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widziany: 17.11.2015 14:14

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4096 plików
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Opis został ukryty. Pokaż opis
Micro Monsters with David Attenborough - 7x
Channel 4
Millennium - A Thousand Years of History
ANTONIONI - Blow-up (1966)
Persona (1966)
- Gdańsk - Danzig
- Voyage to the planets
Ape Man - The Story of Human Evolution - 4x
Big trouble in Thailand - 8x
Chiny - Spojrzenie od środka - 4x
Christopher Hitchens
Hell's Angel - Mother Teresa - 3x
CIVILIZATIO N. Is the West History
Coca Cola - the Real Story
Cold War - 24x
Cracking The Colour Code - 3x
Disappearin g London
Series 1
Series 2
European Railway Journeys -- 6x
Exit through the gift shop
Fry's Planet Word (Stephen Fry) - 5x
Hillary Clinton Movie
India Reborn - 4x
Indie Dotyk Niesamowite go - 5x
Komunizm. Historia pewnego zludzenia (2005)
Krzyżowcy - 2x
Last Train Home
Lonely Planet City Guides
Lonely Planet Guides
Mein Kampf. Anatomia Hitlerowski ej Zbrodni - 2x
Modern Spies - 2x
Money Masters
Naom Chpmsky Lectures
Nazi Collaborato rs - 13x
New York - 8x
Notes From a Small Island (Bill Bryson) - 2x
Paul Merton in China - 4x
Paul Merton in Europe - 6x
Paul Merton in India - 5x
PBS Black Coffee 3x
PBS Queen Victoria's Empire - 4x
Poganie - 4x
Putin, Russia and the West - 4x
Reaching for the Skies - 12x
Richard Dawkins
Secrets of Archaeology - 27x
The Ascent of Money (N.Ferguson ) - 6x
The Mormons - 2x
Wędrówka po wybrzeżach Bałtyku 1 - 5x
Wędrówka po wybrzeżach Bałtyku 2 - 5x
Wielcy wodzowie
Woody Allen. A Documentary - 2x
Zaginiony Raj Darwina - 2x
Ze Wschodu na Zachód - 7x
Koncerty i biografie muzyków
Miles Davis - Live in Montréal 1985
History Channel
Muzyka (FLAC-MP3)
National Geographic
od Was
Bob Dylan
Teatr TV
Trening autogenny Schulza
Kurs II
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  • 350,5 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:09
Part 26: Ancient Itinerary in Ionia
In the 2nd century BC, artistic and cultural activities reached their heights in the cities of Ionia, a densely populated area on the cost of modern-day Turkey, as well as on a cluster of islands off the eastern Mediterranean. Priene, Miletus, Delos, “Slave Island”, Kos and Rhodes, home of the famous Colossus, are just some of the destinations we will be visiting.


  • 350,6 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:09
Part 25: Sicily Greek Legacy in the West
During the 4th Century BC, Sicily was the “new Greece” of the west. Our journey will take us to the various cultural centers that dotted the island, such as Syracuse, Agrigento, with the exquisite Valley of the Temples, and Selinus, present-day Selenunte.


  • 350,7 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:09
Part 24: Visit of the Sanctuaries of Apollo
For many centuries, Greeks, Romans, Persians and Egyptians turned to Apollo, the lunar God, in hopes of being granted good fortune. This episode chronicles the sanctuaries built in Apollo’s honor, and includes Delos in the Cyclades, Delphi in the region of Phocis and Didymi in Ionia.


  • 350,5 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:09
Part 23: The Fabulous Centers of Hellenism
Between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC, many cities in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) reached unprecedented artistic levels. They were the new centers of Hellenism; the fruit of the junction of Greek and Eastern civilizations. In this episode, we will journey to the cities of Ephesus and Pergamum. In Pergamum, we will behold the city’s great alter, which the citizens considered to be a symbol of the cultural supremacy of Hellenistic people over the rest of the world.


  • 350,5 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:08
Part 22: Secrets of the Island of Minos
Around 1500 BC, the great Minoan civilization thrived on the islands of Crete and Santorin in the eastern Mediterranean. A guided tour of the legendary sites at Akrotiri, Phasestus, Ay�a Tri�da and Knosses culminates in a visit to the palace of Minos, famous for its mythical labyrinth.


