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  • 11 lip 14 17:48
A Noble & Dangerous Quest Awaits Brave or Perhaps Foolish Heroes...

Lost but not completely forgotten, the City of Paraxus lies in the Barony of Cul and is rumoured to hold the hidden knowledge of the Heligi people, a long extinct people.

This adventure for Hellfrost starts out as a simple contract for the heroes who are hired to join the quest to discover Paraxus. The heroes have to protect Emeric, a religious seeker of knowledge who takes our adventurers on an fascinating quest to find the buried treasures of Paraxus.

Along the way they must fight strange creatures and solve ancient puzzles. Can they find the lost manuscripts and tomes of knowledge as Emeric wants? Or perhaps the heroes will be searching for gold, gems and other items of value in the exploration of the Lost City of Paraxus.

The Lost City of Paraxus is a fantasy adventure for the unique Hellfrost setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG system.

Every Hellfrost Adventure comes with a full set of figure flats to aid gameplay! Just print and play!

z chomika anms2a

  • 366 KB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48

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  • 11 lip 14 17:48

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  • 11 lip 14 17:48

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  • 11 lip 14 17:48

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  • 11 lip 14 17:48

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  • 11 lip 14 17:48

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  • 11 lip 14 17:48
This sourcebook for the Hellfrost campaign setting contains information and statistics for over 300 hazards, monsters, and citizens of Rassilon. Whether your heroes explore the Hearthlands or the Hellfrost itself, all manner of potential allies and fearsome foes await!

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  • 118 KB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48

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  • 16,7 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
An endless winter is coming.

The history of Rassilon is bloody. From the frozen far north, beyond the civilized lands with their rolling hills and forests, arose a mighty army of frost giants, ice devils, Hellfrost dragons, and fearsome orcs, servants all of the ice god Thrym. So began the terrible Blizzard War and the downfall of the mighty empires of man.

Five hundred years later the races of the southern lands may have won the war, but they suffer its legacy still. For five centuries the winters have grown steadily longer and colder. Huge swathes of the land of Rassilon are permanently covered in ice and snow, and even the temperate lands are not spared the misery of failed harvests, deadly winters, and the dreaded Hellfrost wind.

But winter is not the only danger. A mere 30 years ago, magic, once the civilized races’ most potent weapon, suddenly began to fail. The Siphoning, an effect of unknown origin, has made magic an unpredictable ally.

Welcome to the world of Rassilon.

Welcome to the Hellfrost!

The Hellfrost Player’s Guide contains everything you need to begin adventuring in the frozen wastes:

• Six player character races.
• Dozens of new Edges, including Disciple Edges for religious heroes.
• Six alternate magical Arcane Backgrounds.
• Details on 24 deities and their followers.
• Rules for Glory, a new trait that measures the great deeds of your heroes.
• Complete setting rules for adventuring in Rassilon.

Hellfrost: Player’s Guide is an epic fantasy setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG

z chomika anms2a

  • 22,5 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Dare you venture into Darkness?

The Dark Night - Buried in secret, Helfrith Helasdohtor a powerful priestess has been slowly breaking the sigils of her ancient tomb. When the sigils fail, the great evil will once again be unleashed onto the unsuspecting world. In preparation for this second coming of darkness, Hela has stirred Helfrith from her dreamless sleep. Can our heroes stop this evil?

The Demon of Duncallaich - The demon Kithreth lies trapped and bound to the soil of an ancient lost town Balyeux, which was destroyed during the Demongate Wars. Its taken many years for Kithreth to loosen his bonds but now he is slowly returning to the world and a cult is aiding his release. Can he succeed in his escape or will he be defeated - only you can find that answer!

Tales of Darkness contains two fantastic adventures for Triple Ace Games’ epic fantasy setting, Hellfrost.

z chomika anms2a

  • 16,6 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Something Stirs In The Icebarrier Mountains

Joining a caravan as guards is a way to earn good money and see the world, though it is not without its risks. Having signed up as guards, the heroes are about to take part in a journey from the relative safety of the lands around Hellfrost Keep, home of the Hearth Knights, to the distant Saxa steads nestled in the forlorn Icebarrier Mountains.

Together the characters and the small band of heavily-armed frost dwarves travelling with the caravan must weather goblin attacks, for the fell creatures have stirred early this year and seem keen to make their presence felt.

It becomes clear the goblins are not acting alone. Something more powerful is behind their attacks, something with grander plans than a few raids.

Shadow of Darkness can be played as a standalone adventure or as part one of a four-part mini-campaign arc.

Includes Figure Flats!

z chomika anms2a

  • 16,8 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Uncover the Power of the Ancients!

Before the Blizzard War, the Convocation of Elementalists had many schools of magic. Many of the remote schools were destroyed during the conflict, the great secrets they held thought lost forever.

Recently one establishment has been rediscovered, one which the Convocation would like explored and looted. For five centuries the school has lain untouched by the outside world, but it has not been completely ignored. Something lurks in the heart of the ancient school, something powerful, something which hungers...

...and it is not alone!

