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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
Wartime roleplaying…
…with tentacles!

Achtung! Cthulhu brings you a two-fisted wartime TRAIL OF CTHULHU roleplaying game setting packed full of fiendish Nazis, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary war machines, and enough writhing tentacles to fill ten Reichstags!

Three Kings is the first in a series of standalone adventure supplements in the globe-spanning Zero Point campaign for Achtung! Cthulhu written by Sarah Newton. Join a band of heroic soldiers, agents, and partisans behind enemy lines on the eve of World War Two, as they discover the unspeakable horrors of Castle Karlstein in occupied Czechoslovakia!

Inside you will find everything you need:

* A standalone multi-episode adventure for hours of play!
* New rules for Trail of Cthulhu wartime investigations
* Maps of Europe, Czechoslovakia, Castle Karlstein, and the surrounding area
* An “Operational Briefing” handout
* Setting information on Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia
* Packed full of inspiration artwork by Dim Martin
* Four pregenerated characters to get you playing immediately!

z chomika anms2a

  • 15,3 MB
  • 19 cze 14 23:17
Wartime roleplaying…
…with tentacles!

Achtung! Cthulhu brings you a wartime TRAIL OF CTHULHU roleplaying game setting packed full of fiendish Nazis, terrifying ancient mysteries, legendary war machines, and enough writhing tentacles to fill ten Reichstags!

Heroes of the Sea is the second standalone adventure supplement in the globe-spanning Zero Point campaign. Play soldiers, agents, and resistance fighters in the chaos and carnage of the Battle of Dunkirk, as a sinister conspiracy threatens the lives of the retreating Allied forces!

Inside you will find everything you need:

* A standalone 69 PAGE multi-episode adventure for several sessions of play!
* New rules for Trail of Cthulhu wartime investigations, including tanks and Stukas
* 17 all-new spells
* Maps of Europe and the evacuation at Dunkirk
* An “Operational Briefing” and many other beautiful handouts!
* Four pre-generated characters to get you playing immediately!

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
In suus domus procul R’lyeh
mortuus Cthulhu exspecto somnium

– Graffiti found scrawled throughout Pompeii following an earthquake, August 20th, 79AD

The translation of the above graffiti should be well known to most fans of the Cthulhu Mythos. It is “In his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming”. For a time the Roman Empire stretched across most of the “known world” uniting various peoples under its rule. Cultures met, clashed, were conquered and changed one another in the processes. Information traveled along Roman roads along with goods and troops, spreading knowledge and enlightenment throughout the empire. Rome, for some, meant civilization, order and justice. For others it meant enslavement, oppression and occupation. It was the crest of history’s tide, and when it was gone darkness and chaos reigned for nearly a thousand years. But for now the Roman Empire was a light that kept the dark ages at bay, but with every light there are always shadows.

Amid sprawling cities and frontier garrisons, from peaceful country villas to newly constructed catacombs the forces of the Cthulhu Mythos lurked, and thrived. As the Empire spread across the land the Mythos infected it, like an illness, using Rome’s uniting light to spread its own darkness. Isolated covens and cabals of dozens soon became well-organized cults of hundreds, spread across vast stretches of the empire. The accumulated knowledge of the ages was examined, connections made and puzzles solved, sometimes to humanity’s misfortune. The forces of the mythos quickly learned that civilization was as easy to hide in as wastelands but with much more abundant prey.

However, in every age there are always a few who learn the truth. A small handful of people always seem to discover that all is not as it seems and slowly pull back the veil of what mankind tells itself is reality. They see, they learn, and usually they die; but not always. Some take up arms, be it blades or arcane magic, and choose to stand against these shadows. They become mankind’s defenders, fighting to protect others from the truth while moving to rid the world of these shadows of evil. In every age there are always a few such people, it was no different in the time of the Roman Empire. Here are a few of their stories. Welcome to Malum Umbra, Shadows of Evil, The First Cthulhu Invictus Companion.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
ROMAN CHILDREN TREMBLE in their beds as their mothers tell them stories of Medusa, the Hundred-Handed Ones, and the War of the Titans. They pray that the Fates have woven a long skein for them, free from encounters with the Minotaur and Cerberus. Little do they know that things more horrible than the creatures of myth and legend inhabit the world. A dark god stalks the streets of Rome stealing the souls of the rich and the poor, the young and the old, to populate his empire on the other side of the wall of sleep.

