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  • 87 KB
  • 13 maj 13 7:30
The Russians have traditionally called the artillery 'the God of War', Artillery was always a favoured branch in the Russian Army, and it is no different in the contemporary Soviet Army. This book takes a look at Soviet mechanized artillery since the Second World War with a special emphasis on current equipment.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
During the Second World War the Red Army was slow to adopt self-propelled artillery. Although small numbers of artillery support vehicles were in service in 1941, these were mainly assault tanks, not true mechanized artillery. The Russians noted the extensive German use of assault guns, like the ubiquitous StuG.III, and began to follow suit in 1942. Soviet wartime assault gun development is frequently misunderstood, often being labelled self-propelled artillery. Although the weapons on the vehicle may very well have been derived from artillery weapons, the resulting vehicles were not used by artillery troops. Assault guns were manned by troops trained by the Red Army's tank force, not artillery force, and used modified tank tactics. They were primarily used for direct fire, and many of the vehicles had no provision for the more traditional artillery indirect fire role. Soviet assault guns were used to supplement tanks, not towed artillery.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
TKS był ulepszoną wersją czołgu TK-3. Został skonstruowany w Biurze Studiów PZInż. przez zespół pod kierunkiem inż. Edwarda Habicha. Główną zmianą była modernizacja kształtu przedniej części kadłuba, wymiana silnika oraz dodanie peryskopu dla dowódcy, zmiana opancerzenia, instalacji elektrycznej, ulepszenie układu jezdnego. Produkcja seryjna ruszyła w 1934. Wyprodukowano łącznie 280 egzemplarzy . Ponieważ uzbrojenie czołgu TKS uznano za niewystarczające, na początku 1939 roku (po wcześniejszych próbach jesienią 1938) postanowiono przezbroić 250 czołgów (TK-3 i TKS łącznie) w nkm wz. 38FK kal. 20 mm., polskiej konstrukcji. Do grudnia 1939 miano przezbroić 50 czołgów TK-3 i 60 TKS. Ogólna liczba czołgów planowanych do przezbrojenia: 70 TK-3 i 80 TKS. Cykl ten miał się zakończyć z końcem lutego 1940. Do wybuchu wojny zakładom PZInż. dostarczono 26 sztuk nowego uzbrojenia. Ile zdołano przezbroić dokładnie czołgów, nie wiadomo, dość, że w linii znalazły się 23 TKS-y (24) z działkiem 20 mm.

Na podwoziu czołgu TKS powstał ciągnik artyleryjski C2P. TKS były produkowane w Czechowicach pod Warszawą (obecnie Warszawa-Ursus), w fabryce Ursus, należącej do PZInż.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
The FV 4201 Chieftain was the main battle tank of the United Kingdom during the 1960s and 1970s. It was one of the most advanced tanks of its era, and at the time of its introduction in 1966 had the most powerful main gun and heaviest armour of any tank in the world. The Chieftain also introduced a supine (lying backwards) driver position, enabling a heavily sloped hull with reduced height.


The Chieftain was a radical evolutionary development of the successful Centurion line of tanks that had emerged at the end of the Second World War. The British had learned during the war that their tanks often lacked sufficient protection and firepower compared to those fielded by the enemy, and that this had led to high casualty levels when faced with the superior German tanks in World War II.

In the post war period, the British Army bolstered the Centurion with the 120 mm gun Conqueror heavy tank for long range anti-tank firepower against the Soviet IS-3.

Leyland, who had been involved in Centurion, had built their own prototypes of a new tank design in 1956, and these led to a War Office specification for a new tank. The design was accepted in the early 1960s. Chieftain was designed to be as well protected as possible and to be equipped with a powerful 120 mm rifled gun. The heavy armour came at the price of reduced mobility, chiefly due to engine power limitations, which was perhaps the Chieftain's main drawback. The engine selected took the multi-fuel route and as introduced gave less than the planned output; improvements to the engine did not increase power to the desired value.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
When Lee came up with the 'X' in the title to mark out tenth outing together, we immediately decided to do a take off on the 'X-Files' to celebrate the occasion, and started assembling a pastiche of the oddest and most unusual AFVs we could find. The 'Freaks and Antiques' feature was one result, and 'Panzers at Pilsen Airfield' was another. As you can see, Lee dug into his vault to share some absolute gems with us, and others were offered by Stefan De Meyer of AMC, David E. Brown and Ed Bealko, to name just a few. And as soon as we revised Panzerwrecks 2, we knew we would have to revisit it, so here's another round of images from Vienna, Berlin and Yugoslavia. As well, stills from film were used to augment Tank Museum photos of the damage incendiary and HE bombings inflicted of the MNH plant in March, 1945.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
As usual, the book consists of a series of period photographs taken of the subject matter involved, many of which are in large format, one to a page, and suitably captioned by the authors. Seems a simple idea, but one that is exceptionally well realised.

