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A Pair of Silk Stockings (Walter Edwards, 1918).srt

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FotoWalter Edwards (8 de enero de 1870 – 12 de abril de 1920) fue un director y actor cinematográfico de nacionalidad estadounidense, activo en la época del cine mudo.

Nacido en el estado de Michigan, se inició en el cine a principios de los años 1910. Como muchos otros cineastas de la época, alternó la interpretación con la dirección. Como director, realizó más de un centenar de filmes, y como actor participó en casi setenta. En 1916 fue uno de los siete directores de Civilization, una gran producción pacifista producida por Thomas H. Ince.

Walter Edwards falleció en Honolulu, Hawai, en 1920. wiki

Director (99 credits)
1920 A Lady in Love
1920 Easy to Get
1920 Young Mrs. Winthrop
1920 All of a Sudden Peggy
1919 Luck in Pawn
1919 Widow by Proxy
1919 Girls
1919 Happiness a la Mode
1919 The Final Close-Up
1919 The Veiled Adventure
1919 The Rescuing Angel
1919 Romance and Arabella
1919 Who Cares?
1918 A Lady's Name
1918 The Gypsy Trail
1918 Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots
1918 The Man from Funeral Range
1918 A Girl Named Mary
1918 Sauce for the Goose
1918 A Pair of Silk Stockings
1918 Good Night, Paul
1918 Viviette
1918 The Marriage Bubble (Short)
1918 Real Folks
1918 The Argument
1918 I Love You
1917 The Fuel of Life
1917 Ashes of Hope
1917 Idolators
1917 Master of His Home
1917 Time Locks and Diamonds
1917 Love or Justice
1917 Paddy O'Hara
1917 The Last of the Ingrams
1917 The Crab
1917 The Bride of Hate
1916 The Sin Ye Do
1916 A Gamble in Souls
1916 The Jungle Child
1916 Lieutenant Danny, U.S.A.
1916 Eye of the Night
1916 The Deserter
1916 The Dividend
1916 The No-Good Guy
1916 The Last Act
1916 Honor's Altar
1916 The Corner
1915 La cruz de la humanidad (uncredited)
1915 The Edge of the Abyss
1915 The Man from Oregon
1915 The $100,000 Bill (Short)
1915 The Promoter (Short)
1915 The Burglar's Baby (Short)
1915 The Ace of Hearts (Short)
1915 The Failure (Short)
1915 The Shadowgraph Message (Short)
1915 His Superficial Wife (Short)
1915 The Scales of Justice (Short)
1915 Hostage of the North (Short)
1915 The Human Octopus (Short)
1915 The Power of the Street (Short)
1915 The Fakir (Short)
1915 In the Switch Tower (Short)
1915 Satan McAllister's Heir (Short)
1915 The Secret of the Dead (Short)
1915 The Bride of Guadaloupe (Short)
1915 The Gun Fighter (Short)
1915 The Man Who Died (Short)
1915 The Cross of Fire (Short)
1915 In the Land of the Otter (Short)
1915 A Midas of the Desert (Short)
1914 The Face on the Ceiling (Short)
1914 The Panther (Short)
1914 The Cross in the Desert (Short)
1914 Destiny's Night (Short)
1914 In Old Italy (Short)
1914 The Whiskey Runners (Short)
1914 The Boss of the 8th (Short)
1914 A Tragedy of the North Woods (Short)
1914 A Tale of the Northwest Mounted (Short)
1914 The Cruise of the Molly Ann (Short)
1914 The Winning of Denise (Short)
1914 The Robbery at Pine River (Short)
1914 The Stigma; or, The Brand of Shame (Short)
1914 An Eleventh Hour Reformation (Short)
1914 The Final Reckoning (Short)
1914 Breed o' the North (Short)
1914 The Forest Vampires (Short)
1914 Out of the Night (Short)
1914 Love vs Duty (Short)
1914 In the Days of the Padres (Short)
1914 The Relic (Short)
1914 Repaid (Short)
1914 A Romance of the Sea (Short)
1914 The Colonel's Adopted Daughter (Short)
1914 The Secret Lode (Short)
1914 A New England Idyl (Short)
1914 Conscience (Short)
1913 The Harvest of Sin (Short)

Enlaces completados:
OK A Pair of Silk Stockings (Walter Edwards, 1918)
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