Thousands of miles away, on the coast of a freshly invaded island, Roman centurions huddle around campfires entertaining themselves with dice and ghost stories. They trust their fortifications to keep the barbarians at bay. But the barbarians are the least of their concerns. Outside the ramparts, small shapes scuttle through the darkness, looking for new hosts.

In the midst of the largest sea the world knows, an Egyptian merchant scans the horizon looking for land—and safety. Pirates prowl the sea, avoiding the Roman navy and preying on merchant vessels. The merchant’s men are well-armed to fend off any pirates, but he won’t relax until the coast is in sight. He doesn’t notice the forms swirling under the waves, reaching up with their claws to pull the boat down. His men are ill-prepared to fight them.

Greek scholars in Athens are ecstatic when they uncover scrolls relating to an African god from the deepest interior of that dark continent. They’re eager to read all they can in the cause of science. Their education hasn’t prepared them for the fact that the god is already in Athens, and they fail to notice that the city hasn’t changed for hundreds of years.

Young women scurry through the streets of Herculaneum to the Temple of Vesta, shunning the advances of lecherous old men and soldiers who’ve returned from the front looking to spend their coin. Only these women know that their chastity protects the world from an unspeakable horror. Should they fail in their mission, all of Rome is doomed to fall under a depraved god’s whim.

Sweat and grime cover a young Persian woman as she pulls her sword out of yet another monster that’s risen from the sand. As she glances around, several more unbury themselves and charge toward her. She casts one last look over her shoulder to make sure the families that were ambushed have escaped before she raises her sword and charges the monsters, her battle cry echoing over the dunes.

This is the world of Cthulhu Invictus, horror roleplaying in the first century CE, the time of the Roman Empire.

INCLUDES THESE CHAPTERS: Welcome to Rome, Capital of the Known World • Short Tour Around Mare Nostrum • Character Creation • Skills • Equipment and Supplies • Recovering Sanity • Combat • Roman Siege Weapons • The Grimoire • The Bestiary • Cults and Secret Societies • The Roman Legions • Prophylaxis Panacea Efqa • Scenario Seeds

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see
than about what they can.

—Julius Caesar

Fear of the unknown is mankind’s earliest fear, his most basic. What is out there in the dark? What hidden dangers lie within the forest, over those mountains, across that ocean? As the empire expanded, it encountered and absorbed new lands. These areas were filled with new people, speaking their own languages, with their own customs, gods, and mysteries. Just beyond the borders lurked evil entities.

Forces older than our world had dwelled in these places millennia before the arrival of mankind. For their own safety, the local peoples eventually formed legends, myths, and taboos around them. These whispered tales of dread and horror kept people from stumbling into the lairs or paths of these dark and ancient forces.

Unfortunately these safeguards were seen as ignorant barbaric superstitions by the new Roman settlers and masters. As the native people slowly became more and more like their Roman conquerors, the old ways were slowly forgotten … but that didn’t make the danger go away.

Occasionally these loathsome, powerful, and malignant beings would be disturbed by the unwitting, unknowing, or unbelieving. When this happened, the normal, predictable world would be turned upside down as horrors beyond mankind’s worst nightmare suddenly became real. Minds shattered, bodies withered, and souls were torn from their mortal frames to feed an insatiable hunger. Reality came undone, like a tapestry disintegrating beyond which is only darkness. Welcome to Extrico Tabula, Unraveling Borders, the Second Cthulhu Invictus Companion.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
Spawn of Azathoth

Herald of the End of Time.