A quick glance through the pages will lead the casual browser to the conclusion that many of the photographs are not of the best quality, but this would miss the point of why these specific photographs have been included. Many of them were taken by ordinary servicemen using their own equipment, not professional journalists and photographers, at a time when personal cameras were something of a rarity. As such, they represent our best opportunity to see these wrecks in their true aspect, before they were picked clean, sanitised, or otherwise altered to better suit the needs of the press corps following the front line; a point particularly well illustrated by a photograph of a destroyed 2cm Flakvierling mounted onto a Mercedes-Benz 4500A. Some people would no doubt prefer that such photographs have no place in a title of this nature, and whilst they may have a point, if it's the only such photograph of that particular type of vehicle in that state, then I think its inclusion is justified.

The photographs begin with the almost obligatory shot of a burnt out Panther. Any casual browser will have his attention caught by this big cat, and will almost certainly delve further into the contents. This initial attention-getting photograph of the Panther is then followed by a number of pages showing destroyed Panzer IV's, information on which is scant according to the authors, although the US Officer responsible for the photographs seems to be keen on making sure he's included in the photographs. A few wrecked StuG.III's are then followed by another Panzer IV, this one ending up in a muddy bog, almost up to it's cupola. You can't but wonder is this is one of the ones that's since been pulled up and recovered...or is it still at the bottom of a bog in Italy? Anybody know of any Panzer IV's recovered from Italian bogs?

There's a photograph on page 12 of particular interest for me, having an interest in halftracks, consisting of two different vehicles pushed into a ditch alongside a road. At the front there's a late production variant Sd.Kfz.7 with a wooden rear body, whilst behind it there's a Sd.Kfz.10 with a widened rear bed prepared to mount a 2cm FlaK 38, although this is missing. I appears that both vehicles were being used as ordinary load carriers prior to being knocked out, and serves to illustrate just how wrong some modellers are when they insist that such and such a vehicle wasn't built for that purpose and only used for this purpose etc.! On the facing page there's a comprehensively wrecked 250/3 showing an internally mounted 'Kubelmast'...one of those huge telescopic radio masts.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
Back to the heavy armour and we're offered various Panzer IV's again...their number in this title perhaps being reflective of the numbers of these vehicles actually produced by Germany during WWII. One of them exhibits a particularly interesting field applied Zimmerit coating, which would look interesting on a model and no doubt draw some attention. Then we're back to halftracks and a 251/C looking almost complete except it's missing it's front wheels and lying on its side. Painted on it's rear doors is the large slogan 'Keep Off - Booby traps!', although since the logo is written vertically, it would appear that it was written before the vehicle was pushed onto its side? The booby traps were less than sensitive then? Or is it that many vehicles were marked thus to deter people from prising off souvenirs?

A wrecked Sd.Kfz.7 2cm Flakvierling with the side panels being constructed of something other than the normal mesh is shown on page 22, and also shows an unusual cut-out to the armour plate covering the front of the engine. Perhaps something for builders of the Dragon kit to consider? There's another one on the facing page, again showing an unusual type of mesh used in its construction, and this time towing an ammunition trailer.

There's a number of more unusual vehicles shown too...and not all them wrecked. An Sd.Kfz.261 being driven by GI's and towing a le.Einheits-Pkw. A pair of wrecked Pz.Sp.Wg AB41 201's, 15cm sIG33 Grille, and a M41 90/53 801 in German colours. Of course there are lots more Panzer IV's too, together with Tiger I's, Hornisse and more Panthers! Towards the centre of the book there are a series of Panzer III photographs taken from an official report, indicated by the labelled and numbered points marked on the photographs...although the origin of the photographs is explained, we're not privy to what the indicated numbers refer to on the first two pages, but the ones taken of the inside of the turret are explained in the captions!

