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Mężczyzna GandalfsS

widziany: 25.11.2023 21:42

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734 plików
87,9 GB

Ukryj opis Rozwiń
Instrukcje obsługi
Lektury Audio
Nad Niemnem
Nuty do pieśni
Programy !!!
Artisteer 3
Extensoft Artisteer Standard Edition + Keygen
Ashampo Burning Studio v9 i 10
Ashampo Uinstaler 4
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 v.10.0.0
Ashampoo Burning Studio Final [PL] [Reg File]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.11 Final [PL] [Reg File]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.15 Final [PL] [Reg File]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.4 Final [PL]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.7 Final [PL] [Reg File]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 v11.0.3.0 - Final [PL] [Reg File - TE]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 v11.0.3.0 Final TR [ENG] [Cicha Instalacja]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 v11.0.4.0 Final [PL] [Reg File]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 v. (3510) Final [PL] [.reg file]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 Advanced Edition 9.24 Build 7680 [PL] [Serial
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 Advanced v9.24 Build 7558 [PL] [Serial]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2012 [PL] [key]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2012 10.0.15 [PL] [ZAREJESTRO WANY]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2012 CBE v11.0.4.20 [PL] [Serial]
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2012 CBE v11.0.4.20 [PL] [Serial] 1
Ashampoo Burning Studio 9
Ashampoo Burning Studio Elements v10.0.9 [PL] [Reg.file]
Ashampoo ClipFinder
Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.16 [PL] [SERIAL]
Ashampoo ClipFinder HD v2.07 [PL]
Ashampoo Core Tune
Ashampoo Core Tuner 2 Beta v2.00 [PL] [Silent Installatio n]
Ashampoo Core Tuner v.2.01 (x32 x64) [Multi PL] [Cicha instalacja Unattended]
Ashampoo FireWall
Ashampoo GetBack Photo 1.0.0 [PL] [Plik .reg]
Ashampoo GetBack Photo v.1.0.1 (x32 x64) [PL] [Cicha instalacja Unattended]
Ashampoo HDD Control
Ashampoo HDD Control 2 v2.07 [PL] [Plik .reg]
Ashampoo HDD Control v1.12 [PL] [Keygen Lz0]
Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3
Ashampoo Magical Defrag
Ashampoo Magical Defrag 3 [PL]
Ashampoo Magical Snap 3.02 [PL] [Serial]
Ashampoo Movie Shrink
Ashampoo Office 2008
Ashampoo Office 2012 v2012 Build 653 Professiona l Edition - Retail [ENG] [Serial]
Ashampoo Photo Commander 10.0.1 [MULTI PL] [REG kEY]
Ashampoo Photo Commander 10.1.3 [Multi PL] [Regfile-TE ]
Ashampoo Photo Commander 7
Ashampoo Photo Commander 9.1.0 (2011) [PL] [rarreg.key ]
Ashampoo Photo Commander 9.2.0 Final [Multilangu age PL] [RegKey x86 x64]
Ashampoo Photo Commander 9.2.1 Final [Multilingu al PL] [.regkey]
Ashampoo Photo Commander 9.3.0 [PL] [REG 32]
Ashampoo Photo Commander v.9.4.0 Final (x32 x64) [Multi PL] [Cicha instalacja]
Ashampoo Photo Commander v7.50 [PL]
Ashampoo Photo Commander v9.4.1 Final [Multi PL] [Wpis .reg]
Ashampoo Photo Converter 2.0.0 [PL] [Plik .dll]
Ashampoo Photo Converter v 1.0.0 [PL] [PATCH and KEYMAKER]
Ashampoo Photo Converter v1.0.1 [PL] [Portable]
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 3.13 [PL] [Keygen I Patch]
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 v4.0.0 [PL] [REG-PATCH
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 v5.1.5.3 [ML PL] [Regedit]
Ashampoo PowerUp
Ashampoo PowerUp(1)
Ashampoo Registry Cleaner v1.00 [PL] [REG] 1
Ashampoo SERIALE
Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD
Ashampoo Slideshow Studio HD 2.0.4 .153(0266) [PL] [Wpis .reg]
Ashampoo Snap 4 v4.3.0 [PL] [PORTABLE]
Ashampoo Snap 5.0.1 [PL] [REG KEY]
Ashampoo Snap 5.1.5 [PL] [REG KEY]
Ashampoo Snap 6.0.2 Final [PL] [Crack]
Ashampoo Uinstaler 2010
Ashampoo Undeleter v1.00 [PL] [Portable]
Ashampoo UnInstaller 4.20 Final [Multiligua l PL] [Serial]
Ashampoo UnInstaller v4.1.5.0 [PL] [KEYGEN]
Ashampoo Video Styler v1.0.0.44 [PL] [Portable]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 10 v10.01.03 [PL] [Zarejestro wany]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 7.00
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 7.01 PL
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 7.15 [Multi
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 7.17 [Multi
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 7.20 [PL] [Patch] [Keygen]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 7.22 [PL] [Patch] [Keygen]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 7.23 [PL] [Patch] [Keygen]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 8.02 [Multilangu age] [Keygenerat or Patch-mazuk i]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 8.04 [PL] [Reg.key]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 8.07 [PL] [Reg Key]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 8.13 (30.09.2011 ) [ML PL] [RegKey]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 9 v9.02.00 [PL] [reg-file-T E]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 9.01.0 [PL] [Reg Key]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r 9.04.31 [Multilangu age PL] [RegKey]
Ashampoo WinOptimize r7 v.7.25 (17.02.2011 ) [PL] [Patch] [Keygen]
Ashampoo WinOptymize r 8 v8.05 [PL] [Plik.reg]
Ashampoo WinOptymize r 8 v8.10 [PL] [Plik.reg + serial]
Ashampoo WinOtimizer 6.60
Ashampoo.Bu rning.Studi o.11.0.1.Be ta (x32 x64) [PL] [Cicha instalacja]
Do wypalania płyt
NERO 12 PL + Serial
Nero 7PL+crack aktywator 100% działa
Gry !!!
Internet mobilny
Odtwarzacze filmów
Optymalizacja systemu
TuneUp 2013
Windows 7
Windows 7 Loader v2.0.0 By DAZ min
Klucz e Windo ws
Windows 8 PL ( 64 ; 86 )
Windows 8 Professi onal (x64)
Windows 8 Professi onal (x86)
Zmiana hasła Admina
ERD 2005r
Windows iso
Drogie vs Tanie Lord Kruszwil
Kamerzysta 2.0
Usunięte filmy Kruszwila i Kamerzysty
Pokazuj foldery i treści

