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GoneMAD Music Player FULL v1.4.9.2.apk

JOANNA2010IPMART / Android / GoneMAD Music Player / GoneMAD Music Player FULL v1.4.9.2.apk
Download: GoneMAD Music Player FULL v1.4.9.2.apk

2,97 MB

0.0 / 5 (0 głosów)
Zmiany w tej wersji:

-Added traditional Chinese translation
-Fixed Musepack playback with replaygain enabled
-Fixed rare case where playback wakelock does not get properly released
-Fixed rare case where an empty notification would display and not go away
-Fixed crash when trying to display file paths with certain characters in the browser location bar
-Fixed nullptr crash in the widgets
-Fixed issue where the wrong menu would display for the playlists tab



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Inne foldery z plikami do pobrania
Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
Zmiany: -Updated translations -Added Polish translation -More music service timeout fixes -Fixed bug that caused ICS lockscreen controls to disappear when pausing -Fixed bug where opacity was not able to set for widgets -Fixed crash related to very large embedded art images on low memory devices -Fixed some more application not responding errors -Added additional font sizes for now playing -Fixed bug causing the widgetupdateservice to randomly start
Zmiany: -Fixed laggy widgets. Widgets might need to be readded to your homescreen -Balance is now applied to 16-bit stereo files before downmixing to mono when force mono is enabled -Added multi-window support for samsung devices that support multi-window -Significantly sped up sorting by artist, trackname, and track number in the file browser -Expanded notifications no longer show the album name twice -Fixed some issues where custom lines in now playing wouldnt update See changelog for all changes.
Zmiany w tej wersji: -Added "ignore year" option to the scanner -Added simple/detailed style options to notification controls. -Added queue position before the song title in the detailed notification controls -Added 'Show Album Art' option for the notification controls (4.0+ only) -Added new gesture/single button actions: Toggle Mono, Play Random From Queue, Rating Up, and Rating Down -Added artist sort to songs view -Added option to wrap long text in the file browser See changelog for all changes
Zmiany w tej wersji: -Fixed duration calculation issue caused by update
Zmiany w tej wersji: -Fixed issue where lockscreen would not populate metadata about the next track, rating, or playlist position -Now playing no long clears all the metadata after deleting the current track's album art -Songs from different albums are no longer grouped together when they are in the same folder but have the same album name -Fixed mp3 duration calculation for files that use the VBRI header instead of the Xing header -Improved 'Music Service Timeout' -Fixed issue where lockscreen does not show
Zmiany w tej wersji: -Added support for 24/96 and 24/192 FLAC -Added preference for enabling external dsp support (Prefs -> Audio -> Equalizer -> Use External Dsp) -Fixed another issue with certain files playing back at incorrect speeds -Long pressing the album cover in the song list view will bring up the album context menu -Added option to flash the playing song in the status bar when playback is started or the track changes -Check the changelog for full list of changes (Prefs -> About GMMP -> Changelog)
Zmiany w tej wersji: -Quick update to fix default album cover in the list views for external skins
GoneMAD to bogaty w funkcje odtwarzacz muzyczny.
Zmiany w tej wersji: 1.Improve UIs 2. Fixed timezone issues 3. Fixed GPS issues 4. Added languages: Finnish, Indonesian, Spanish/US
Zmiany w tej wersji: -dodano tlumaczenie Arabski, Bulgarski, Poliski, Rumunski -poprawiono drobe bledy -dodano nowego providenta pogody World Weather Online obrazekobrazek
więcej plików z tego folderu...
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin
W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności