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After Lost Mine III - Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor.pdf

m1988k / D&D / D&D 5 [EN] / 2. Przygody i kampanie / ZZ. Nieoficjalne / After Lost Mine III - Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor.pdf
Download: After Lost Mine III - Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor.pdf

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The Ghost Tribe of Orcs were driven from their home under Wyvern Tor by some terrible evil. They marched to Phandalin and attacked, only to be defeated. Now the heroes will go beneath Wyvern Tor to discover the terror that chased out the orcs and perhaps find the source of the orc’ssardonyx. Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor is the third of four parts in the After Lost Mine series. It will play out the journey to the orc’s former cave settlement and then into the darkness beneath.


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Adventure for 3rd-lvl characters. The evening started out with the greatest intentions. A few relaxed pints, lively conversation, and a good old-fashioned bar brawl. When the fisticuffs came, they were with a visiting noble named Sir Dandeleone of Lavender, a middling minor knight from a family of no consequence. All things being equal, it should have been a classic dust-up, forgot ten by the morning. But no. Things escalated.
A routine stop for the Adventurer's and their familes on a long caravan trip. A clifftop city, a city under siege, but no enemy is in sight. Locked doors and the shrieks of terrified people echo through the streets. Some run with knives and some are covered in blood. Your party turns to leave and finds they cannot. Some arcane influence has trapped them inside the town. A voice whispers in the adventurer's minds, "Give me what I want and I'll go away" and suddenly the streets are filled with the mad and the insane, all begging for help against a presence that they cannot resist. In the distance, on a tall pyre, are the bodies of some of the townfolk's young. Today is the day of the Sacrifice. A hard adventure for 4-6 players, for any level characters for 5e.
Leilon: City of Adventure is a module designed to aid you, the DM, with over 40 pages describing the ruined town as it stands today and also provides 4 adventures for 3-8 lvls PCs. The module is broken down into chapters. The first describes a farm converted into a small keep outside the ruined town that is used as a staging base for adventuring parties and provides several NPCs with statistics and magic items. The next chapter breaks down the town into districts and describes the general features and several ideas for DMs to create their own adventures. The next four chapters provide readymade adventuring sites such as the Old Inn, the Tinsmith, and a sunken pirate ship known as the Sea Shark. There is also an appendix with all the NPCs, a competing adventuring party, and several new monsters.
You Arrive in Crests Fall a small harbour town, you take to The Erotic Goat a small tavern that is near the port, asking around about work, the barkeeper tells you about The Taskmasters Guild in town that may have work for you. You awake in the morning ready to take a trip to the Taskmasters Guild. A hour adventure for 1st-4th lvl PCs.
First the bandits attacked then the Roc carried away the guide. Since then you have blindly followed the camels hoping that their instincts would lead you to water or help of some kind. You and your friends are lost in a sea of sand. Plodding along in the shadow of the camels and doing your best to stay alert. Ahead the heat shimmers take shape. This time it is a castle. Blinking away the dryness in your eyes you realize that the tower is not a mirage but it is broken. An adventure for 5-8th lvl PCs.
A group of giants has come to the small town of Talasco to get their tribute for “protecting” the small mining town. Will the adventurers allow things to get ugly? Or will they step up and protect the common folk from this band?
What happens when you mix goblins and fireworks? Pretty much what you expect. In this encounter for 3rd lvl PCs, six goblins attempt to ransack a fireworks warehouse on Helmsnight. The little town of Stawford is about to experience a grand display of light that no one expected.
The Village of Haven Cross provides a fun environment both to players and DMs offering great flexibility and freedom, with the posibility of an immersive experience in between quests. There is a total of 21 high quality maps, presented here with standard and low resolutions on ZIP files.
The Ghost Tribe of Orcs were driven from their home under Wyvern Tor by some terrible evil. They marched to Phandalin and attacked, only to be defeated. Now the heroes will go beneath Wyvern Tor to discover the terror that chased out the orcs and perhaps find the source of the orc’ssardonyx. Journey to Beneath Wyvern Tor is the third of four parts in the After Lost Mine series. It will play out the journey to the orc’s former cave settlement and then into the darkness beneath.
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