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PHOTOSHOP_natural shadows overlays_set_3784364.zip

Adi57H / Nowy PS / OVERLAYS / PHOTOSHOP_natural shadows overlays_set_3784364.zip
Download: PHOTOSHOP_natural shadows overlays_set_3784364.zip

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Natural shadows overlays set 3784364

Take your work to the next level. This collection includes 60 high-resolution photo overlays You can combine them creating super realistic and “eye-catching” effects. Compatible with any editing software that works with layers.

File dimension: 6000 x 4000 px (but you can scale them if you need a larger size).

You will receive:

30 Botanical shadows in PNG
30 Blinds reflection shadows PNG
1 PSD file with all files in layers
How to use:

Open the png files in Photoshop (or another software that supports layers and blend modes) or the PSD file with all the shadows.

Drag and drop the shadow overlay on a layer above your image.

Change the blend mode (for example, the “multiply” mode) and adjust the opacity until you get the desired intensity.

You can also combine more than one shadow to create multiple effects, rotate, enlarge, reduce… The sky is the limit!


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Add some abstract fire and flame effects to your designs and photos! 5000x5000 res.,2 x 75 different fire overlays, volume 1, volume 2 How to use: Drop overlay .jpeg file on top of your image and set a layer blending mode to screen. Done! Tips: Duplicate layers to make the effect more intensive! Combine effects together! Use Filter – Sharpen – Unsharp mask to make overlay more sharpen Use Filter – Blur – (Blur of your choice) to add more motion & blur effects
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