Few attended the funeral of the old man. And even fewer saw the headless apparition which appeared in an investigator’s room. The keen-witted investigators find significance in the unfortunate death. Through their persistence they begin to unravel a secret implying doom for everyone.

Monstrous peril confronts the intrepid investigators as evidence leads them across the United States and into the depths of Asia.

1986 edition

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17

There are still-wild regions of the Dark Continent, Africa. Darkest of all is the wilderness of Belgian Congo, at the very center of the continent.

Belgian colonial rule is very harsh, and traditional practices such as slavery and witchcraft are widely practiced. Superstitions rule the vast number of tribes that live on or near the river.

The greed of the Belgian colonial administration, for ivory, rubber, and copper, surpasses even that of the Zanzibari slavers, feared for their raids among the Congo natives.

But the Dark Continent hides secrets as well. In deepest Congo, a treasure-house from primeval times awaits those who dare seek it out — and survive the search.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
This book contains ten scenarios from the first ten issues of The Unspeakable Oath, most never before reprinted. Fight cultists in the cornfield, take a train ride with a murderer, find an occult children's book, explore a ruined abbey, and much more. Most scenarios are 1920s, with a couple of modern ones as well. All-new artwork throughout. Catch up on your reading and happy nightmares!

The Resurrected: Out of the Vault Contents:

"Within You Without You" by John Tynes
"The Travesty" by Christian Klepac
"The House on Stratford Lane" by John H. Crowe III
"Beast in the Abbey" by Kevin A. Ross
"The Lambton Worm" by Steve Hatherley
"Blood on the Tracks" by J. Todd Kingrea
"Dark Harvest" by Kevin A. Ross
"What Goes Around, Comes Around" by Jeff Moeller
"All Good Children" by Christian Klepac
"In Media Res" by John Tynes

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
For the 1920s

Volume II

What, You Want To Live Forever?

Oh, just a little longer and a bit more pleasantly in the face of Mythos horrors. Let this book be your guide.

ON BECOMING AN INVESTIGATOR contains valuable tips that can help your investigator reach middle age, and possibly even to those golden years. THE OCCUPATIONS SECTION contains 140 different possible 1920s occupations for CALL OF CTHULHU investigators -- perfect for replacing that dearly-departed friend on-the-spot with the bar-tender or cabbie who witnessed the whole gruesome affair. 1920s SKILLS expands upon skills descriptions found in the 5th edition of CALL OF CTHULHU, including additional material involving the Roaring Twenties. APPENDIX A contains legal tips for the professional investigator. APPENDIX B describes the current state of science and forensics.

An essential aid for players, investigators, and keepers.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
The British 1920s-30s Cthulhu Sourcebook. This volume is a Companion to the 3rd Edition Call of Cthulhu rules, which allows the full horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos to be enacted in good old 1920s-30s Britain, Heart of the Empire, Centre of Civilisation and an all-round top-hole, spiffing place to set your Call of Cthulhu campaign, what? Featured within are sections on British Characters, History, Travel, the Occult, and much more besides, which provide all the information Keepers require for British Cthulhu Roleplay. Also included - three new adventures! The Horror of the Glen - A brutal murder in the Scottish highlands is not all that it seems. How could a half-wit boy have committed such terrible mutilations upon the body Donald McColl? When the Investigators arrive, they may find that the real answer to the question lies within the haunted McMorn Manor - and that secret may be more than their Sanity can bear! Death In The Post - a strange papyrus, a horrific murder and a plea for help from a respected gentlemen. What more incentive could any Investigator want? But can the Investigators solve the mystery in time to prevent more slayings, and to find the evil behind the mysterious campaign of death. The Shadow over Darkbank - even on holiday, there's no rest for an intrepid Investigator. When strange things start happening in the Darkbank Tunnel, it might be a sequence of tragic accidents - or it might be something far more sinister... Plus - a contribution from the British Master of Mythos Fiction, Brian Lumley.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
The Ravenar Sagas are a collection of three Cthulhu Dark Ages scenarios spanning a thirteen-year period between 989 AD and 1002 AD. The Sagas take place across Scandinavia and what will later be known as Nova Scotia.

