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Program do otwierania oraz tworzenia plików o wielu formatach takich jak .cbr i .cbz, używanych w komiksach.
Mystical Lighting allows you to apply realistic lighting and shading effects to digital images in order to achieve studio quality results. Used as either a standalone application or as a plug-in for Windows and Mac OS, it launches into its own user-friendly interface. Mystical Lighting Includes 16 Effects Each effect is built to provide an infinite number of possibilities to explore. Here is a list of the included effects. 1. Auto FX Mystical Lighting - Photoshop PluginEdge Highlights - Adds highlighting to hair and along the edges of your photographs 2. Radial Light Caster - Generates light rays and patterns from a central point radiating outward 3. Ethereal - Adds a soft diffused lighting effect to images to create ambiance 4. Rainbow - Lets you draw rainbow arches or paths that form into photo-realistic rainbows 5. FairyDust - Bezier based brushes paint stars, glowing fireflies and more 6. Shader - Casts shading across your image to subtract existing light sources for a shaded result 7. Flare - Light flares and bursts of light in different shapes and styles to highlight 8. Shading Brush - Brush to naturally darken parts of your image and to subtract existing light from an area 9. Light Brush - Paint on light, highlights and areas to simulate light striking the subject 10. Auto FX Mystical Lighting - Photoshop PluginShadowPlay - Simulates a light source that casts shadows using content such as foilage or branches 11. Light Caster - Creates streaming light, sunshine and light underwater effects 12. Spotlight - Paint your photos with light striking the subject from varying angles and directions 13. Mist - Soft billows of mist can be brushed into place behind and over images 14. Surface Light - Project light through objects like window panes and have it cast into your photo 15. Mottled Background - Painted canvas background effect can be layered then lit and shaded as a backdrop 16. Wispy Mist - Generates a soft mist that has a gentle breeze that forms wisps
Topaz DeNoise is a new and highly effective way to remove digital image noise. It utilizes very recent developments in noise reduction technology that focuses on removing the most noise while preserving the most image detail. The extraordinary noise reduction and detail retention capabilities of Topaz DeNoise help photographers realize their artistic vision without worrying about technical details likeimage noise. Topaz DeNoise’s unique noise reduction technology examines the entire image to help determine the difference between noise and detail in a photo. Low-light no-flash photography is notorious for having severe noise problems even with high-end cameras. Topaz DeNoise solves this problem by providing a complete noise elimination solution that still preserves every single detail. What is noise? Every digital camera creates imperfections in images called "noise", which appears as unwanted dots, lines and smudges of color. An excessive amount of noise ruins an image by taking attention away from the photo's qualities. On the other hand, too much noise reduction destroys precious photo detail and sharpness, which also compromises your art. The trick is to only remove noise and not detail - something that is exceedingly hard to do. Enter IntelliNoise™ noise reduction technology. Topaz DeNoise 5 is powered by a leap forward in noise reduction technology - IntelliNoise™ - which was developed in-house by Topaz Labs after years of research into image processing. The goal of the project was to discover a noise reduction solution that was actually capable of recovering detail as well as removing noise. The effort was spearheaded by a Ph.D in Computer Vision with twenty years of experience in the field, and the culmination of that effort means that the IntelliNoise™ technology exclusively powers Topaz DeNoise 5. Unprecedented quality in noise reduction has finally arrived. Reduce more noise and preserve more detail than any solution you've ever used.
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W ramach Chomikuj.pl stosujemy pliki cookies by umożliwić Ci wygodne korzystanie z serwisu. Jeśli nie zmienisz ustawień dotyczących cookies w Twojej przeglądarce, będą one umieszczane na Twoim komputerze. W każdej chwili możesz zmienić swoje ustawienia. Dowiedz się więcej w naszej Polityce Prywatności