  • 350,6 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:08
Part 21: Cities of the Sea and Wind
In between the 1st and 3rd centuries A.D., the rich Roman province Tripolitania was comprised of three coastal cities named Sabrata, Leptis Magna and Oea, better known as Tripoli. Thanks to advanced digital reconstruction, we will see the Forum off Leptis Magna come to life again. The Forum was already famous in ancient times for the Severus’ Bascilica, one of the largest buildings ever erected.


  • 350,8 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:08
Part 20: At the Court of the King of Kings
During the 4th century B.C., the great Persian civilization, which was the first multiethnic empire in history, reached its peak. In this episode, we’ll tour the grand residences at Persepolis, and the imperial palaces of the omnipotent Darius – a sumptuous building complex for the most powerful man in the world of that era.


  • 350,6 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:08
Part 19: Roman Imprint on the West
It is said that all roads lead to Rome, and we’ll follow some which connected Rome to the rich provinces of the West: Iberia (Spain), and ancient Gaul (France). “Roman Imprint on the West” takes us through the streets of Nimes, Orange, Tarragona, Italica, Meridia and more


  • 350,6 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:08
Part 18: Retracing the Tracks of Hannibal
In the 3rd century B.C., the world was in turmoil due to Hannibal’s war with the Romans. Following the path of the fearless General Hannibal, who lead his advancing army across the Alps on elephants to sack Italy, we’ll visit the majestic ruins of the Roman republican period, and see the amazing temple of Capitoline Jupiter as it looked when it was completed – thanks to amazing virtual reconstruction..


  • 350,5 MB
  • 5 gru 11 13:07
Part 17: Ancient Cities Bordering on Latium
Ever wonder what happened to a territory after it was overthrown by the indomitable Roman Army? Within the Roman conquered territories of Latium and Umbria we’ll tour several ancient cities including Alatri, Fregellae and Amelia, and see how the land was divided up between the defeated inhabitants and the soldiers who stayed behind to occupy the newly acquired land. We’ll even look around a spectacular new home of a wealthy Roman citizen.


  • 350,5 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 16: The Roman Empire in Africa
During the 2nd century A.D., Roman war veterans were granted land in Northern Africa as a sign of gratitude from the politicians. This arid climate proved beneficial in thee planting of vast olive groves and wheat fields. The area was prosperous, and begin to take on many aspects of Roman culture. We’ll visit some of the numerous wealthy provinces, including the amphitheatre at El-Djem and the ingenious villa built to escape the hot African climate.


  • 350,5 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 15: Sailing with the Phoenicians
Phoenecians, the ancient inhabitants of modern-day Lebanon, were known to be expert sailors. Through the eyes of one these seaworthy Phoenecians, we will visit the ancient ports of Byblos, Rhodes, Tharros, Motya, and the famous Roman naval base at Carthage.


  • 350,3 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 12: The Forgotten Civilizations of Anatolia
Throughout the course of history, many great civilizations have flourished n Turkey because it forms a natural bridge between Europe and Asia. The Byzantine empire was home to the splendid Greek cities of the ancient East. Take a virtual tour of Gordian, the domain of King Midas, and Hattusa, the famous Hittite capital with its spectacular royal citadel.


  • 350,4 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 7: Egypt According to Cleopatra
Cleopatra herself serves as our virtual tour guide through Egypt during her reign as Queen. From the exotic yet cosmopolitan Alexandria, to the Sanctuary of Dendera to the magical isle of Philae, we explore her empire by land and sea. We follow her as she sets sail for Italy and end our journey within the city walls of Rome where an Egyptian temple is being erected for Cleopatra’s deity protector, Isis.


  • 350,4 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 10: The Roads to El Dorado
Discover the gems of the 15th Century Incan empire, a domain which covered much of South America. The splendid cities of Curzo and Chairana and the grandeur of Machu Picchu captivated the imagination and, unfortunately, greed of the Spanish conquistadors. Lifelike virtual construction gives us a close look at the massive sacred grounds of the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, religious and political capital of a world known to generations of European adventurers as El Dorado.


