get: as a tour guide in a cemetery. But a grave situation took a turn for the worse when a head-on collision with a headstone left her with an unwanted ability to communicate with the disgruntled deceased . . . and now Pepper has a whacked Mafia don demanding that she hunt down his killers -- and threatening to haunt her until she does.
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