Are the adventurers destined to survive their foray into the lost school of magic, or will they struggle to survive Against the Elements?

For Veteran level characters.

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  • 12,9 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Spring is in the air!

The start of spring is marked by numerous festivals to Eostre, and this year is no different. Jarl Cuthwulf is hosting a grand, week-long festival, combining religious activities with five tests of skill, stamina, and ingenuity. Rich or poor, young or old, brave or cowardly, all may enter in the hope of taking away one of the fabulous prizes on offer!

This adventure takes a step away from the routine of bashing monsters and stealing treasure, instead focusing on roleplaying, exploring events beyond adventuring, and making new friends and enemies during a major festival to the goddess Eostre.

This adventure contains a range of Figure Flats.

Hellfrost is an epic fantasy setting for the award winning Savage Worlds RPG.

z chomika anms2a

  • 8,3 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Animal life was not always dominant in Rassilon. Eons ago, before the balance of nature was established, sentient plants were the superior life form. Among their number was a particularly vile species which sought the extermination of all animal life. Although long thought extinct, one of their seed pods has lain dormant, silently waiting for the right time to awaken and release its deadly contents. That time has finally come.

An elf druid, infected by the seed pod, plans to issue in a new era—a world of plant domination. To defeat him the heroes must first stand against his insidious creations, creatures part-animal and part-plant, and whose touch is deadly. But the heroes are not alone in their quest, for the fey have sensed the danger the druid presents to the natural order.

Can the heroes avoid becoming mutated plant beings long enough to track the druid to his lair? Are they strong enough to stand against the druid’s corrupting power or will they end up with more than green fingers?

This game is also contained in Hellfrost Adventure Compendium 1.

z chomika anms2a

  • 8,2 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The Fey Tower — is an adventure set on the coastline of Rassilon. For the past five months the inhabitants of the coastal village of Gairloch have been plagued by giant crabs. These ravenous crustaceans raid on the land and steal cattle, sheep, and the occasional passing human. The crabs have driven most of the fish away and the villagers now barely catch enough to survive. They have come to terms with their “curse,” but still try to seek the help of those that travel through the region. Enter the heroes — can they discover the reason for the crabs to venture on land?

The Deadly Glade — is hidden away in the dark and leafy boughs of the Stone Forest. No brightly colored flowers grow here, as they do elsewhere; only plants of midnight-blue. For a decade, one priest of Vali has been feeding the plants on the decaying corpses of disease victims, letting their pus and tainted, putrefying flesh feed his deadly blooms. These flowers attract bees which in turn are poisoned by the sticky nectar. The fast-acting poison warps the bees, turning them into voracious hunters. The plan is as simple as it is bold—to create an army of killer bees which will be unleashed on the unsuspecting citizens of Rassilon. Can this hideous plot be thwarted?

z chomika anms2a

  • 4,6 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Death is only the beginning....

The village of Drayton is beset by plague. Seemingly abandoned by their healer, the villagers now turn to strangers for help. But there is more to the illness than appears, for the hand of the Norns is at work.

Three centuries ago they laid down a prophecy to the lord of Drayton, a prophecy that spelled disaster for his descendants. That time has come, and death now stalks the mire around Drayton.

The adventure is designed for Veteran characters. It contains all the monster stats, maps, and Figure Flats required for play.

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  • 6,8 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The most heavily populated realm in the north, the Magocracy is simultaneously a byword for civil order and despotism. Though ruled by hereditary mage-nobles, the great realm has its fair share of problems, both internal and external. Political maneuvering is rife, the seeds of distrust rooted deep in the culture, and power is the ultimate goal of every house. This supplement expands on information in the Hellfrost Gazetteer.

This product details the social hierarchy, education, religion, trade, architecture, and military of the Magocracy. Additional material includes descriptions of some of Maera's rituals and handy hints for playing a cleric of the goddess of magic, two major locales and persons of note, two minor deities (the gods of heralds and divination), and two monsters.

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  • 6,9 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The most northern of the Low Winterlands realms, Shattered Moor is a distant outpost of civilization among a sea of barbaric Vendahl and crazed frostreavers. A bleak landscape of broken moors, frozen marshes, steep hills, jagged valleys, and the upland of Fell Plateau, only the hardiest souls can survive here. This supplement expands on information in the Hellfrost Gazetteer.

This supplement adds new settlements and places to explore to the setting, gives players of Sigel's clerics more background information to help them play their role in the world, gives adventuring tips and adventure seeds, and details the Hildolfr, god of berserks, and Ursarix, the bear god of the Vendahl. New NPC archetypes and monsters round out the product.

z chomika anms2a

  • 5,2 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The Liche-Priest’s reign of terror ended 524 years ago. Yet half a millennium on, the Liche-Lands of Old remain, a forsaken wilderness, shunned by all save the doughty clerics of Scaetha. Even they, blessed as they are by their divine mistress, avoid crossing the borders into the forbidding heartland of the accursed realm unless absolutely necessary. This supplement expands on information in the Hellfrost Gazetteer.