  • 350,2 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 8: Greek Cities in Italy
Nearly 2800 years ago, a group of Greek settlers landed on the coast of Italy. That event marked the start the process which created Magna Graecia, named after the motherland. Join us as we walk through the streets of Cumae, Pasteum, Puteoli, and Neapolis, reconstructed using the most advanced computer graphics.


  • 349,9 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 6: The Cities of the Pharaohs
Perhaps no one in the history of mankind has wielded more power than a pharaoh in ancient Egypt. More than the Roman emperors, more than the King of Kings of Persepolis or Babylonia, the pharaohs ruled the population with an iron hand and were worshipped in turn as direct descendents of the Sun God. They were considered immortal, capable of subduing the forces of nature and of laying down a challenge to the centuries. A challenge that was taken up and won by the pharaohs' magnificent tombs and the sacred temples erected in honor of the gods. However, this is not the case with their cities, which disappeared mysteriously off the face of the earth as if swallowed up by the desert sands.


  • 349,9 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 5: Athens Western Splendor
Discover why Athens was the preeminent city during the Golden Age of Greece on this virtual tour of the cradle of Western civilization. Travel back to the time of Pericles, the noble statesman who led the revolution that touched all fields of knowledge. We will visit the amphitheatres that were home to the famous tragedies of the day, tour the site of the premier Olympic games, and see the ornate temples of the Gods including a bird’s eye view of the architectural masterpiece of its day – the Acropolis.


  • 350,7 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Pompeii A City Rediscovered
On August 24, in the year 79 AD, the apocalyptic eruption of Vesuvius relegated the memory of the wealthy city of Pompeii to the realms of legend and myth. By using the support of sound scientific evidence and the contribution of extraordinary computer graphics, this documentary tells us about the latest discoveries and the mysteries linked to one of the most vital and fantastic cities in the ancient world.


  • 350,2 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 3: Pyramids Designed for Eternity
During the 4th dynasty of the Pharaohs in Egypt, nearly 5000 years ago, a people emerged from the mists of pre-history to complete the most ambitious and spectacular undertaking ever attempted by mankind. An incredible feat characterized by ingenious design, resourceful technique, and above all, the labor of tens of thousands of men who contributed with their bare hands to creating these colossal tombs for their Pharaohs. We look at the construction of Khufu, which, tall as a 40 story building, is the largest pyramid in the Nile Valley.


  • 350,1 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 4: A Place Called Etruria
Go on a journey to the ancient cities Volterra, Populonia and Cervetari and see why Etruscan civilization was famous for its extravagant wealth, fine ceramics, handicrafts and bustling trade, and how it was all lost in battles with the Greek colonies in southern Italy.


  • 350,4 MB
  • 21 lis 11 12:05
Part 2: Glorious Rome Capital of an Empire
Art, aesthetics, literature, theater, law, town planning: these are just some of the debts owed by Western civilization to Rome, the glorious capital of the greatest and most powerful empire that the world has ever known. Take a tour of this vast metropolis as it was during its peak, and see it through the eyes of the Roman citizens of the time.


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23 plików
7,87 GB


marek23111 napisano 27.03.2015 19:00

zgłoś do usunięcia
Serdeczne dzięki za Milesa Davisa, skończyłem właśnie czytać jego autobiografię (jeśli nie znasz - w co wątpię - polecam). Miło znaleźć takiego wartościowego chomiczka, pozdrawiam.

grembek6 napisano 22.01.2016 16:04

zgłoś do usunięcia
No i gdzie ten Metheny/Mehldau 2006 flac ???? Okładki to ja se mogę skądkolwiek sciągnąć...

PROGRAMY2016 napisano 5.06.2016 16:21

zgłoś do usunięcia

wszystkoav napisano 19.11.2017 21:32

zgłoś do usunięcia
Darmowy hosting zdjęć fotoo.plNOWOŚCI FILMOWE ZAPRASZAM

zloty.chomik napisano 14.01.2018 16:58

zgłoś do usunięcia

wagnerka9595 napisano 30.08.2018 17:38

zgłoś do usunięcia

moyade8805 napisano 19.03.2022 16:33

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

moyade8805 napisano 3.12.2022 20:46

zgłoś do usunięcia
Super chomik

higawe8050 napisano 13.05.2023 08:30

zgłoś do usunięcia

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