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BONUSY dodatkowe 4 DVD: TurboFire® Advanced DVDs czyli inaczej mówiąc dodatek zupełnie NOWYCH Ćwiczeń na 4 DVD:
Love Turbo Fire? Take it to a new level with this advanced set of DVDs!
Experience more sizzling results with TurboFire Advanced.
You thought TurboFire was tough? Just wait until you experience the TurboFire Advanced package. It will drive you past previous limits to a whole new level of sizzling results with 5 MORE intense, fat-scorching classes.
To help you get there, the Advanced package also includes a handy TurboTracker Journal to chart your progress.

TurboFire Advanced includes 5 advanced workouts on 4 DVDs:
The number in each title designates the class length.
■Fire 60 Class/Stretch 10 Class
Whip roundhouse kicks to “What You Got” and watch those extra pounds sizzle away.
■HIIT 30 Class/Stretch 10 Class
See if you’re fired up enough to handle 11 fat- and calorie-scorching fire drills.
■Upper 20 Class/Lower 20 Class/Stretch 10 Class
Looking for lean, “don’t mess with me” arms and shapely, “go-forever” legs? Then these classes are for you.
■Abs 10 Class/Stretch 10 Class
If you can handle Training Camps, the Frog, and other tough exercises in just 10 minutes, your abs will look incredible.
And receive a FREE TurboTracker Journal.
It’s a really cool pocket tracker where you can log all your workouts and meals, with daily motivational tips from Chalene, a calorie-counting guide, and more.

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