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Hermes' Portal was a fanzine for Ars Magica, a RPG published by Atlas Games.
It covered all parts of the game, rules, complete scenarios, story ideas, short stories, new spells, … Hermes' Portal was done by players for players.
Hermes' Portal was delivered in pdf format by email only.
  • 3,6 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released 10/30/05 - 68 pages

Treasures of the Sea (second part) by Christopher Gribbon
A Gazetteer of the Kingdom of Man and the Isles
The Out Isles
Running a Game on Man
Appendix II: Dramatis Personae
Appendix III: Island Families
Appendix IV: Kings of Man and the Isles
Appendix V: Bishops of Sodor and Man
Appendix VI: Genealogy of the Royal Family of Man
Appendix VI: Timeline of Major Events
Appendix VII: Glossary
Appendix VIII: Manx Gaelic
Vis sources by Sheila Thomas and John Post
Complicating the 5th Edition Combat System by Ty Larson
Liturgical cursing by Sheila Thomas
Omnibus Grimoire Scroll X: Vim by Andrew Gronosky
  • 6,1 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released 07/10/05 - 64 pages

Deconstructing Calebais by Erik Dahl
Omnibus Grimoire Scroll IX: Terram by Andrew Gronosky
Treasures of the Sea by Christopher Gribbon
History of The Kingdom of Man and the Isles
Eillan Vannin
Isle of Magic
A Gazetteer of the Kingdom of Man and the Isles
The South of Man
The North of Man
Appendix I: Bibliography
  • 2,3 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released 12/05/04 - 40 pages

Prince of Magi: Osthanes by Alexander White
Germanic Shapechangers by Jarkman
Covenants As Characters, Continued by Erik Dahl
Vis-a-vis Vis by Michaël de Verteuil
Omnibus Grimoire: Mentem by Andrew Gronosky
  • 4,6 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released 06/23/04 - 48 pages

Magic beneath the skin by David Woods
Failed Apprentices in Mythic Europe by Mark Hall
Legal Status of Covenants in Mythic Europe by Jeff Berry
Omnibus Grimoire by Andrew Gronosky
Politics and Conflict: Strategy and Tactics by Alexander White
Dear Abelard
Heretic’s Corner by Michaël de Verteuil
The Lesson by Matt Ryan
  • 4,2 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released 02/17/04 - 48 pages

Mythic Cathay: Taoism by Timothy Ferguson
Mythic Cathay: Chinese External Alchemy by Timothy Ferguson
Mythic Cathay: Buddhism by Timothy Ferguson
Mythic Cathay:The Meta-Bestiary by Timothy Ferguson
The Art of History by Alexander White
Advancing Hermetic Theory by Tyler Larson
Heretic’s Corner by Michaël de Verteuil
Omnibus Grimoire by Andrew Gronosky
  • 4,6 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released on 11/09/03 - 44 pages

Three Faerie Herbs by Mark Shirley
Soulflower, The Temptation, The gift, Silence by Tyler Larson
Towards a New Learning Model by Sean Michael Winslow
Ars Mathematica: Mathematics by Adam Bank and Jeremiah Genest
A New Character Sheet: Innate and Learned Attributes by Jérémy Provost
Omnibus Grimoire by Andrew Gronosky
Stories in theChinese Style by Timothy Ferguson
Mythic Cathay:Popular beliefs by Timothy Ferguson
  • 4,3 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released on 07/29/03 - 56 pages

Mythic Zoroastrianism by Alexander White
The Simonium: Shrine to Simon Magus by Alexander White
Fixing the combat system by Tyler Larson
The Seven Deadly Traits by Erik Dahl
Omnibus Grimoire by Andrew Gronosky
Heretic’s corner: Ways and Means, and the Mirror of Vanities by Michaël de Verteuil
Ex Bibliotheca Durenmare by Eric Minton
Dear Abelard
  • 3,8 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:22
Released on 06/06/03 - 52 pages

De Rationem Scoporum: Concerning a Theory of Targets by David Woods
The Realm of Magic by Adam Bank and Jeremiah Genest
Bonisagus Redux: Magic Theory Revised by Erik Dahl
De Theoria Magica by David Chart
The Galdor Mysteries by David Woods
The Martyrdom of Issidoros by Timothy Ferguson
  • 4,5 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:16
Released on 03/09/03 - 48 pages