Of course, the strength of these titles lies in the work that the authors have put into correctly identifying the various vehicles and their sub-types, and also which units they've come from and any unusual modifications etc., if they can be seen. Not an easy task seventy years after the events.


  • 146 KB
  • 13 maj 13 7:30
Meticulous planning got the Allies to the Normandy beaches, and brute force carried them inland : Panzerwrecks 8 follows the British, American, Canadian and Polish forces in the summer of '44 as they rolled up German held territory, and the photos here are grim reminders of the high cost of doing so. Had the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe of 1940 vintage backed forward positioned German land forces, the Kriegsberichter would have been taking pictures of Allied wrecks.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
Product Description: The Israeli Way - Puma and Achzarit by SabIngaMartin publications. A must for IDF and military enthusiasts! Soft cover, over 200 photos, color profiles, 1/35 draws.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
The Centurion was the primary British main battle tank of the post World War II period, and was a successful tank design, with upgrades, for many decades. The chassis was also adapted for several other roles.

Manufacture of the Centurion began in January 1945, and six prototypes arrived in Belgium soon after the war in Europe ended in May 1945.The Centurion served in more wars than any other western tank.[citation needed]

* It first entered combat with British forces in the Korean War in 1950, in support of the UN forces.
* The Centurion later served in the Indo-Pakistani wars of 1965 and 1971, successfully fighting US supplied Pakistani M47s,
* It served with the Royal Australian Armoured Corps in Vietnam.
* It was sold to Israel which used Centurions in 1967, 1973, and during the 1975 and 1982 invasions of Lebanon. Centurions modified as APCs were used in Gaza, the West Bank and the Lebanese border.
* South Africa used its Centurions in Angola.
* The Royal Jordanian Land Force used Centurion tanks in the Golan Heights in 1973.

It became one of the most widely used tank designs, equipping armies around the world, with some still in service until the 1990s. As recently as the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict the Israel Defense Forces employed heavily modified Centurions as armoured personnel carriers and combat engineering vehicles


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
Although this book has several features, it has but one overarching theme: the war on the Eastern Front. In previous PW's we have concentrated primarily on the Western Front, and we thought that the Eastern Front deserved its own volume, and here it is.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
Publikacja zawiera fascynujące wspomnienia wojenne dowódcy 7. i 21. Dywizji Pancernej. Przez znawców zaliczana jest do światowej klasyki tego gatunku. Dotychczas nie była tłumaczona na język polski. Autor opisuje kampanie, w których uczestniczył - walki na wszystkich frontach II wojny światowej: w Polsce, Belgii, Francji, w Afryce Północnej, na froncie wschodnim i w Niemczech. Książka prezentuje szeroki panoramę II wojny światowej, mając jednocześnie charakter wielkiej epopei wojennej wojsk pancernych.


  • 191 KB
  • 13 maj 13 7:30
During WW2, both sides employed radical makeshift solutions to gain short-term battlefield advantages, and here we present two of the more extreme examples. We'll take you inside a Flammpanzer 38 and give you a nuts and bolts tour of some mSPWs fitted with rocket launchers by the Americans . You'll also tour the main vehicle dump at Meppen, walk along a road littered with Pakwagons, and view the remains of vehicles stranded on flat cars at war's end...


  • 160 KB
  • 13 maj 13 7:30
Tank Rider is the atmospheric memoir of Evgeni Bessonov telling of his years of service in the vanguard of the Red Army and daily encounters with the German foe. He brings large-scale battles alive, recounts the sniping and skirmishing which tried and tested soldiers on both sides and narrates the overwhelming tragedy and horror of apocalyptic warfare on the Eastern Front.


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30


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  • 13 maj 13 7:30
We looked Eastward. We found some ghostly images of Panzers on a grainy Russian newsreel that we present here more for the overall sense of desolation they convey rather than any particular detail they provide. Heavy armor also reappears in a comprehensive walkaround of a Tiger II and a stroll through some Maus remains at Meppen. Interspersed are as many new photos as we could fit and as much new information as we could find . If you're looking for something interesting, it might just be here in Panzerwrecks 5.


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