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Adi57H / Nowy PS / OVERLAYS / OVERLAYS 1 / Snow_Magic_Overlays.zip
Download: Snow_Magic_Overlays.zip

221,62 MB

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Snow Magic Overlays 4353038


♥ 27 photo overlays high resolution (300dpi - PNG with transparent background, size 5000x4000 px
♥ 1 JPG Backdrop 5000x3330px - 300 DPI
♥ Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, PicMonkey, Gimp, etc.)
♥Note to the Lightroom users - you need a plugin that allows you to work with layers. Or you can use free software as PicMonkey's Photo Editor after editing your photo in LR.
♥ VERY easy to use!


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20 Snow Overlay Textures – PSD + PNG Well its time to! With our set of 20 Snow Overlays for Adobe Photoshop. You can overlay these onto any artwork you want to induce a snowing effect instantly without having to create it yourself from scratch! In this set you get access to the following: 20 Snow Overlays in .PNG format ready to go! 20 Snow Overlays in PSD format with a smart object underneath for you to drop your images in! Readme.txt file for help
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30 Snow Effect Overlays 25262884 30 Snow Effect Overlays – beautiful overlays for your photos, make a quick and easy winter fairy tale on your pictures. This collection of isolated decorative textures would help you to add realistic snow effect to your photos and artworks. Add some snowy mood in a few seconds! About: - 15 Jpeg’s – 5000×5000 Pixels, 300 DPI - 15 Jpeg’s – 6000×4000 Pixels, 300 DPI How to use: - Just drag and drop .Jpeg file into your image and use “Screen” layer mode - Use Transform tool to change the angle of snow direction and perspective
Grunge Style Photoshop Overlays 4366665 INCLUDES: • 30 Grunge Style Photoshop Overlays • High Resolution (up to 6000*4000px 300 dpi) • File Type – PNG • Adobe Photoshop, Creative Cloud, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, and any software that allows you to work with layers • Fully compatible with JPG, TIFF, PNG and RAW Images (All Formats) • Work on Mac and PC
Christmas Overlays Fireplace Candle 2320757 Christmas overlays, Photo overlays, Photoshop overlays, Candle flame, Fire overlays, Fireplace overlays, Flame overlays, Fire overlays, PNG Details: ❄18 PNG photo overlays (2000x2200 - 300dpi) Fill your designs with a glow filled with luxurious comfort, drag it onto the image, adjust the size and shade and enjoy the flicker! This professionally executed texture will help you quickly and efficiently recreate the work. Together with this collection you save time and money! Therefore, welcome to our store and buy our excellent 18 candle flame to create your own holiday. The package contains 18 professional PNG overlays to decorate your posters, images, flyers, advertisements and promote them to the fore. Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, PicMonkey's Photo Editor, etc.)
Christmas Overlays Santa Claus Hand 2320709 Christmas overlays, Photoshop overlay, Santa Claus Hand, Photo overlay, Bokeh overlay, Santa overlay, Santa hand clipart, Snow overlay, png Details ❄❄❄❄❄ – 41 files in png with transparent background Size: min 4812×4300 pixels High Resolution 300 dpi
Realistic snow overlays 4405059 DETAILS A collection of realistic falling snow overlays. Includes 2 "dark snow" overlays that have been made specifically for use with bright/white photographs for which most snow overlays will not work. Each of the 20 files is a 5000 x 4000 pixel transparent PNG (high-resolution; 300 dpi). Files can be used with any graphics software that supports layering by simply placing the image over top of your photo. Comes with simple Photoshop instructions.
60 Golden Dreams Bokeh Lights 2315621 SUB-CATEGORIES: Overlays – Bokeh RESOLUTIONS: 300 dpi 60 Landscape pictures: 5760 x 3840 COMPRESSION: Jpeg Compatible with: Any non-linear editor: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Final Cut, Sony Vegas, Movie Maker, Pinnacle, Avid, Davinci Resolve or any your favorite compositing app. Easy to use: Probably, you have already made sure that bokeh textures are very convenient for design creation. They can decorate any large-scale work and small images or simply give them an attractive look. Just put these JPEG files on your photos, pictures or texts, adjust the lights in shape, size or orientation Illuminate your designs in just a few clicks
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