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Death - 1990 - Spiritual Healing.zip

Seven999 / Muza / Metal MP3 RAR / Death / Death - 1990 - Spiritual Healing.zip
Download: Death - 1990 - Spiritual Healing.zip

99,45 MB

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1. Living Monstrosity 05:09
2. Altering the Future 05:34
3. Defensive Personalities 04:46
4. Within the Mind 05:35
5. Spiritual Healing 07:44
6. Low Life 05:23
7. Genetic Reconstruction 04:53
8. Killing Spree 04:17


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Death Metal (early), Death/Progressive Metal (later)

United States of America (Altamonte Springs, Florida) 1984

Chuck "Evil Chuck" Schuldiner (Charles Michael Schuldiner) - Vocals, Guitars (R.I.P. - December 13th, 2001, pneumonia - brain stem cancer) (Control Denied, Voodoocult, Mantas, Slaughter (Can))
Shannon Hamm - Guitars (1996-2001) (Control Denied, Talonzfury, Beyond Unknown, Metalstorm, Synesis Absorption)
Scott Clendenin - Bass (1996-2001) (Control Denied, Talonzfury)
Richard Christy - Drums (1996-2001) (Burning Inside, Rick Renstrom, Acheron, Control Denied, Demons & Wizards, Iced Earth, Leash Law, Public Assassin, Tiwanaku, Syzygy (USA), Bung Dizeez, Crotchduster, Incantation, Monument of Bones, Charred Walls of the Damned, The Loosers)
# Frederick "Rick Rozz" DeLillo (1984-1985, 1987-1989) (Massacre, Thatcher, Mantas, M Inc.)
# Matt Olivo (1985) (Tempter, Repulsion, Doom Sayer, Dejecta, Alyze)
# James Murphy (1989-1990) (Disincarnate, Agent Steel, Obituary, Cancer, Testament, Konkhra, Explorers Club, Crotchduster)
# Paul Masvidal (1990-1992) (Cynic (USA), Master, Portal (USA), Seaweed, Gordian Knot)
# Andy LaRocque (1993) (King Diamond, Illwill, X-World/5, E.F. Band, Gutrix)
# Ralph Santolla (1993) (Obituary, Millenium, Sebastian Bach & Friends, Iced Earth, Deicide, Hollow, Eyewitness, Stare)
# Bobby Koelble (1995) (The Absinthe Trio)

# Scott Carlson (1985) (Tempter, Repulsion/Genocide, From Beyond, Death Breath, Cathedral, The SuperBees)
# Erik Meade (1985)
# Steve DiGiorgio (1986, 1991, 1992-1994) (Sadus, Funeral, Freak Neil Inc., Sebastian Bach & Friends, Artension, Control Denied, Testament, Suicide Shift, Autopsy, James Murphy, Dark Hall, Iced Earth, Quo Vadis (Can), Scariot, Charred Walls of the Damned, Futures End, Synesis Absorption, Vintersorg, Dragonlord, Faust (Ita), Memorain, Obituary (Live))
# Terry Butler (1987-1990) (Massacre, Six Feet Under, Denial Fiend, Obliterhate, Obituary)
# Scott Carino (1991-1992) (Lowbrow, Fester (USA), Fierce Atmospheres)
# Kelly Conlon (1994-1995) (Monstrosity (USA), Vital Remains, Infinity Minus One, Fires Of Babylon, Pessimist (USA), Wynterborne)
# Brian Benson (Session Live on the "Symbolic" Tour)

