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Kobieta Bumkins

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Historia młodej dziennikarki, której kariera zawodowa za ...
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Małżeństwo Jeffa (Perry King) i Rebeki Cross (Connie Sel ...
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Navigating the Heart-2000-Eng-Jaclyn Smith.mp4
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Jest to opowieść o wyjątkowym romansie miedzy kosmopoli ...
All the Presidents Men-1976-Eng-Meredith Baxter,Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford, Jack Wardenfrom disk.mp4
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138 min - Drama | History | Mystery - 9 April 1976 ( ...
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  • 1,09 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekFilm oparty na faktach.Opowiada autentyczną historię. Jody Ann Shaffell rodzi syna, Zacka. Poniewaz jej małżeństwo od początku nie układało się, nawet przyjście na świat potomka nie poprawiło sytuacji. Dlatego zdesperowana Jody decyduje się na rozwód. Wraz z dzieckiem przeprowadza się do domu matki i ojczyma. Znajduje pracę i zaprzyjaźnia się z jedną z nowych koleżanek, Colleen, która okazuje się lesbijką. Ich przyjaźń wkrótce przeradza się w głębokie uczucie. Jej matka postanawia uchronić wnuka przed złym, jej zdaniem, wpływem córki.
TV Movie - 96 min - Drama
Based on the true custody battle in Richmond, Virginia, a grandmother sues her lesbian daughter for custody of her grandson on the grounds her daughter is immoral for living with another woman in a gay relationship.
Director: Peter Werner
Writer: Linda Voorhees
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Vanessa Redgrave and Colleen Flynn

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  • 3.7
  • 264,2 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 96 min - Comedy | Romance - 8 October 2000 (USA)
In Alaska, Susannah Stanton and Jesse Stanton divorced two years ago. They have two daughters, the teenager Bridget and the young girl Hannah, and a young son, Sam, and they are good friends. Jesse lives in an isolated ranch, where he receives guests for fishing and tracking, and he depends on his plane to go to the city of Anchorage, where Susannah has a restaurant. They separated because Susannah felt bored and lonely in the ranch. Susannah is dating a lawyer, and their children decide to find a woman for Jesse, sending a letter to a popular magazine called Alaskan Love. He receives a large number of replies, and the children later feel that probably his perfect match is Susannah, and they try to arrange a plan to bring them together.
Director: Jeffrey Reiner
Writer: Jill E. Blotevogel
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Jeffrey Nordling, Britt Irvin

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  • 3.0
  • 1,45 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 96 min - Comedy | Romance - 8 October 2000 (USA)
In Alaska, Susannah Stanton and Jesse Stanton divorced two years ago. They have two daughters, the teenager Bridget and the young girl Hannah, and a young son, Sam, and they are good friends. Jesse lives in an isolated ranch, where he receives guests for fishing and tracking, and he depends on his plane to go to the city of Anchorage, where Susannah has a restaurant. They separated because Susannah felt bored and lonely in the ranch. Susannah is dating a lawyer, and their children decide to find a woman for Jesse, sending a letter to a popular magazine called Alaskan Love. He receives a large number of replies, and the children later feel that probably his perfect match is Susannah, and they try to arrange a plan to bring them together.
Director: Jeffrey Reiner
Writer: Jill E. Blotevogel
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Jeffrey Nordling, Britt Irvin

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  • 1.0
  • 1,75 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 96 min - Comedy | Romance - 8 October 2000 (USA)
In Alaska, Susannah Stanton and Jesse Stanton divorced two years ago. They have two daughters, the teenager Bridget and the young girl Hannah, and a young son, Sam, and they are good friends. Jesse lives in an isolated ranch, where he receives guests for fishing and tracking, and he depends on his plane to go to the city of Anchorage, where Susannah has a restaurant. They separated because Susannah felt bored and lonely in the ranch. Susannah is dating a lawyer, and their children decide to find a woman for Jesse, sending a letter to a popular magazine called Alaskan Love. He receives a large number of replies, and the children later feel that probably his perfect match is Susannah, and they try to arrange a plan to bring them together.
Director: Jeffrey Reiner
Writer: Jill E. Blotevogel
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Jeffrey Nordling, Britt Irvin

