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122 Soap Bubbles Photo Overlays.zip

Adi57H / Nowy PS / OVERLAYS / OVERLAYS 1 / 122 Soap Bubbles Photo Overlays.zip
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Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika
70 Christmas Light Bokeh Photo Overlays 2998860 Get style amazing holiday scene with fabulous atmosphere! THE SET INCLUDES: – 70 Christmas Light Bokeh Overlays – JPG file format – size 5000×3500 pixels
Colorful Fall Photo Overlays 1831250 Complete bundle - 95 different fall photo overlays - all you need to style creative fall scenes. surprise your clients with very pretty result easy & fast usage all in one bundle PACKAGE DETAILS: 20 different fall haze photo overlays 15 different light & bokeh photo overlays 20 different branches photo overlays 20 different separate leaves photo overlays 20 different pre made scenes with falling leaves JPG & PNG files (work with any editing program that allows using layers) suitable for photos up to 5000 x 5000px and smaller you can play with size, position, blur, intensity, etc. 300 dpi - high resolution, great for prints super easy to use Colorful Fall photo overlays work in any editing software that allows using layers (Photoshop CS & CC, Photoshop Elements, Zoner, Gimp & etc.)
60 Lovely Bokeh Pack 02 1763639 60 Lovely Bokeh is one of the best Bokeh lights. You will be fully equipped with a Colorful Heart love package. This useful package is suitable for all types of Night portrait Pictures, Behind the glass Portrait Pictures, love Photos, Rainy days, Night Photos, street Pictures, city Pictures, Weddings, landscape photos, fantasy composition, nature, and Portrait photos.
80 Life Style Bokeh Pack 02 1747055 80 Life Style Bokeh is one of the best Bokeh lights. You will be fully equipped with a Colorful package. This useful package is suitable for all types of Night portrait Pictures, Behind the glass Portrait Pictures, love Photos, Rainy days, Night Photos, street Pictures, city Pictures, Weddings, landscape photos, fantasy composition, nature, and Portrait photos. SUB-CATEGORIES Overlays RESOLUTIONS: 300 dpi 80 Landscape pictures: 5760 x 3840 COMPRESSION: Jpeg Compatible with: Any non-linear editor: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Final Cut, Sony Vegas, Movie Maker, Pinnacle, Avid, Davinci Resolve or any your favorite compositing app.
MockUp - Window Shadow Creator 1712215 Smart objects – Shadow overlays – All object & shadows isolated – Customizable color options – Changeable background – Adobe Photoshop CS4 or higher – Dimensions: 5 000 x 3 335 px
60 Lovely Bokeh Lights Effect Overlay 1684575 60 Lovely Bokeh is one of the best Bokeh lights. You will be fully equipped with a Colorful Heart love package. This useful package is suitable for all types of Night portrait Pictures, Behind the glass Portrait Pictures, love Photos, Rainy days, Night Photos, street Pictures, city Pictures, Weddings, landscape photos, fantasy composition, nature, and Portrait photos. SUB-CATEGORIES Overlays RESOLUTIONS: 300 dpi 60 Landscape pictures: 5760 x 3840 COMPRESSION: JPG,PNG Compatible with: Any non-linear editor: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Final Cut, Sony Vegas, Movie Maker, Pinnacle, Avid, Davinci Resolve or any your favorite compositing app.
Color Palette Photoshop Overlays 3889321 DETAILS “ Color Palette Photoshop Overlays” INCLUDES: • 45 Color Photoshop Overlays • High Resolution (up to 6000*4000px 300 dpi) • File Type - PNG • Photoshop Actions compatible with Photoshop CS3 – CC2017 • Fully compatible with JPG, TIFF, PNG and RAW Images (All Formats) • Work on Mac and PC • Lifetime FREE Product Updates
Stormy Sky Overlays 2320169 Training video for the perfect application of clouds in Adobe Photoshop is available for free. Just select any cloud texture, authentically insert it into images, adjust color, dancing shadows and effects of light, and give your photos a natural look! High-quality stormy pack for Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, etc. will allow you to be on cloud nine and benefit from a natural character of your pictures. DETAILS: 60 Stormy Sky Overlays - 3500px x 2329px - 300 dpi Compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers ( Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP and etc.) • Lightroom users - you need a special plugin that allows you to work with layers.
8K High-Tech Squares Overlays 2487688 You will get 20 High-Tech Squares Overlays (8K, 600dpi each file). All the files are in JPEG format. They are easy to use. These overlays are compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers. Support is available within 24 hours.If you have any questions about the product please feel free to contact me through my profile page.
8K Poison Ink Overlays 2542789 + 5K Color Spirals Overlays 2044857 *8K* Poison Ink You will get 10 Poison Ink Overlays (8K, 600dpi each file). All the files are in PNG format. *5K* Spirals PNG | 5120x2880 You will get 20 overlays .png files, each 5K resolution, 300dpi. These backgrounds are compatible with any software that allows you to work with layers.
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