Ashampoo Burning Studio 10.0.15 Final [PL] [Reg File]


Ashampoo Burning Studio to kompleksowe narzędzie do nagrywania ( wypalania ) danych na płyty CD, DVD oraz Blu-ray.

Ashampoo Burning Studio posiada czytelny interfejs. W oknie głównym znajdują się poszczególne zakładki w których istnieje możliwość nagrywania różnych danych. Zaletą programu jest jego prostota, użytkownik wybiera rodzaj danych jakie chce nagrać, a następnie wskazuje pliki lub foldery z dysku. Obsługa jest bardzo zbliżona do popularnego Nero Express.

Ashampoo Burning Studio wyświetla wszystkie niezbędne informacje, np. przewidywalny rozmiar danych na płycie.

Funkcje programu:
- Nagrywanie plików i folderów, a także uaktualnianie płyt wielosesyjnych,
- Przywracanie oraz tworzenie plików kopii zapasowej,
- Nagrywanie oraz zgrywanie muzyki (Audio CD, MP3, WMA),
- Nagrywanie filmów (Video CD, Video DVD, SVCD),
- Tworzenie oraz nagrywanie obrazów płyt (ISO, CUE/BIN, ASHDISC),
- Kasowanie danych z płyt CD-RW, DVD+RW.



Full HD Video, New Modules, Data Disc Menus. Ashampoo Burning Studio users are unusually loyal, with good reason – this program’s speed, simplicity and efficiency are simply unbeatable. Over the years the Ashampoo programmers have turned the program into a full suite that can handle all your data, audio and video burning and authoring tasks, without sacrificing its famous ease of use. In version 10 they have once again added a wealth of new features and modules, but the program is still amazingly intuitive to use – everything is explained as you do it. The main focus of this premium version is even better authoring capabilities for building video and audio discs using the latest formats. HD and Full HD video (720p and 1080p) are now fully supported for Blu-ray discs, and all the encoding is handled by Ashampoo Burning Studio 10. All the authoring tools have been overhauled and the video encoding quality is even better than before.

You now use the same new integrated editor for building DVD and Blu-ray video disks with menus. The program also starts more quickly and is generally snappier to use. In addition to this there is a new Autoplay Editor module with which you can build auto-starting data discs with attractive interactive menus – for example for collections of programs. And there is now also a new Audio Player with which you can play audio files and audio CDs without leaving the program.

The audio and video authoring features have been completely overhauled, adding many new features and capabilities. You can now create HD and Full HD Blu-ray video discs with interactive menus as well as DVDs and video disc editing is integrated in a single redesigned editor. The list of features below only includes the major highlights.