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  • 1.0
  • 574,0 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 96 min - Comedy | Romance - 8 October 2000 (USA)
In Alaska, Susannah Stanton and Jesse Stanton divorced two years ago. They have two daughters, the teenager Bridget and the young girl Hannah, and a young son, Sam, and they are good friends. Jesse lives in an isolated ranch, where he receives guests for fishing and tracking, and he depends on his plane to go to the city of Anchorage, where Susannah has a restaurant. They separated because Susannah felt bored and lonely in the ranch. Susannah is dating a lawyer, and their children decide to find a woman for Jesse, sending a letter to a popular magazine called Alaskan Love. He receives a large number of replies, and the children later feel that probably his perfect match is Susannah, and they try to arrange a plan to bring them together.
Director: Jeffrey Reiner
Writer: Jill E. Blotevogel
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Jeffrey Nordling, Britt Irvin

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  • 1.0
  • 359,6 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama
A young couple, experiencing their sexuality for the first time, find themselves forced to make decisions that could affect their entire lives.
Director: Steven Hilliard Stern
Writers: Norma Klein (story), Dan Polier Jr.
Stars: Leslie Ackerman, Valerie Bertinelli and Charlie Brill

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 3.0
  • 1,40 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekJack Kilcoin należy do czołówki nowojorskich detektywów. Jego syn także jest policjantem. Teraz do ich grona dołącza córka Molly, absolwentka prawa z Harvardu. Wychowana w duchu poszanowania prawa dziewczyna rozpoczyna pracę w prokuraturze. Splot okoliczności pozwala jej stanąć do walki ze zorganizowaną przestępczością. W trakcie śledztwa, Molly znajduje potwierdzenie, że głównego szefa mafii wspierają skorumpowani policjanci, w tym również jej ojciec.
TV Movie - 93 min - Drama - 23 February 1992 (USA)
A new attorney in the D.A.'s office parlays a childhood friendship with a protected witness into a huge career leap and, in doing so, discovers more than she bargained for.
Director: Kevin James Dobson
Writers: Timothy Stack (story), Andy Tennant (teleplay)
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, George Dzundza, Peter Dobson

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,33 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekJack Kilcoin należy do czołówki nowojorskich detektywów. Jego syn także jest policjantem. Teraz do ich grona dołącza córka Molly, absolwentka prawa z Harvardu. Wychowana w duchu poszanowania prawa dziewczyna rozpoczyna pracę w prokuraturze. Splot okoliczności pozwala jej stanąć do walki ze zorganizowaną przestępczością. W trakcie śledztwa, Molly znajduje potwierdzenie, że głównego szefa mafii wspierają skorumpowani policjanci, w tym również jej ojciec.
TV Movie - 93 min - Drama - 23 February 1992 (USA)
A new attorney in the D.A.'s office parlays a childhood friendship with a protected witness into a huge career leap and, in doing so, discovers more than she bargained for.
Director: Kevin James Dobson
Writers: Timothy Stack (story), Andy Tennant (teleplay)
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, George Dzundza, Peter Dobson

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 315,3 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekJack Kilcoin należy do czołówki nowojorskich detektywów. Jego syn także jest policjantem. Teraz do ich grona dołącza córka Molly, absolwentka prawa z Harvardu. Wychowana w duchu poszanowania prawa dziewczyna rozpoczyna pracę w prokuraturze. Splot okoliczności pozwala jej stanąć do walki ze zorganizowaną przestępczością. W trakcie śledztwa, Molly znajduje potwierdzenie, że głównego szefa mafii wspierają skorumpowani policjanci, w tym również jej ojciec.
TV Movie - 93 min - Drama - 23 February 1992 (USA)
A new attorney in the D.A.'s office parlays a childhood friendship with a protected witness into a huge career leap and, in doing so, discovers more than she bargained for.
Director: Kevin James Dobson
Writers: Timothy Stack (story), Andy Tennant (teleplay)
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, George Dzundza, Peter Dobson

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,59 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama
A young couple, experiencing their sexuality for the first time, find themselves forced to make decisions that could affect their entire lives.
Director: Steven Hilliard Stern
Writers: Norma Klein (story), Dan Polier Jr.
Stars: Leslie Ackerman, Valerie Bertinelli and Charlie Brill

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,52 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 100 min - Drama
A young couple, experiencing their sexuality for the first time, find themselves forced to make decisions that could affect their entire lives.
Director: Steven Hilliard Stern
Writers: Norma Klein (story), Dan Polier Jr.
Stars: Leslie Ackerman, Valerie Bertinelli and Charlie Brill

