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Bibliothèque Pascal (2010) cz2.avi

Nagle2015 / xxx / - ▧ ▍XXX_MOCNO ERO TYCZNE 2015 / Bibliothèque Pascal (2010) cz2.avi
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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Asi Del Precipicio.avi play
Historia trzech przyjaciółek: Lucii, Hany i Carmen.
Historia trzech przyjaciółek: Lucii, Hany i Carmen.
Rabioso sol, rabioso cielo 2009 aka Raging Sun, Raging Sky.avi play
The power of desire has rarely been so ravishingly lense ...
The power of desire has rarely been so ravishingly lensed as in "Raging Sun, Raging Sky," cult helmer Julian Hernandez's stunning ode to love and sex, which literally elevates both to mythological heights. A passionate exploration of love, sex and destiny from acclaimed director Julián Hernández (Broken Sky), Raging Sun, Raging Sky, is a rich, transcendent film experience worthy of its great critical acclaim. Kieri and Ryo, two young, handsome Mexican men have an unquestioning love for each other; a love expressed through an intense sexual bond that gives meaning to both their lives. When Ryo is abducted, Kieri embarks a journey to reunite with his soul mate under the watchful eye of a female spirit. But the voyage is not an easy one and when Ryo escapes, a chain of events will test the lovers true devotion to each other. Raging Sun, Raging Sky is a visually stunning ode to the nude male form and power of desire.
3 Steps to Heaven 1995.avi play
A bereaved woman adopts multiple disguises to track down ...
A bereaved woman adopts multiple disguises to track down the last three people to see her boyfriend before he died. Combining remarkable performances, striking cinematography and an intricately woven story, director Constantine Giannaris has created a superbly entertaining mystery with a gay twist. Katrin Cartlidge (Naked) stars as Suzanne, a woman distraught over the mysterious death of her gorgeous young boyfriend, Sean. Sean went out clubbing one night and never came home. Sean's friend took a photo of the hottie getting into a car with three people: Angel Farnham, a designer with a voracious taste for cocaine; Labor deputy Harry Roberts, an MP who likes boys secretly; and Andrea Wallace, a talk show host who drinks and snorst coke with her buddies. Suzanne decides she's going find out what happened to her boyfriend by entrapping these three. Suffice it to say that all kinds of bad things happen and no one is left unharmed by the "investigation." This film was picked up by Miramax at the 1995 Cannes Festival and is only now getting its release, 10 years later. Why it took so long we can only guess!
Le Secret 2000.mkv play
Thirtysomething wife and mother Marie works as a sales a ...
Thirtysomething wife and mother Marie works as a sales agent for an encyclopedia chain. While on a routine job she meets Bill, a strangely removed, black American dance teacher who ignites Marie's curiosity. On the pretence of having left a scarf at his house, she visits Bill again and offers herself to him. In their numerous explicit encounters, Marie enjoys a sexual fulfillment that's painfully absent from her relationship with husband François, and relishes an escape from the mundanity of her shared home life. Despite the risks involved she embraces her secret and the payoff it provides. This emotional drama was co-written by Erick Zonca, director of "The Dreamlife of Angels".
Blue Nude.1977.avi play
This is really one heck of a film! It contains all the s ...
This is really one heck of a film! It contains all the sleaziness of a 42nd Street production, with the grace and style of the classic Italian exploitation film. So, I guess the resultant product is something that might called a "crossover" film. The story concerns a young gigolo who is trying to make his way in the Big Apple. While there, he works as a male stripper, a dog walker, and several other wacky occupations. Eventually, he is caught in the allure of the 42nd Street porn scene. Real-life porn actors Carter Stevens, Susan McBain, Wade Nichols, R. Bolla, Al Levitsky, and others, all have decent rolls in this film. In fact, Susan McBain (who appears billed as Susan Elliot) gets a very sizeable role as the main character's girlfriend. What makes this film so great is the fantastic amount of footage taken in and around the seediest areas of the city. (Scattini must have had a bodyguard in order to go into these areas with his crew). Anyway, the film shows a mastery and style that is seldom seen in similar productions of this period. BLUE NUDE also features Giacomo Rossi Stuart as a smug, malicious blackmailer. As well, Piero Umiliani contributes another one of his soundtracks--although this one is not so memorable as his other scores.
Piętno - Imprint polski lektor.avi play
Amerykański dziennikarz w podróży po Japonii dociera na ...
Amerykański dziennikarz w podróży po Japonii dociera na przeklętą wyspę w poszukiwaniu miłości Komomo, którą tu poznał pare lat wcześniej, a potem porzucił. Wyspą rządzą jednak zli ludzie i zepsute prostytutki, na których na których pomoc nie można liczyć. Christopcher dowiaduje się jedynie, że jego ukochana nie żyje. Podróżnik znajduje oparcie w okrutnie okaleczonej, zamkniętej w sobie kurtyzanie, która podczas razem spędzonej nocy wciągnie go w opowieść o tragicznym losie Komomo i wyjątkowym okrucieństwie i sile zemsty.
Maska małpy - The monkey mask 2000.avi play
28-letnia Jill Fitzpatrick (Susie Porter) jest prywatny ...
28-letnia Jill Fitzpatrick (Susie Porter) jest prywatnym detektywem. Poszukuje zaginionej studentki Mickey Norris (Abbie Cornish). Podejrzewa Dianę Maitland (Kelly McGillis) wykładowcę poezji, która uczyła Mickey. Niebawem zostaje odnalezione ciało poszukiwanej. Rodzice Mickey proszą Jill, by znalazła zabójcę.
Bonitinha Mas Ordinaria.AVI play
Rich man wants to pay one of his employees a lot of mone ...
Rich man wants to pay one of his employees a lot of money in order he marries his daughter, who had been raped by five men. But something in the girl's story isn't quite right.
La Chatte a deux tetes.avi play
Kino porno w Paryżu. Przekrój ludzi odwiedzających ten ...
Kino porno w Paryżu. Przekrój ludzi odwiedzających ten przybytek oraz pracowników kina.
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności