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24840 plików
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Człowiek Który przetrwa wszystko
Filmy Animowane
Filmy Polskie-Stare Komedie
Klipy - teledyski różne
Klipy moje
Klipy z anime
Koreańskie seriale i filmy
Funkcjonariusz z czarnym pasem - Officer Black Belt - Mudosilmugwan 2024 lektor pl
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon PL
The Gangster The Cop The Devil (Ak-in-jeon) 2019 PL
A Black Cats Suite of Love [Komplet-An g]
A Boy Who Fishes Dreams [Komplet-An g]
A Cat That Loved A Fish [Komplet-An g]
A Day at the Amber Teahouse [Komplet-An g]
A Delicious Relationshi p [Komplet-An g]
A Doll and His Master [Komplet-An g]
A Fairytale for You [Komplet-An g]
A Girl by the Sea [Komplet-An g]
A girls [Komplet-An g]
A Wise Man Sleeps [Komplet-An g]
A.S. [Komplet-An g]
Abara [Komplet-An g]
Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade [Komplet-An g]
Absolute Witch [Komplet-An g]
Adarushan no Hanayome [Komplet-An g]
Aflame Inferno [On-Going-A ng]
Afro Samurai [Komplet-An g]
Ah! My Goddess [Komplet-An g]
Ai o Tomenaide [Komplet-An g]
Ai Yori Aoshi [Komplet-An g]
Air Gear [Komplet-An g]
Ai-Ren [Komplet-An g]
Aishiteruze Baby [Komplet-An g]
Aisuru Hito [Komplet-An g]
Akagami no Shirayukihi me [On-Going-A ng]
Akame ga Kill! [Komplet-An g]
Akanechan Overdrive [Komplet-An g]
Akaten Hero! [Komplet-An g]
Akatsuki no Yona [On-Going-A ng]
Akira [Komplet-An g]
Aku no Hana [Komplet-An g]
Akuma de Junai [Komplet-An g]
Akuma de Sourou [Komplet-An g]
Akuma ga Hallelujah [Komplet-An g]
Akuma Jiten [Komplet-An g]
Akumetsu [Komplet-An g]
Akunaki Jounetsu [Komplet-An g]
Alice 19th [Komplet-An g]
Alice no Hyakudo CC [Komplet-An g]
Alive - Adachi Toka [Komplet-An g]
Alive [Komplet-An g]
Alladin and The Magic Teapot [Komplet-An g]
All-Rounder Meguru [On-Going-A ng]
Amalfi no Hanayome [Komplet-An g]
Amanoiwato Hime [Komplet-An g]
Amatsuki [On-Going-A ng]
Anata o Wasuretai [Komplet-An g]
Anatolia Story [Komplet-An g]
Anedoki [Komplet-An g]
Angel - Dust Neo [Komplet-An g]
Angel Densetsu [Komplat-An g]
Angel Diary [Komplet-An g]
Angel Heart [On-Going-A ng]
Angel no Oka [Komplet-An g]
Angel Profile [Komplet-An g]
Angel Shop [Komplet-An g]
Angel Voice [Komplet-An g]
Angelic Layer [Komplet-An g]
Ani-com [Komplet-An g]
Ann Cassandra [Komplet-An g]
Anne Freaks [Komplet-An g]
Another Summer Kishi's [Komplet-An g]
Anti-Chocol ate [Komplet-An g]
Antigravity Boy [Komplet-An g]
Anuki [Komplet-An g]
Ao no Exorcist - Blue Exorcist [On-Going-A ng]
Aoi Destruction [Komplet-An g]
Aoi Spice [Komplet-An g]
Appare Jipangu [Komplet-An g]
Appleseed [Komplet-An g]
Aqua Knight [Komplet-An g]
Aquadom [Komplet-An g]
AR - Forgotten Summer [Komplet-An g]
Ar Tonelico Arpeggio [Komplet-An g]
Ar Tonelico II [Komplet-An g]
Arakawa Under the Bridge [On-going-A ng]
Arakure [Komplet-An g]
Araragi Express [Komplet-An g]
Arata Kangatari [On-Going-A ng]
Aratama Tribe [Komplet-An g]
Archlord [Komplet-An g]
Area no Kishi [On-Going-A ng]
Area88 [Komplet-An g]
Ares [Komplet-An g]
Aria [Komplet-An g]
Ark Angels [Komplet-An g]
Artificial Maiden [Komplet-An g]
Aru Hi, Knight ni Attanara [Komplet-An g]
As the God of Death Dictates [Komplet-An g]
Ashita no Ousama [Komplet-An g]
Asklepios [Komplet-An g]
Aspirin [Komplet-An g]
Astroboy [Komplet-An g]
Asu no Yoichi! [Komplet-An g]
Atashi wa Sore wo Gaman Dekinai [Komplet-An g]
Atsu Atsu Trattoria [Komplet-An g]
Attack on Titan [On-going-A ng]
Audition [On-Going-A ng]
Awasete Ippon [Komplet-An g]
Ayashi No Ceres [Komplet-Pl ]
Azamaru [Komplet-An g]
Azumanga Daioh [Komplet-an g]
Seriale Animowane
Skecze Kabarety Stund-up [Ang-Pl]
Tulsa King
Tulsa King Sezon 1
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The story follows Alice Seno, a 15-year-old girl forever shadowed by her older sister Mayura, who is good at everything she does. At school she is known as "Mayura's little sister" and is relentlessly tormented by the older girls who know that Alice is too weak to fight back.
Alice harbors a deep affection for Kyo Wakamiya, a handsome upperclassman who is on the archery team with Mayura. On the way to school one day, Alice rescues a white rabbit from the road despite the danger to herself, but gets rescued by Kyo and receives a bracelet with a single red stone. The rabbit she saves, however, is no ordinary rabbit. She reveals her true form to Alice and introduces herself as Nyozeka. Alice is told that she is destined to become a Lotis Master. The Lotis Masters use the power of words and communication to enter the Inner Heart of others. It is a powerful ability to be used carefully as Alice soon finds out.
Using the power of the Lotis Words, which reveal themselves to be in the form of runes, Alice accidentally makes her older sister disappear during a dispute over Kyo, whom Mayura had begun dating. Alice then must use the Lotis Words to try and bring her sister back from the dark. She is joined by Kyo who proves to have the Lotis powers as well, and by Frey, another Lotis master who had trained with the masters and arrives with the intention to marry Alice. Unfortunately, Mayura has been taken by the power of the Maram Words, the dark reflection of the Lotis Words. Their only hope lies in Alice and Kyo becoming the legendary Neo-Masters to discover the lost word bonding both Maram and Lotis.
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  • 31 maj 13 2:04
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  • 31 maj 13 1:46
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  • 31 maj 13 1:27
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  • 31 maj 13 1:00
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  • 31 maj 13 0:33
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  • 31 maj 13 0:12
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  • 30 maj 13 23:51
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