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  • 1.0
  • 1,33 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 88 min - Horror | Thriller - 3 December 1995 (USA)
TV remake of the Henry James' classic tale "Turn of the Screw", with changes in location and character names. A live in nanny discovers two children haunted by the spirits and deeds of their former care givers.
Helen Walker, a young American woman, is hired as a governess for two English children, a boy and a girl, whose parents are dead. The children live with their many servants in an old English mansion. Gradually Helen notices the weird behaviour of the children and finds out that some strange events from the past seem to be haunting the present and concentrating on the children...
Director: Tom McLoughlin
Writers: Henry James (novel), Hugh Whitemore (teleplay)
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Florence Hoath, Aled Roberts

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,27 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 88 min - Horror | Thriller - 3 December 1995 (USA)
TV remake of the Henry James' classic tale "Turn of the Screw", with changes in location and character names. A live in nanny discovers two children haunted by the spirits and deeds of their former care givers.
Helen Walker, a young American woman, is hired as a governess for two English children, a boy and a girl, whose parents are dead. The children live with their many servants in an old English mansion. Gradually Helen notices the weird behaviour of the children and finds out that some strange events from the past seem to be haunting the present and concentrating on the children...
Director: Tom McLoughlin
Writers: Henry James (novel), Hugh Whitemore (teleplay)
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Florence Hoath, Aled Roberts

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 302,8 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 88 min - Horror | Thriller - 3 December 1995 (USA)
TV remake of the Henry James' classic tale "Turn of the Screw", with changes in location and character names. A live in nanny discovers two children haunted by the spirits and deeds of their former care givers.
Helen Walker, a young American woman, is hired as a governess for two English children, a boy and a girl, whose parents are dead. The children live with their many servants in an old English mansion. Gradually Helen notices the weird behaviour of the children and finds out that some strange events from the past seem to be haunting the present and concentrating on the children...
Director: Tom McLoughlin
Writers: Henry James (novel), Hugh Whitemore (teleplay)
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Florence Hoath, Aled Roberts

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 3.0
  • 1,45 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekobrazekTV Movie - 96 min - Drama | Romance
A woman who gave up college to marry her Marine boyfriend becomes a widow soon after her husband is sent to Vietnam.
Director: Don Taylor
Writers: Harry Longstreet, Renee Longstreet, and 1 more credit »
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Jameson Parker and Andy Romano

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 3.0
  • 1,38 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekobrazekTV Movie - 96 min - Drama | Romance
A woman who gave up college to marry her Marine boyfriend becomes a widow soon after her husband is sent to Vietnam.
Director: Don Taylor
Writers: Harry Longstreet, Renee Longstreet, and 1 more credit »
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Jameson Parker and Andy Romano

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 3.0
  • 1,30 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 120 min - Comedy | Drama | Romance
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.
Director: Glenn Jordan
Writer: Edward Pomerantz
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Robert Desiderio and Cynthia Harris

z chomika preencesss12345

1 komentarz

  • 1.0
  • 1,24 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 120 min - Comedy | Drama | Romance
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.
Director: Glenn Jordan
Writer: Edward Pomerantz
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Robert Desiderio and Cynthia Harris

z chomika preencesss12345

1 komentarz

  • 1.0
  • 327,8 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekobrazekTV Movie - 96 min - Drama | Romance
A woman who gave up college to marry her Marine boyfriend becomes a widow soon after her husband is sent to Vietnam.
Director: Don Taylor

Writers: Harry Longstreet, Renee Longstreet, and 1 more credit »
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Jameson Parker and Andy Romano

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 286,5 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 120 min - Comedy | Drama | Romance
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.
Director: Glenn Jordan
Writer: Edward Pomerantz
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Robert Desiderio and Cynthia Harris

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,57 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekGina jest bardzo znudzoną, młodą mężatką. Podczas podróży na jeziorze Tahoe odkrywa grę w blackjacka. Gra staje się jej obsesją. Jedyne czym się kieruje, to nadzieja, że jej szczęśliwy dzień (i wielka wygrana ) wkrótce nadejdą.
TV Movie - 120 min - Drama
Gina is young, recently married and bored. On a trip to Lake Tahoe she discovers the game of blackjack. Increasingly obsessed with gambling, she keeps hoping her lucky streak will last...
Valerie Bertinelli is young, married and bored. Her husband has been working monster hours doing his medical internship, and has little time for her. After receiving a $30,000 inheritance, she and a few of her college friends, on a whim, take a sort of “Road Trip” to Lake Tahoe to see what they can see. Finding excitement at the Blackjack tables, she soon finds herself loving the game, and then realizes she can’t quit. “Seduced” by the Gambling bug she soon gets in way over her head in gambling debts and spins lie after lie to her husband and family as she depletes her inheritance, her savings and trust fund. With nothing left, she then in a fit of despair and hopelessness, beds a casino exec. who she befriended, in hopes she can cover her debts this way.

This film provides an excellent example of how the addiction of Compulsive/ pathological gambling begins. The film provided true to life situations that are common and could lead a person to become addicted to gambling. The story line provided true to life consequences of compulsive gambling. This film went beyond entertainment. A good choice for those who want to learn about the disease of compulsive gambling. What the film did not address was how to treat the problem of compulsive gambling.
Director: Jerrold Freedman
Writer: Judith Parker
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Michael Brandon and Fredric Lehne

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,49 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekGina jest bardzo znudzoną, młodą mężatką. Podczas podróży na jeziorze Tahoe odkrywa grę w blackjacka. Gra staje się jej obsesją. Jedyne czym się kieruje, to nadzieja, że jej szczęśliwy dzień (i wielka wygrana ) wkrótce nadejdą.
TV Movie - 120 min - Drama
Gina is young, recently married and bored. On a trip to Lake Tahoe she discovers the game of blackjack. Increasingly obsessed with gambling, she keeps hoping her lucky streak will last...
Valerie Bertinelli is young, married and bored. Her husband has been working monster hours doing his medical internship, and has little time for her. After receiving a $30,000 inheritance, she and a few of her college friends, on a whim, take a sort of “Road Trip” to Lake Tahoe to see what they can see. Finding excitement at the Blackjack tables, she soon finds herself loving the game, and then realizes she can’t quit. “Seduced” by the Gambling bug she soon gets in way over her head in gambling debts and spins lie after lie to her husband and family as she depletes her inheritance, her savings and trust fund. With nothing left, she then in a fit of despair and hopelessness, beds a casino exec. who she befriended, in hopes she can cover her debts this way.

This film provides an excellent example of how the addiction of Compulsive/ pathological gambling begins. The film provided true to life situations that are common and could lead a person to become addicted to gambling. The story line provided true to life consequences of compulsive gambling. This film went beyond entertainment. A good choice for those who want to learn about the disease of compulsive gambling. What the film did not address was how to treat the problem of compulsive gambling.
Director: Jerrold Freedman
Writer: Judith Parker
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Michael Brandon and Fredric Lehne

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 364,2 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekGina jest bardzo znudzoną, młodą mężatką. Podczas podróży na jeziorze Tahoe odkrywa grę w blackjacka. Gra staje się jej obsesją. Jedyne czym się kieruje, to nadzieja, że jej szczęśliwy dzień (i wielka wygrana ) wkrótce nadejdą.
TV Movie - 120 min - Drama
Gina is young, recently married and bored. On a trip to Lake Tahoe she discovers the game of blackjack. Increasingly obsessed with gambling, she keeps hoping her lucky streak will last...
Valerie Bertinelli is young, married and bored. Her husband has been working monster hours doing his medical internship, and has little time for her. After receiving a $30,000 inheritance, she and a few of her college friends, on a whim, take a sort of “Road Trip” to Lake Tahoe to see what they can see. Finding excitement at the Blackjack tables, she soon finds herself loving the game, and then realizes she can’t quit. “Seduced” by the Gambling bug she soon gets in way over her head in gambling debts and spins lie after lie to her husband and family as she depletes her inheritance, her savings and trust fund. With nothing left, she then in a fit of despair and hopelessness, beds a casino exec. who she befriended, in hopes she can cover her debts this way.

This film provides an excellent example of how the addiction of Compulsive/ pathological gambling begins. The film provided true to life situations that are common and could lead a person to become addicted to gambling. The story line provided true to life consequences of compulsive gambling. This film went beyond entertainment. A good choice for those who want to learn about the disease of compulsive gambling. What the film did not address was how to treat the problem of compulsive gambling.
Director: Jerrold Freedman
Writer: Judith Parker
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, Michael Brandon and Fredric Lehne

z chomika preencesss12345

1 komentarz

  • 3.0
  • 1,24 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekMłoda, samotna matka musi pracować do późna jednej nocy. Córka błaga ją, by pozwoliła jej zostać samej zamiast pójść do opiekunki. Matka w końcu zgadza się. Kiedy dziewczyna zostaje ranna, wezwana policja zabiera ją do szpitala. Sąd decyduje, że matka jest nieodpowiedzialna i zabierają jej córkę. Kobieta teraz musi walczyć do końca, by odzyskać ją z powrotem.
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 5 November 1989 (USA)
A young single mother has to work late one night. Her daughter begs her to allow her to stay alone instead of going to a babysitter. The mother finally agrees. When the girl falls and is injured, police are called and she is taken to a hospital, the courts decide that the mother is unfit and take her daughter away. She must fight to all ends to get her back.
Director: John Patterson
Writers: Robert L. Freedman, Selma Thompson
Stars: Kimberly Adams-Galligan, James Arone, Valerie Bertinelli

