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  • 279,5 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:39

Fitna (Arabic: فِتْنَة‎) is a 2008 short political film by Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders with his view on the religion of the Islam. Approximately 17 minutes in length, the movie shows selected excerpts from Suras of the Qur'an, interspersed with media clips and newspaper cuttings showing or describing acts of violence and/or hatred by Muslims. The film attempts to demonstrate that the Qur'an motivates its followers to hate all who violate Islamic teachings. Consequently, the film argues that Islam encourages—among other things—acts of terrorism, antisemitism, violence against women, violence and subjugation of "infidels" and against homosexuals and Islamic universalism. A large part of the film details the influence of Islam on the Netherlands. The film was published on the internet in 2008. Shortly before its release, its announcement was suspended from its website by the American provider because of the perceived controversy. It stirred a still continuing debate in The Netherlands as well as abroad, and a criminal prosecution.

The Arabic title-word "fitna" means "disagreement and division among people" or a "test of faith in times of trial". Wilders, a prominent critic of Islam, described the film as "a call to shake off the creeping tyranny of Islamization".

On 27 March 2008, Fitna was released to the Internet on the video sharing website Liveleak in Dutch and English versions. The following day, Liveleak removed the film from their servers, citing serious threats to their staff. On 30 March, Fitna was restored on Liveleak following a security upgrade, only to be removed again shortly afterwards by Wilders himself because of copyright violations. A second edition was released later.


  • 338,3 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:38
David Aaronovitch's stunning documentary "Blaming the Jews" gives us a inside peek at the mindset of the Muslim world in the Middle East, with a presentation will leave you soaking in a puddle of chills.

If you have questions about the underlying intent of Islam toward Israel and the West, this documentary should provide some answers. They may not be the answers you wanted to hear, but they More..are well presented and supported with facts, truth, and on-camera discussions with powerful people in the Muslim world.


  • 378,2 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:38
The untold story of 2008's terrorist attack, in the words of its victims and the gunmen. The programme contains graphic images and descriptions of the atrocity which may upset some viewers. Produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Dan Reed, Terror in Mumbai tells the story of what happened when 10 gunmen held one of the world's busiest cities hostage; killing and wounding hundreds of people while holding India's crack security forces at bay.
Featuring footage of the attacks and interviews with senior police officers and hostages, including the testimony from Kasab - the sole surviving gunman, Dispatches reveals what happened, hour by hour, from the perspective of the security forces, the terrorists, their masterminds and the victims.

Award: Bafta; Current Affairs. 2010


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  • 25 kwi 11 1:38
The programme reveals the tragic consequences of first cousin marriage in Britain. Every year such marriages cause hundreds of children to be born with terrible disabilities; one third of whom are so ill that they die before they are five years old.
The practice is most common in Britain's Pakistani community, in which more than 50% of people marry their first cousin, and in Bradford 75% of ethnic Pakistanis follow the tradition.
It is also common in some Middle Eastern and East African communities here, and in the UK's Bangladeshi community, nearly a quarter of people marry their first cousins.
The medical risks include infant mortality, birth defects, learning difficulties, blindness, hearing impairment and metabolic disorders. As adults, the offspring of these relationships also risk sporadic abortions or infertility.
Reporter Tazeen Ahmad meets affected families, including one with three children with serious degenerative genetic diseases. Tazeen's own grandparents were first cousins: five of their children died before the age of ten, and three of her uncles were deaf.
Dispatches questions why no major national publicity campaign warns of these health risks. At-risk couples in some areas are offered genetic counselling, with some being offered selection of embryos or terminations, but as only 40% of recessive disorders can be medically tested for, this is of limited use.
Even talking about the practice is controversial. And, although many British studies have established the risks, people still deny the dangers and extol the benefits of marrying within the family. But others within the community say the risks should be publicised.


  • 0,87 GB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:38
Islam. What the West Needs to Know. An examination of Islam, violence, and the fate of the non-Muslim world.

98 mins

Main Idea
Virtually every major Western leader has over the past several years expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets. This claim, while widely circulated, rarely attracts serious public examination. Relying primarily on Islam’s own sources, this documentary demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government.
The documentary consists of original interviews, citations from Islamic texts, Islamic artwork, computer-animated maps, footage of Western leaders, and Islamic television broadcasts. Its tone is sober, methodical, and compelling.


  • 1,53 GB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:37
The Third Jihad, the newest offering from the producers of the captivating documentary film, Obsession, explores the existence of radical Islam in America and the emerging risk that this “homegrown jihad” poses to national security, western liberties and the “American way of life.”

The film, which is narrated by devout Muslim American Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, opens with the following statement: “This is not a film about Islam. It is about the threat of radical Islam. Only a small percentage of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are radical. This film is about them.”

In 72 minutes, the film reveals that radical Islamists driven by a religiously motivated rejection of western values cultures and religion are engaging in a multifaceted strategy to overcome the western world. In contrast to the use of “violent jihad” and terror to instill fear in “non-believers,” The Third Jihad introduces the concept of “cultural jihad” as a means to infiltrate and undermine our society from within.