News from the Line Editor
Hermetic Law and the Quaesitores by David Woods
More Merinita Mysteries by Scott D. Orr
A New Look at Experimentation by Kevin Sours
Omnibus Grimoire by Andrew Gronosky
Legend of the witches of Tortosa by Carlos de la Cruz Morales
Mythic Academia by Adam Bank and Jeremiah Genest
Dear Abelard
Holy Animals! by Mike Sloothaak
Ex Bibliotheca Verdorum by Eric Minton
Heretic’s corner: A Place of Magic by Michaël de Verteuil
The Curious Tale of Vaska Praskovaya by Robert Hansen
  • 1,3 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:16
  • 4,7 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:16
Released 11/03/02 - 52 pages

News from the Line Editor
The Miraculous World by Adam Bank and Jeremiah Genest
Twilight and Ageing Revisited by David Woods
Ars Sympathia by Mark Shirley
Saint Walaric’s cures by Sheila Thomas
Omnibus Grimoire: Scroll II (Aquam) by Andew Gronosky
Monty’s back! by Jérôme Darmont
The Separation of Church and Order by Mike Sloothaak
Ex Bibliotheca Magvilli by Eric Minton
Heretic’s Corner by Michaël de Verteuil
Dear Abelard
  • 3,9 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:16
Released 08/02/02 - 44 pages

Pilgrims of darkness (a scenario) by Jérôme Darmont
Seasonal Characters by Erik Dahl
Dear Abelard
Stories for Elder Magi (part 2) by Timothy Ferguson
The Magic of the Founders by David Chart
Omnibus Grimoire: Scroll I (Animal) by Andew Gronosky
Ex Bibliotheca Durenmare by Eric Minton
Heretic’s Corner by Michaël de Verteuil
Atmospheric magic by Mike Sloothaak
  • 5,7 MB
  • 10 wrz 11 18:16
Released 04/30/02 - 40 pages

Merinita Mysteries by David Chart
News from the Line Editor by David Chart
Stories for Elder Magi by Timothy Ferguson
Covenants as Characters by Erik Dahl
Dear Abelard
Hermetic Information Storage and Flow by Timothy Ferguson
Ex Bibliotheca Durenmare by Eric Minton
Heretic’s Corner by Andrew Gronosky
  • 1,8 MB
  • 9 maj 10 14:27
Released 02/03/02 - 44 pages

Familiars by David Chart
Why Don't Bjornaer Magi Bind Familiars? by Timothy Ferguson
The Silver Harp by Niall Christie
House Traditions by J. Angus MacDonald
Dear Abelard, a questions-answers column
The Curious Tale of Vaska Praskovaya by Robert Hansen
Deus ex Magica by Erik Dahl
Corrosives, Poisons and Medicinals by David Woods
Heretic’s Corner by Michaël de Verteuil
  • 2,4 MB
  • 9 maj 10 14:27
Released 11/18/01 - 40 pages

Continuing Forever and Ever After?, the second and last parts of the For ever and ever? scenario, by Timothy Ferguson
Dear Abelard, a questions-answers column
Stories of formed stones, fossils in Ars Magica, by Sheila Thomas
Bjornaer Mysteries by Erik Dahl
Heretic’s Corner by Michaël de Verteuil
Scenario contest
Perfumery in Western Europe by Sheila Thomas
Sword, Shield and Lens, magical artifacts, by Niall Christie
On the Road to Adventure, High Fantasy in Ars Magica, by Niall Christie
  • 1,4 MB
  • 9 maj 10 14:27
Released 9/13/01 - 40 pages

Form and Substance, a short story, by David Chart
Prelude to Forever, the first part of the For ever and ever? scenario, by Timothy Ferguson
Dear Abelard, a questions-answers column
Heretic’s Corner, a new look at the rules, by Michaël de Verteuil
Customizing Flaws for Your Saga, an in-depth article on the Flaws, by Andrew Gronosky
The Hermetic University by Niall Christie
Revised Book Rules by David Chart
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17 plików
58,89 MB


fizykowsz napisano 3.06.2022 20:02

zgłoś do usunięcia
Masz chwilkę?! obrazekZAPRASZAM!

MASSIVE-MX-2019 napisano 4.07.2022 17:56

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sasoy82574 napisano 17.12.2022 14:07

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Super chomik

palegumess napisano 20.02.2023 05:01

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Zapraszam do siebie chętnych na RPG. Mam dużo PDF w wersji polskiej, a aktualnie wrzucam także ponad 1TB PDF w wersji angielskiej. Jeśli chodzi o listę życzeń umieszczoną na moim profilu to jeśli nie ma tam jakiegoś tytułu to znaczy, że najpewniej go posiadam albo znam sposób pozyskanie go. Chcesz się wymienić za coś z listy? Po prostu zapytaj na priv.

poyav18428 napisano 10.05.2023 02:40

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