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 3.0
  • 1,31 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekMłoda, samotna matka musi pracować do późna jednej nocy. Córka błaga ją, by pozwoliła jej zostać samej zamiast pójść do opiekunki. Matka w końcu zgadza się. Kiedy dziewczyna zostaje ranna, wezwana policja zabiera ją do szpitala. Sąd decyduje, że matka jest nieodpowiedzialna i zabierają jej córkę. Kobieta teraz musi walczyć do końca, by odzyskać ją z powrotem.
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 5 November 1989 (USA)
A young single mother has to work late one night. Her daughter begs her to allow her to stay alone instead of going to a babysitter. The mother finally agrees. When the girl falls and is injured, police are called and she is taken to a hospital, the courts decide that the mother is unfit and take her daughter away. She must fight to all ends to get her back.
Director: John Patterson
Writers: Robert L. Freedman, Selma Thompson
Stars: Kimberly Adams-Galligan, James Arone, Valerie Bertinelli

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 296,5 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekMłoda, samotna matka musi pracować do późna jednej nocy. Córka błaga ją, by pozwoliła jej zostać samej zamiast pójść do opiekunki. Matka w końcu zgadza się. Kiedy dziewczyna zostaje ranna, wezwana policja zabiera ją do szpitala. Sąd decyduje, że matka jest nieodpowiedzialna i zabierają jej córkę. Kobieta teraz musi walczyć do końca, by odzyskać ją z powrotem.
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 5 November 1989 (USA)
A young single mother has to work late one night. Her daughter begs her to allow her to stay alone instead of going to a babysitter. The mother finally agrees. When the girl falls and is injured, police are called and she is taken to a hospital, the courts decide that the mother is unfit and take her daughter away. She must fight to all ends to get her back.
Director: John Patterson
Writers: Robert L. Freedman, Selma Thompson
Stars: Kimberly Adams-Galligan, James Arone, Valerie Bertinelli

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,49 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekPodczas wieczornej wizyty w pubie Anna jest świadkiem brutalnego przestępstwa. Grupa młodych mężczyzn na oczach wszystkich gości gwałci kobietę. Nikt nie stara się jej pomóc. Wśród przestępców jest brat męża Anny.
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 14 October 1985 (USA)
The marriage of a young working-class woman is jeopardized when she witnesses her brother-in-law's participation in a gang rape of an intoxicated woman in a neighborhood bar.
Director: Michael Miller
Writer: Conrad Bromberg
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, John Savage, Chris Nash

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  • 1.0
  • 1,42 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekPodczas wieczornej wizyty w pubie Anna jest świadkiem brutalnego przestępstwa. Grupa młodych mężczyzn na oczach wszystkich gości gwałci kobietę. Nikt nie stara się jej pomóc. Wśród przestępców jest brat męża Anny.
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 14 October 1985 (USA)
The marriage of a young working-class woman is jeopardized when she witnesses her brother-in-law's participation in a gang rape of an intoxicated woman in a neighborhood bar.
Director: Michael Miller
Writer: Conrad Bromberg
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, John Savage, Chris Nash

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 334,9 MB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekPodczas wieczornej wizyty w pubie Anna jest świadkiem brutalnego przestępstwa. Grupa młodych mężczyzn na oczach wszystkich gości gwałci kobietę. Nikt nie stara się jej pomóc. Wśród przestępców jest brat męża Anny.
TV Movie - 100 min - Drama - 14 October 1985 (USA)
The marriage of a young working-class woman is jeopardized when she witnesses her brother-in-law's participation in a gang rape of an intoxicated woman in a neighborhood bar.
Director: Michael Miller
Writer: Conrad Bromberg
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, John Savage, Chris Nash

z chomika preencesss12345

  • 1.0
  • 1,35 GB
  • 2 wrz 14 16:44
obrazekTV Movie - 94 min - Drama | Romance
At the age of 16 Mary becomes a nun. But she never gets used to the strict rules of her new life and when she falls in love with Father Tim, she wants to withdraw her vow.
Director: Jack Bender
Writers: Audrey Davis Levin (teleplay), Mary Gilligan Wong (novel)
Stars: Valerie Bertinelli, David Morse and Caroline McWilliams

z chomika preencesss12345

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zgłoś do usunięcia
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Siema zaglądnij do mnie

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