  • 181,8 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:37


  • 379,6 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:37
Pakistan's Taliban Generation

How the war on terror is creating a generation of child terrorists - children prepared to kill both inside and outside Pakistan.

Pakistani journalist Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy reveals how the Taliban are recruiting increasingly young fighters for their campaign. She meets a 14-year-old boy in Karachi who's desperate to become a suicide bomber, and speaks to the elite unit of the anti-terror police squad, who warn that the Taliban are recruiting children from small madrassas in deprived neighbourhoods. She also interviews a Taliban commander responsible for child recruitment, Qari Abdullah, who reveals that children as young as five are now being used by the Taliban.
Sharmeen travels across Pakistan to investigate how the far the Taliban has infiltrated her country. In the north she finds the Pakistan army, backed by the Americans, locked in conflict, killing thousands of Pakistani troops and civilians and displacing hundreds of thousands. En route to Bajaur, 10 miles from the Afghan border, she drives through the remains of a once thriving town, now levelled by the Pakistani army.
One of the boys Sharmeen meets was in that crowd and now wants to join the Taliban. The other boy, his best friend, blames al-Qaeda for the attack and wants to join the army. Driven into enemy camps, both boys pledge to kill the other if they come face to face on the battlefield.
Sharmeen also meets a 14-year-old boy already recruited by the Taliban, who describes his life in an extremist madrassa. Hazrat describes how he graduated from training in small arms to rocket launchers and explains how to execute a suicide attack in a car; something he hopes he will have the opportunity to carry out in the near future.
Next, Sharmeen visits Swat, a valley in the north west that was, until recently a peaceful tourist attraction. Among the ruins of one of 200 schools destroyed by the Taliban she meets two former pupils; young girls who are angry that they are now forbidden to have an education and resentful that they will soon have to wear burqas.
Just after Sharmeen leaves Swat, the local government announces it is to officially adopt Sharia law, in a total capitulation to the demands of the Taliban.
Finally, in Peshawar, Sharmeen meets child victims of the violence at a specialist paraplegic hospital. She also interviews General Tariq Khan, the soldier who masterminded the campaign against the Taliban in the tribal belt. Khan believes the army can win the war but his injured soldiers in a local hospital tell Sharmeen that the Taliban often have the upper hand.
During Sharmeen's time in Peshawar, the Taliban announce plans to hold a press conference in the heart of the tribal areas. A local cameraman gathers footage that shows the first images of the new deputy leader of the Pakistani Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud. During the press conference, Mehsud warns that unless the Pakistani army stops aligning itself with the Americans and fighting the Taliban, they will take over the major cities of Pakistan.


  • 366,0 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:37
Unseen Gaza

Is what has been presented on our screens and in our papers a true reflection of events on the ground in Gaza? And how do these reports differ to those aired in other countries?
With reporters unable to enter Gaza, attempted media manipulation from both sides and strict regulations governing what images that can be shown on British TV, Jon Snow asks a range of journalists from at home and abroad about the challenges of getting the full story.
Featuring images that haven't before been aired on mainstream television, Jon also examines the difference between the coverage at home and that in the US, Europe and the Middle East. He compares the coverage available on terrestrial channels with satellite TV and the internet and investigates the extent to which some British Muslims are by-passing the mainstream British media and looking elsewhere for their information.
To what extent does the choice of news outlet affect opinion of the conflict?


  • 701,3 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:37
Britain's Islamic Republic

Investigation on a fundamentalist Islamic group headquartered in Britain, and its claims to have placed its 'brothers' in positions of political power here.

Using undercover recordings, investigative journalist Andrew Gilligan reveals the group's ambitions to create a worldwide 'Islamic social and political order,' and the concerns of a mainstream party that they are being 'infiltrated'; and talks to the Muslims who want to stop it.


  • 350,0 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:37
The New Al-Qaeda: jihad.com

In the aftermath of 9/11 and the US-led invasion of Afghanistan much of al-Qaeda's infrastructure including its training camps were destroyed. Peter Taylor's three part series examines the new

al-Qaeda which has emerged and the threat it poses to the West. The first part, jihad.com explores how the internet has become the lifeblood of the new al-Qaeda.
The internet has been key in pulling together the shattered remains of the organisation that operated before the invasion of Afghanistan, according to the general running the Iraq war, Lt Gen John Abizaid.
He says: "The only safe haven that remains for al-Qaeda is the virtual realm. It is one that we all should be worried about."
Mike Sheuer, former head of the CIA Bin Laden unit, agrees: "The current state of al-Qaeda and the health of al-Qaeda is largely due to its ability to manipulate the internet."
Following a year-long investigation, and just over two weeks after the London bomb attacks, BBC reporter and terrorism expert Peter Taylor peers into the murky world of the internet jihadi.
He discovers how bloodthirsty videos are made in Iraq and circulated by webmasters in the UK and elsewhere, in an underground broadcasting network.
He finds the web has become a secret and safe means of communication, as well as an inexhaustible online library of training manuals and information on how to carry out terrorist attacks.