Contained within are dread places to explore, background details on the Liche-Priest's most trusted lieutenants, rules of the realm, special herbs, adventure seeds, a new minor deity (Thunn, god of vampires), and two monsters, the bloodborn and vampire.

z chomika anms2a

  • 3,0 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
For 40 years the inhabitants of the Giant's Throne have been gathering their strength in preparation for a major invasion. Though an ill-fated attempt to invade the western Low Winterlands was recently thwarted at Watchgap Fort, the frost giant ruler, King Kaldr, has not given up his dreams of stamping his authority over the surrounding lands. From his windswept fortress, the icy king watches over a frigid domain of rival orc tribes and barren jagged peaks.

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  • 9,7 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The ancestral heartland of the Marklands, Royalmark is home to the High Cyning of the Saxa. A large state with a powerful army, Royalmark could be a major political and military power in the Hearthlands, yet time has seemingly passed the royal land by, and the natives remain insular, proud of their ancient ways and unwilling to alter them to fit a changing world. This supplement expands on the Hellfrost Gazetteer.

This supplement expands on the cult of Eostre and details many of her festivals, provides aditional details on Royalmark, provides new major locales and persons of note, explains the cults of Veth and K'kroakaa, and gives stats for three new monsters.

z chomika anms2a

  • 7,3 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Skalds’ repertoires are full of stories concerning Ertha’s Realm, also known as the Underearth and Erthaheim. Tales of a subterranean realm of vast caverns all interlinked by countless miles of tunnels, warnings of a race of exiled elves who seek nothing more than total domination of the surface world, and yarns involving great cities with populations in the thousands, echo around inns and drinking halls the length and breadth of Rassilon.

This supplement explores the truth and opens up underground exploration beyond the confines of the “dungeon.” As such, it is less a guide to specific locations than a survival manual for players and GMs alike.

This supplement contains rules for light and sound, movement, rope use, and tight squeezes while spelunking, details the minor god of underground exploration and the alien deity of the fungals, one new hazard, and 8 subterranean monsters.

z chomika anms2a

  • 6,4 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Once famed for its prosperous silver mines, the Mistlands are now a haunted realm of perpetual mist and endless ruins. A realm of ghosts and memories, few adventurers are brave enough to explore the rugged hills, for many who do are never seen again.

This supplement explores the history of the former realm of Silverdale, and presents rules for adventuring in the mist-wreathed lands, as well as over half a dozen new locales. The cult of Niht is explored in greater detail, along with the minor gods of sleep and concealment. Finally there are three new monsters, including the much-feared shadow dragon.

z chomika anms2a

  • 5,7 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Ravaged by civil war and the subsequent war brought on by the exiled young heir returning to claim his throne, Nordmark has suffered its share of hardship. On the surface the kingdom appears to be on the slow road to rebuilding, but there are those who would see Nordmark ruled by others or crushed altogether.

This supplement explores Nordmark's society, explores the cult of Rigr, presents two new Edges, and details an optional setting rule for heroic deaths. GMs will find six major locales, two new cults, three NPC archetypes, and a powerful servant of the gods.

z chomika anms2a

  • 2,5 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The small barony of Trond is a vital link in the Low Winterlands' trade network, yet it is one which enjoys only a fragile existence. Effectively held to ransom by neighboring Cul, resentment is growing at the expanding power of the frostborn. Racial tension simmers just below the surface, but it could soon spill out into open aggression

z chomika anms2a

  • 2,6 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Across the northern continent are many places of wonder. Some are geological, carved by wind and etched by rain over the eons. Others are architectural splendors, worked by living hands. A small few are elemental loci, concentrated places of magical energy for one of the four elements. This supplement is concerned with a fourth category—sites inhabited by spirits or elemental beings.

Contained within are guidelines for creating sacred places, fully detailed examples, a new minor deity (Gullveig, god of brewers), and a new monster, the much feared dread wraith.

z chomika anms2a

  • 3,0 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The Abyss is the realm of the damned, where those who commit terrible sins in life or die without a patron deity are sent to suffer for eternity. This supplement takes a look at the denizens of the Abyss and the depraved, black-hearted mortals who traffic with them. It is not an adventurers guide to exploring the hellish realm or laying waste to its near godlike rulers. Nor is it a supplement of hard facts and absolutes. Instead, it presents a variety of commonly held opinions, any of which might be true.

z chomika anms2a

  • 3,4 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
Nestled beneath the Icewall and wrapped around the Scythe Mountains, the vast expanse of the Frozen Forest is a lifeless realm locked in endless winter. Once a major realm for the taiga elves, it is now a frozen hell, wracked by deadly blizzards and the maddening Hellfrost Wind. Few venture deep into its depths, and even fewer return to speak of the terrors and secrets they have witnessed.

z chomika anms2a

  • 3,0 MB
  • 11 lip 14 17:48
The loose confederation of villages and towns that make up this frontier land have weathered the terrors of the Liche-Priest and the ravages of the Blizzard War. Orcs, giants, and beastmen are constant threats, yet the Borderlands remains a bustling center of trade. Here there are plentiful opportunities to earn money and glory. There is also much danger.

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