Players will be taking the roles of the crew of a small knorr (a Viking longship). While pre-generated characters are provided keepers may allow players to create their own. These characters will have many adventures during the Sagas, honing their skills as they face countless challenges. Investigator’s skills may well increase from scenario to scenario; status and the characters' ages definitely will. Investigators will be sailing dangerous waters and battling deadly adversaries, some may not survive. Provisions are written in to allow “replacement” crew to be recruited between voyages.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
Modern-Day Exploration of the Land of the Rising Sun

Japan is a contradictory nation of ancient traditions and modern high-tech free enterprise. Within its dark shadows and hidden places, Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, and their monstrous servitors lie in wait for the unwary. In the corporate boardrooms and political offices, secret societies carry out their sinister agendas. In hoary shrines and temples, Shinto kami and Buddhist bodhisattvas provide ancient knowledge and alien enlightenment to those who remember the old ways. Cutting-edge corporate laboratories uncover forbidden secrets and create new horrors born of human science and the corrupting power of the Mythos. The mass media bombards the population with escapist entertainment and crass materialism while the madness of cosmic truth slowly seeps through, burrowing into the popular consciousness.

Welcome to the Land of the Rising Sun, where you will discover that the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos are not limited to the West.

SECRETS OF JAPAN provides detailed information for playing CALL OF CTHULHU adventures in a modern Japanese setting. This book includes new character occupations, new spells, new monsters, new organizations, and rules for playing Japanese investigators. Also included are three adventure scenarios, two short stories, a glossary of cultural terms, details on Shinto and Buddhism in a CALL OF CTHULHU setting, extensive cultural background notes, and the secret history of Japan!

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
Horror on the Orient Express: Luxury & Splendour. Man Dies Three Times in One Night! A puzzling headline begins a front-page article found in the Times of London. Three men, all identical in identification, were found dead in the same room of the Chelsea Arms. All were dispatched in a similar manner - stabbed through the heart.

Then the home of a valued friend burns to the ground, severely burning him in the process. An odd summons, a surreptitious meeting, and a thousand-mile journey begins on the legendary rail service carrying the investigators to the Gateway of the Orient.

Orient Express contains a massive adventure for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Beginning in 1920s London, the investigators journey to Paris and thence to the ancient city of Constantinople. With luck, they also return home. Four books are contained within, Through the Alps, Italy & Eastern Europe, Constantinople & Return, and Strangers on the Train. In addition there are numerous player handouts: a European route map; luggage stickers; scrolls; passports; 25mm cardstock plans of the train that can be laid end-to-end; and fragments of an ancient artifact collected along the way.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
"Little by little they rose grimly into the western sky; allowing us to witness various bare, bleak and blackened summits...in the reddish Antarctic light against the provocative background of irredescent ice-dust clouds. In the whole spectacle there was a persistent, pervasive hint of stupendous secrecy and potential revelation....I could not help feeling that they were evil things - mountains of madness whose farther slopes looked out over some accursed ultimate abyss." - H.P. Lovecraft

The scientific world was amazed by reports from the 1931 Miskatonic University expedition into uncharted Antarctica. The entire world was shocked by the tragedy which followed. Now a new larger expedition will brave the mysteries of the icy continent. How credible were Miskatonic University reports of fossilized remains of ancient life forms predating all known terrestrial life? Will your expedition return in glory or tragedy? This massive book includes considerable source material on the Frozen Continent, the equipment of the time, and even expedition planning. This is a roleplaying sequel to Lovecraft's classic tale, "At the Mountains of Madness", of unimaginable scale. Over 400 pages of pure adventure!