• A single integrated editor for DVD and Blu-ray editing
• Build and burn Blu-ray HD and Full HD video discs (16:9, PAL and NTSC)
• Completely new and improved Add Movies dialog
• Preview your movies directly in the editor
• New and improved DVD and Blu-ray menu themes with new preview functions
• Generate all your menus automatically or design them yourself
• New mirror function for items in the menu editor, free placement for all objects on your menu pages
• Menu Preview Player – test your video disc menus directly in the editor, everything is fully functional (buttons, multiple pages, play movies, skip, stop etc.)
• Use a wide variety of attractive 3D buttons and geometric shapes
• Use different themes for each menu page
• Use different background music for each menu page
• Replace automatically-generated menu pages with your own designs
• New menu background options: use movies, Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 slideshows, edited movies and themes as your menu backgrounds
• Improved video encoding, encoded video is always stored automatically and only needs to be re-encoded if you make changes
• Output directly to disc or to a folder
• Compress big movies to fit on a single DVD
• Create disc images for DVDs with different formats – compression is optimized for the selected format
• Burn Blu-ray videos directly from a folder of files prepared by Ashampoo Burning Studio or another authoring program

The new Autoplay Editor enables you to build data discs with interactive, multi-page menus that start automatically when the disc is inserted – for example for collections of programs on a portable disc. You get a full-featured graphical editor for building your menus and the menus can include links to files and documents on the disc, mail links, links to web pages and more. You can also create auto-starting discs without menus.

• Single or multiple pages of menus saved on the disc
• Stand-alone menus or open in web browser
• Add background music to your menus (multiple formats supported)
• Ready-to-use themes for menus, splash screens and buttons
• Add “splash screens” with your own content
• Design your own menus with a powerful graphical editor
• Full preview functions while you are designing your menus
• 3D buttons with tooltips, icons, ready-to-use button layouts
• Auto-generate buttons for files and folders
• Animated transitions between pages
• Options to start programs, open documents, open folders, create email messages etc., on start-up or with links and buttons
• Scan function for using images from a scanner
• Define icons to be displayed for your discs
• Start the web browser and navigate to a specified page
• Generate all your menus automatically or design them yourself

New video disc preview player
The new video disc preview player emulates the entire interactive menu of your finished video discs within the editor. You can click on buttons, switch between menu pages, play your videos and use all the normal player and menu functions, including Skip Next, Skip Previous, Top Menu and so on.

New integrated audio player
You can now play audio files and audio CDs directly from within Ashampoo Burning Studio 10. This is very useful when you’re building audio discs, enabling you to check tracks quickly without switching programs. The audio player has an attractive graphical display with all the standard player controls. It is available in all dialogs where you have access to audio tracks.

Updated movie player
The integrated movie player for previewing your video tracks has also been updated. New features include an attractive new design and player controls that are only displayed when you actually need them.

New audio functions
A number of improvements have also been made to Ashampoo Burning Studio’s popular audio ripping and burning functions.

• Rip tracks from multiple CDs one after another
• Automatically copy ripped tracks to correct folders for the artist or title
• Automatically create artist, album and track folders when ripping audio CDs
• Now also supports 24-bit and 32-bit audio tracks for music CDs (up to 44.1kHz)


strona producenta: http://ashampoo.com/
system operacyjny: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7


- zainstaluj program, nie uruchamiaj
- w zależności od systemu operacyjnego, dodaj wpis do rejestru systemowego ( plik Reg x86.reg lub Reg x64.reg )
- uruchom program


screen po instalacji:
  • 98,5 MB
  • 24 lis 12 22:17


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  • Aby móc przechomikować folder musisz być zalogowanyZachomikuj folder
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1 plików
98,54 MB


MegaWideo napisano 4.03.2013 21:20

zgłoś do usunięcia
Uwaga !!! W najbliższym czasie na mojego chomika zostaną dodane nowe programy. Serdecznie zapraszam do pobierania nowych programów już niebawem

MegaWideo napisano 25.03.2013 21:34

zgłoś do usunięcia
Lista programów do pobrania zaktualizowana+ dodano kilka nowych programów

MegaWideo napisano 29.05.2013 21:17

zgłoś do usunięcia
Lista programów do pobrania zaktualizowana

krzysiek16j napisano 15.07.2013 06:45

zgłoś do usunięcia
podaj kod rejestracyjny do ashampo studio 11

MegaWideo napisano 25.07.2013 09:47

zgłoś do usunięcia
Crack do programu znajdziesz w folderze pod nazwą Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 v11.0.4.0 Final [PL] [Reg File]

MegaWideo napisano 1.08.2013 20:10

zgłoś do usunięcia
Polecam "Noclone 4.2.19 (2010) Crack 100% Działa". Program przydaje się dość często. GORĄCO POLECAM !!!

higawe8050 napisano 28.03.2022 14:14

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

jecana1464 napisano 13.11.2022 02:27

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

tkrzysiek67 napisano 2.10.2024 10:41

zgłoś do usunięcia
tutaj jest tylko part 5 a gdzie reszta?

Najlepszyy5108 napisano 29.01.2025 11:26

zgłoś do usunięcia

Musisz się zalogować by móc dodawać nowe wiadomości do tego Chomika.

Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin
W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności