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Autor: Mr Dots Games
Język gry: Angielski
Silnik gry: Ren'Py
Rodzaj gry: VN
Postacie/lokacje: Daz Studio
Ostatnia wersja: Chapter 2 1.01i Extras
Status: W dalszej produkcji
You play as the main character who finds himself having to travel from his home to Sunshine Bay near the start of the game. He goes there to help his sister run a Bed and Breakfast Hotel, which is located in Sunshine Bay. Your objective is to help her create more business for her flailing hotel before it goes into receivership. You will stay there during the usually busy Summer period, or three months if things go well. You will also be given the task of helping her to recruit other people (or characters) in the town for specific positions at the hotel (e.g a cook, a maid, a receptionist, plus other jobs!). As the game progresses, you will get to know some or all of these characters a lot better, and you will have the option to choose to see them as a work colleague, friend or maybe even something more!
Kody do gry:
opening - odblokowuje galerię
rebound - odblokowuje poradnik
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