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
TERROR AUSTRALIS includes three roleplaying adventures, "Old Fellow that Bunyip," "Pride of Yirrimburra," and "City Beneath the Sands," as well as extensive information about the Aboriginal inhabitants, their mystical concept of Dreamtime, inhabitants of the Dreamtime, Australian history, transportation in the 1920's, contemporary Australian slang, famous hauntings, and a special chapter analyzing the Dreamtime (Alcheringa) in roleplaying terms. Intended as a roleplaying supplement and useful in for any roleplaying game, TERROR AUSTRALIS also contains many pages of illustrations and maps to intrigue any Australia buff.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
"You are on the sea floor, 1500 feet below the surface. Around you there is only cold and dark the sun's caressing rays bring nothing to this world. The pressure here is over six hundred pounds per square inch. This is a lethal place. There must be caution in every move you make, or the sea will claim your body and your soul. You and your companions are aboard the RSV Wallaby, a prototype research vessel of your own design. This is its maiden voyage; the attention of the world is upon you. You are not alone. And in the hours to come you will die. Unless you can master the fine art of Grace Under Pressure...

~~ Unlike most Call of Cthulhu adventures, "Grace Under Pressure" is not intended for campaign play. This book includes eight pre-generated characters for use with the game, as well as guidelines for your players to make up their own. Extensive notes on how to present the adventure theatrically are included, with emphasis on lighting, props, and sound effects. The adventure uses a unique dual-Keeper presentation, but can also be run by a single Keeper.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
This monograph contains five tales certain to scare the stockings off the mantle.

Silent Night
Set in Arkham in December of 2001, this tale involves four investigators gathered to celebrate the season, the mythos far away for the moment.

The Gaudy
The investigators are invited to Porterhouse College for a Christmas lecture series, and attendance at a great holiday feast called The Gaudy.

Christmas in Venice
Sometimes the merest glimpse of horror is enough to trigger dire events which make your trip to Venice a nightmare to forget.

Christmas in Kingsport
Snow falls over the seaport town, its winding streets covered with ribbons of white. Smoke rises from the chimneys with the smells of chestnuts, cookies, and roast goose filling the air. Once again the family is together again at the home of Great Aunt Norma.

A White Winter
The period following World War I finds a world in change; an exciting time to be alive. Revolutions sweep the collapsing empires of eastern Europe. This tale is set in 1919 in Siberia during the Russian civil war.

MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION monographs are longer works by one or more authors on a subject of import to Call of Cthulhu roleplayers. On these products the author has also fulfilled the functions of editor and layout artist; we at Chaosium have done little in the way of editorial. We found these works compelling and thought that you would enjoy them. Through the publication of monographs we can offer our most loyal fans more information more easily, and evaluate the potential of these works for eventual release to the wholesale market.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
THE GREAT OLD ONES consists of a set of six scenarios for Call of Cthulhu: “The Spawn’’ is in the Wild West, with Indians, Wobblies, and bad guys; “Still Waters” is an adventure for people who hate to lend books; “Tell Me, Have You Seen the Yellow Sign?" makes a symbolic stop-over in New Orleans; “One In Darkness” features South Boston hoodlums; “The Pale God” introduces investigators to an unusual contract; “Bad Moon Rising” is an experience to remember. The adventures can be presented in sequence, as a loose campaign; limited crossreferences allow the scenarios to stand independently.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY is a small, seemingly typical New England college nestled in the bosom of conservative Arkham, Massachusetts. A poor cousin to such hallowed institutions as Harvard, Brown, and Princeton (the term “Ivy League" won’t come into use until 1936), Miskatonic nonetheless offers coveted degrees in a wide variety of subjects and boasts high academic standards.

Devotees of the Cthulhu Mythos and long time players of Call of Cthulhu know the name well, and greet it with a mixture of fondness and dread. A small, quiet institution of higher learning, Miskatonic serves as the home of many of H. P. Lovecraft’s greatest protagonists, or as the staging ground for daring expeditions into the unknown.

