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  • 6 lip 24 14:35

Spojrzenie na działania wojenne na froncie wschodnim

Polskie wydanie zawiera specjalne, zaktualizowane przez autora postscriptum przedstawiające losy Krymu aż do najazdu Rosji na Ukrainę w 2022 roku.

Krym w ciągu całej historii był areną konfliktów. W XVIII wieku został zajęty przez Rosję. W następnym stuleciu toczyła się wojna krymska. Walczono o niego podczas rosyjskiej wojny domowej i II wojny światowej. Do dziś pozostaje terenem spornym, który wywołuje napięcia między Wschodem a Zachodem. Półwysep Krymski był swoistym mikrokosmosem wojny na froncie wschodnim. Najpierw armie radzieckie, a potem niemieckie zostały tam otoczone, pobite i zniszczone. Starciom towarzyszyły masowe mordy i czystki etniczne, podczas których obie strony osiągały nowe poziomy barbarzyństwa w traktowaniu cywilów. Pod innymi względami jednak charakter działań na Krymie był wyjątkowy. Ważną rolę podczas krwawych walk odegrały siły morskie odpowiedzialne za desanty, konwoje i ewakuację żołnierzy.

Książka Roberta Forczyka, oparta na badaniach archiwalnych w Niemczech i Rosji, rzuca nowe światło na ważny teatr działań wojennych na froncie wschodnim. Polskie wydanie zawiera specjalne, zaktualizowane przez autora postscriptum przedstawiające losy Krymu aż do najazdu Rosji na Ukrainę w 2022 roku.

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  • 15 sie 23 21:14

The Crimea has been the scene of conflict throughout its history. First occupied by the Russians in the 18th century it was the scene of the Crimean War, and was drawn into the Russian Civil War, as well as World War II. Today it remains a much disputed region with the Crimea at the center of ongoing tensions between East and West. Throughout World War II the Crimea was a microcosm of the more general war on the Eastern Front, reflecting the ebb and flow of fortunes of that conflict. It was a crucible that saw first Soviet and then German armies surrounded, overwhelmed, and then destroyed. The nature of the fighting in the Crimea was unusual for the Eastern Front, with naval forces playing an important role, as the Crimea's position in the Black Sea gave rise to a major role for naval supply, amphibious landings, and, ultimately, evacuation. However, in other ways it was more characteristic of the Eastern Front, and the fighting for and occupation of the region saw the same level of atrocity and ethnic cleansing commonplace throughout the war in the East, with each side reaching the depths of barbarity in their treatment of the civilian population. Based on extensive new archival research, this incredible narrative history by acclaimed historian Robert Forczyk sheds new light on this vital aspect of the Eastern Front that has not been covered in English before.

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  • 15 sie 23 21:08

Published to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, this book tells the story of Case White, the German invasion of Poland in 1939.

The German invasion of Poland on 1 September, 1939, designated as Fall Weiss (Case White), was the event that sparked the outbreak of World War II in Europe. The campaign has widely been described as a textbook example of Blitzkrieg, but it was actually a fairly conventional campaign as the Wehrmacht was still learning how to use its new Panzers and dive-bombers.

The Polish military is often misrepresented as hopelessly obsolete and outclassed by the Wehrmacht, yet in fact it was well-equipped with modern weapons and armor. Indeed, the Polish possessed more tanks than the British and had cracked the German Enigma machine cipher. Though the combined assault from Germany and the Soviet Union defeated Poland, it could not crush the Polish fighting spirit and thousands of soldiers and airmen escaped to fight on other fronts. The result of Case White was a brutal occupation, as Polish Slavs found themselves marginalized and later eliminated, paving the way for Hitler's vision of Lebensraum (living space) and his later betrayal and invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.

Using a wide array of sources, Robert Forczyk challenges the myths of Case White to tell the full story of the invasion that sparked history's greatest conflict.

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  • 15 sie 23 20:50

Although the story of the German Fall Gelb offensive against France, Belgium, and Holland in May 1940 is well known, most accounts tend to stop with the conclusion of the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) from Dunkirk on June 4, 1940. The German operation that actually conquered metropolitan France, Fall Rot (Case Red), is usually glossed over in brief. Nor are many people aware today that there was a second BEF in France, which was also successfully evacuated by sea. The current literature on the Western campaign of 1940 essentially spotlights the German drive to the English Channel and the Dunkirk evacuation then skips ahead to the French armistice, skipping over the military, political, and human drama of France's collapse in June 1940.

Indeed, some of the most interesting military operations of the 1940 campaign were conducted in June 1940, as the Allies mounted a vigorous counterattack at Abbeville (including the British 1st Armoured Division--the first time that the British Army employed an armored division in combat) and then mounted a tough defense along the Somme River. Unlike the easy breakthrough at Sedan, the Germans had to fight hard to break through the Weygand Line. Churchill decided to send a second BEF to France to support the French, but the Germans finally achieved a decisive breakthrough before it could be effectively deployed. The British were forced to mount a second evacuation from the ports of Le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest, and St. Nazaire, which rescued over 200,000 troops, although the transport RMS Lancastria was sunk by German bombers, with the loss of over 4,000 troops. While France was in its death throes, politicians and soldiers debated what to do--flee to England or North Africa or to seek an armistice.

The drama of the final three weeks of military operations in France in June 1940 has never effectively been captured on paper, but this is a story that needs to be told since it had great impact on the course of World War II and inter-Allied relations. This book will also address the initial German exploitation of France and how the windfall of captured military equipment, fuel and industrial resources enhanced the Third Reich's ability to attack its next foe--the Soviet Union.

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  • 18 kwi 20 22:07

The German panzer armies that swept into the Soviet Union in 1941 were an undefeated force that had honed their skill in combined arms warfare to a fine edge. The Germans focused their panzers and tactical air support at points on the battlefield defined as Schwerpunkt - main effort - to smash through any defensive line and then advance to envelope their adversaries.

Initially, these methods worked well in the early days of Operation Barbarossa and the tank forces of the Red Army suffered defeat after defeat. Although badly mauled in the opening battles, the Red Army's tank forces did not succumb to the German armored onslaught and German planning and logistical deficiencies led to over-extension and failure in 1941. In the second year of the invasion, the Germans directed their Schwerpunkt toward the Volga and the Caucasus and again achieved some degree of success, but the Red Army had grown much stronger and by November 1942, the Soviets were able to turn the tables at Stalingrad.

Robert Forczyk's incisive study offers fresh insight into how the two most powerful mechanized armies of the Second World War developed their tactics and weaponry during the critical early years of the Russo-German War. He uses German, Russian and English sources to provide the first comprehensive overview and analysis of armored warfare from the German and Soviet perspectives. His analysis of the greatest tank war in history is compelling reading.

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