# Kam Lee (Barney Kamalani Lee) (1983-1985, occasionally Vocals) (Massacre (USA), Cadaverizer, Abhorrent Existence, Mantas (USA), Denial Fiend, Skincrawler, Beware, Bone Gnawer, Broken Gravestones, The Grotesquery, Grave Wax, Akatharta, Cryptidz, The Skeletal)
# Eric Brecht (1985) (D.R.I., Hirax, Attitude Adjustment , Attitude (USA)/Two-Bit Thief)
# Chris Reifert (1986-1987) (Doomed (USA), Autopsy, The Ravenous, Abscess (USA), Burnt Offering, Eatmyfuk, Mirror Snake)
# Bill Andrews (1987-1990) (Massacre, Metalucifer)
# Sean Reinert (1990-1992) (Cynic (USA), Gordian Knot, Anomaly (USA), Portal (USA), C-187, Aghora, Aeon Spoke, Seaweed, Sean Malone, Levi / Werstler)
# Gene Hoglan (1993-1995) (Daemon (Dnk), Dark Angel (USA), Dethklok, Devin Townsend, Forbidden (USA), Just Cause, Meldrum, Naphobia, Old Man's Child, Phantasm, Pitch Black Forecast, Strapping Young Lad, Tenet, Testament, Unearth, Wargod (USA), Zimmers Hole, Mechanism (Can), Fear Factory)
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
obrazek 1. Scavenger of Human Sorrow 06:54 2. Bite the Pain 04:30 3. Spirit Crusher 06:45 4. Story to Tell 06:34 5. Flesh and the Power It Holds 08:26 6. Voice of the Soul 03:43 7. To Forgive Is to Suffer 05:55 8. A Moment of Clarity 07:23 9. Painkiller (Judas Priest Cover) 06:03
obrazek 1. The Philosopher 2. Trapped In A Corner 3. Crystal Mountain 4. Suicide Machine 5. Together As One 6. Zero Tolerance 7. Lack Of Comprehension 8. Flesh And The Power It Holds 9. Flattening Of Emotions 10. Spirit Crusher 11. Pull The Plug
obrazek 1. Leprosy 06:20 2. Born Dead 03:27 3. Forgotten Past 04:36 4. Left to Die 04:38 5. Pull the Plug 04:27 6. Open Casket 04:56 7. Primitive Ways 04:33 8. Choke on It 05:54
obrazek 1. Intro/The Philosopher 03:52 2. Spirit Crusher 06:26 3. Trapped in a Corner 04:26 4. Scavenger of Human Sorrow 06:39 5. Crystal Mountain 04:48 6. Flesh and the Power It Holds 08:01 7. Zero Tolerance 05:01 8. Zombie Ritual 04:42 9. Suicide Machine 04:15 10. Together As One 04:11 11. Empty Words 07:04 12. Symbolic 06:17 13. Pull the Plug 06:23
obrazek 1. Legion of Doom 2. Zombie 3. Power of Darkness 4. Death by Metal 5. Evil Dead (Live)
obrazek 1. Spiritual Healing 2. The Philosopher 3. Suicide Machine 4. Crystal Mountain 5. Jealousy 6. Zero tolerance 7. Lack of comprehension 8. Flattening of emotions 9. Empty Words 10. Open Casket 11. Symbolic 12. Zombie ritual 13. Pull the plug
obrazek 1. Symbolic 06:33 2. Zero Tolerance 04:49 3. Empty Words 06:22 4. Sacred Serenity 04:27 5. 1,000 Eyes 04:29 6. Without Judgement 05:28 7. Crystal Mountain 05:07 8. Misanthrope 05:04 9. Perennial Quest 08:19
obrazek 1. Intro (Theme From Alfred Hitchcock Presents) 2. Back From The Dead 3. Mutilation 4. Reign Of Death (Terror?) 5. Beyond The Unholy Grave 6. Baptized In Blood 7. Legion Of Doom 8. Skill To Kill
obrazek 1. Overactive Imagination 03:31 2. In Human Form 03:57 3. Jealousy 03:40 4. Trapped in a Corner 04:14 5. Nothing Is Everything 03:19 6. Mentally Blind 04:48 7. Individual Thought Patterns 04:00 8. Destiny 04:06 9. Out of Touch 04:22 10. The Philosopher 04:10
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