Combined, these elements make the net the most significant weapon in al-Qaeda's new fractured and decentralised state.
This one-hour documentary traces the link between videos from Iraq shown on websites, including beheadings and car bombs, and recruitment of international volunteers joining the insurgents.
It challenges the webmaster Mohammed Al-Massari, who runs a website from his home in London and sees nothing wrong with such images being shown on his site.
The programme also explores the story of Babar Ahmad whom US prosecutors accuse of having pioneered al-Qaeda's activities on the internet in the late 1990s from his office at Imperial College in London.
It hears from his associates, among them one whom MI5 repeatedly tried to recruit, and reveals major new information about Ahmad from Pakistani intelligence.
Through unique access to the interrogation of a Pakistani webmaster described as al-Qaeda's leading IT expert, the programme can also reveal the part the web has played in major terror incidents.
And it looks at how British and US security agencies are now using the net to penetrate terrorist operations.
While fears are raised by some that civil liberties are being eroded, one female local magistrate, who uses the anonymity of the net to pass herself off as a radical, has been responsible for the conviction of a Islamic radical.


  • 696,7 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:36
Unholy War

Dispatches investigates the violence and intimidation facing Muslims who convert to Christianity in Britain. Dispatches reporter Antony Barnett meets former Muslims who now live under the threat of reprisals from their former communities. Many are still living in fear.

Emmy: Outstanding coverage of a continuing news story
Peabody Award, USA.
Christian Broadcasting Council Awards Silver Award Best Broadcast Documentary


  • 449,2 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:36
Undercover Mosque

Dispatches program undertakes an extensive investigation into a number of British mosques to reveal how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK. Filming undercover at mosques run by key organisations, whose public faces are presented as moderate and mainstream, our reporter finds preachers condemning the idea of integration into British society, condemning British democracy as un-Islamic and praising the Taliban for killing British soldiers.

The investigation examines how such extreme messages are influenced by the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia and reveals how the influence of Wahabism extends to influential organisations that advise the British government on inter-community relations and prevention of terrorism.

Undercover Mosque also features interviews with moderate British Muslim figures who are speaking out against the influence of Saudi Arabia's extreme brand of Islam, which they claim is seeking to overturn Islamic traditions of diversity and peaceful co-existence.

And after... What press say:

'In January 2007, Britain’s Channel 4 broadcasted a shocking documentary, filmed covertly, on Islamic activity in mosques throughout England. In the documentary, one Saudi-trained imam called for British Muslims to “dismantle democracy'’ by “living as a state within a state” until they are “strong enough to take it over.”
Isn’t the British government, by accommodating the formation of parallel legal systems, inviting Islam’s admittedly subversive quest to operate as a “state within a state”?
After the program aired, the government leaped into action, but not how you might think. “The West Midlands Police lodged criminal charges,” wrote Brett Mason, “not against the extremist imams but against the TV network. Responding to a complaint by the Muslim Association of Britain, the police accused Channel 4 of inciting racial hatred by means of an ostensibly distorted documentary that demonized Islam.” Something is desperately wrong when, instead of investigating and penalizing subversive Muslim preachers caught on camera gunning for the destruction of Britain, British authorities attempt to reprimand the TV station responsible for exposing the truth.'


  • 348,0 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:36
Undercover Mosque: The Return

A year-and-a-half after the critically acclaimed film Undercover Mosque was first screened, we go undercover again to see whether extremist beliefs continue to be promoted in certain key British Muslim institutions. The film also investigates the role of the Saudi Arabian religious establishment in spreading a hard-line, fundamentalist Islamic ideology in the UK - the very ideology the Government claims to be tackling.


  • 756,0 MB
  • 25 kwi 11 1:36
In this 90-minute documentary, Rageh Omaar uncovers the hidden story of Europe's Islamic past and looks back to a golden age when European civilisation was enriched by Islamic learning.

Rageh travels across medieval Muslim Europe to reveal the vibrant civilisation that Muslims brought to the West.

This evocative film brings to life a time when emirs and caliphs dominated Spain and Sicily and Islamic scholarship swept into the major cities of Europe.

His journey reveals the debt owed to Islam for its vital contribution to the European Renaissance.


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marek23111 napisano 27.03.2015 19:00

zgłoś do usunięcia
Serdeczne dzięki za Milesa Davisa, skończyłem właśnie czytać jego autobiografię (jeśli nie znasz - w co wątpię - polecam). Miło znaleźć takiego wartościowego chomiczka, pozdrawiam.

grembek6 napisano 22.01.2016 16:04

zgłoś do usunięcia
No i gdzie ten Metheny/Mehldau 2006 flac ???? Okładki to ja se mogę skądkolwiek sciągnąć...

PROGRAMY2016 napisano 5.06.2016 16:21

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wszystkoav napisano 19.11.2017 21:32

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Darmowy hosting zdjęć fotoo.plNOWOŚCI FILMOWE ZAPRASZAM

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wagnerka9595 napisano 30.08.2018 17:38

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moyade8805 napisano 19.03.2022 16:33

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Super chomik

moyade8805 napisano 3.12.2022 20:46

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Super chomik

higawe8050 napisano 13.05.2023 08:30

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