As a symbol of reason, learning, and science, the school represents all that is good, true, and pure in modern civilization — the “us" to the insidious, alien “them" of the Cthulhu Mythos. Although Miskatonic is mentioned or figures prominently in most of the stories that form the backbone of the Call of Cthulhu game, the college itself remains as ill-defined as many of beasties lurking in the pages of Lovecraft’s fiction. While monsters that never shamble into view are often scarier than the ones we can see, Miskatonic University and the professors who walk its halls of ivy and alabaster are part of our “normal" waking world, and can therefore stand up to the light of day.

Keepers running Call of Cthulhu games need to bring Miskatonic into sharp focus, whether their campaigns are set entirely on the sleepy campus or only visit it briefly. Who at Miskatonic can investigators count on to believe their outlandish tales? Just what secrets are and aren’t kept in the world famous Orne Library? What might your investigators bump into while finding out? Miskatonic University offers some answers, scrutinizing familiar ground with a scientist’s vision and a librarian’s obsession with detail.

by Sam Johnson and Friends, 8.5x11" Perfectbound Paperback, illustrated, indexed.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
Two scenarios.

"Glozel est Authentique! leads the adventurers to France where they will try to solve a puzzling archeological enigma. Strange secret societies watch their every move. The outcome will be totally unexpected"

"Secrets of the Kremlin probes the depths of the ancient citadel and the mysteries of the early Czars. What hidden truth can be crafted by the Bolsheviks and translated into the terror of today?"

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
There is trouble in Bethlehem....

Thousands of crows have taken roost in the woods surrounding Bethlehem, NH, mercilessly attacking anyone who tries to enter the forest. The human population is outnumbered more than ten-to-one, and the birds are growing more bold every day. Can the investigators solve the mystery behind this unnatural infestation? Can they save the town of Bethlehem from a disaster of biblical proportions?

Murder of Crows contains everything a Call of Cthulhu group needs for an evening's worth of Mythos-inspired fun, including pregenerated characters. It is the first in an innovative new series of Call of Cthulhu scenarios and supplements from Super Genius Games.

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
A Supplement for Call of Cthulhu Cthulhu by Gaslight expands Call of Cthulhu into another time, the 1890s, when London was the financial and cultural center of the English-speaking world. Background information on London includes an extensive map, an article about the London crime of the time and the workings of Scotland Yard, information about London hotels, London markets and bazaars, sources of Cthulhoid information to be found in the city, and club-life in London.

Cthulhu by Gaslight also provides background on the rest of England in the 1890s. Articles include price lists, an 1890s time-line, biographies of important English individuals, a description of the English social classes of the period and how they affect game-play. Period costume is described and illustrated. New occupations are added to fit the period and place, and changes to the Call of Cthulhu skills to fit the time are provided. An 1890s rail map of England facilitates travel.

The Yorkshire Horror scenario brings the investigators together with the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. The investigators join Holmes and Dr. Watson in an attempt to clear Holmes's brother Sherrinford of insidious charges of murder. While the investigators pursue the mystery, the murderer strikes again and again. Can Sherrinford Holmes be cleared? Can the murderer be stopped?

Rules for time travel are introduced, so that existing Call of Cthulhu investigators from the 1920s can travel to the 1890s to participate in Cthulhu by Gaslight adventures.

A large map of 1890s London is included in the box. Numerous locations important to gameplay or useful in the campaign are marked on the map.

An essay interpolates the works of H. G. Wells into the Cthulhu by Gaslight package and describes how to include his ideas in Call of Cthulhu games. Sherlock Holmes is also well-represented in the package.
Horror Roleplaying in 1890s England

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  • 19 cze 14 23:17
3 przygody. Po angielsku.

A set of reprinted adventures from The Unspeakable Oath, featuring "The Travesty", "The House on Stratford Lane", and "Within You Without You".

This game is also contained in The Resurrected III: Out of the Vault.

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wiznail napisano 25.07.2015 10:01

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poszukuję Achtung! Cthulhu - Investigator's Guide to the Secret War - PDF.

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